Realism Invictus

Hi Walter
Just an update on my Sons and I Multiplayer campaign, it seems now that I have degraded to Windows 7 the random desyncs have vanished, I'm almost certain that windows 10 was the culprit, as it was in Civ 6.
We are still getting desyncs, but they are not random, my son is hosting the game, and anytime he captures a city, the game will desync, however if I capture a city, we suffer no desync.

We did not suffer the "Host capturing a city desync" before when I was running Windows 10, but then the games never lasted long enough for us to capture a city, so it was probably a problem then as well.
Well, Windows 10 is a pain in ass of everyone. So much annoying OS that i had to change OS from my gamer notebook into Ubuntu. But hadn't tried to use Wine for install and run Civ 4 yet, so can't say if Ubuntu is better or worse to play this mod.
Well, Windows 10 is a pain in ass of everyone. So much annoying OS that i had to change OS from my gamer notebook into Ubuntu. But hadn't tried to use Wine for install and run Civ 4 yet, so can't say if Ubuntu is better or worse to play this mod.
Playing single player is no issue with windows 10, I never had a problem, though the multiplayer is another issue, I even have clients who have been experiencing database corruption on their MYOB retail manager since a windows 10 update since last year, and I bet it's also a network issue, probably related to data collection no doubt.

Hi Walter
It seems it desyncs when both the Host or client capture a city, not straight away, but as soon as we click on "keep the city", bam! we get a desync, seems there is a problem with the mod changing ownership of a city.

Edit... fun thing we also discovered was that when I capture an AI city, the game desyncs, if the AI recapture it it does not, and if I then take that city back from the AI, it doesn't desync.
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how to make it so that under despotism it was possible to accelerate production for money?

Using a text editor, open
... Mods\Realism Invictus\Assets\XML\GameInfo (or \Realism\..., if you're using SVN)
Search for the civic type "autocracy" (It's the second civic, just below "despotism", but what is called despotism here in the code is actually Tribal union in the game.)
Change the line
into following lines
I came across some misspelled words in a quote from a Great Prophet named William Brewster that I got today.
The quote goes, " I discipline churchgoers with godly lessons and sharp words if they do not change their ways. My goal is to open their hearts so that they seek forgiveness.
It can be found at the website:" from a quick search and others.
The quote in the game has "churggoers" and "hears".
the major problem i see with the implementation of revolutions is that citys that have been solidy your for many, many turns (centuries in game time) will rebel. cities you found will rebel. not that this shouldn't ever happen, but it should happen much more rarely. the distance from your capital should matter more and so should how long you've held that territory. the chance of rebellion should decrease the longer you've held that territory without any rebellions.

Can you make Siam civ and Make Portuguese civ playable? PLEASE!!?!?
i'd even like the option to have israel and babylon as playable civs (although they are incomplete as full civs). in fact, i've played as almost every civ in this mod already so i'd like the option to play as revolution civs as well (texans, tatars, mexicans, etc.), they're full civs for all practical purposes.

i really do love this mod.

i was also thinking a little more about the revolutions component and i would like the input from some others who have tried it. i mentioned a few suggestions above and the only other thing i would add is rebellions should be regional. if i have an arawak rebellion in south america, then other cities in the old world should not join that rebellion as "arawak" they should join as their regional version be it "netherlands" what have you and if thats not possible then they should not join that rebellion at all.

Hi RI team! I need your help! After a long time my modding work is almost over. The final step is to change the CivGameCoredll file to add something I want in the game, but I dont know how can I change it because I have not the python files of your mod. In few words, I need all your python files (version 3.1) to change and compile a new Civ4Gamecoredll. Is it possible?
Hi RI team! I need your help! After a long time my modding work is almost over. The final step is to change the CivGameCoredll file to add something I want in the game, but I dont know how can I change it because I have not the python files of your mod. In few words, I need all your python files (version 3.1) to change and compile a new Civ4Gamecoredll. Is it possible?

Is there a The Great War scenario?
My mod is based on Europe history, from ancient to modern times and several scenario are made, among them a Great War scenario and one (named Storm over Europe) based on the political situation at the start of WWII, as well as several for ancient, medieval and napoleonic times.
Hi everyone, long time no hear. Some news (kinda) for y'all.

Basically, if you followed my previous communications, I've been waiting for Imperator to come out - which it did, and I'm underwhelmed by its current art assets. I will not be adding much from there, so the only thing standing between me and 3.5 is my own perfectionism as I try adding the rest of flavor unit stuff that I wanted to. Which brings me to the fact that this is the only thing I want to do to RI - those of you using SVN should consider the current revision as final regarding any features, balance etc. unless there is a bug somewhere I can fix easily or some glaringly simple balance tweak I feel necessary. There will definitely be NO major new additions going forwards. No new playable civs, major gameplay features etc. I am giving no promises towards when I'll be finished, but you can be sure we're getting there.

There is only one item that bothers me: I feel like unit upgrade costs on 0.5x speed are ridiculously high. 170g to upgrade ONE archer from 3:strength: to 4:strength: (I've seen somewhere on the forum that the price is tied to unit cost:hammers: so can understand how it probably is only balanced for realistic game speed)

Q: Is it possible to adjust this myself? If so, I would much appreciate a bit guidance here:egypt:

You can manually tweak it in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml (UNIT_UPGRADE_COST_PER_PRODUCTION). Which version are you playing? The sky-high upgrade costs were an issue in 3.3, as they scaled together with unit production costs. By 3.4 it has been tweaked to no longer scale (at least in situations you describe) IIRC.

I've played nearly a full game now on the huge world map. im nearly into the modern era and wanted to provide some more feedback on the revolutions mod. i found it worked really well up until the renaissance, however during later eras when many civs begin to rapidly expand the game became quite chaotic. ive seen 3 of the top civs implode (one completely, the entire civ turned to barbs). Now a top civ collapsing isnt necessarily a bad thing, however i think the revolutions could be toned down a bit during later eras. i also think the larger the map you use the more chaotic the revolutions will be. i dont think it would be nearly as dramatic on small to medium maps in later area.

Hence it's not on by default. AI cannot directly manage its revolt risks, and will never be able to as far as I'm concerned (would require a much much more proficient coder than me to even approach).

also, when a very large civ spanning across the entire map collapses it only produces 1 new civ, which doesnt really make sense. if you have several remote areas rebelling at once they should theoretically form separate civs in each area. ive also seen strange things happen, such as a dead civ will come back in areas where it never existed previously. id suggest not having all cities that are rioting form a new civ when a rebellion occurs, perhaps make this more random? so sometimes only a fraction of the rioting cities will actually participate in the rebellion and if rioting continues they can join the new civ later on, or form another new civ? i also think when a new civ is formed that it should only be made up of adjacent cities only and not be able to span across the whole map to unconnected territories.

Current implementation is all there will ever be. I'll not be making any more major tweaks. It's mostly beyond my abilities (and definitely beyond my remaining ambition).

Which dont help with discerning features on the map all the easily. There once was an option to not install the blue marble graphics set which remedied the issue a bit iirc.

There still is. And those with SVN versions can just manually delete RealisticTerrain.FPK

Hi Walter
Just an update on my Sons and I Multiplayer campaign, it seems now that I have degraded to Windows 7 the random desyncs have vanished, I'm almost certain that windows 10 was the culprit, as it was in Civ 6.
We are still getting desyncs, but they are not random, my son is hosting the game, and anytime he captures a city, the game will desync, however if I capture a city, we suffer no desync.

We did not suffer the "Host capturing a city desync" before when I was running Windows 10, but then the games never lasted long enough for us to capture a city, so it was probably a problem then as well.

Hm... The multiplayer OOS thingie is the only fix that I definitely want to implement before finalizing 3.5 - and I am painfully aware of my inability to actually track down its source and fix it. What I can do though is a kill switch - my current main suspect, as per your report, is the dynamic city naming system. The latest SVN has a custom game option to disable dynamic city naming. PLEASE try testing it in multiplayer - I really hope it works. If it does, I will create a popup for multiplayer games to advise people to turn it off.

I came across some misspelled words in a quote from a Great Prophet named William Brewster that I got today.
The quote goes, " I discipline churchgoers with godly lessons and sharp words if they do not change their ways. My goal is to open their hearts so that they seek forgiveness.
It can be found at the website:" from a quick search and others.
The quote in the game has "churggoers" and "hears".

Thanks! I'll fix that.

Hi Walter. How are you? playing rome imperator while i'm waiting 3.5 :king:

Mostly all right, but not terribly motivated. Still, it's coming at some point.

So many years later and RI is still the best Civ game ever. I just wish the giant earth didn't crash my computer. Gotta be the Civ 4 engine because this thing can play KCD.

It is. It's just not built to handle stuff like that.

the major problem i see with the implementation of revolutions is that citys that have been solidy your for many, many turns (centuries in game time) will rebel. cities you found will rebel. not that this shouldn't ever happen, but it should happen much more rarely. the distance from your capital should matter more and so should how long you've held that territory. the chance of rebellion should decrease the longer you've held that territory without any rebellions.

Revolutions operates only on immediate parameters, it doesn't store any data (as I don't know how to do it). Also, I'm not really sure time owning stuff should really matter - by XIX-XX century, when lots of countries got their independence, the prior respective owners of these territories (Ottomans, Austrians, Russians etc) have often been holding them for centuries.

Can you make Siam civ and Make Portuguese civ playable? PLEASE!!?!?

No new playable civs. See above.

Hi RI team! I need your help! After a long time my modding work is almost over. The final step is to change the CivGameCoredll file to add something I want in the game, but I dont know how can I change it because I have not the python files of your mod. In few words, I need all your python files (version 3.1) to change and compile a new Civ4Gamecoredll. Is it possible?

You can use SVN to check out any version of any RI files. It doesn't just hold the current revision, but all the previous ones as well.
this mod DESPERATELY needs a "Cease Bothering Us" option for diplomacy. My diplomacy modifiers all suck cause im tired of being asked for free techs and war help
this mod DESPERATELY needs a "Cease Bothering Us" option for diplomacy. My diplomacy modifiers all suck cause im tired of being asked for free techs and war help
OMG YES!!!!!
Also add a threshold percentage, such as I won't trade any of my techs unless another Civ offers at least 75% of the tech's value.
I'm tired of them almost always expecting me to give it to them far cheaper than they offer it to us.
If their offer doesn't meet my threshold, I don't want to even see their pop-up or have to waste time dealing with their lame diplomatic offers. I can look at the F4 screen any time I want, to see if I want to be charitable to less advanced Civ.
Hi, I really enjoy this mod and want to improve it, so here are some suggestions:

1. Along the River is created in 11-12th century, so it belongs to Medieval Art rather than Classic Art. This painting emphasizes on portraying the prosperous scene along the Bian River, flowing through Bianjing, the capital of Song Dynasty of China. So I suggest its effect: +1 gold and +1 culture to all river docks.

2. The picture of Nine Chapters is wrong. It's a book researching on Ecliptic. Here are the pictures of Nine Chapters I find:

3. There is something wrong with the great people of minor civs. In my recent game of Large World Map with latest version, I find Mayan great general born in Khmer civ, and some other similar mistakes.

4. Barbarian civ is too weak, even I open Raged Barbs. Maybe the technology and production speed of Barb civ should be improved? And I never see Barb civ build ship units, like pirate.

5. Distance of cities to the capital and number of cities of civs should also be the factors of revolution. When a civ is large with many cities, its remote cities are more likely to revolt. I think it's necessary for reality and game balancing.
Two simple changes i would like to see being tested:
1- Hunter Cabin being enabled by Pastoral Nomadism Civic instead of Subsistance Economy
2- Subsistance Economy being No Upkeep cost Civic

Aside from these 2 things, Good Job! Keep going.
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