Ratification of a Constitution

Do you Ratify this Constitution

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  • Poll closed .


Sep 14, 2001
Wellington New Zealand
Below is a constitution. It is pretty much the same as normal, but with less Executive offices. It is made for the 5cc game so there is no longer governors but mayors and civic councils. thats about it, by all means read it before you vote. there is also room for fixing small errors like gramar and spelling. Alot of things have been left out, like polling standards and naming rules, because this should be smaller law. Any place where there is a ________ is where our nations name goes and MAIN MINISTER (ect) are just there until leader names are made.

Its a simple poll, do you ratifiy the constitution into law? Yes No Abstain. If more yes than no it is law. It is public and open for 4 days.


Constitution of ________

We, the people of _________, in order to create an atmosphere of
Friendship, Cooperation, Pride and Fun establish these Articles of Constitution. We uphold the beliefs that each citizen must have an equal voice in the government and ruling of the nation, that government itself is a construct of and servant of the people, that rules, regulations, and laws should be established to Facilitate the active participation of the people and to make possible the dreams and desires of the citizens.

Article I. Citizens of _________
All Civfanatics Forum users who register in the Citizen
Registries are considered citizens of ______. Citizens have the right to assemble, the right to free movement, the right to free speech and the right to a fair trial.

Article II. Laws of our nation
Governing rules shall consist of these Articles of the Constitution, such amendments that shall follow and lower forms of law that may be implemented. No lower law shall be valid that contradicts these Articles. No article of this Constitution or lower Law shall be valid that contradicts the Civfanatic forum rules.

Article III. Government of _______
The government of ________ will consist of the Central Government consisting of the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch. And the Local Government made up of City Mayors. The overall control of the Nation shall rest in the hands of the _______ people.

Article IV. Executive Branch

a) The Head of State for _____ is and shall always be the Citizens of _____. The People of ______ shall elect a MAIN LEADER to act as the leader of the Executive Branch.

b) The Executive branch is responsible for determining and implementing the will of the People. It is headed by the MAIN LEADER who shall be the primary Designated Player.

c) The MAIN LEADER shall take direction from the other leaders of the Executive Branch, Mayors and other elected and appointed officials via the turnchat instruction thread. The MAIN LEADER shall be tasked with control of worker actions. The MAIN LEADER shall organism the executive branch and interdepartmental cooperation.

d) The DOMESTIC LEADER shall be responsible for wonder building, including Prebuilds and Governing cities that do not have a Mayor. The DOMESTIC LEADER shall also monitor the overall happiness of _______ and Cultural Affairs.

e) The FOREIGN LEADER shall be responsible for declaring war and concluding peace, for constructing embassies in foreign lands and for signing any other non-trade agreements with other nations. The FOREIGN LEADER shall also be responsible gathering intelligence information on foreign nations and monitoring the world wide diplomatic situation. The FOREIGN LEADER is in control of all covert operations this includes planting of spies, stealing plans, sabotaging production, stealing technology and counter Espionage operations.

f) The MILITARY LEADER shall be responsible for all military strategy and troop activities. The MILITARY LEADER shall use the military forces of _______ to defend the nation and carry out the policies set out by the FOREIGN LEADER.

g) The ECONOMIC LEADER shall be responsible for all trade both foreign and domestic. They are responsible for the gathering and trading luxury and strategic resources. They are responsible for tech trades. The ECONOMIC LEADER is also responsible for the National Budget and all tasks included within. The ECONOMIC LEADER shall be responsible for all research and setting technology queues. The ECONOMIC LEADER is in charge of adjusting the slider settings.

Article V. Legislative Branch

The Legislative Branch will be the Citizens Assembly. The Citizens Assembly will be formed of the entirety of the citizenry and is responsible for the drafting of new Laws and Amendments to the Constitution. The House will present all proposed Articles, Amendments and Laws to the Judicial Branch for review.

Article VI. The Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch will consist of one Chief Justice, one Public Defender and a Judge Advocate. These three justices are tasked with upholding the Constitution and its supporting laws in a fair and impartial manner. The Chief Justice shall have the additional responsibility to organize and conduct the affairs of the Judicial Branch. The Public Defender will act as council to an Accused individual and shall be responsible for upholding the rights of the citizens. The Judge Advocate will act as the prosecution and is responsible for upholding the rules and laws of ______.

Article VII: Local Government
Each Mayor shall determine any policies and procedures needed to carry out their duties. Mayors are responsible for the care, management, use of the cities, and the settling of build queues, allocation of labourers on tiles, population rushes and drafting of citizen soldiers. Also mayors are responsible for the individual happiness of there cities and to ensure that all of the citizens of their cities have food and water.
Mayors may organize Civic Government for their individual cities to achieve the above goals. The Mayor remains legally responsible for carrying out of his duties regardless of the Civic Government.

ARTICLE VIII: Freedom of Information
All elected officials are charged with the duty to post enough information for the citizens to make a informed decision. This includes information from the save, discussions, and past polls. Any citizen of the demogame may demand a minister to supply more information. An elected official may appoint a citizen to do this task for them.

Article IX: Rights reserved to the people

As provided by Article A of this constitution, all actions not forbidden by forum rules, or by this Constitution, are presumed to be within the right of every citizen. Actions prescribed by this Constitution may be substituted by other similar actions, provided such substitution lies within the spirit of these rules. Each city created by a ______ settler shall have one elected mayor. Any cities obtained through other means shall are governed by an appropriate minister.

Article X: Appointment of Leaders

a) No person shall hold multiple positions of leadership (Executive, Judiciary, Mayor or Deputy) simultaneously, nor shall have more than one accepted nomination at the commencement of the general election.

b) All elected positions shall have a fixed term of one month. Each position will be granted to the candidate receiving the largest number of votes in that election. In the event of a tie between two or more front runners, a runoff poll shall be opened between those candidates only. This poll shall run for 2 days, and be repeated as often as needed to resolve the tie.

c) All executive and Mayor Positions shall have deputy. The Deputy will be permitted to conduct the affairs of the office as directed, or during a planned Absence of the elected official. The Deputy shall is considered an agent of the Minister/Mayor if no instructions have been posted for an office within 24 hours of the upcoming Game Session, the deputy for that office may post the official instructions for the office.

d) The Judiciary does not use deputies. In the event of an Absence, a pro-tem justice(s) may be appointed by the Chief Justice (or Judge Advocate if the Chief Justice If absent) and confirmed by the MAIN LEADER and the remaining justice if not also absent. If both the Chief Justice and the Judge Advocate are absent, the Public Defender may appoint pro-tems to the other seats, with MAIN LEADERers approval.

e) The MAIN LEADER will appoint a citizen to any vacant office. If a deputy exists for that office, the MAIN LEADER must appoint that citizen. This appointment may be challenged by any citizen by that citizen posting a confirmation poll within 24 hours of the appointment. If in the event that the MAIN LEADERers office is vacant, the chief justice shall nominate a citizen for MAIN LEADER. The candidate that the chief justice nominates shall be approved by both the public defender and the judge advocate. All of the above appoints may be challenged by an appointment poll.

Article XI: Game Play
all irreversible game actions must progress during a scheduled game session while reversible game actions (i.e. build queues) that adhere to legal instructions can be prepared offline before the scheduled game session.
a) An instruction thread must be created at least 2 days before the scheduled turnchat. All official instructions must be posted in the current instruction thread. Instructions must be clear and defined. Officials must post their instructions at least one hour before the game session. Officials may make changes to their instructions up to an hour before the game session, so long as those changes are clearly noted.

b) The Designated Player shall be charged with the creation of a date and time for all game play sessions. The DP must specify when scheduling the game play session (or when posting the TCIT) whether it will be an online or offline game play session. Any citizen may create a confirmation poll if they disagree with any particulars for a scheduled game session. Any such poll must run for at least 24 hours and be considered final at the start of the scheduled game session.

c) Commission of any game action by any person other than the Designated Player while carrying out their duties that is not instantly reversible without reloading the save is strictly forbidden. Exception: Determining options in the renegotiation of Peace agreements requires an action of acceptance or war to exit the bargain screen. This may be done but the game must be immediately closed without saving.

Article XII: Amendments
As this is intended to be a living document, and can change, this Constitution may be amended as outlined below.
a) A Proposed Poll post must be posted in the discussion thread for the amendment for 24 hours before submission to the Judiciary for review.
b) This post must include the current text and the proposed text.
c) Judicial approval of the Amendment A poll which is open for at least 96 hours, which states the text of the proposed section(s), the text of the section(s) being replaced and the posing the question in the form of Yes/No/Abstain.
d) To pass, the proposal must meet one of the following criteria: a. A 2/3 majority of all votes cast. b. A simple majority of all votes cast and the total number of votes exceeds 60% of the Census.
e) The Census is defined as the average number of votes cast, dropping fractions, in each of the contested elections in the most recent general elections. Should more than 3 citizens request it within a 48 hour period in the Judiciary thread; the Chief Justice will create a poll to determine a true Census. The results of this poll will override any previous Census.
f)From Time to time the constitution may be edited to remove spelling, or gramaical errors ect. These are not ammendments, but must be noted in the judical thread and the public defender must be informed

Article XIII: National Budget
The National Budgets consists of our national treasury (lump sum of gold), but does not include our additional gold per turn. It should be compiled and posted by the exchequer each turnchat. It will include a list of the funds required for rushes, upgrades, trades, and espionage. Any instruction that is not listed inside of the national budget is to be considered void. If the ECONOMIC LEADER decides to give certain elected officials a base sum of gold to use, then this must also be included within the national budget, with the maximum amount that can be used by that leader.
and I vote no just to pick on Nobody :p

:)joke: I have not actualy voted yet ;) :joke: )
Reasons I am voting No:

1. I thought you removed the WOTP?
2. Numerour spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes
3. It should have been polled Article by Article IMO
4. According to this, captured cities will be governed by an "appropriate" minister, I guess this implies the Domestic Minister, but I am not sure...
5. There is nothing stopping of us from building more than 5 cities
6. City Naming isn't mentioned
7. It doesn't say how deputies are appointed, IE runner up or officials choice
8. No basic polling standards anywhere
9. IMO 2 days isn't enough between TC sessions, make TCs longer but more spaced out
10. I don't want the president to be DP
11. Confirmation polls are referenced to, but not defined
12. The DPs selection of Turn Chat time/type shouldn't be subject to confirmation poll
13. Appointment poll referenced to, but not defined
14. Any citizen can demand a leader to supply more info, hmmmm so it doesn't matter if an official has posted everything about the game, more can still be demanded... this should be more specific
15. DOMESTIC LEADER should be responsible for settling...

This is over a simple 5 minutes of looking...
Black_Hole said:
Reasons I am voting No:

1. I thought you removed the WOTP?
2. Numerour spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes
3. It should have been polled Article by Article IMO
4. According to this, captured cities will be governed by an "appropriate" minister, I guess this implies the Domestic Minister, but I am not sure...
5. There is nothing stopping of us from building more than 5 cities
6. City Naming isn't mentioned
7. It doesn't say how deputies are appointed, IE runner up or officials choice
8. No basic polling standards anywhere
9. IMO 2 days isn't enough between TC sessions, make TCs longer but more spaced out
10. I don't want the president to be DP
11. Confirmation polls are referenced to, but not defined
12. The DPs selection of Turn Chat time/type shouldn't be subject to confirmation poll
13. Appointment poll referenced to, but not defined
14. Any citizen can demand a leader to supply more info, hmmmm so it doesn't matter if an official has posted everything about the game, more can still be demanded... this should be more specific
15. DOMESTIC LEADER should be responsible for settling...

This is over a simple 5 minutes of looking...
Now that you have mentioned it Black Hole and I agree with all but #10 of your list (I still beleve that the President should be the primary DP, but thats for a different topic and do not wish to have it draged here ;) ). I beleve we should go back to the drawing boards since its kind of premature that we are ratifying a consitution this early.
If we are going Greece and want to RP this, as people keep saying, local government should be stronger. I realize this may weaken us in our "objective" of winning the game, but I doubt that it would actually stop us, and would probably increase the challenge and thus the fun. You could give them responsibility for defending their cities. Perhaps eliminate the domestic leader and divide its powers among the mayors, or even give worker control to the mayors.
One thing is clear, a ratification poll has to start by July 18 and pass in order to allow nominations on time July 23. If this doesn't happen then we either have to start Aug 1 with incomplete or no rules, or we have to push back to Sept 1.

For this reason, vote yes and then fix it later.
Black_Hole said:
Reasons I am voting No:

1. I thought you removed the WOTP?
2. Numerour spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes
3. It should have been polled Article by Article IMO
4. According to this, captured cities will be governed by an "appropriate" minister, I guess this implies the Domestic Minister, but I am not sure...
5. There is nothing stopping of us from building more than 5 cities
6. City Naming isn't mentioned
7. It doesn't say how deputies are appointed, IE runner up or officials choice
8. No basic polling standards anywhere
9. IMO 2 days isn't enough between TC sessions, make TCs longer but more spaced out
10. I don't want the president to be DP
11. Confirmation polls are referenced to, but not defined
12. The DPs selection of Turn Chat time/type shouldn't be subject to confirmation poll
13. Appointment poll referenced to, but not defined
14. Any citizen can demand a leader to supply more info, hmmmm so it doesn't matter if an official has posted everything about the game, more can still be demanded... this should be more specific
15. DOMESTIC LEADER should be responsible for settling...

This is over a simple 5 minutes of looking...

Thanks a ton for waiting to comment on these things until after the poll was opened. :shakehead
Would it be possible to have a "half" Term I? That would give us an extra week or two to plan this out, yet have a couple of turnchats to get the wheels moving for the first full month term in September.
RegentMan said:
Would it be possible to have a "half" Term I? That would give us an extra week or two to plan this out, yet have a couple of turnchats to get the wheels moving for the first full month term in September.
Well, If we do start the game with only half of a rule set. I fear that it would lead to confusion and disorder.
CivGeneral said:
Well, If we do start the game with only half of a rule set. I fear that it would lead to confusion and disorder.
I was saying finish the ruleset by the second week in August, then begin the game. Begin Term II as normal, in September.
Why not begin terms on the 15th of every month instead of the first? It'd give us another two weeks of discussion and wouldn't delay the game too long (i.e. until the beginning of September).

Anyway, I'm withholding judgement on this constitution for now; I'm really not sure whether to approve it or not. If it does pass, however, it will definitely need a CoL to define some of the things that Black_Hole mentioned.
I voted no for several reasons. From the ones Black_Hole posted:
#1 I thought you removed the WOTP?
#2 IMO 2 days isn't enough between TC sessions, make TCs longer but more spaced out

I will only accept a constitution if WOTP is removed and TC sessions are either 3 or 4 days apart. NOT 2 days!!!

I disagree with B_H on the other ones. Most of them should be in the code of laws anyway i.e. polling standards, 5BCC bit, etc.

IMO, we should move the starting date to Sept. 1st already, since we still need to fix up this constitution (albeit it was pretty good Nobody :goodjob: ) and write up a code of laws.
Bootstoots said:
What is the matter with WOTP (besides poor definition), given that this is a democracy game?

well i don't want to remove it completely, but make it less prominent. right now elected leaders, basically can't do anything without a poll. take away basic WOTP and elections turn into heated debates. candidates put forth a platform/agenda and try to get citizens to accept it. if they get elected, they are in control. there are still discussions and polls for major decisions, but there won't be polls for every little thing. Of course, if the citizens don't like a decision made by the leader, they could set up a sort of veto poll to override the decision.

that is what should be in the constitution in place of current WOTP. (in more elegant language of course ;) )
DaveShack said:
Thanks a ton for waiting to comment on these things until after the poll was opened. :shakehead
Well I have been quite busy these last few days, but these are somewhat obvious...

Here are some main points:
1. He didn't remove the WOTP, which he said he was going to
2. I don't like polling the entire constitution, and not even following the own constitution's ratifation rules, heck a simple majority to pass!!!
3. No one is in charge of settling!!!

This constitution was rushed together to meet a deadline :shakehead
greekguy said:
well i don't want to remove it completely, but make it less prominent. right now elected leaders, basically can't do anything without a poll. take away basic WOTP and elections turn into heated debates. candidates put forth a platform/agenda and try to get citizens to accept it. if they get elected, they are in control. there are still discussions and polls for major decisions, but there won't be polls for every little thing. Of course, if the citizens don't like a decision made by the leader, they could set up a sort of veto poll to override the decision.

that is what should be in the constitution in place of current WOTP. (in more elegant language of course ;) )

Very interesting... this is what DG6 was supposed to be all about! The leaders would poll a big hairy plan and then implement that plan without polling the details. :mischief:
Why do we have to start terms on the 1st? Or the 15th? We can start terms any day we want! The actual day of the month in real life is utterly irrelevant.
Why do we only need a simple majority to pass this thing? Past games have required what their constitution stated...

No one is tasked with city building location for crying out loud!!!
Once the game starts someone will have to file a JR to ask who gets to decide where to build settlers... This will lose us 5 days, why not fix some stuff and add a CoL...

Unforunately I am going on vacation and will be leaving tomorrow, and finishing packing today...
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