[Religion and Revolution]: Helping or Joining Team

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Nice to hear!

I need the following unit:

I would like to combine the vanilla "Imperial_Musketman" (the one with the tea cup) with the motion sequence (fidget) of the vanilla "Vanilla_Musketman". I would care for the graphics. Is that possible? My biggest problem is the rifle, because the rifle of the veteran is combined with the body so that is not easy to remove only the body.

Er...was this directed at me?
Yes, it was. If you would like to help, I would like to ask... :D

Ok, seriously...Yes, I need help to this with nifskope. Maybe you can manage this? It would be very helpful!

EDIT: Ok, I have done it myself...a new unit is born... lol
Hello All,

I would just like to say that this project is amazing and I cannot wait until it is completed. I have been a long time fan of Colonization, played the original from a floppy disk lol. But anyway, been lurking around the CivFan for quite awhile and only found this project today. I would like to help in anyway possible, not much a programer but I would be up for some testing and such. Just downloaded TAC and I am going to check it out. I have some ideas, going to check around first to see if they have been suggested. I am be able to help with history and background information as well, I have degree in History and one in Political Science. So feel free to pick my brain for diplomatic events etc.

Hope I can help.
I would just like to say that this project is amazing ...

Thanks. :)
We are having a lot of fun working on it.

... and I cannot wait until it is completed.

"Completed" is a heavy word. :D
New ideas arise all the time.

However, we are slowly but constantly moving towards our first release.
Still a lot of todos, but we are moving forward every week.

Quality really is important to us and quality simply takes some time. :)

Just downloaded TAC and I am going to check it out.

Understanding TAC surely helps to generally understand our mod, since TAC is the base we started on.

So feel free to pick my brain for diplomatic events etc.

Feel free to join our discussions. :thumbsup:


We are currently looking for a talented and motivated modder who is interested to join us as a full team member. :)
We are especially looking for somebody able and interested to support with creating Achievements and Founding Fathers.

These are the skills we are looking for:

1. 2D-graphics (DDS)
2. good or at least basic knowledge about XML
3. good English

It would be perfect if that modder would also have:

4. talent for writing interesting and atmospheric stories
5. good knowledge about CivCol / TAC mod


So if this description fits to you, please let us know.
Take the chance and experience how much fun modding in a big team can be. :thumbsup:

We are still desperately looking for people from community to join our team and help with creating more Achievements and Founding Fathers. :(
(skills needed, see post above)
4. talent for writing interesting and atmospheric stories

i love writing.

Great. :)

We could need lots of small atmospheric stories for achievements. :think:

We could do it like this:

You take a look at the achievements (from TAC) already in our mod.
Also take a look at all the units and productionlines we have in Religion and Revolution.

If there comes some achievement into your mind, you tell us in this thread. :thumbsup:
You could write the text and one of us could try to supply the graphic.

Also, we would help you with the XML for setting up that achievement.
But actually it is pretty easy, if you take a look at the existing ones.

Would that be interesting for you ?
yes, it would - ive done a lot of small xml edits to every mod i play - I have been taking writing classes in college, so this is a specialty for me - looking at something, connect how it relates then create text, whether in the form of instructional operation (what does it do) to stories (i probably won't write as many stories as present in FFH, but that took a team of writers) and to fact check (i have access to EBSCO host from my college for academic research!) and flavor how it is written according to those things.

Once my download finishes, i will copy my folder into the mods (so the desktop folder can be exclusive to this and the mods folder can be for testing) and start digging into the data. At that point, i will create a bullet-list of everything that needs writing, do a small amount of research and begin writing - i will also keep track of what i have written for, and what must still be written - this way everyone will have an easier time approving and modifying anything that the team feels needs changed.

This will be fun indeed, and im even considering changing my sig to promote (in which i would have to remove my current sig... to be honest, i didn't make my sig to be aggressive or unkind, but i saw a lot of sigs on the opposite side of the fence poking fun and aggression so my sig was retaliation against that. but i don't mind tossing in the troll-towel to have a sig that is constructive).
Help request to community:

Please everybody help us to collect graphics for the Founding Fathers on the following list. :thumbsup:

Graphics Needed:

We need high quality graphics that can be used as base for the .dds files.
If you might already be able to create good .dds yourself, that would be fantastic of course.

Please help us a little. :)
What kind of graphics do you need Ray. Can it be images floating out there in the aether of the internet, or something much more specific? I assume copyright is an issue?
Can it be images floating out there in the aether of the internet, or something much more specific?

Basically as Schmiddie already explained, we need coloured / painted images.
They should be high quality and big in size.

I assume copyright is an issue?

Yes it is, we will have to take a look at the license they are published with.
But it should not be a big problems to find graphics at all.

Especially since we are not using these graphics directly.
We will only use them as template to create the .dds.
The .dds will be a totally different graphic with a lot of changes compared to the template.
Special thanks to our partner Rambozod. :thumbsup:

He created a German translation for our Readme.
(I had forgotten to include one in Release 1 :blush: . But the next releases will have it.)

Thanks a lot for your efforts and willingness to help. :)
I could possibly help with he writing process since I do have the educational background, that is if you still need help.

Those are really good pages. Hey, even some of those images are already being used in Doane! Definitively worth looking.
Spoiler :
If you like some help with actual churchhistory and stuff around that I could help a little to improve the religionpart of the mod. After soon to be 5 years of theology I guess I can help some with that part.

Pm me or answer here.
If you like some help with actual churchhistory and stuff around that I could help a little to improve the religionpart of the mod. After soon to be 5 years of theology I guess I can help some with that part.

The big concepts we have about Religion are not in the list of our current priorities.
(We simply have a lot of other points that need to be done first.)

But we will keep that in mind. :thumbsup:
Hi guys, :wavey:

I would like to give you an idea, how a "perfect" team for a project of the size of Religion and Revolution could look like.
(This is more or less a dream and reality is that we are still far away from that.)


A. Team members must be reliable and motivated.

This does not mean that everybody must spend massive hours of work on the project all the time.
(There is always real life and sometimes team members simply need to take a time out.)

But it does mean that:

1. If somebody promisses to do some work package he will eventually do it.
2. If somebody does a work package, the team can rely that he will do it in decent quality.
3. If the team spends massive time to build up knowledge of a new team member, that person should not be gone again after a few weeks.
4. If somebody needs to take a timeout he must tell that.

B. The team members share a common vision.

1. Decisions are made in consens and no feature is implemented if even one team member does really not like it.
2. Team members are willing to work on a feature even if they are not totally exited about it, so the project as a whole can advance.
3. Generally the team members agree on most of the features planned.
4. Communication is done in a open but respectful way. Even if you don't like the idea or the work of somebody else, you can tell that politely.

About roles:

1. Architect / Technical Lead:

responsible for:
  • a big part of the bugfixing
  • giving feedback to new concept from a global technical perspective
  • integrating work packages from different members for very large features
  • regularly checking the work packages commited
  • regularly improving existing features
  • regularly improving stability / performance

necessary skills:
  • excellent knowledge about the features of the mod
  • excellent knowledge about DLL programming
  • good overall knowledge about the other aspects of CivCol modding

2. Feature Developer (the more the better but we should have 2 at least)

responsible for:
  • creating and discussing new concepts for features
  • implementing new features
  • part of the bugfixing

necessary skills:
  • good conceptual skills
  • good knowledge about DLL, Python and XML

specializations that make sense in our project:
  • Event Programmer
  • UI/Screen Specialist

3. Graphical Developer (the more the better but we should have 2 at least)

responsible for:
  • supplying the feature developers with graphics needed (2D or 3D)
  • constantly improving graphics (looks and performance)

necessary skills:
  • creativity and artistical mind
  • good to excellent knowledge about creation of graphics (2D, 3D or best both)

4. Historical Researcher / Writer (we should have 2 at least)

responsible for:
  • supplying the feature developers with all historical data needed
  • constantly checking and improving the texts of the mod

necessary skills:
  • basic understanding of XML
  • good writer
  • good researcher

5. Translater (one for German, one for French)

responsible for:
  • supporting the "Historical Researcher"
  • translating the texts into another language (our main focus is German and French)

necessary skills:
  • basic understanding of XML
  • good writer
  • good understanding of English and either Native German or French speaker

6. Quality Manager (should be 2 people)

responsible for:
  • answering questions about the mod to community
  • first check of bugs reported in community (reproducability)
  • supplying savegames for the developers to do deeper analysis of bugs
  • organizing our partners that help with testing
  • alpha testing for the features
  • checking balancing of the features

necessary skills:
  • good knowledge about CivCol in general (e.g. Worldbuilder)
  • good knowledge about the features of the mod
  • basic knowledge about XML


Other roles like "Beta Tester" and "Map Creator" could be handled by Community, especially through our Partners.
Although the people filling these roles could of course also become team members.

So if you want to be part of this project and fulfill the required skillset of one of these roles and are reliable and motivated and share our vision,
get into contact with us. :thumbsup:
(We will see if it fits and how we could organize everything else then.)

If you want to cooperate with us on a more or less regular basis but without responsibilities of a team membership, we can talk about a "Partnership".

But if you think "Well, maybe I can just drop by for a few weeks without really working and simply get my ideas implemented." do not bother us. ;)

If you simply want to share some of your work without taking responsibility of any kind, then simply do your stuff and tell us what you did.
(We could then take a look at it and adapt it into the mod if we like it.)

It is your decision how close you want to get involved.
(Team member, Partner or Community member.)

The biggest difference is of course, how much you will be able to influence the development of the mod and how many of your ideas we will implement.

The more team members we will get, the better and faster we will be able to develop this mod.

Best regards,
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