Realism Invictus

Is it normal for the AI to attack with stacks of 60+ units on Noble level? if so then the 35% congested strength penalty is probably being offset by the fact the AI is training units with an automatic 8+ promotions.
So what I did was double all the Congested penalties so they had a -70% penalty, and even then with my 15 units fortified with +60% from the city, and all being more modern units, 16 attack vs 14s & 12s, they still annihilated my army and razed the city.
Is this a bug with these 60+ unit stacks?
Have not played last svn but never experienced 8 promos even with armies that destroyed entire civs before me. Maybe you count automatic stack support promos too? And 60 units hmm, I had faced around 35-40 strong maybe
Have not played last svn but never experienced 8 promos even with armies that destroyed entire civs before me. Maybe you count automatic stack support promos too? And 60 units hmm, I had faced around 35-40 strong maybe
You are probably correct with the stack support promo, the icons for them are a blue/grey colour?
But the 60+ unit stacks has happened twice in game from different factions and I can supply screenshots if required, I think it's a bit extreme, I'll have a look through the files to see if there are any set limits.
Yes they are bit more transparent than regular promos. Some Civs with 10 or more cities can sustain even stacks you are describing though
Is it normal for the AI to attack with stacks of 60+ units on Noble level? if so then the 35% congested strength penalty is probably being offset by the fact the AI is training units with an automatic 8+ promotions.
So what I did was double all the Congested penalties so they had a -70% penalty, and even then with my 15 units fortified with +60% from the city, and all being more modern units, 16 attack vs 14s & 12s, they still annihilated my army and razed the city.
Is this a bug with these 60+ unit stacks?

On the huge world map i got attacked by a 200+ russian stack made of rifles/grenadiers.
How did you deal with that? Alt F4 :lol:

i was a half era ahead, and some of my units were extremely promoted (200+xp with stuff like marksmanship3+combat 5+pinch2) from constantly fendng off invades. And these units are almost invincible with their 8 first strikes and insane bonuses.
On the huge world map i got attacked by a 200+ russian stack made of rifles/grenadiers.
Do you have problems with long turn times on this map? I tried to play and gave up because it was very slow,even in the beginning of the game when there aren't lots of cities and units.
I'm about 3/4 through a game now and I'm getting the "City X wants to join Empire Y" messages. The odd thing is the civ they want to join never owned the city in question. They are usually cities I conquered but so long ago that I didn't even know the civ they want to join. Also I'm alone on my continent with enough gap that their culture couldn't influence the cities.
Do you have problems with long turn times on this map? I tried to play and gave up because it was very slow,even in the beginning of the game when there aren't lots of cities and units.
The turn times get progressively longer and longer for me. By medieval it's several minutes. By Renaissance it's 8-15 minutes. I do something else (like read a book, watch a show, or chores) in-between the turns. I kid you not.
Do you have problems with long turn times on this map? I tried to play and gave up because it was very slow,even in the beginning of the game when there aren't lots of cities and units.

its not that bad, nowhere near close to that 8-15min turns renaissance experience. couple of minutes in industrial, thats not bad, though there are some extremely long turns (that russian task force took a really long time)
I think I know why the stack of doom are stomping my units, it does not appear to be applying the Congestion penalty, not in the combat log nor the advanced odds, the icon is there with most of the units in the list, except for some reason horse archers, but the rest of them that have the Congestion 6 icon are suffering no penalty.
waiting new version anymore. can be done eyes friendly graphics? because it is tiring for eyes these graphics.
When playing random maps I am always getting a feeling that availability and diversity of resources is odd. So I conducted a small investigation to figure this out (using SVN 5218).
I created a map with the following settings:
Spoiler :
No override
3 continents
Min 5 water tiles
Smart Selection
Landmass (rough edges)
Rare small islands
Equal size
More than 60%
5 islands (if possible)
Some peaks, Groups up to 11
Normal hills, Groups up to 2
Standard placement
Standard generator

The number of players was left at default — 15; the difficulty setting for everybody — Noble.
I saved the resulting map as a WB save file. Using regenerate map function I created (9) more maps and saved them too. Then I counted the number of each resource on each map. Positive values mean that the number of resources is more than the number of players. Negative values mean that the number of resources is less than the number of players. As one can see there is regularity in the results. First, there is always an abundance of sea resources (especially fish). Second, some resources may never appear. Third, most of the resources are pretty scarce. Considering that with the revolutions component the number of civs can grow the situation becomes even worse.

Then I created a map with default settings:
Spoiler :
No override
FT random (1-5 continents)
Min 3 water tiles
Smart Selection
Rare small islands
Equal size
More than 60%
3 islands (if possible)
Some peaks, Groups up to 5
Normal hills, Groups up to 2
Standard placement
Standard generator

I saved the resulting map as a WB save file. Then I returned to the main menu and repeated the procedure (9) more times. I got the same regularity. However the average and the total number of resources grew up.

Then I decided to change map’s size to Standard leaving default settings (they are the same for all map sizes). The number of civs here is 9. Absolute numbers differ but the same regularity persists. The average and the total number of resources was again lower. However there were no absent resources.

So I want to raise a question: how many resources should a map generator create depending on a number of players? What resources should be abundant and which ones may be scarce because there are ways to increase their number (mines, unique improvements, rich soils)?

I also attach raw data so anyone can double-check me.


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So I want to raise a question: how many resources should a map generator create depending on a number of players? What resources should be abundant and which ones may be scarce because there are ways to increase their number (mines, unique improvements, rich soils)?
One thing I realized in a recent game is that the map created likely has a huge impact on the available resources, since resource spread can vary according to latitude. In my game, the continents were all mostly in the south or in the north, and not the center. As a consequence, sugar, tobacco, and dye were all fairly rare, as they usually spawn in the jungles near the equator. But in previous games, where the continents spawned in line with the equator, those resources were abundant while others were not.
One thing I realized in a recent game is that the map created likely has a huge impact on the available resources, since resource spread can vary according to latitude. In my game, the continents were all mostly in the south or in the north, and not the center. As a consequence, sugar, tobacco, and dye were all fairly rare, as they usually spawn in the jungles near the equator. But in previous games, where the continents spawned in line with the equator, those resources were abundant while others were not.
Can you provide both of these maps so I can analyze them too? Or any map with peculiar resource distribution for that matter?
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im getting the following crash at the end of this turn and cant progress past this point. anyone have any idea how to fix it? game file also attached.

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: Civ4BeyondSword.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4a0c27e6

Fault Module Name: CvGameCoreDLL.dll

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 5c0ad4c6

Exception Code: c0000094

Exception Offset: 001ec36b

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: 8485

Additional Information 2: 84853502223d8164a31468861a7c3d71

Additional Information 3: a4ea

Additional Information 4: a4eacf9d27e5ee8cb3a70ac0035eb8ab

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  • Shaka AD-1699.CivBeyondSwordSave
    6.3 MB · Views: 132
Hi Walter
Once I figured out how to use the SVN it is a very handy tool, the issue quite possibly remains however as I downloaded a build four versions lower than the last hoping to avoid the error, now that I'm more proficient with SVN I'll try the last build when I finish my current game.
I understand where you are coming from in regards to supporting the mod, I am part of a team called DEI for Rome 2, and I had my years of late nights testing and tweaking, but eventually you get burned out or life does not give ample time for such hobbies.
Anyway, I thank you for the time you have given, as this mod in my opinion is the best of the Civ series, and I been playing Civ since I was installing Civ 1 with a 1.44mb floppy disk onto a 386DX40 :)

Same here, playing since 1, modding since 2. :)

Have you had a chance to test if turning off stuff resolves OOS?

Will the Seafarer bug for world maps be fixed for 3.5?

It was fixed almost as soon as first reported, so yes.

waiting new version anymore. can be done eyes friendly graphics? because it is tiring for eyes these graphics.

Uh... No? Don't know any special eyes friendly magic, sorry.

When playing random maps I am always getting a feeling that availability and diversity of resources is odd. So I conducted a small investigation to figure this out (using SVN 5218).
I created a map with the following settings:
Spoiler :
No override
3 continents
Min 5 water tiles
Smart Selection
Landmass (rough edges)
Rare small islands
Equal size
More than 60%
5 islands (if possible)
Some peaks, Groups up to 11
Normal hills, Groups up to 2
Standard placement
Standard generator

The number of players was left at default — 15; the difficulty setting for everybody — Noble.
I saved the resulting map as a WB save file. Using regenerate map function I created (9) more maps and saved them too. Then I counted the number of each resource on each map. Positive values mean that the number of resources is more than the number of players. Negative values mean that the number of resources is less than the number of players. As one can see there is regularity in the results. First, there is always an abundance of sea resources (especially fish). Second, some resources may never appear. Third, most of the resources are pretty scarce. Considering that with the revolutions component the number of civs can grow the situation becomes even worse.

Then I created a map with default settings:
Spoiler :
No override
FT random (1-5 continents)
Min 3 water tiles
Smart Selection
Rare small islands
Equal size
More than 60%
3 islands (if possible)
Some peaks, Groups up to 5
Normal hills, Groups up to 2
Standard placement
Standard generator

I saved the resulting map as a WB save file. Then I returned to the main menu and repeated the procedure (9) more times. I got the same regularity. However the average and the total number of resources grew up.

Then I decided to change map’s size to Standard leaving default settings (they are the same for all map sizes). The number of civs here is 9. Absolute numbers differ but the same regularity persists. The average and the total number of resources was again lower. However there were no absent resources.

So I want to raise a question: how many resources should a map generator create depending on a number of players? What resources should be abundant and which ones may be scarce because there are ways to increase their number (mines, unique improvements, rich soils)?

I also attach raw data so anyone can double-check me.

Well, don't see any major surprises there, except maybe for over-abundance of timber. Everything else is actually surprisingly consistent to each other.

im getting the following crash at the end of this turn and cant progress past this point. anyone have any idea how to fix it? game file also attached.

This one should be working. Had to kill a newly revolted civ that was causing a CTD for some reason.


  • Shaka AD-1699a.CivBeyondSwordSave
    6.3 MB · Views: 161
Have you had a chance to test if turning off stuff resolves OOS?

My son and I have tried everything (we can think of) and we have been unable to play multiplayer without the OOS, it's a real pity too as this would be quite enjoyable multiplayer, awesome actually.
I got a system setup here as a server with an old i7 3770 cpu, 16GB and a 240SSD that we use as a server for a few different games, 7 days to die, Killing floor 2, Empyrion, and Pitboss for Civ 4.
I've installed the game in the C: directory, set permissions to "everyone", turned off firewalls and antivirus, deleted the cache, disabled random events, set the game to turn based rather than simultaneous turns, tried smaller maps and less civs and still no joy.

It really is strange, the pitboss server keeps running, if we both log out after the desync we can login again, have our turn, and then the very next turn we get another desync.
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