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Really bad AI. Anyone else experiencing this?

According to the Civic make up Republic Is the Best Gov't for AI and Player alike. Perhaps players need to look closer at the Gov't Civics' make up. And AND2 does not play always the same as Vanilla BtS in many areas.
According to the Civic make up Republic Is the Best Gov't for AI and Player alike. Perhaps players need to look closer at the Gov't Civics' make up. And AND2 does not play always the same as Vanilla BtS in many areas.
Are you sure Republic remains the best choice for an AI when it means they'll be bankrupting themselves? I think not, personally.
Are you sure Republic remains the best choice for an AI when it means they'll be bankrupting themselves? I think not, personally.
Look deeply at the Civic bonuses versus it's Malus. And then compare to Monarchy and the other Gov't Civics. And do you have hard game play proof that the AI is going bankrupt by using Republic? Or are you relating AND's Republic Civic to Vanilla BtS Republic from past play? Doing so would be a mistake.
So it's been a couple months since I made this thread. Is the AI performing better with more recent builds? It's a bit of a mess trying to navigate to the most recent changelog for me.
Look deeply at the Civic bonuses versus it's Malus. And then compare to Monarchy and the other Gov't Civics. And do you have hard game play proof that the AI is going bankrupt by using Republic? Or are you relating AND's Republic Civic to Vanilla BtS Republic from past play? Doing so would be a mistake.
Seeing AIs always adopt Republic when it becomes an option, and hence always making 0 GPT because they keep expanding despite Republic's high costs. If something relatively recently has changed regarding this behaviour, I don't know, but it's what I remember always seeing in my AND games. No, I never talked about BTS, nor do I know why'd you bring it up. Same for its pros/cons; it makes no sense to take Republic in a situation where it'd bleed your coffers dry, when you'd stay afloat as a Monarchy.
I want the AI to be better but you're arguing it's completely fine as is? Different strokes for different folks.
Are you positive it's the Gov't Civic Republic "bleeding" them dry?

Or is it that the AI is not regulated thru coding on the sheer number of units it will produce. From what I saw in the Gov't Civics I would rather play Republic than Monarchy after I reached a certain tech tree level. Also what other Civics are in play at that time?. What techs are being researched? Does the AI get to build any World Wonders? Or is the player hogging them all? What level of Difficulty? What level of Game Speed is used? What type and size of map is being used? How many AI in the game. Is Rev On so that New Civs are popping up all the time?

Too many factors from my point of view to just say Republic is "bad" for the AI.

But hey play it how you want. You are right in this, " Different strokes for different folks".

I don't actively Mod AND2 any more. I am an active modder for Caveman2Cosmos though. And we have shared many things in coding with AND2 over the years. Just sayin'.
Too many factors from my point of view to just say Republic is "bad" for the AI.
The AI doesn't fully understand that Republic (in AND2) was designed for smaller civs. It cannot compare the maintenance penalty vs. other bonuses right.
I also noticed AI was better in old versions.If I can kindly suggest maybe this great mod doesn't need new features anymore, there are tons of it.For me better way is just to polish AI, bugs, etc...
The AI doesn't fully understand that Republic (in AND2) was designed for smaller civs. It cannot compare the maintenance penalty vs. other bonuses right.
Then perhaps the Idea of Republic only being for small empires is flawed? Every form of Gov't should be a viable option. Just some better than others or better in different ways. But size is not a good limiter imo.
Actually it is a very good idea. Different civics for different situations. Republic is for the situation when a civ is smaller than others. I find it a very healthy idea that large civs cannot steam roll over smaller ones so easily. More challenging, more rewording.
Actually it is a very good idea. Different civics for different situations. Republic is for the situation when a civ is smaller than others. I find it a very healthy idea that large civs cannot steam roll over smaller ones so easily. More challenging, more rewording.
Totally disagree Zeta. Totally.
Are you positive it's the Gov't Civic Republic "bleeding" them dry?
Or is it that the AI is not regulated thru coding on the sheer number of units it will produce.

you can turn it the way you want it. Right now the AI can't handle the government well.
Yes, yes, yes.
For Republic I have an unhappiness cap for the number of cities. That seemedto be enough.
For City-state I'm setting a hard cap on number of cities.
So guys I see this beautiful mod still has the "AI Problem" !

Okay I will wait for a fix (or a return to some previous version of it where it was damn beautiful hard to play) to reinstall it!
It doesn't need to be beautiful hard. If the difficulty would be similar to standard BTS. I remember that I played on Monarch a few years ago with this mod and I enjoyed it, because I was on equal footing with the AI. Now after some changes, additions and balancing in the mod I returned to it and I'm able to play on Deity without much of a problem. That can't be right especially when I had to learn new things while playing.
I notice you haven't updated for a while. I hope that's because you're working on the problems in this game. The lousy AI isn't the worse one for me. It's the disappearing economy. I stopped playing because in one game I had 8000+ science, the next turn it was just over 2000! The turn after that it went up to 5000. Not the first time this happened. I've had games where it would drop 30-40%, never recover and then do the same thing again later in the game. These incidents happened without me changing civics or even building any new cities. I really hope you fix this problem because it's unplayable for me now and I miss it!
To tell the truth, I had very little free time in the last months. So no, at least on my side there's been no work on the mod lately. I don't know about Vokarya though. Anyway, I'm still determined to fix some bugs that have been reported. I 100% want to fix the game breaking bugs where the game hangs or crashes. Hopefully I can fix some other bugs as well.
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