Rat45 CCM - Gideon's Band


Yes the Graphics User Interface. It is used by humans, but not the AI. This is why the AI can build great wonders with an MGL and you cannot. The check is in the interface the humans use and not in the direct access to the routines.

So I guessed the AI may not have the check like humans for the last settler and just move along. This made sense to me as we have not seen any crashes that could be attributed to AI killing a civ with a settler on a boat.
I thought I could get a lot more done but work turned out to be insane and the worker actions here etc don't help make the game any faster

nothing much, don't rush anything for now

Turn 1 1842AD
some action around Tschai, defeat 3 units and land more next to Charlottetown
shuffle units, heal units, worker action and we take out a few Roman units
check F3 and see that Persia are communists. Steal communism and spot fascism as well, we take that too

Turn 2 1843AD
build the airfield overseas now we can ship all the units over
send over the MGL, GA, settlers, workers and of course military units for attacks next round
a whole armada of early tanks is loaded and shipped over to the second continent

raze Charlottetown
sink a Portuguese galleon, attack their last city, need to reload...

take out a lot of Roman units that remain in our land and lose 2 tanks to ancient units.

IT witness Vikings taking out the Roman capital, now I am not sure what will happen
game crashes

I declare on Vikings and remove the threat to take out the last Roman city
game doesn't crash

Turn 3 1844AD
found a city on the other continent. From there we are able to
raze Shiraz, plant a GA to expand, attack Merv and Arabia is gone :)
found another city towards that rubber we need for our trade building
ship over a lot of units

raze Viking Cirta, they are down to 1 city
rid one of the smaller Islands of Canadians

I left some units active, especially I didn't move quite a lot of units on the airfield for the next payer to decide where to expand to
We should take the German city in the north for the resource to get a connection to our home land


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Image shows the situation on the second continent, We will expand quickly once we can rail and send over a lot more workers. We will need to build a city at the rubber in the north and rush the respective building with our MGL

Another issue is of course all those 1 city Civ, Scandinavia, Portugal and Rome, we will need to keep an eye on it.

Sounds like we got the first key to overseas with a landing zone.
Northern Pike
Greebley - up
I know how much work that stack of 131 on our airfield represents. :rolleyes: I'm sorry you didn't get to the interesting part of the invasion, but good work establishing our bridgehead. :thumbsup:
I can now see that if the next player uses the workers correctly, then we can take out the German city right away during the next turn and plant the next city (a settler needs to move north before the IT) and rush the rubber plant.
Preturn: Things looked good.
Rushed a boat or two where they looked needed. We seem to have enough cash for it.

1845 AD: Mostly moving units. I haven't fully decided on whether to go for Korea or Germany. Germany would give me more time to get the good units over, Korea has the cities to capture nearby but Germany doesn't. Will wait until next turn.

Capture Island city of Thunder Bay from Canada

Kill off Viking stack in our lands. We lose a few tanks taking out the defenders.

Decided to go for Germany since we can't quite reach Korea. Our first opponents will be the French. This will give us more time before the attacks to deal with France.

Raze German city, build new city right on top of the Rubber. Rush the National Rubberplantage. Won't attack French until next turn when we have Rails.
Note that the first set of tanks will be there next turn as well. This is several large stacks worth.

IBT: Portuguese placed city on far Continent

I847 AD:
Razed Portuguese City on our Continent. Also forgot to attack Italian city on our Continent, so I take it out and we have Destroyed the Italians.

Tell French to leave and they declare war. Tours has a number of units resting tours. We kill them with some losses and raze the city. We are still short on workers so just kill nearby units. France has a lot of fast ones.

IBT: French start moving toward us. The number of units isn't small but it will be managable.

1848 AD:

Bordeau, Strassberg, and Avignon are Razed or capture/replaced. Our limiting factor is the number of workers.

Decided not to go for this garrison:

Dropped a few units on the Canadian island. They may be able to take out a city for later landing.

Move over almost all Workers this turn to expand faster.

IBT: A bunch of French units approach us but no huge stacks

1849 AD: Capture Nantes and Lille then Abandon. Replaced with our own town.s
We also landed troops next to Portugal town on far continent. Incidentally, the Viking city is close too

IBT: International Telephone is started. More French troops into out territory. Also some Chinese Troops.
We are not at 56% area and 54% Population so getting closer to a win.

1850 AD: Steal a tech from Persia who started the Phone Service. We get Radio.
I start the phone company in our High shield town of Kadesh - it can get the 500 shields in 3 turns.
We take out the last Scandanavian town and the Vikings are gone.
We take out a small French town. Forgot to note the name before it was gone.
Kill many French troops.

We have hit the nax city count
I have really concentrated on bringing over workers. We have a lot of attack units so we can use more, but we likely have enough for connecting captured cities.
I have some workers in groups and some Solo. The solo were mostly getting roads down. We can reach almost anywhere now on our home continent.
I have not checked for deals for the last few turns.
We are at 57% land and 54% population. If the next player wants to MM for population we can get to 66% a bit faster. I did some of this but there are so many towns...
Have some ships that could attack Canada. They are a bit spread out though.

Final Picture:
Fine progress. :thumbsup:

I believe this is the first time we've hit the city limit in a CCM game. It's a consequence of our playing for domination; when we head for conquest, we don't found towns just to fill space.

It's also unusual that we're on course to reach 66% area before 66% population--because our premise has obliged us to raze or abandon most enemy cities, of course.

Northern Pike
Greebley - Just Played
CommandoBob - UP
THeRat - On Deck
A minor point: we need to abandon the Canadian island town of Thunder Bay, which we're holding contrary to our premise.
I suspect we can free up some towns to built with. We had a lot of areas that we over packed along fronts. Any we can get rid of bring us closer.

Pop will be trickier here since we can't merge workers to push us over the edge. If our homeland workers concentrate on more irrigation for our small towns that should make up the difference.

I wonder how many more years our left in this game. I think we've killed all the tech leaders.
I expect we'll reach 66% population more by subtracting enemy pop with razes than by increasing our own. This is relevant to the question of whether we should invade the Canadian home island; it's not worth doing for the territory available, but it would let us raze some populous cities.

If we push to get the most out of every turn, there should be fewer than ten years/turns left in the game, I'd say.
Good point on the razing. Knocking out any odd towns, even those island towns, will help.
30% Tax
70% Science
00% Luxury

2643 gold, +696 gpt
Great War Experience in 5 turns.

City Build Summary
  • Lancia [13]
  • Market [2]
  • Motorized Settler [115]
  • Steamer [19]
  • Town Center [32]
  • Electric Power [6]
  • Harbor [18]
  • Dreadnought [5]
  • 1900 Infantry [8]
  • Early Tank [32]
  • Synagogue [1] (Bangalore)
  • Theatre [1] (Cabash Rock)
  • HandleyPage Bomber [4]
  • Light Industry [3]
  • Library [9]
  • Royal Barracks [3]
  • International Telephone Corporation [1] (Kadesh - Mil Academy)
  • Town Clock [5]
  • Courthouse [2]
  • Academy [2]
  • University [2]
  • Aqueduct [11]
  • Railyard [3]
  • Hospital [3]
  • Bank [1] (Shiloh)
  • Light Cruiser [1] (1 tile crap island)
  • Worker [1] (New Jerusalem)

11 Ivory
13 Uranium
14 Rubber
08 Oil
16 Coal
20 Saltpeter
24 Iron
17 Horses

19 Wines
14 Furs
20 Incense
16 Silk

738 Worker
584 Worker (assorted Gentiles)
019 Cavalry
002 Frigate
001 War Galleons
005 Marine Infantry
008 Dreadnoughts
068 Steamers
005 Zeppelin
004 Lawyer
001 Elvis
016 Elvis impersonators
006 HandleyPage Bombers
002 Enslavers
006 Light Cruisers
119 Lancia
201 Early Tank
002 Flamethrower
001 Luxury Liner
016 Southeuropean Workers
000 Southeuropean Settler
003 Partisan
001 Schneider75
004 Heavy Artillery
002 Coastal Battery
007 Heavy Coastal Battery
374 1900 Infantry
015 Motorized Settlers
003 Famous Pirate
(Italics indicate Auto Produced units)

Current Units: 1643
Allowed Units: 1220
Support Costs: 0846 gpt

Turn 329 of 500

We are Weak compared to
  1. No one

We are Average compared to
  1. No one

We are Strong compared to
  1. Turkey (Democracy) War
  2. Russia (Despotism)
  3. Korea (Despotism)
  4. Maya (Monarchy)
  5. Greece (Democracy)
  6. Babylon/Iraq (Monarchy)
  7. Spain (Monarchy)
  8. Germany (Monarchy) War
  9. China (Despotism) War
  10. USA (Monarchy) War
  11. France (Despotism) War
  12. Persia (Communism)
  13. Aztecs (Despotism)
  14. Canada (Despotism) War

City Counts
304 Israel (Rat 45 people)
027 USA
021 Persia
019 Aztecs
019 China
018 Maya
016 Greece
016 Russia
016 Spain
015 Korea
011 Canada
005 Babylon/Iraq
??? France
??? Germany
??? Turkey

Great Wonders We Do Not Own
  1. The Colosus of Paris (France)
  2. The Great wall of Canton (China)
  3. The Hagia Sophia of Boston (USA)
  4. The Statue of Liberty of Miami (USA)
  5. The Forbidden Palace of Shanghai (China)
  6. The Statue of Zeus of Sparta (Greece)
  7. The Temple of Baalbek of Perseopolis (Persia)
  8. The Arc De Triomphe of Paris (France)

Great Wonders Under Construction
  1. The Kremlin of Rostov (Russia)
  2. The International Telephone Corporation of Persepolis (Persia)

Our overseas airfield is 1NW of our city of Overseas.

Overseas, we share common borders with France, China, Greece, Korea and Spain. we are at war with the first two.

Our southernmost overseas city, New Hebron, is on the east side of a 6 tile East-West choke point. If we can take the French cities of Rouen and Besancon we will control that choke point. To the south of this choke hold is another massive belt of jungles and swamps, like what was around India. There is plenty of unclaimed jungle, so we can road and rail and not tresspass anyone's borders. We'll need to penetrate this jungle belt in order to regain contact with China (since Paoting is sure to be razed soon).

Up north from here, the core of France is a string of seven cities, with Paris the dividing point.

At the moment, it doesn't look like we have enough healthy units to attack in two directions even with the 82 units airlifted in this turn (half of these are workers).

Great Artists are parked in Overseas.

Jammer has 93 units, mostly wounded, so that helps, too.

Paris and Marseilles are within easy Lancia range of the border. Easy means only two road-to-railroad tiles between Hillview and the French borders. Lyons is possible but we would need to road and then rail a forest, so it is a little more work. Just not sure if we have enough Lancias.

Spain (16) is busy beating up on Babylon (5). Spanish troops are walking through France to get to Babylon, which is south of the jungle belt.

Need to abandon Thunder Bay since we captured it and it has no Great Wonders.

Will try to control the choke hold.

Will try to get Paris and other French cities.

Killing France would be nice but I don't expect that to happen, not in 2 turns anyway. Should be able to get two turns played, maybe three.
Sounds fine. :goodjob:

We've spent most of our nest egg--properly so, since there's no reward for finishing the game with unused gold--so feel free to turn off research if you'd like more money for rushing. We'll never research to any important new unit in the few remaining turns.

If we ever need territory more than population to win, we can claim a lot of tundra in the north of the active continent with very little fighting, by using the trick of planting forests first so that tundra tiles can be settled.

Turn 329 of 500

In other CCM games we've typically reached the point at which we could have won by domination around turn 300, so our having to raze/abandon most enemy cities has slowed us down by 30-40 turns, even though we've built our winning position with the usual trinity of early tanks, Lancias, and fast settlers. Our absolutely slower tech progress hasn't meant relative inferiority, since ours has been the advanced continent and we were well positioned to eliminate the tech leaders. Our inability to keep enemy cities would have presented more challenges if we'd been on the backward continent.
the usual trinity of early tanks, Lancias, and fast settlers

In the next version of CCM early tanks can´t been built normally, early armored cars have other values, on the other side, the WW I techtree of era 3 can be rushed through more quickly, so it´s the question if this constellation there will happen again.
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