Actually there is no more STACK OF DOOM from the enemy in my games !
Does that happen to some of you too ?
From time to time. I think it's because either (A) the enemy attacking me is rather small to begin with, or (B) because they're in a massive cash deficit and don't have the army to begin with. Usually because they're running
Republic with 10+ cities.
Current game I'm doing an Always War on a Highlands map with an AI team mate. She successfully grabbed some Russian and Roman cities all on her own (Go War Chariots!) while I conquered Siam early and pushed Khemer into the arctic where I'm leaving him for last just for the lols. However, as a result of the almost constant warfare, the other half of the AI not saddled with harassment by me and Egypt are developing quickly and are mostly 0.9 to 0.6 in terms of strength compared to me. At best, the Hatti have tossed a few units at the Longbows perched on hillside Forts along chokepoints, but never sent an army. The Khemer did once, a stack of NINE units (at the time, that was actually kind of scary) at a city with just an archer and a javeliner. He even had two ballista in the stack.
What did he do with it? The same thing Boudica did two games prior. He marched it back and forth between two tiles, constantly taking damage from the tundra tiles (Desert in Boudica's case) until they were at critical health and in no position to defend from my units and the rest died from exposure. The most he did after that was toss archers and javelins at a few units I later parked in forested hills along his borders (He eventually took one down out of sheer lucky RNG, but after many losses).
From what I understand, the AI sometimes does that "Durr, not gonna attack just yet" thing when they're waiting for a straggler to catch up and join the stack. On a slightly unrelated note, I think that the AI doesn't really understand the Damaging Tiles option, since they often park their units on or march their units back and forth between two damaging tiles until they're too weak to carry out the assault they were going to engage in, as demonstrated with the Khemer above and the Celtic two games prior. Sometimes I see them load up on Arctic or Desert promotions even when there's none of that around (or very little of it), other times not so much. Here he'd have benefited greatly from it - though not every unit type can make use of those promotions. I think Siege Units are some of them?
Earlier in the thread someone (I think the OP?) mentioned AI's not spreading their religion. Hoh boy, do I definitely not experience that. Every time I see an AI nation on another continent they've got every city with their religion and have a city or two packed full with their given missionary type. Most AI's will end up like that very quickly, and Hatshepsut in my last game founded Buddhism while she was converted to my Zoroastrianism. She didn't do much at the time no, but after a while she decided o build a monastary. Very, very shortly I found every one of her cities and mine had that religion in it and she was
flooding missionaries out to any other nation that had Rite of Passage with her.
Yes, she took a while before she began to do it. She had JUST one city with Buddism to nine with Zoroastrianism. But once she began spreading it, she was determined to spend every ounce of production she could to get every city that was within her grasp into that religion.
So I don't know. Maybe AI personality has something to do with it? (THe less-religious ones being less likely to care about spreading it) Regardless, there was a delay but once she started she was passionate about it. I also had a lot of missionaries from a border nation trying to get theirs in once bordered opened. There was half a dozen in one pop, meaning they had them sitting there waiting for new cities to spread into.