RBD7 SG - Cuban Isolationists

I came up in several games at once, so... I'll get to this one when I can. I've done RBD3 (that one's going to start taking quite a bit longer to play 10 soon), need to do infantry, got 5 brewing, and maybe more (need to check). Depending on how long those go, I'll fit in another turn here sooner or later.


- Sirian
Good deal, this one is meant to be 'filler', behind the others in priority. I just finished a *rousing* rbd3-builder turn :hammer: which took most of the eve.

Oh NO, 3am?!?! Not again! :eek:


PS Mrs C is gonna lay down the hammer... :hammer:

My actions are fairly self-explanatory. I independently came to pretty much the same conclusions you posted and was already planning to get at least math and currency. So on inherited turn, I swapped every city to max shields and put em all on courthouse placeholder, gambiting in the direction of marketplaces.

After 5 turns, our revolt was complete, I bought Math off Germany for 410 gold (barely above market value, but they wanted maps as part of their offer). They then had construction on hand, and I spent the rest of our treasury plus a few gpt for that, and looked at our dismal happiness situation. We lost martial law, so... a lot of cities had to start some entertainment. I saw that collesseums MUST come first before aqueducts everywhere but Havana.

I swapped Ur to high food, it's now growing, and on min shields. I saw more holes in your shore blockades than a sieve, so I just vetoed that and built forts on our two irons, with units on both, and mining the ice "to create jobs" for our people in a New Deal sort of useless make-work way. I merged one worker into San Charisso but we should hold off until cities grow on their own to size 7 before merging more anywhere, IMO. That means running max shields until they have collesseum and aqueduct, then max food until they grow to 7, then back to max shields and fold in what workers we can afford to, happiness-wise.

We can run 20% science at ~break-even. Yet that was only 8 turns for currency, 6 for Poly. I started currency and got 5 or 6 turns in. No more need for sliding up and down, we have enough total trade with Republic that libraries aren't benefitting. In fact, 3 turns at 20% was more science than 1@60%, so I figure just run 20 until growth/markets allow better, with maybe micromanagement on the final couple of turns of research.

I still HOPE Germany will find another civ, but Ur can't wait, so I think researching Poly is in order. If still no contact by then, then research Theology next (assuming we get Mono for free, if NOT, then if we got Engineering -- I've seen it happen -- must research Feudalism to get ANY wonder out of Ur. And if we get Feudalism, then I suppose research Mono, as we will want cathedrals sooner rather than later. If we can make contact, it's all good, but clearly we have to plan for the worst case, as its just too much to risk not to do so. Worst case, we denied the GL to the AI's and get the culture out of it. Heh.

Ellipi has needed to borrow that game from Holguin for 1 turn, it can give it back next turn. You let Chupa grow to size 4, tsk tsk, now it's starving, as Ice palace must take precedence. Only so much food to go around and no way to stretch it, and no time to stop building colleseums to train a worker.

Good luck, and enjoy the change of pace from our previous "we're so desperate, we're building horsies with the intent of disbanding them somewhere else" situation. :)

- Sirian
850 AD (0) - Agree with plan of no-deficit research spending, going soon
for Poly then Mono.

Clarification on one of your post comments. When Germany asked for your Map,
did you give that to them? Getting a map is a definite no-no, I wasn't clear
if you were going the other way and sharing ours?

On Chupa, oopsie on letting him over 3. But I'm confused, you're building a
colosseum there. If it never gets bigger than size 3, why would we .... oh
wait, looked at other cities. All marketplace placeholders (as you mentioned),

860 AD (1) - The crowds roar as the first colloseum arrives in Ninevah, so
the people build the palace some more! They lay a floor to cover the sheer
slab of ice it now lays on... Move currency from 2 turns to 1, on basis of
one extra turns of 10 marketplaces pays for itself.

870 AD (2) - Bismarck says hi, cancels the RoP and says "Can't be done" to
a curious inquiry regarding polytheism. (We'll learn it in 6 turns anyway)
Now just one thing to figure... which of these colosseum's were not-placeholders
but intended?? Almost anyone who could use one could use a marketplace even
more. So only those big cities or too many shields do complete them. Actually
cities are much bigger than what I remember! :P Anything size 6 and looking
less than "chipper" can do it. (13 marketplaces start, 6 colosseums)
880 AD (3) - MMOW.

890 AD (4) - Santa Rosa lands

900 AD (5) - Between Turn notice - Beiing has finished Sun Tzu.
910 AD (6) - Between Turn notice - Shanghai has finished Sistine's (crud!!)
920 AD (7) - That makes research a little tougher. Our only soon chance
for a wonder is Leo's. An Ur has a ton of shields. Can we get to Invention?
Monotheism is (as alway?) the free tech. That opens

Eep! Athens has completed Copernicus?? Well he is looking to kill our
library with the education push.

Unfinished colloseums in production switched to Cathedral.

930 AD (8) - Thebe's of Egypt completes Bach's cathedral :(
940 AD (9) - Takes a nap, pondering how bad wonder race goes...

950 AD (10) - With Ur having 'Palace' built in about 11 turns, it looks
like we didn't get lucky a second time :P We're still a looooooong
way off Leo's (Clearing of Invention). We don't hear when they start
just when it's done.

- You'll need to decide what to do with palace 'placeholder'
- For those finishing cathedrals or colosseums, time now for aqueduct.

Good luck,
Clarification on one of your post comments. When Germany asked for your Map,
did you give that to them? Getting a map is a definite no-no, I wasn't clear
if you were going the other way and sharing ours?

No, I'm not. There's no rule against it, but I'd rather not let the AI's know what's in our interior. If they can't "see" a resource on their map, I don't think they will covet it. Time will tell. It would only be a one-time cash boon of about 100 gold, tops, and the enemy would know our lands. I intend to try to keep them in the dark. We're aiming for diplo or space win here, so even if we are trailing all the way through the Industrial age, the AI's may go communist and batter one another, and give us a chance.

Not one of those colleseums was intended as placeholder. We need happiness before we can grow the cities any larger, they were all, except Havana, sitting at their upper threshold, unless lux were to be increased to 30%.

Very bad news about the wonders. Our luck on start position, it seems, has been dismal, as the rest of the AI's must have hooked up by now, or at least a pack of them have. Time to halt research entirely and get the most out of our GL, as we will surely make contact with others (as they get Navigation) before we could research to Education on our own.

Hang in there, we don't need no steeking wonders anyway. :)

- Sirian
Not much happened this turn. Progress made on infrastructure, built 5 cata's at Havana. How many more should we have? Up to you. I vetoed the worker blockade again. There were a few tasks to do, like chop down one forest and a couple desert tiles we overlooked, plus I want workers near the tundra to start forestation if we do make contact and acquire engineering. I went ahead and connected the second iron.

I have Roberto, Lola, and Guan on food production, they need to grow. Others are still building cathedrals or are size 6. As a result, Roberto's gold tiles are being borrowed to keep them in circulation. Everything looks OK, buildings-wise. I did waste the Palace on a colleseum, and then built cathedral and market. If you want to put it back on placeholder and try for Magellan/Smith/Newton with it, be my guest. We're back on "Wait Mode", as we await civs with navigation to come find us or the Germans. Still haven't traded our map away, though I DO find it decidedly annoying that the AI's are always going to ask for it, so maybe to spare us the diplomatic headache, we'll just give it to them at some point, or as part of a tech buy post-education.

We're still in the middle of the pack on the F11 stats.

- Sirian
On the courthouses, I was thrown off by this comment in your earlier post:

So on inherited turn, I swapped every city to max shields and put em all on courthouse placeholder, gambiting in the direction of marketplaces.

Part of the confusion was that Cathedrals came so quick, they became an option before the Colloseums were due to finish. At 3 peeps covered, more culture and less shields to make, they seemed to own the colloseums. It also seemed that several of these cities would not be growing a ton more, so did they need BOTH cathedrals and coll's? I might be underestimating the impact of all the sea squares and the railroad bonuses. For cities that were yawning "yes, I wouldn't mind growing to 7 or 8 now" vs those bursting at the seems "let me grow, let me grow!!", the marketplace was chosen. (Which itself might very well provide an extra smiley face for cities with non-zero luxury slider)

> I vetoed the worker blockade again
Hehe, it wasn't so much a blockade as a "I see nothing for these particular workers to do, let me give them SOME temporary use."
I knew they wouldn't last there.

Number of cats, good question! With *NO* navy I think it will become vital to protect our city improvement investments to have a punishing array of artillery around. The downside is the unit upkeep cost. They can also serve a blockade road on the coast.
The 'second troop' in the cities could serve that function as well since they serve no MP value. My fear is that less than two IN a city would beg the AI who can't even see us to view us as a target and come get some. (Hmmm... not a suggestion per se, but I wonder if we lowered city defense at a few places if it might entice contact with other civs quicker ;p)
At a minimum, one per city would be a good initial target for catapults, then we'll see if the economy can sustain more at that point. Their presence will increase the perceived strength of our military and could easily avoid a war or two. That's hard to put a price on, but it seems a nice benefit.

It's unfortunate that it seems Germany and ourselves are both "in the dark" and that the others have found each other. Not totally unexpected, and both decisions to go for math/curr/const and to pretty much halt now seem good ones.

Of the wonders you mention, I like Smiths the best for us - we're in good shape to get and sustain 1000 gold and roll in the interest, far more advantage than one extra 'university'. As for Magellan, at this stage I *want* someone to build it asap! Smiths, Hoover, UN would be my top three choices for remaining ones, longer term.

As for giving our map, I had not intended to, but if we need to it's no biggie. (More a theme or mindset, with how we're playing there's no way Castro would want to give away his map!) Alas, if we refuse every time, will that tick the AI's off? The last thing we need would be a big ongoing black eye, in shooting for a possible diplo win. If it causes them no ill will, I'll live with the hassle of denying it.

I'm wondering something on the Great Library. Does it expire instantly when Education is received, or at the end of the turn in which it does? If the latter, if things delay much more, it would be conceivable to learn Astronomy, Navigation, even Physics on the same round we get Education and 4-5 others! I only ask because I thought I read a post suggesting this was how it might work. I don't really believe it, but... it would be nice!

You will learn every tech that fulfills the "you have contact with two civs that know it" rule, regardless of where it is on the tech tree. So, yes you can learn techs beyond Education with the GL if you're far enough behind due to lack of contact.
Well, you can learn practically anything from the GL as long as the first thing you get "free" isn't education.. ;)

Hmm, just hope that Germany learns Education before they make contact and that everyone they meet already has it as well, and the GL might not ever stop giving tech if they don't research it themselves. Would be interesting if it is possible.
Well, when I set courthouses as market placeholder, I was not anticipating Germany to have construction on hand. And yes, of course cathedrals are preferable, they cost the same to maintain, give more culture and benefit, and are cheaper to build. What I meant was that every city on the board had more need of happiness help than market help. Markets were the short term choice. In that we must now ALSO wait for both an aqueduct and a happiness building, in all our size 6 cities, means our growth beyond six has been SLOWED, and I am pretty sure that this outweighs the extra gold we'll get from the market in the mean time.

Markets do NOT help happiness one iota unless there are 3+ luxuries online. We're NEVER going to see that, I don't think. We have nothing to trade!

I'm pretty sure we're going to want to build both cath and col in every city, for the culture benefit. Strong culture helps with diplomacy. A market may have been a high enough priority to not wait for both happiness wonders to come first, but I'm not sure you realize just how bleak a "no luxuries, ever" game is going to be. We've lost our shot at the happiness wonders. We're going to be suffering now for the rest of the game. So it goes.

I'm flat-out vetoing the "one per city" catapult idea. 22? We do not need that many. Anywhere from 6 to 12 ought to do it, and in two or three stacks, not scattered all over the place. We're going to have PLENTY of warning regarding AI attacks, as long as we don't pull all our units out of the cities to blockade the shores, and leave the cities so lightly defended that it entices the AI's to come attack us. :rolleyes: If the AI's want a piece of us, LET THEM COME GET SOME. The only civ on the board who could possibly attack us in force is the Germans. Everyone else is too far away, at most they would send a few galleons' worth of troops, and some of them might not even reach us before we could make peace. It might help to put another unit or two into Cove, but that's about it. If we hogtie our economy with too many units, we're going to lose for sure.

- Sirian
Still your turn here, Charis.


I've posted a new article at my site.

Sirian's Great Library

I may soon try to write up some of my learnings and post new stuff to ghe Gambits and Strategy sections.

- Sirian
1050 AD (0) - Things look in good shape for a nice quiet turn. That probably
means something huge is on the horizon to shake us up ;p

> Markets do NOT help happiness one iota unless there are 3+ luxuries online.
I was referring to more income in a city is good, e.g. 20% of 2 commerce
giving zero smiley faces and 20% of 3 commerce giving you one. That's all
I meant by marketplaces giving more smileys.

As for the number of cats, I think we're placing different value on the
avoidance of war. np going for less than one per city though :P

1060 AD (1) - 1150 (10) - Waching grass and aqueducts grow. Nothing to repot.
Catapult production halted after total units hit 100, with 10 cats. Feel
free to make more. For some odd reason, the people cheer this decision
and build on to the ice Palace! Some places that were taking 89 turns
to finish an aqueduct got some shifting for a few more shields (reverse
as needed to push commerce more per city, but if you grow them to the
point where they NEED all their food you can't go back to running max shields)

1100 AD (5) - Aztecs complete Leo in Tenochtitlan. (Come on Germany, get with
it) F11 shows we're holding our own, slipping slightly. Not dead last in
military service. Havana is #4 city, ur is #5.

1120 AD (7) - Ur is done with all improvements besides Barracks, and goes
back into hopeful mode, placeholder palace.

1150 AD (10) - Uneventful end of turn. Germany has met no one and learned
only Feudalism. We're due for that ourselves in about 16 turns. (I wonder
if someone will get Navigation and/or Magellan soon, if so your turn may
be the last in pure isolation. The 2.5 or 3K gold we'll have at that point
should buy a fair amount of tech even if they obsolete our Great Lib)

A small number of medium cities with improvements done are on wealth,
e.g. Ice Palace. Do you make more gold building cash horses? Several
courthouses were made this turn, btw. Even if they reduce 2 corruption to
one they pay for themselves.

One concern, since it might come up soon. If we see German has communication
for sale, is there an order to buy communication and talk to people to avoid
slamming our own Education?? Best to buy out on our turn, or take in another's
turn if offered? Or avoid until they come talking to us? Here's my take...

If we watch Germany and go for communications on our turn, we can buy ONE from
them, buy next communication immediately from the weaker of the two, and repeat
to get contacts with ALL civs, buying each from the weakest we can, in one turn.
We'll get ALL double-known techs that turn - it will include Education but
it won't 'expire' until the end of that massive turn. If we somehow end up
(maybe on someone elses turn) getting contacted such that we know the science
slow civilizations who know up to Education and no further, we're screwed out
of 1, 2 or maybe a half-dozen techs. I think we'll go from dark ages to almost
industrial in that one turn, and it will almost surely come on your shift or
my next one. :hammer:

Good luck,
Quick nit: trade subtracted for lux comes before applying marketplace/bank, not after, I believe.

You're correct, you definately want to contact as many civs as possible on one turn, to get the most out of your GL.
Hey Charis,

I downloaded the save from Sirians last turn and played a little. Greece was the one to build Magellan's and make first contact with Germany.

With the set-up you guys had (that I tried to run as best I could) once I saw Germany had contact with Greece I bought contact with them as well and then got contact with almost all other Civ's in that same turn.

Talk about a tech-flood!! Unfortunately Education was the third tech to come along in the flood, but everything else happened pretty much as you said. Went from plodding along with the single scientist to only having to research Navigation, Magnetism and I believe one other tech to advance an age. This includes all optional tech's as well.

Quite a jump in tech for one turn (over 10 techs in that one turn I believe). :D

In my game China and I believe Greece were the tech leaders. I hope you do better than I did, although having followed most of the RBD games I believe you will. :) I hope I haven't spoiled things for you two with this post. :( Just thought I'd let you know that your theory does work (at least in one game).

I look foward to reading the further adventures. :)


Well... let's just say I'm glad you only paralleled only one turn. It would have been rather bad to have read "I took your last save file and played a bit, would you believe no contact for the next 1000 years??!?!" :blush:

If I need to see how somethingn works I'll try to find a save file from another game that's somewhat related. This is to get data on how the game works in the lack of "Jarulf's Guide to Civilization", not to see how a specific gambit will work in a given game situation. That's best learned the hard way!

The 'guess' was based on the reports of other civs already finishing Leo's, Sistine and especially Copernicus (back in 920), we just CAN'T be too far off from contact with others. And when it does, I have seen post-Education techs pop out of the Great Library, but only on the very turn it expires. Having contact with none-then-all civs seems hands-down the best way to maximize your output. If it weren't for the chance of one or two of the non-leading civs contacting us on THEIR turn and giving us Education but no-more, one might do even better to not buy contact.

So thanks for the input and for the nod "it works", but next time please withold such info if it's based on the actual succession game in progress! :cool: (Fortunately in this case there's no course-altering info or quandries presented)

> I look foward to reading the further adventures
Thanks, things should enter "scramble" mode now, after a few 'zzz' turns.
I was afraid I would give something away when I posted but hoped it wouldn't be too bad. Oh well, this is why I watch and don't comment much.


I'll shut up and simply read from here on out...
No problem Ozymandous :lol:

My comments were more of an FYI about use of saved games, there was no harm, no foul this game :P

We appreciate your input and that of other readers, so please do continue! Especially if you have 'this was like my game where...' advice, nits when I have some rule wrong, or questions (Charis, wth were you thinking when you...?)

Well, luckily for all involved, I got the save last night and didn't read any of Ozy's spoilers. He definitely played more than one turn there, though, I think. Germany did NOT have contact information after just one more turn.

I don't mind folks playing from the saves, but please NO comments about anything from such experiments.

So here we go:

Inherited turn: I marvel at the veto that took place in regard to growing our cities. Charis says "to stay on max shields while they still can" -- which is a solid theory -- but, um, they are so NOT close to being unable to run max shields that I lower luxuries from 20% to 10% AND DO NOT NEED A SINGLE ENTERTAINER.

Almost every city in the north is thus reshuffled back to max food. I can at least get 10 turns of that in before the next veto. ;)

I also vetoed the wealth, and used all those cities to make replacements for the MASS of units I just disbanded to speed progress in a couple of key cities, most notably San Charisso and its cathedral, but also a couple others up there, with aqueducts.

Click next turn, and Greece completes Magellan. This makes me sure that contact WILL come on my turn.

1160AD: No contact yet.

1170AD-1220AD: Still no contact. Most of our lagging cities have been grown now, all at 5 or 6. I melded workers into San Charisso, Elippi and Akkad.

1230AD: I spot "Communications" option on German diplomatic screen. 1550 gold to Germany for contact with Aztecs, Greece, China. Embassies established. 330 gold to Greece for contact with five more civs. 18 gold to Rome for contact with Russia. All embassies established. WE ARE NOW BROKE. Well, nearly. 3000 gold goes in a hurry, I tell ya. ;) RoP's established with Rome, Russia, Iro, Japan (all the small fry). Some (very) minor cash recouped.

1240AD: We receive the following eighteen techs from the Library:

Printing Press
Music Theory
Free Artistry

Cuba now FULLY up to date on all known technology.

Greece, Aztecs, China also all up to date, and building Smith's, China starts Shakespeare on this turn.

We broker to Egypt, bringing them up to date for gpt and RoP.

I upgrade our horsies to knights, and many spears to pike.

We broker to Zululand, bringing them nearly up to date for Saltpeter, Spices, RoP, and mucho moolah. Cuban people don't know what the heck to do with "luxury goods" -- they have never seen such things before. :lol:

We broker to Germany, Rome, Iro, and Russia, as much as they can afford at "fair" prices (10-15% below market value). Japan is broke and gets nothing.

Can't re-upgrade the pikes this turn, but I do upgrade most of our cata's to cannon, and a couple spears to musket.

Despite now being able to research on state of the art tech (at FIRST-Civ prices :eek: Yikes!) I leave science at zero to get as much cash as possible to continue modernizing our military. Our worker force is mobilized and told to "plant a tree". National Arbor Day commemorated. "Juanie-Pineseed" becomes folklore.

1250AD: Everybody and her sister starts Smith/Shakespeare, from techs we brokered. Many more upgrades, many many. I do another one or two last minute broker jobs, and we have six (6!) gold left in the treasury, with mucho modernization yet to be implemented. Most of our troops have been picked up and sent to various barracks locations, but leaving at least one defender in every city.

Charis gets to do a bit of shuffle and dance on his turn. [dance]

I also wonder when he's going to notice that a close parenthesis must be separated from his smileys by a space. ;)

I swap every coastal town NOT already past 40 shields of progress over to building coastal forts. Feeble they may be, but they beat zippo, and these are as close to a "navy" as we are ever going to see. These forts require saltpeter, which is ungodly EXPENSIVE to buy (we have none in our frigid land, ooh big surprise there :rolleyes: ) so I figure we have to build the forts while we can. Same for troop upgrades: I've already upgraded all our cata's to cannon. I upgraded as many to musket as our budget could stand. Still have us set to run max taxes, which at bringing in 342 gpt from brokering, plus our natural ability, is yielding I think close to 600 gpt total income. This windfall ain't gonna last forever, so spare the research (we can buy in at lower prices, no sense busting the research curve, at least not yet). We need to modernize, for deterrent value.

As of this point, "we have an average military", or better, compared to all except China and Greece. Rome (a weakling, and probably mostly isolated) is our closest neighbor, as close as Germany or nearly. Zulus are moderately far away but I think they have colonies near us. Everybody else is farther away.

I did not give out our maps to anybody.

I set all our interior cities on banks. Why banks? Because it seems to me that we're better off, for the time being, continuing to make cash and then to buy in (after at least the top four or five all have a tech) at lower cost. Or... we can do some of our own research, but at a slower pace, letting the costs drop before we make the final breakthrough. Last thing we can afford is to rush at first civ prices, then watch our research time drop to nil (meaning we already overspent) as the AI's get there a couple turns ahead of us. Also, we NEED Wall Street, preferably asap.

There are three wonders left: Smith and Shakespeare, now available, and Newton, which they are all at least two techs away from acquiring. I know for a fact, they started Shakespeare only recently (same turn we made contact) BUT... they may have been pushing Smith for some time now. Greece had just started it when I established embassy (I got a look at Athens) and we could beat them to it, but I just have a bad feeling about China and Aztecs. Aztecs MIGHT be at the tail end of a golden age (they ARE, unless they triggered it earlier with Jags or "got lucky" and triggered with just the Colossus). But having built a religious wonder (Colossus) and now a militaristic one recently (Leo), they could have had a golden age running, have built who knows how many shields, and still have six more turns of Golden production left. China's golden age came at the Hanging Garden, if not sooner, but they are the largest civ and MAY have had this tech for a while. It could have been gotten before Democracy, Free Artistry, and Metallurgy... they could be 15 turns into it.

I think our best bet is try for Billy's Theater, END the cascade, then prebuild for Newton and try to snag it too. If we can get Newton, WE might get a golden age. But the cascade must end before ToG is researched -- OR before we finish Shakespeare, which seems unlikely (just 11 turns to go).

So what I'd like to try is to go for Shakespeare's, and for banks, and then start building Newton in Havana (prebuilding, perhaps, if we can) and have Wall Street to fall back on if that fails. Smith looks like a longshot at best.

Judging by the histograph, I'd guess that China conquered England. Or else it had to have been Egypt. Nobody else is large enough. We are still hanging in at middle range on stats, and we are now tied for first in tech (with four, almost five, other civs) though that isn't going to last for long.

I've gotten our relations up to Polite with just about everybody, and took GREAT pains to offer 80% of our deals at non-miserly prices, to keep them diplomatically favorable. I would not be against sucking up a bit (if they demand our map, I'd say it's OK to give it away if you wish). I think our very best bet is to buckle down, ride others on the tech wave until AT LEAST Scientific Method if not longer, and try to make sure we get the UN by having a placeholder ready and beelining for the tech when we get the chance. At least, that would be the plan. :)

- Sirian

Your Cubans are really Babs in disguise, right? That means you need exactly 1 religious and 1 scientific wonder to get a golden age. You already have a scientific wonder, so you need a religious one... unfortunately they are all already built. Your only way to get a golden age now is if you happen to have any bowmen around and have one finish off some weak enemy unit if you ever get into a war. Similarly, the Aztecs could not have "got lucky" after building the Colossus; their golden age would have begun as soon as they built Leo's, unless they had a Jag-inspired ancient golden age.

You might get a golden age if you *capture* a religious wonder, don't know about that (I doubt it though.) It's not too likely in any case since you aren't leaving your rock. :)
Sirian: Um, yes I did play a few more than one turn. :) Eighteen tech's? Wow, didn't know it was that much.

Are you planning to build the Theatre anywhere in particular or just anywhere you can to try to stop any potential cascade?? If you weren't so unsure of how long Smith's had been potentially building would it be worth it to try for it, or not?

Zed: Does it have to be a wonder from each trait? Reason I ask is in one game where I played the Bab's I didn't get a Golden age until I had built BOTH the Observatory and Newton's. I believe I already had either Sistine or Bach's as well. I kept building wonders waiting for one of them to trigger a GA and finally, after building three, it did. :)

Just curious (and slightly confused) about these points.

Hmm, thanks for the stories, I can see comparing what I did in my game compared to what you guys (Sirian and Charis) have done that I still have a long way to go... :rolleyes: :)
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