Red Europe Aftermath

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i wouldnt fight those 2 if i were u
I like being Russia, because although weak, by 1950 most techs are discovered and you have all the resources needed. Nuclear holocuast time! There really is nothing like having an air force consisting of 50 stealth bombers. 2 stealth fighter on Air superiority missions in each city. 250 modern armour and 75 radar artillery. Thats my CONVENTIONAL army. I've got nuclear subs each with a nuck in them for ever city on the map (2 or 3 for major cities) and then 400 ICBM's. Great map. I LOVED Red and Blue europe and this is even better. It's like pokemon, except with guns and mass bloodshed. Way to addiciting.
For Isreal it is easy to take Epypt and Syria from the UK and France cause reinforcements take such along time to reach near east and I have made peace. In my game about 200 turns. Isreal controls, Isreal, Egypt,Syria,Iraq, most of Russia, Romiaina,Turkey, and I have invaded France and Italy. I have the second biggest nuc stockpile after England. Great job. Saverok.
I'll list the plan i followed.

Used trade to boost my gpt.
Built the TOE gave me techs which I traded for lots of $$$
Built up a force of tanks.
Conquered Syria easily. Hard for France to reinforce.
Conquered Arabia: Really easy
Traded Oil to Germany $$$
Conquered Egypt with MA
Then Iraq and Kuwiat.
Fought a series of wars verus the alliance of Turkey and Russia. took me about 50 turns to conquere Russia coming up through the Cascuas monts.

It just takes time and trading techs and resources and luxuries to the Great Powers.

I am about 230 turns in. It did take me alot of time to get that big but it can be done.

Its a great Scenario. You should be proud.
Maybe you should check the date of the post before
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