I can really understand your point of view that the overall picture for the Fanatics are therefore difficult to represent. As long as Worf is active, it will be hopefully by the end of the DGs, I do not see myself as an additional referee. More than "operator" of the administrative things such as doing the monitoring of the clock turn. I think this is the price I paid (and also like to pay) to follow despite my flaws, the DG can.
There are three options:91h 27 min + 24 h = 115h + 27min
11.05 22:01 UCT -> 12.05. 00:00 = - 1h + 59min (113h + 32min)
-> 13.05 0:00 = - 24h (89h + 32min)
-> 14.05 0:00 = - 24h (65h + 32min)
-> 15.05 0:00 = - 24h (41h + 32min)
-> 16.05 0:00 = - 24h (17h + 32min)
-> 16.05 17:32
16.05. 17:32h was the dead time
Calis said:TMS Sea Eagle moves E, SE, E
RoP or declearing of war is neccessary now.Ruleset said:6.2. If the other team has not explicitly granted Right of Passage, you must declare war in game, before moving any units into their territory.
However, if it happend with hostile intend or not, 6.2 is a clear rule. In the strict sense we would have to repeat the last turn and I would have to impose a restriction on Eagles.Did Kueche complain about this move? I did not read the threads, yet?
There was no hostile intend in this move.
I will clarify with Kueche.
Is it necessary to have an ingame RoP. Or is an agreement in the embassy enough?