Realpolitik CIV - An Interactive AAR

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:lol:! Okay no more spam about capitalist pigs and stupid commieness guys. LH maybe an update will put an end to it?
UPDATE! Sorry was too bored:goodjob:

But on-topic, an update would be great.
The Whosit Administration Years - The Aegis Coalition

The Neverending Sabotages
Spoiler :
The Administration started of explosivly! With a Sabotage attempt against Stonehenge. Englands only world wonder. No-one could understand the action initially as there seemed nothing to gain from the Wonder's destruction. Mathnerd and Cull pondered on Whom was to blaim and Whosit wished to see if there was a way to perform an inquiry to discover the perpetrator of the act.

The people suspected initially were; Ravus, Ilduce, Mathnerd, Cull and Arya

With EP flaring up in later posts Arya stated that he would "sabotage like crazy" if EP was voted in. (Post #3333) He states that there would be nothing anyone could do to stop him. Stating that no-one could throw him in prison. Later it is stated that players could be imprisoned if they are caught. Martial Law would allow these 'captures'

More Sabotages were issued and all came to pass in post #3366. The Stonehenge attempt failed with the culprit unknown. The Deer camp in scotland was destoryed, also with the culprit escaping. The Zealot Opposition was weakened with Mathnerd revealed to be the one behind it. He stated that he did not trust Arya.

The Two Oppositions - Philosophers and Zealots
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While Mathnerd and Ravus discussed who should lead the opposition for the GPC, the CoD quickly broke down as Aysee and Mechaerik accepted a position in the Whosit administration. When JMUG also joined this left Arya the sole member and thus leader of the zealots. Taking a stand and refusing to be either independent or cower under another coalition Arya dissagreed with Ravus and his Peaceful opposition untill provoked. He believed that unless action was constantly taken then the power of the opposition would never be enough to dethrone Whosit if neccesary. Ravus believed that if Whosit needed dethroning then all the administration would abandon the Aegis instantly raising the opposition power and giving the opposition the ability to decalre a revolution/cival war.

Arya eventually managed to get the opposition split into two sides. Himself leading a zealot faction and Ravus eventually leading the GPC faction. (seen in post #3364) This weakened both sides.

The Zealot Position: The Opposition should be forceful, they should keep the administration on their toes and use all the power they have avaiable. Opposes the EP and ML because they weren't agreed upon during Arya's term thus that stance shouldn't be changed now. He gave an opposition rally in Nottingham that nearly devlved into a cival war and secession territory when he took control of the town. He would do whatever he deemed as neccesary. To this date he has still not given the full reasons for his actions.

Post #3321
The Philospher Position: Ravus was given control in post #3347, he put forth his aims to be peaceful and be a future revolutionary if needed in post #3388. He also started his propganda campaign of classifying Arya's confrontational approach as a "break things untill people listen to me" policy. He claimed the Destiny Zealots to be a terroism group. As The Destiny Zealots became more and more extremist the Philosphers found themselves supporting the administration even while they were technically an opposition group.

Ravus later wrote up a set of Opposition Policies in Post #3720 detailing their views and goals.

Emergancy Powers & Martial Law
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In Post #3300 Cull proposed the enactment of EP and ML. These powers would be able to stop the Sabotages before they happened and would give the empire more options they could use to win the war.

This was a tricky subject as the powers could allow Whosit to completly control the empire if he so wished. He could suspend elections and declare himself emporer for eternity... Arya was firmly against this and Cull was his arguementative opposite in support of the EP. In delved into more of a discussion on the limiting and allowance of Presidential power. Words such as dictator were first thrown around here.

Lighthearter put a stop to the arguements by stating that the elected leader could form whatever type of government they wished. (See post #3361)

Later Arya stated he would promise not to sabotage if the Administration agreed not to allow EP to pass via a vote. (it had still not been voted upon yet) Unfortunatly the trust in the former president was slowly waning. As Aysee stated the former president was stuck in a catch-22. If he sabotaged then the EP and ML would be decalred for protection of the empire. If he didn't then he wouldn't be able to run the confrontational opposition he desired.

Many players started to sign the EP charter, Ravus asked that some also promised to rebel if Whosit abused his power. Nukeknockout was the first to agree to this clause.

Epilogue to the Battle of Ravus-York
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The narrative battle was ended in post #3382
It wrapped up the remaining points and tried to subtly remind all the players arguing over politics that there was STILL A WAR GOING ON! Rome marched ever onwards.

The Golden Administration
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Whosit agreed to share his power as much as posible to stop any temptations to abuse his position. Because of this unprecedented display of micro-managing, each of the ministers were placed into the Civ world as Great people.
They were as follows;

Great Prophet = JMUG (Found church of Nativity)
Great Spy = Cull (Act as a Super Spy Scout)
Great Artist = Lighthearter (Culture Bomb)
Great Merchant = Ilduce (Bulb Currency)
Great General = Sonereal (Attach to Unit)

What to do with these Great People was discussed for a long time and altered to fit in with developing infrastructure plans and attack strategies.

The Battle of Arya-Nottingham
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It started with an opposition rally but quickly went out of control.

Initially the rally was an outcry against the Aegis. Decrying the politicians fighting amongst themselves and Aegis being sinister. (the admin later opposed these remarks as the only one causing in-fighting was Arya and Aegis was merely a coalition of convience) He asked that the people of Arya-Nottingham allow the Romans into the city peacefully and THEN set up a secret resistance against the occupation. He believed this was the best way to deal with the advancing Roman Army.

How the Roman's came to attack the city is not known. Wether it was via Lighthearter intervention or a part of Arya's plans is still unknown. Some claimed that the whole thing was a set up so that Arya could attempt to show himself in a "heroic" light. Others believed that Arya merely wished to have some fun and did whatever he felt like. He promised lots of things including a decrease in his opposition actions if he were allowed to complete his narrative battle. Yet this caused many people, Cull and Nukeknockout in particuler to become more suspicious and state how they couldn't trust him to fight for Englands best interests.

This was all made more confusing as Arya started this all seconds before Mechaerik wished to give his arrival speach as he had volunteered to lead Arya-Nottingham himself.

Part 1: #?
Part 2: #3555
Part 3: #3584
Part 4: #3603
Part 5: #3656
Part 6: #3841

The last days of Violence and Chaos
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Some of the final Saotages were Nukeknockouts sabotgae to lower the opposition meter again along with Arya performing a warning sabotage by damaging the English palace.

This was apparantly the last straw as Whosit got annoyed enough to call in all the votes for EP. His administration was many days old and had yet not had a chance to do anything because of sabotages one after another and then a narrative battle forced upon England then more sabotages. He realised it had been wrong of him to attempt to be civil and allow all the points to be wound. It only allowed more people to cause problems.

Although he has been against the EP to this point he now turned around. Calling for people to vote it in and for Arya to stop the violence or be publically labeled a Rebel and Enemy of the State.

Arya decryed the Presidents position as an insult. He stood by his view that as an Opposition leader he should perform all of the options available to him. That as he COULD sabotage things within the empire he SHOULD. Arya stated that the Administration had no control over him and no authority.

Even More sabotages occured. One was resisted and according to Nukeknockout was done by Arya. With all this choas going on Ravus had apparantly took the oppurtunity to send instructions to Lighthearter detailing what to do in the event that Whosit betrayed the people. He also attempted to stop Arya's efforts to convert Spain/Iberia to his cause.

It was in fact the lone newcomers Sharpeye that took the first step to stopping the choas. He offered to pay for a investigation into the Stonehenge Sabotour by giving one of his votes for the next election to Lighthearter. Meaning that Sharpeye would only have one vote and Lighthearter would have three!

This caused Arya to reveal that it was he that was the Secret Stonehenge Sabotour. Ilduce quickly stated his outrage at this. The rivalry between these two players reaching new heights. The EP was quickly pushed through as Arya found himself with no allies in it's opposition. The Philosopher Opposition agreed to the EP on the clause that all would rebel is Whosit abused his power and the EP was passed and Order was restored.

Whosit: #3612
Arya: #3620
Ravus: #3626
EP: #3688
+ Post: #3698

Issues - Liberation/Agression & Batter/Burn:
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Liberation or Aggression?

There are two distinct schools of thought in the London Military Academy at the moment regarding how to prosecute the war against Rome - most cadets support the idea of retaking Ravus-York and driving into Antium, but one cadet named Ender has proposed a total offensive by sea into Germany. His suggestion is gaining much support - where does the administration stand?

Batter and Burn?

Many people support the idea of sending forces into Roman territory and pillaging their improvements and towns in what is aptly being called "total war", purported created by a William Sherman in Georgia, whoever and wherever that is. However, a distinct GPC-spawned faction wants to limit the damage to other peoples that Rome is forced to bear in order to foster goodwill - where exactly do military necessity and human rights clash?

- Lighthearter

As Rome allready had metal casting many decided that Galleys vs Tiremes was not the way to go, especially as the Romans quickly started using Ravus-York to pump out Tiremes to cause havoc in the british isles, pillaging fishing lanes. There was continued support for Enders naval plan for some time but mainly because people wished for a strong attack and to take Rome. Not for it's tactical reasoning.

It was eventually decided to only pillage when the oppurtunity showed itself. Whosit wished for an attack plan that had a clear firm offensive. Not mass small units that could converge on a city and pillage while waiting.

The Rebel: Terrorist or Freedom Fighter?
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Although Whosit called for Arya to turn himself in legally. Ravus and the Philosopher Opposition made their own views clear in Post: #3735. They wished to allow the government their chance but were willing to perform actions of their own.

Arya scorned these actions declaring himself uncatchable.

He also threatened to raze liverpool when Cull joked about changing the name of the city. He continued to flip between civil opposition and extremist. He also performed two more Sabotages once more attempting to destroy Stonehenge.

Arya was pardoned publically in post #3846! The Agreement was sorted out by Lighthearter playing the impartial mediator. Arya agreed to stop all Sabotages unless he has a valid reason and he became a part of the Aegis administration as the General of the army. Whosit stopped Martial Law and while he could veto Arya's military plans he could no longer offer any of his own to LightHearter directly. He also could not dismiss Arya. It was basically a more enforced version of his other ministers.

This caused some outcry as it meant that Aegis had folded to terrorists. Ilduce in particuler was outraged at what he called a 'underhanded deal'. This antagonism continued far into the administrations term. Many however were just happy for it all to be over and for things to continue as the game had not even had a single update yet.

Arya was apparantly displeased with the shadowgames ongoing behind the schenes and if he had known he would not have accepted the deal. He agreed to eventually show his reasons for his actions in the future. (He eventually changed his mind)

The Shadow Games
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It was revealed that during the whole of the last election and untill this point that parties on all sides had been playing spy games with each other. Sharing information and plotting behind the schenes with people in opposing parties and coalitions.

Post #3782 has Cull start the reveal as he states how both Ravus of the Monks and Cull of the Ninja-Pirates had been exchanging information. Mathnerd had apparantly figured this out and was plotting to reveal them but Cull beat him to it by ending the agreement of information sharing.

Both Cull and Ravus claimed that the agreement had only been to exchange information to ensure Whosit gained power and to stop Arya. But many did not know what to believe.

This came to a head when Cull tried to reveal the Philosophers plans for actions to perform if Arya evaded
government capture. Whosit eventually asked for Cull to take them down but the relationship from that point on seemed strained to all outsiders. Some believed that Cull and Ravus were still exchanging information and Some believed Ravus had another spy within the Administration. Whosit stayed out of it as long as it didn't effect the peace and Order of his term.

Ravus Updated his Whosit Betrayal options in post #3885

The Administration Policies
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foriegn Policy: Post #3747
Summery = Don't piss off the european powers. Ragnar as the technological leader is important to keep friendly. Defeat Rome. Befriend Egypt and trade what theology to them for Monarchy.

Technology Policy: Post #3756
Summery = Construction -> Metal Casting -> Currency (bulb) -> Code of Laws

Domestic Policy Part 1 British Isles: Post #3773
switch to Monarchy, theology and Christianity
Summary = All cities get optimised build options and land workings. Cities that will make soilders will create barracks so that England can have better trained soilders then Rome.

Workers get sent to Iberia. A settler is eventually to be built and found Plymouth.

Domestic Policy Part 2 Iberia: Post #3971
Summary = The Infrastructure started in Arya's term continues. Workers prioritise resources and mines.
After graneries, workboats and Temples (A concession to Arya) The more productive cities build a barracks to start being able to reinforce the front lines. The Units defend the two passes into Iberia through the mountains.

War Policy:
The war policy was not decided in any one post as it was a continueing battle between Whosit and Arya. Arya wished to initially bypass Antium and go straight for Neopolis and Rome. He also supported the Ender naval plan if possible. Whosit wished for a more cautious approach, perhaps turning Antium into our own fortress and securing the passage to Rome. He also wised to use the Great artist to Culture bomb Nottingham so that we would have more freedom of movement in the field and health recovery. (See post #3898)

Units were discussed by all members. Swords versus Axes, the age old arguement was raised again. Many agreed on Catapults to help push things in our favour along with the better promoted units.

Eventually players realised that some of our enemies had feudalism and any war plan should take into account the fact that Rome could capitulate to either of the two european powers if beaten. Thus any cities taken from Rome should be linked enough to our own empire that they would not be lost via culture if we were forced into peace.

Whosit used his Veto power to stop the initial war plan to attack italy directly. After that a second war plan was drawn up.

Whosit Term Part 1:
Spoiler :
Post #4137

Spoiler Currency Technology :

Ilduce the Great Merchant was used to bulb Currency. Quickly helping offset our bad economy.

Spoiler Construction Technology :

Construction was also researched normally and the empire quickly started trying to use these weapons in the war.

Spoiler Open Borders, India :

India opened borders with us. Whosit started overturning Cull's long standing closed border policy.

Spoiler The Eastern Front :

The culture bomb from the Great artist allowed the British troops to fight of the initial invasion attempts. While still bad, the extra culture meant that we have the advantage of maneuverability.

Spoiler The Retaking of Ravus-York :

When Ravus-York became under defended and cut of from reinforcement the army tried a lightning strike to retake our great city. It suceeded! Most likely the Roman Reinforcements are being shuttled towards the Vikings and the Russians.

Spoiler The English Nation under Naval Siege :

Unfortunatly while it was under Roman control they enslaved the populis and whipped them to dorce out Roman Tiremes that ravage the English fishing lanes.

Issues: War, News and Copperheads
Spoiler :

The question has recently arisen in military circles of whether Britain's war against Rome ought to be prosecuted to the utmost finish to avenge the horrendous death toll at Ravus-York and the unprovoked attack launched by Rome. However, many wish simply for things to go back to "the way things were" Ante Bellum, as the Latin phrase goes. What is the stance of the administration?

- Lighthearter

This was the start of the rise of the Copperheads. A faction within england that wished England to submit to Rome. Many agreed to continue the war against Rome to the end.


We have recieved a letter from a source in the Balkans who claims to speak for the united peoples of the region. He says that they desire independence from Rome and are ready to rise up against their masters. However, they state that they cannot win alone, and are fearful of the rapid Russian drive in the Ukraine. They say that they will move within the next 3 days - within that time we must decide - will we support this shady movement as its own government, an extension of ours(which the author of the note suggested) or should we let the Romans and the Russians have them?

- Lighthearter

This was heavily argued over. We could let these people stay Roman. (risking them turning to a different nation for independance) Give our support and make them British or let them become a new nation. Each option had drawbacks. If we declared them english we would have to abandon all subtly and attack plans to rush defenders to them.

Whosit wished to find some way to ask them to wait in their revolution plans. Arya disagreed and wished for instant action. Cull wished for espionage options and Mathnerd wanted to request aid from Egypt. Aparantly this issue came close to a "war plan" and Arya threatened a breach of their contract. He wished for assault on Italy and saw the Rebellion as a reason and help in securing this goal.

The Copperheads

Recently a group has appeared in London protesting the continuing war against Rome. Since Ravus-York has been reclaimed they demand that Britain "end this war which its own arrogance brought about" and return to its isolationist shell. Calling themselves the Copperheads, these people have begun picketing military bases, military funerals, as well as General Arya and Lord Sonereal's mansions and the Presidential Palace. What is the administration's policy regarding the Copperheads?

- Lighthearter

Aparantly this issue annoyed Arya on some personal level. Cull instantly wished to kill and Mathnerd wished to talk. Whosit wanted them gone but for them to cast the first blow into violence. However Arya asked permission to hunt the Copperheads down like dogs. When Ravus called him on hypocrasy Arya gave his first claim in believing that moral authority and principle trumped legality. Ravus and Arya delved into a brief argument over the Copperhead mentality and the options available. Lighthearter later confirmed Ravus's assement on their thinking and added some extra points on post #4322

One of the Copperhead beliefs was that Arya was to blaim for the war. This along with the fact they they picketed a soilders funeral hit Arya hard and he abandoned his post as general and launched a brutal assault on the group. This initially caused them to become scared and fearful but fear quicker led to anger and when a new leader appeared they become more even more extremist and violent.

The Whosit Term Part 2
Spoiler :
POST #4330

No Pictures for this update, just a small amount of notes between this and the final conclusion.

The Vikings declared peace with Rome! Leaving only England and our Rivals Russia fighting against this Violent Empire.

We sank one of the Roman Tiremes.

We traded Construction for Horseback riding with the Irish

In response to Arya's attack the Copperheads become even more extremeist and a new leader takes the reigns of power within their group.

Machinery is researched instead of Code of Laws

Post #4343
Mathnerd is kidnapped by the Copperheads

The Whosit Term Part 3
Spoiler :
Post #4347

Spoiler The English Nation, Wartorn :

Antium is captured! The Fortress is now in english hands. The Roman cities in the east near greek lands have decalred themselves the German Empire.

As Ravus-York and Antium have been taken Whosit has met his requirements to give up EP... the nation waits with baited breath to see what he does.


Lighthearter was having trouble with the pictures. They didn't arrive fully untill the next turnset.

Party Changes
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Mathnerd changed his party again to become the Co-operation party of England
Arya announces his new party the Joker Party. Ceaser player joins

The Election: United they Stand
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Whosit voluntariuly gave up his emergancy powers showing himself to be a honourable person. The administration then asked for a vote on wether to reinstate the EP and let Whosit continue the war or allow the elections to take place. It was eventually voted against and the election continued as usual.

The Jokers led by Arya quickly tried to rebuild some of the bridges they burned prviously asking for a coalition with the larger powers.

Unity Coalition
This was set up by Mathnerd via Private message to other Party members and leader. It was announced in post #4394 and contained the parties, Green Party, Co-operation party, Peoples Consortium, Stonehenge Monks, Imperial Party, Ninja-Pirate Party.

This Coalition was a huge affair and quickly started to take over the election. With all the different parties joining together it was powerful beyond belief. The Coalition was basically just a merging of the Aegis and the Green Philosophers into something more powerful. It was revealed that the Aegis was not happy with it's term in power being tainted by having Arya within it's wall even if they believed it was the only option left to them. Instead this Unified Coalition would have enough power to be able to stop anyone that went on a sabotage spree. Some questioned wether that meant the Coalition was held together by fear.

There was some brief struggles with the pacifist green party and the violent Ninja-Pirate party being within the same coalition but eventually they agreed to not allow each other have control over anything that would restrict the other. The LMP and the Jokers (the only two parties outside of the Unity) pointed at this any similer events as proof that Unity was too diversified to survive.

With this overwhelming voting power there was not much need to debate topics or lure in swing voter parties. The election was a landslide from the start to finish. Some options were discussed including a new war plan, Some wished to take Germany then stop, others wished to launch ourselves into Italy and take the Roman Captial. Ilduce also raised the question of wether to implement another wonder.

The LMP stayed neutral and the Jokers initially asked to join Unity to show they could be trusted with power. Unfortunaty, Arya the leader of the Jokers was no longer trusted by many of the members. Some of Unity also tried to tempt Aysee to become the Opposition leader. When Ilduce started arguing for turning the English nation into a Wonder pump and making as many as we could he earned the ire of a few players. Arya in particuler got annoyed enough to threaten destruction upon Unity if Ilduce did not leave the Coalition.

Eventually Ravus convinced the Unity that Arya as opposition leader was exactly what was needed. "Arya was saying a few pages ago how he wished for the oppurtunity to earn everyones trust back and that he would need a powerful position to do so. As opposition leader he has full freedom to show us what he meant."

CelticFury joined at this point and became a truely neutral player and refused to join a party. Though he was tempted to create a Indepentent Party.

Unity started to plan it's ministers before the final votes were counted up. The election ended in Post #4700 With Unity having 22 votes against the unaligned 4. Not all votes were cast as many did not see the point when Unity had such a lead.

Unity Administration
Prez: MathNerd
VP: Whosit
Finance & Espionage: Cull
Military & War: Whoist
Technology & Development: Nuke
Foreign Affairs & Peace: WIM + Ravus
Governers / Premiers:
British Isles: Ilduce
Iberia (Western Europe): Nuke
France (Eastern Europe): Ravus
Just a minor detail, but i would like for yout to add something in the 'whosit term part 2' section. You mention that i attacked the copperheads, and they become extremist in response. That is not actually true. Initially the council of the copperheads was scared to death, and their leader marcus fled to switzerland (antium). I had made great successes in the fields, eliminating 3 council members and scaring off their leader. They only became extremist because the joker appeared. He gave them new hope, and apparently helped the copperhead remains evade my capture.
(smaller) summary of what happened since 14:30 (GMT-4) on Saturday, please.

Not much...some spam...and more spam. Not even that much. I dont think we did more than a page or two anyway.

Please, if its under 5 pages, maybe even 10, dont ask for a summary. Go back and read it yourself. That way nobody will be able to miss anything, and you will have a firsthand account of the posts. Its much better than a summary in my opinion.
Best thing to do when you forget is to click that little arrow next to the thread when there is new posts; it takes you to the first unread one.
Wait what photo? Was it important?

And the delay is justified as long as we get good writing.

Nice work, Ravus! (Better late than never, eh?:goodjob:) Although I am rather surprised that someone shot down the proposal to turn London into a wonder mill...Though I've gotten over my wonder-spamming days, I still have a hard time turning down that shiny wonder:mischief:

So will be waiting for that update in the meantime!
Our lack of wonders desturb me... I've been okay with it so far, because it's been a trade-off for expansion, but now that we're done expanding--Wonders Today!!
As long as London's production isn't needed for anything else I support building Wonders there, particularly if/when we win the war with Rome. We should build a Grand Wonder to commemorate the victory!
I love how time can change things :p yes most people were tepid on the wonder spamming last time it came up because everyone was more worrying about the War with Rome, and as Lighthearter says it isn't over yet. But i too would like some wonders once that is done.

Edited the Whosit Admin book and yes Aysee it's late but i'm kinda busy these days so you get loads of silence followed by a big long singuler post :goodjob:

Here is some of the Policies that seem to be taking shape in the unity plan while we wait for MN to get back. I've taken what i could from what the ministers have mentioned previously. Anyone wishing to alter these policies copy and paste them and add in your changes in a different colour so they can be kept up to date.

Unity Administration
Prez: MathNerd
VP: Whosit
Finance & Espionage: Cull
Military & War: Whoist
Technology & Development: Nuke
Foreign Affairs & Peace: WIM + Ravus
Governers / Premiers:
British Isles: Ilduce
Iberia (Western Europe): Nuke
France (Eastern Europe): Ravus

The Domestic Policy: The British Isle
London and Scotland are still our most powerful productive cities. For the first half of the term they will continue to pump out units to resupply the front lines. Crossbowmen and catapults are our most advanced units currently while swordsmen will help push through the cities that little bit easier. We also need to resecure the coastlines if the Romans still have ships in the area.

Once Beuracracy is developed we can switch to that and organised religion in the Civics screen. This, along with a forge, will give London +100% to all buildings produced, this includes wonders. Once those civics are implemented then London can become our wonderspammer. At the moment the Wonders most accepted seem to be the Aposalistic Palace (to keep it out of enemy hands) and the Collosus or Great Library. Another wonder desired is the Statue of Zues if available in the future while most dislike the SP. (it gives all religious civic options)

Scotland Can be used for smaller wonders or units depending on the circumstances.

Plymouth needs to continue with infrastructure; Granery, lighthouse (perhaps Moia statues..?)

The Domestic Policy: France / Gaul
Ravus-York is our monetary and religious capital. If it doesn't have one allready it needs a market and a monestary. After that it just continues to pump out missionaries.

Amsterdam needs a walls and a barracks initially as does Antium. As a defensive leader with Stone we can get walls dirt cheap after a whip for 1 turn of production usually.

All three of our gaulish cities are on the front-lines of the war and can thus be used for instant reinforcements depending on the war effort needs, Crossbowmen for Pratorian killing and defence, Catapults for bombardment and mass damage and swordsmen for taking cities. These units can be whip-rushed if neccesary to get out into the field ASAP

Gaul needs improvments but not urgently. For now the main need is to get roads up and running between the three cities to allow troop movement if fast redeployment is needed.

The Domestic Policy: Spain / Iberia
Iberia is now slowly becoming a powerful area for the British people. The resources have been all connected and most of the initial infrastructure is in place. Most of the cities have barracks and one is going to become the place of our Heroic Epic for fast troop production.

While it remained semi-peaceful during Whosit's term, Iberia can now be kitted out onto a war footing.

(I have not seen much from the Iberian Premier on his plans so this is very vauge. Any extra information would be helpful)

The Foriegn Affairs & Peace Policy:
Rome is to be beaten back. Russia is to be kept wary of and continuing overtures to be made to the Vikings, Egyptians and Indians. Missionaries should be sent to carthage cities and viking ones once the battle grounds have moved on and allowed safe passage for our missionaries.

Minor civs; The Irish would continue to be tentativly ignored/accepted while we would open borders with the new German nation for future prosperity and war plans.

The Technology & Development Policy:
Civil Service -> Feaudalism -> Guilds -> Gunpowder
Civil Service = Allows the buracracy civic and will give us Macemen which will stop any attempt at Pratorian power and allow even greater odds at taking cities.

Paper = Allows map trading and the University of Sankore, a wonder that increase the tech gain of a nation. Allows passage into Education and gunpowder (we are a defensive leader) It also allows us to try to be the first to gain Liberalism.

Compass / Optics = The original path of England would allow us to continue to dominate the seas scouting out new nations across the sea or founding colonies for future development

Divine Right = A New Religion and the wonder the Spiral Minerete which gives us more gold. Useful but currently does not hold much favour.

The British Isles and Iberia should be mainly converted by now. Focus can thus be turned to France and the Gaulish lands. Roads are of prime importance during the war effort but speed is essential once cities have been captured as workers should quickly advance and make sure that the new city is as self sustainable as possibe.

The Finance & Espionage Policy:
Put all of our Espionage onto Russia for the inevitable conflict in the future. Cull will spy around the Roman cities trying to find if they have a secondary army anywhere. Once we find it we can try to defeat it on our terms.

Afterwards Cull could be used for a golden age to allow quick civic changes or to espionage bomb the russians to eventually perform actions against them.

The Finance of the nation would be supported by the mass conversion of foriegn people to the Christian belief. Carthage would be focused upon initially for the ease at which we could get into their lands, followed by the Vikings (assuming we still have open borders with them). Both these two nations can be converted while we are at war with Rome. Once the war is over the main two nations to convert are Egypt and The German Nation.

The Military & War Policy:
Spoiler :

This is the current compromise plan put forward. The Original army would heal and resupply before advancing into Germaic lands. It would capture the two main cities, check the minor ones for quick burning then advance south into italy and securing the German Nation / Roman Empire border.

While this was going on the Defensive army in Whosit-Antium would be continuly reinforced with units from Iberia. It is here that any attempts at diplomacy could be attempted. But it is assumed by most that the Roman Nation would be more likely to submit to our enemies which we could not allow.

When it had enough catapults and the original army had healed both forces would advance and try to Blitzerg the remaining Roman Forces. If we advanced too slowly they could submit to foreign powers. The Vikings have pulled out of the War but Russia still remains.
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