• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Realpolitik 2014

Because Tradition and Liberty don't hinge on barbarians being there all the time. Fighting barbarians isn't nearly as difficult as you guys think it is.

No plan should include honor because honor is inherently useless to the Polish economy.

But we will be fighting some barbarians, probably more than enough to offset the cost of honour.
But we will be fighting some barbarians, probably more than enough to offset the cost of honour.


No, it won't offset the cost of going honor because honor is also an oppurtunity cost. You have to take into account the lost culture of not taking tradition, the added cost of building more units to go after barbarians (which will have a very steep marginal return rate because of neighbors), the added social cost to grab the next policy in line, the cost of not having access to the versatile late-tradition policies or early-liberty policies to later.

That's a very high debt you're willing to put in the state's liability just so you can put Poland into a state of everlasting war with her neighbors, which is clearly the intent of going for honor so early.

No, it won't offset the cost of going honor because honor is also an oppurtunity cost. You have to take into account the lost culture of not taking tradition, the added cost of building more units to go after barbarians (which will have a very steep marginal return rate because of neighbors), the added social cost to grab the next policy in line, the cost of not having access to the versatile late-tradition policies or early-liberty policies to later.

That's a very high debt you're willing to put in the state's liability just so you can put Poland into a state of everlasting war with her neighbors, which is clearly the intent of going for honor so early.

We're going for Tradition before Honour. Did you not read our platform?

And we are not wanting to put Poland into a state of everlasting war, that is blatant scaremongering.
We're going for Tradition before Honour. Did you not read our platform?

Except, if you actually read my response, I said that honor at any point is a poor choice compared to any other options available to us. Open with tradition? There are at least two better T1 Tradition policies, and the Liberty opener, that are better than the Honor Opener and any of the policies within.

Second, what platform? As your presidential candidate has clearly stated

The voters demanded a platform, and I gave them one. It is hardly a finalized plan.

Meaning you guys are just saying things to say things because you don't have a platform. Then when everybody asks you guys to present one, you all throw a fit saying, "Well HERE you go. This should shut you up."

Is this honesty the best you guys can do? You had days from the moment the coalition was created and the day it was announced to have some kind of idea. Days later, you present a cultural and build policy that together are awful.

And we are not wanting to put Poland into a state of everlasting war, that is blatant scaremongering.

Why else would you guys A.) Delve into honor and B.) Build another warriors over a scout for scouting purposes?

Your policies put together forces Poland to expand in order to survive because it'll leave our early economy too weak to do so on its own merit.
Placing second vote for Golden Liberty.
So the winning candidate thus far has no platform and seeks to send us on the warpath against our neighbors?

I hope that these "Germans" will have need of someone with my skills. I don't see my position in Polish politics lasting very long, or anyone else's for that matter.
I would advise you take Sone's advise; for pragmatic reasons it would be useless to go war focused at the start. We must develop!

And we shall. We are hardly war focused. What I released will almost certainly be changed when input from other sources comes in. I do not intend to govern my decree; I will listen to everyone.

Yet the presidential candidate has shown himself completely incapable of adapting to the very strong arguments against every point of his policy, which as stated, is designed for an early war against our neighbors.

Edit: Which is to be expected when the leaders of at least two parties of the opposing coalition haven't only now played Brave New World, but the presidential candidate himself may have not actually played Civilization V at all.
Yet the presidential candidate has shown himself completely incapable of adapting to the very strong arguments against every point of his policy, which as stated, is designed for an early war against our neighbors.

Edit: Which is to be expected when the leaders of at least two parties of the opposing coalition haven't only now played Brave New World, but the presidential candidate himself may have not actually played Civilization V at all.

Actually I do own Civilization V. I simply have not had the chance to play much of it, but I am rectifying that soon.

Incapable of adapting to arguments? Of all people to say this. I took your scout argument and admitted it might be wise to include such a unit, a choice that most of my coalition advocated and that I foolishly ignored.

See, this is what a president should, and in my case will, do. Listen to his coalition, hear from his advisors, and post a plan to the public to discuss. Then listen to the arguments against it and incorporate good ideas. This is not a matter of me putting forth a 'platform' to 'satisfy the voters' as you are so eager to twist my words to mean. This was to put forth a platform that we will more than likely adhere to, and let it be discussed by the public and potential opposition. Then I shall look at the opposition's arguments and change anything to something better should such a better idea be put forth. Then, a final plan will be sent to be executed by the GM.

But let me put your ridiculous claims of us having 'days' to put this together into perspective.

Day 1: Coalition formed and announced as soon as all party leaders agree.

Day 2: Non Coalition members complain that no platform has been put forth less than 24 hours after the formation of the coalition, most of which I spent sleeping and in school.

Day 2.5: Later that night an SG is created for the coalition to discuss a platform. A rough outline of the results are posted in answer to Dem Taqat's questions for debate.

Day 3: Sonereal makes outrageous claims about the Strength of Freedom and how it has had 'days' to formulate a plan. When its president had spent 36 of the past 48 hours either out of the house or sleeping. That leaves precious little time for working on a forum game, and while you Sonereal might be able to be online all day and toss your life in the outside world through the window, there are things I must attend to.

So I would encourage you to look at the number of votes I have, and then how many Omega has. Perhaps you will realize the Strength of Freedom has the majority.
"Your entire argument revolves around the misconception that you are right because you are popular," remarks the figure in the corner, his triangular ears twitching irritably. "Not only are you wrong, but I daresay you are barely even popular."
The Pious Polish Party will do its best to serve as the conscience of the coalition. We will do our best to advise for the benefit and welfare of the people of Poland, as well as for the assurance that we do good.
Solo. Apologies for my spotty presence recently - my sister and my gf had dance recitals and both are teachers. Cuddling a sleepy girl right now, but the point is I can put up a full election update. Also formally voting for The Pious Party and Golden Liberty.

Full Tally:

Arya(SOF) - 13
Omega(Solidarity) - 7

I can and will do a full recount and post the spreadsheet later but for now this is all the detail I am sure of. SOF's members have universly voted twice whereas most of Solidarity has only voted once. If Solidarity uses their second votes and can attract one or two independents they have a real shot at winning.

However currently Arya has close to a 2-1 lead. Will post "by player" and "by party" lists soon.
Actually I do own Civilization V. I simply have not had the chance to play much of it, but I am rectifying that soon.

Not according to the leader of the SPD, who has stated you have not even played the game.

Incapable of adapting to arguments? Of all people to say this. I took your scout argument and admitted it might be wise to include such a unit, a choice that most of my coalition advocated and that I foolishly ignored.

Which says something about your coalition, the weakness of the pedestal of their positions, and their conduct.

Day 1: Coalition formed and announced as soon as all party leaders agree.

Day 2: Non Coalition members complain that no platform has been put forth less than 24 hours after the formation of the coalition, most of which I spent sleeping and in school.

Since these two parts are completely untrue, and the coalition formed days earlier than you're admitting, I rest on easy ground by saying your an extremely dishonest candidate.

Day 3: Sonereal makes outrageous claims about the Strength of Freedom and how it has had 'days' to formulate a plan. When its president had spent 36 of the past 48 hours either out of the house or sleeping. That leaves precious little time for working on a forum game, and while you Sonereal might be able to be online all day and toss your life in the outside world through the window, there are things I must attend to.

Sounds like a personal problem. The fact is that I'm managing to do this, do my homework, study, and read at the same time for my summer classes starting Wednesday, and was doing this and final exam studying when the game started. If you're unable to handle RL and this game, maybe you shouldn't be running.

So far all I've heard from you is whining, but you've failed to explain the actual long-term goal behind going honor, which makes sense given you haven't played Civilization "much" whereas Solidarity has players who have hundreds of hours into the game on various difficulties.

Second Vote: PPP
Also formally voting for The Pious Party and Golden Liberty.

OOC: You can vote now? That seems seven shades of wrong and I'm just saying that because you are voting against me.
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