Revolution IOT

Nations of the World Continued

Inner Dominion of China
Taoist Theocracy
Spoiler Roleplay :

Spoiler Origins of the Dominion, 1820 :
The Revolution bought ruin to the Emperor of China, increasing the already power White Lotus Rebellion, which ended in the twilight of 1803 (OOC: instead of being crushed in 1804) thanks to the great spirit of the Revolution. The Qing Dynasty collapse as did the Chinese Empire as a whole.

Hong Kong would be among the few and the most stable in returning to order but not in a notion that would reflect the return of a dynasty.

Local lords were deposed and replaced by commoners who in turn came that which they deposed.

Between 1805-1811 existed the shorted lived Xun Kingdom that was governed by its first and only ruler Xun Shi (himself being a former mason), before what came to be the Great Hong Kong Revolt occurred that saw then a transitional government that lasted from 1811-1814, governed first by the former imperial civil servant Lin Ru, then by the youngest brother of the deposed king Xun Zhou between middle 1812 to the government’s end at the hand of a third revolt that would shape the history of China in the 19th century; the Violet Lotus Revolt, a peasant revolt that originated in the countryside of Hainan over a series of famines. Order was restored by the former imperial civil servant Fan Bao, who headed the Fan Lau Fort Council in 1815 which we forged to consider how to shape Hong Kong.

The answer that was echoed from a crowd of plain robed figures that stormed outside Fan Lau Fort was “the Inner Way!”

The birth of the global revolution had inspired an old Taoist scholar by the name of Du Liang, who wrote “the Inner Consideration” between 1802-1803 in an attempt to argue for the establishment of “a government that kept to the humble principles that Chuang Tzu spoke greatly of and that flow with change.” Du Liang’s work inspired the creation of the Flow of Du in 1807, founded by an disillusioned civil servant turned Taoist writer Ng Liu. The group starting gaining plenty of influence under Xun’s regime and creaked into each corner of South Central China’s society. Despite Ng Liu falling to illness in 1812 will massive internal discord among the group on striving to the ideal principles the group founded on the organization would continue to hence rise under a new leadership: Ruan Qiang, a merchant turned senior member of the group. In fact while he failed to get a seat on the Fan Lau Fort Council he did succeed in forcing the lords, civil servants and religious leaders that make up the council to heed the ever popular support for the Flow of Du.

Hence came the second meeting of the Council with Ruan Qiang among the last days of 1815. Eager to avoid another revolts with the military tired the Council was forced to summit to the Flow of Du’s leadership demands, resulting in the formation of what was as of that moment the Inner Provinces of Southern China, which then was renamed the Inner Dominion of China in 1817 by directive of the Violet Council that was hold in Hong Kong by the Flow of Du to firmly establish the structure of the government. It was decided a Taoist theocracy, inspired by Taoist teachings on leadership as well as observing the theocratic systems employed by the Holy See and the Caliphate. Eager to create a “Taoist version” the would be rulers deployed efforts to establish the charter. Ruan Qiang was made “the Middle Voice” of the Dominion, serving as more of a united speaker than a head of state.

Whatever the case Qiang did bring desire on a vision to “make China united in oneness” with alarming notes to the reformation of the military during the same time as the diplomacy office was being reformed to preach a foreign policy of pacifism. Indeed many within the Dominion felt that Ruan’s ultimate desire was to see the Dominion unite China by what means necessary… and perhaps expand the borders to “bring peace to all.” Many even feared that Ruan would forsake the principles of “letting go” that was a core part of the new government’s structure, along with other core principle of Taoist leadership. Never the less Ruan’s vision, while going beyond his expected duties as the Middle Voice, is sure to see the Inner Dominion strive to unite as much of China as possible, peacefully or otherwise as the latter is feared the more veteran of the new theocracy.

Will the fears be justified or will Ruan prove in the end to be in reality following the core principles in his own way? The best leader, exemplifying Tao leadership, is one whose existence is barely known by the people. Could Ruan be conducting a plot to make the Middle Voice such?

Spoiler Government, 1820 :
officially a Taoist theocracy, set with the Inner Chamber and the Outer Council, with the Middle Voice as the prime speaker on behalf of the theocracy.
The Inner Chamber composes of those set to Taoist most devout practices. These senior scholar, priests and other holy figures are commence to senior observation of the daily lives of the peoples of China, the spreading of the Taoist faith, the managing of Taoist practices in China and observing the long term desires of China.
The Outer Council has more secular functions, serving on economics and infrastructure as well as entertainment, while keeping to the theocratic notions. Civil servants, Confucius scholars and Buddhist monks are among the members of this council in a Taoist theocracy.

Both councils are by a appointment system; the Inner Chamber through an electorate composing of priests, the Outer Council of general agreement of judgment. There are considerations among certain figures to develop the seeds of what would be a electorate for the system; although such consideration would take time to construct as the Dominion is still work in progress as lawmaking is still trying to find out the best method of creating the theocracy.

Between these is the Middle Will, made up of the most senior of figures who appoint from them the Middle Voice, who officially is meant to act as a voice than a supreme ruler, whose leadership is meant to be “unseen” and prepared to “let go.” Unofficially the government is still trying to organize the proper methodology of this (thanks mainly due to the arguments for official leadership by figures like the feudal lord Wang Yin) has meant that the Middle Voice processes executive power.

As seas gain their power from streams so must the leaders gain their power from the people” has been the argument from notable scholars in the government. Reformation is under consideration to hence change the Taoist directive theocracy.

Spoiler Economy, 1820 :
not-interventionist but only to distribution. The Dominion has a wu-wei ("nothing doing") approach; not doing nothing at all but not too much action, and only that which accords with the unfolding of events. Any policy hence would aim not at "stimulus" or investment, but, rather, at mild redistribution. If undue economic inequality is unnatural "vainglorious thievery" then there will a notion of taking from those with much and giving to those with little; not too much but some redistribution.

Spoiler The Outer Speeches, 1823 :
The message of Taoism must spread.

Whatever the case the way of Tao should spread.

Ruan Qiang, the elderly Middle Voice of the Inner Dominion of China, has come to this conclusion while overseeing the “Purple Reunion” of China. While trade can itself allow the message to spread, especially with the sending of copies of the Inner Chapters to other nations which enhance in volume thanks to industrialisation, Ruan has come to the conclusion that it is not enough. Inspired by Bhuddist and Christain missionaries Ruan has decided to set Shyu Feng of the Inner Chamber to oversee the deployment of a first “Outward Speeches” to spread Taoism across the globe.

Shyu Feng has commissioned himself to set his “Outward Speech” in a rather ambitious set; he envisions to set a great Taoist Temple in Cairo, Egypt. This vision will come out grand?

Whatever the case Ruan will be relying on Taoist priest and scholar groups not part officially of the government to help spread the word; a reward of piety and investment to help enhance Taoist academies and temples will be the reward for these entities taking part in their own “Outward Speeches.”

One priest, Ngai Song, has envisioned a mission for the Coastal Nations, hoping to see a temple set up in the deeps of Sri Lanka as well as any Taoist communities in Taiwan having the resources to help enhance their believes.

Xing Meng, a merchant and scholar, will meanwhile set off to the Urun controlled portions of Japan to set a new temple in the frontiers of Edo.

Whatever the case the way of Tao will spread.

The message of Taoism must spread.

Kingdom of Norway
Norwegian Monarchy

League of Urun
Noble Confederation
Spoiler Roleplay :

Spoiler Government and History :
The League of Urun is a unique nation. It is actually made up of 7 different nations: The Kingdom of Hawaii, The Republic of Breton, The Cornwall Confederation, The Merchant Republic of Kuwait, The Tokyo Shogunate, The Principality of Seattle, and the Empire of Vancouver.

The Empire of Vancouver is the closest thing to a leading nation that the league has. The Emperor of Vancouver is also the Premier of Urun. However each country retains a great deal of freedom, and as instant communication is impossible across such far flung distances, the individual nations in the league typically will respond to local diplomacy and handle local matters on their own, sending periodical reports to Vancouver. The various countries will also generally organize their own armed forces, meaning the military of the League is often split unless multiple members agree on a course of action.

You may wonder how this all came out. Essentially, as the world collapsed, the regions around Vancouver and Seattle were ignored. They weren't important amidst such chaos. But strangely enough, they saw a massive influx of refugees as much of the rest of the continent saw war and famine and plague and coups and who knows what else. Soon, Vancouver and Seattle began to develop into actual cities, quite rapidly in fact. They began to expand their power, and by 1810 they came into conflict themselves. Vancouver came out on top with the 'King' of Seattle becoming a Prince instead and swearing fealty to the newly proclaimed Emperor of Vancouver. From there the Emperor gathered as many pre-revolution ships as possible, including a british ship of the line that was being repaired in Vancouver before the revolution. With this ragtag fleet, he sailed out to Hawaii to conquer a base for his Empire in the pacific. He succeeded.

By this time, he began to see that Vancouver would never make it as a far flung empire in this time of chaos. He began to ponder on this and eventually settled on creating a League of Nations united under his rule, so that communication issues won't hamstring his Empire and the local authorities can deal with things. Settling that, he sent his son with what was a great fleet (for the post revolution time period) to see what was happening in europe. The son found the continent in chaos, and quickly set about setting up his own power base there, establishing the Confederation of Cornwall and the Republic of Breton, and much of the upper and successful middle class now derives from the officers of the fleet that came over during that time. This has allowed Breton and Cornwall to become the main naval force of the League. However the son sent a rear admiral to make the return voyage back with what parts of the fleet hadn't permanently settled in the new lands. On his way back around Africa, he came into contact with a small state of Kuwait, a Merchant Republic. In return for ensuring Kuwait entered the League, he led a military campaign and captured the Straits of Hormuz for Kuwait, and the rear admiral found himself promoted and celebrated as a hero upon his return to Vancouver for bringing in yet another nation to the League.

Now, all 7 nations send an ambassador to Vancouver who can act on behalf of the home country in all matters. This includes voting for war and treaties and laws, as well as political maneuvering in general. In all matters each ambassador has 1 vote except the ambassador from Vancouver who is the Emperor himself and he gets 2 votes. However as long as the Emperor and his son maintain their current alliance in the 'Forum' as it is called, they have 3 votes between themselves directly as well as strong influence in Seattle and Breton respectively. Kuwait is normally a wild card, looking out for their merchant interests, and Hawaii can occasionally get bogged down in Custom and tradition, and in any case they envy how most of the League's naval power comes from Cornwall and Breton.

Now, the League ranks among the most powerful entities in the world, however as other nations form out of the past troubled years, it finds itself at a disadvantage when it is so decentralized. However, the Emperor is sure it can survive.

Spoiler Political Troubles in the League of Urun, 1822 :
Three years ago the League was a prosperous and peaceful alliance. It is still very prosperous, perhaps more so, but its political machinations have fallen to backstabbing and petty politics instead of the lofty ideals the Emperor had in mind when creating the League.

Vancouver itself has prospered, pushing far beyond its boundaries into Canada, cutting off the Russian Empire from the rest of North America, and reaching the Hudson Bay. This expansion has made communication with Breton and Cornwall far easier. Vancouver has also seen an Industrial Boom.It has led many to say that Vancouver is the premier city in all of the Americas, although some disagree saying that Acadia has a natural beauty to it rivaled by none. In any event, Vancouver has remained the most powerful of the 7 nations comprising the league, although its dominant voting block is coming apart at the seems.

The Principality of Seattle has seen turmoil rack its governance. Five princes have been assassinated in the past year, leaving only a single male left in the family. Should this last Prince die off without an heir, the Principality will pass on the the second son of the Emperor through marriage, leaving many people of Seattle in little doubt as to who is behind the murders, evidence to the contrary be damned. This has left Seattle as a hotbed of anti League activity, although Vancouver, working with the Prince, has kept a lid on the worst of it thus far.

The Kingdom of Hawaii has also grown politically unstable, with a sizable traditionalist following wanting independence from the League. The upper Echelons of society realize what a boon the League is in the state of world affairs, however the common person just sees no manufactories being built, traditions being discarded, and taxes on trade. On the bright side, or the not so bright side considering the independence movement forming there, Hawaii is the home of the recent fleet built for the League, which is also crewed by mostly Hawaiians. It is currently stationed around Vancouver as the 1st Fleet.

Japan is almost as traditionalist as Hawaii, however the Japanese as having an easier time adopting new ways. Perhaps part of that is because those 'new ways' have brought them ski much closer to uniting Japan. Perhaps most significantly from the League's perspective, the Shogun is firmly behind the Emperor on most matters in the Forum.

Kuwait is the prodigy of the League. An uneasy political ally of Vancouver, the Soge of Kuwait has benefited from rapid expansion of his territory through the League's resources. Although mostly devoid of resources, the land has been strategically important by providing a port on the Mediterranean and by cutting up Egypt's expansion east. By seizing Damascus and Jerusalem, The Soge of Kuwait has become almost equal to the Emperor in terms of political power. However, he rarely wields it against him, especially as the Emperor has chosen to send 3 corps of Vancouver soldiers to the region to match the 2 corps raised by Kuwait itself. The purpose is mysterious as none seem to know anything but rumor. Kuwait the city has prospered as her merchants are in half the world's cities, and it is said that if you own something that hasn't touched Riccian, FRCN, or Kuwait hands, then it must be homemade. The city is the major source of trade revenue for the League of Urun, and much of her trade has been the cause of the trouble in Hawaii, one of Kuwait's prime domestic markets because of the lack of competition.

The Republic of Breton has stagnated with internal debate. Some want to secede to the Castillian federation, citing the seeming downfall of Cornwall. Others curse the Spanish and want to reclaim France under the banner and resources of the League. It is about 50/50 what will happen at this point. It has recently abstained on everything in the League's Forum as no matter what it would pick, it would cause unrest at home. However when it did vote it sided with the Emperor's son in Cornwall.

The Confederation of Cornwall has broken down. The almost feudal like system has shown why such a society cannot work in modern times, yet the Emperor's son shows no signs of changing it. Revolts are an everyday thing, and are put down with brute force, often foreign mercenaries doing the dirty work. The Emperor's son has seen a break with his father over this issue, as he and his nobles are reluctant to relinquish the absolute power they have in the confederation. As a result, the Emperor's son has become e the face of the Internal opposition against him. Falling short of the guts needed to declare independence, he has settled with refusing to send any taxes to Vancouver, and declaring the military of Cornwall to be no part of the League's. He has also attempted to unite Hawaii and Seattle against Vancouver in most votes in the Forum of the League. What will happen from here is yet to be seen.

Nations of the World Continued

The Principality of Greater Wallachia
Bureaucratic Kleptocracy
Spoiler Roleplay :

Spoiler Government, 1820 :
Bureaucratic Semi-Monarchy (actually Moneycracy) (aka nobody knows who's in charge because too much damn bureaucracy. The leader is believed to be the King, but he's only for show-off, when actually a select group of rich people rule Wallachia from behind the semi-intelligent King)

Spoiler History, 1820 :
Altough Romanians live far outside it's borders, both into Serbian Vojvodina and the other Romanian Principalities to the north, Wallachia was the strongest. It's history was not marked by great rulers, ( with few exceptions), but by great battles: The Battle of Rovine, where a huge Ottoman army was decimated even with it's numberical superiority, the Battle of Alba-Iulia, where the united armies of Hungary and Transylvania were crushed by outnumbered local militia, the Battle of Timis, where a power-loving Habsburg General was defeated by a lone Romanian regiment and other glorious battles. Altough not as overwhelming as the famous Battle of the Neamt Fortress, where 19 Moldavian travellers repelled a 2-weeks siege from the Royal Polish Army under King Sobieski and stopped his military campaign through Moldova , the Wallachian victories ensured the country will never be conquered. It was defeated, several times, and made into the Ottomans' vassal, but NEVER conquered, never a part of the Ottoman Empire.

The country flourished under rulers as Mircea II the Old, Vlad III the Impaler, Serban II the Turk Slaughterer, Michael I the Brave, Alexandru I Cuza or the self-appointed President Tudor Vladimirescu, but internal strife and stronger foreign demands and influences caused Romania to stay divided .
As of now, the High Romanian council, comprised of former King Alexandru Cuza, Wallachian general Ioan Sanmartean , Archibishop Dimitrie Ghica, Moldavian renegade merchant Vasile Mararu and Archduke Mattyas Szottokelly of Banat, decide the fate of the country, but their plans are about to be foiled by freedom-fighter Dinu Patrascu, who WILL protest and march into the Capital with his forces if the Council does something to upset the poor , the biggest part of the population. The current King, Avram Anghel, is just a puppet of the Council, but the population has had enough with him and his supporters, allowing Dinu Patrascu to get most of Wallachia's military on his side. The situation may be worsened by the fact that a bandit from Dobrogea, nicknamed "Valul" (" The Wave") has the bad habit of kidnapping and raping the wives and daughters of the Council members, practically ensuring his family's lordship over Wallachia in the future, considering the current laws. This is taken up to eleven by Turkish immigrant and smuggler Ismail Teliorman who is rumored to gather an army of mercenaries to burn the current capital, Curtea de Arges, to the ground and move the capital to the island city of Ada Kaleh, on the Danube.

Spoiler Political Chaos, 1821 :
King Anghel grew tired of instability. The Council kept him on a short leash, his army was awaiting for an opportunity to turn against him, and a mad Turk was preparing to take his hard-earned throne for personal use. He stood , almost indifferent to most threats, but could not ignore a certain one from the famous bandit "Valul" ('The Wave") . In a well-written note, Valul openly announced his intention to take over Wallachia. King Anghel ordered for his city's security to be tightened, but Valul was faster. After a diversion (courtesy of Rebel General Dinu Patrascu), Valul and his men stormed the King's mansion at Curtea de Arges and locked themselves inside the women's room, with the wife, sister, mother and two daughters of King Anghel. While Patrascu's men were keeping the guards busy, Valul did what he was known for and left before King Anghel noticed something was wrong. If not for a rookie guard who saw the bandits sneaking outside a window, nobody would have known Valul was there, as the women were "too pleased" to blame the Bandit. King Anghel was enraged. His sister? His wife, the Queen? His MOTHER? His daughters? King Anghel was outraged.

The Council's reaction? They all sat in their golden chairs, with a "I know that feel, bro" expression, unable to help him in any way. Most of the army was in the command of Dinu Patrascu, and the rest was leaving Anghel's ranks to join the Turk's mercenary army. Politically, Wallachia was a mess. Putting a reward on the head of Valul would be suicide, as the population was supporting him. The Council's plan was to fund foreign military campaigns into Wallachia and flee, but Anghel wanted revenge on both Valul and Patrascu, and secretly, also on the Council.


Meanwhile, both Dinu Patrascu and Ismail Teliorman gathered more and more men, Dinu going into Transylvania , Hungary and Moldova, while Ismail recruiting Bulgarians and Serbians.
Also, Valul's men celebrate when news arrive of the pregnancy of the King's female sibblings. The king's future brother, nephew, stepson and grandsons will be Valul's offspring, assuring Valul's place in the Royal Wallachian Mansion, and the population was cheering Valul's deeds publicly everywhere.


At Ismail Teliorman's hideout in the island merchant-city of Ada Kaleh arrive two strangers, one clearly Turkish, while the other completely black; a rare sight in Wallachia. They are seen again only after two days , leaving the city by boat, shouting foreign profanities towards the confused citizens. Everyone had the feeling that something was wrong.

Spoiler King's Call for Aid from Rome, 1821 :
The High Council of Wallachia, together with King Avram Anghel and even the Rebel general Dinu Patrascu accept an official Trade Agreement with the Roman Empire. Furthermore, the Bandit Leader known as "Valul" agrees with the Council's decision.

King Anghel of Wallachia sends a desperate letter to the Roman Emperor.

"Mighty Emperor, civil unrest in my nation does not allow proper peaceful expansion and may harm economical relations betwen our nations. I hereby call for your aid: please, send me, temporarily , one of your Legions. I fear for my very life, and i desire to be protected when I will be leaving this political cesspool called Wallachia. I will soon abdicate from the throne, and my enemies, namely General Dinu Patrascu, Lieutenant Ismail Teliorman and the Bandit known as "The Wave", will seize the throne and will stop at nothing to prevent my return. I will seek political asylum in the future, but for now, all I require is a Legion, to deal with potential revolters while I attend to the matters at hand. I promise most solemnly that I will return them to you personally.

King Avram Andrei Anghel I
Palace of Curtea de Arges

Spoiler Dawn of the Legion Advance, 1821 :
At the Wave's camp, somewhere in Wallachia...

"Boss, the King got a Legion from the Romans."
"Heh, that crowned moron still thinks he can hold on to the throne? That creep can't even try new clothes without the Council's approval."
"Yeah, but hear this: The Roman legion is on it's way here, with it's primary goal to hunt you, bos.."
"Hehe, you know what that means, right?"
"Right, boss"
"Boys, c'mon over here! time to hit the road!"
"Go where?" ask the bandits.
"Greet the Romans, of course!:" *removes hat to reveal.... Prince Marcu, son of King Anghel.*
"Eh, Anghel is digging his own grave. If he takes action, he'll get killed, Roman legion or not. We're Wallachia's army. Ordering the legion to attack his own country's armies will basicly mean he wants to run away and use some neighbor's army to cover his shameful retreat. When he'll see that, he will realize he doesn't have a choice and will send the Legion back to the Romans. He'll probably join them, leaving the throne to us." said ...General Dinu Patrascu.
"Well, " says Prince Marcu, " let's hope the Romans will at least take care of that damned Turk and his mercenaries. He's in their way, after all."
"Heh, and i'll make sure the Council has it all covered." sais... Archduke Szottokelly, of the High Council. "The plan to oust Anghel from his throne is going well. The Romans can do nothing to stop it. Anghel can't risk Civil War when he only controls a rented foreign army. The Romans will blame him for anything bad that happens to their Legion."
"Hey, I got an idea" said General Patrascu. "Let's offer the throne to the Roman General ."
*an evil grin pops up on everyone's faces*

Spoiler Coup Attempt, 1822 :
ing Avram Anghel storms into the Throne Room. Dead guards everywhere. High Council member Ioan Sanmartean was in front of the throne, in a pool of blood. A cloaked figure stood on the throne, with it's face covered by a straw hat.
"Valul! How did you..."
"King Anghel, did you really thought you'd stay on the throne long enough to stop me? "
"You will pay for this, criminal!"

King Anghel draws both his pistol and spade, when he hears an oh-so-familiar voice behind him and feels a pistol held at the back of his neck.
"Drop the weapons, fair King, or you will join the list of martyrs." said General Dinu Patrascu , holding the King at gunpoint. Valul removes his hat and reveals his identity.
"I will not give up the throne without a fight!" said King Avram, but then he notices his own son, Prince Marcu Anghel, as the identity of "Valul"
A side door opens. Archduke Szottokelly comes in.
"Szottokelly? You're in this too?" asks the King, surprised by the corruption in his own ranks.
"Why, dear King, this was my plan to begin with. I'm surprised that neither you , nor the Council saw any link between me, Patrascu and the Bandit Prince." said Szottokelly, smiling. "The Council is no more, Avram. As you see, Sanmartean here *points at corpse* was the first to fall. Duke Cuza and his Moldavian friend have been captured by the Turk just outside the city. And I just disposed off the last stragglers in the Council Room. Now it's your turn, Avram."

After a few seconds of complete silence and tension, everyone could notice the King's growing anger. Then, in a fraction of a second, the King turns around, and punches General Patrascu . Patrascu shoots, but misses. In the next second, Prince Marcu pulls up a knife and charges, but his father was faster, and shoots Szottokelly in the chest. Meanwhile, Patrascu regains balance and manages to shoot the King in his left foot, while Prince Marcu stabs his father in the stomach. With his last strength, King Avram tries to shoot someone, but Patrascu kicks him in the face.
As the King is quickly surrounded by a pool of his own blood, Prince Marcu and General Dinu look at each other.
"Well, the King is dead.... Long live the king!" says Patrascu.
"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLT!" shouts someone from the entrance of the throne Room. It was Lieutenant Ismail Teliorman, the mad Turk, with a sword and a torch... and an army of mercenaries. Patrascu and Anghel don't waste a second and run through the Council Room's door, closing it behind them. When Teliorman gets close, they are already away.
The Turk mumbles some Turkish insults, and orders his men to fill the room with explosives. His plan to burn Curtea de Arges was in motion.
Mercenaries swarmed the Anghel Mansion and filled it with explosives. People in the city already started running away in panic. Teliorman enjoyed a few moment trying the golden throne, then punching the unconscious King. But with Patrascu and Prince Marcu still alive, those were only dreams. Teliorman started to imagine the glory, the prestige, while leaving the Throne Room... when a *click* was heard. Teliorman froze. It was a pistol sound. And any shot could cause an explosion. And he was still inside. He slowly turned around, to see... the still-alive King, pointing his pistol at a bunch of explosives. In the same second, a soldier came at Teliorman.
"Lieutenant Teliorman! The city of Ada Kaleh is burning!" said the soldier.
"Few escaped alive! your residence was torched first!"
" It doesn't matter, run!" shouted Teliorman. His dream of moving the capital to the island city of Ada Kaleh was finished.
And it wasn't the only one. King Avram Anghel died in a blaze of glory... taking away the traitorous Teliorman and his mercenaries with him.

The sound of the explosion shocked the whole city. Windows from even the furthest buildings shattered and nearby buildings collapsed. The ground shaked and trembled as the half-abandoned city was torn down by the biggest explosion Wallachia has ever seen. The fire spread quickly and by the end of the day, the city was uninhabitable. Teliorman's 25.000 men perished, one way or another. Only 200 civilians and Wallachian soldiers died. Two cities burned in a day. Curtea de Arges, the ancient throne of Wallachian Kings, was no more, and the merchant city of the Danube, Ada Kaleh, was even worse.

Patrascu and the new King, Marcu Anghel, barely escaped. altough they were 20 miles away from the city when the explosion occurred, they felt the ground shaking and turned around the see a dark cloud covering the city they just left.

Spoiler Search for a New Capital, 1822 :
Teliorman and his mercenaries were no more. But so was Curtea de Arges, the capital of Wallachia. General Patrascu and the new King, Marcu Anghel, were out of time. The county needed a good leadership, and that certainly couldn't have been done in Marcu's bandit camp. Several cities offered to become the new capital: Bucuresti, Iasi, Brasov, even Constanta .

King Marcu took into consideration almost all possibilities. He also realized that the new capital had to be fairly close to the old one. The closest city who offered to become capital was Ploiesti, only 25 miles away. The city was rich, prone to expansion, and moderately safe, but it was also in the middle of the so-called "Thieves' County". The city of Bucuresti stood only 25 more miles away, and for a long time the Kings of Wallachia thought about moving there, but because it was a merchant-run town, the costs would be too great. The only real alternative was Brasov, high in the mountains. With only three ways out, it was the most protected city in Wallachia. It always stood as a neutral party between the three Romanian Principalities, oftenly claimed by all three but controlled by none. But now that Romania was united...... it was the perfect choice.

The King and his armies started a march towards Brasov. The road was supposed to follow the Prahova valley, through the small villages there, then through the mountain pass of Predeal. The only problem was... the destruction of Curtea de Arges and Ada Kaleh was too much for the people of Wallachia. Even if the mayors of those cities embraced the idea of becoming capital, the population was enraged.

General Patrascu was sent ahead with the majority of the army. The march through Prahova Valley was fast and painless, until Predeal. The people living in the mountain pass, the only direct way to Brasov, rised against their monarch, led by self-proclaimed "General" Balasa. Balasa intended to halt Patrascu's advance with traps and ambushes at every step.... King Marcu had to halt his advance and make camp in the middle of the road between Predeal and Prahova Valley.
How could a handful of peasants and thugs stop the advance of Wallachia's armies? Simple: Predeal was like Thermopile of Wallachia: a choke point. As long as one defender stood, the army had no chance of passing through.

Reform (1823)
Bandits at the Gate (1823)
Near the End of the War (1824)
A Man, A Nation, A Goal (1824)

Republic of the Rio Grande
Grande Republic

Roman Empire
Autocratic Monarchy

Russian Empire
Autocratic Tsardom

Unitary State of America
Unitary Imperial Republic
In any case Son, I have a few questions. Namely, the decentralization trait: does that mean that since I am RPing 7 member countries of the league (and Vancouver, the 7th, is more or less the face of the league) I have to pay an extra 6 EP for every factory, or does that mean a factory costs 1 more EP (making it 6 EP per factory instead of 11 (above) or 5 (normal)) anywhere that is not the Island of Vancouver proper?

No. Your starting "countries", since they're mechanically listed as direct parts of the LoU, don't count. It means that if an NPC or two popped up, or you created a NPC or two, you get the bonuses. If you decided to turn over existing territory to form NPCs, the bonuses start sinking in.

Eyalet of Egypt. It has also voted to offer Favored trade agreements to

Egypt approves.
You would begin the game with 23 EP and 10 LP if you place a capital, for the record.

I'll place it when I flesh out my nation tonight.
It has also voted to offer Favored trade agreements to The Republic of Rio Grande, The Merchant Empire of Riccio, The Kingdom of Norway, and Iberia.[/COLOR]

Riccio feels trade is always in its interest, allowing an exchange of not only goods to fill the homes of one's citizens but also the exchange of ideas and cultures, fostering understanding and enabling peace to remain all the more viable as a cause.

As such, favored trade status is accepted.
how did i miss this can i still join? :D
I just did, I can't see why you can't do the same. :)
The Bauarish Empire of Holy Rome
23 EP; 10 LP

10 LP to the reclamation of Swabia (4), Austria Anterior (2), Helvetia (4), Bohemia (8), and Istria (2) to the Empire [yellow]
10 EP to the formation of 2 new armies
10 EP to the construction of 2 new factories

Favored Trade Agreement with Riccio (Proposal)

To: Baurish Empire of Holy Rome

As a gesture of friendship (and to the chagrin of some hardline Venetian legislators), Riccio is refraining from expanding into the area around Istria (yellow), so that the Holy Romans may take the area should they desire a port to enrich their markets with foreign goods. The Roman Catholic Church is within our territory, but we also are granting our permission to visit the Pope in the Vatican to discuss unification between the two Catholic Churches, should you feel so inclined. We hope for continued amicable relations that are profitable to all.

Finally, the industry of the Germanic nations being legendary, we feel it would be beneficial to sign a preferred trade agreement with the Bauarish.

To: Merchant Republic of Riccio

We of Holy Rome, for you must understand, discriminate utmost between the ecclesiastical realm and the saecular realm. And so we shall welcome this trade agreement of favored status, so that it may be of mutual benefit. We would ask you a treaty of non-aggression in kind.

As for the question of the Catholic Church, the Teutonic Catholic Church has always been in communion with the Holy See. However, your Latin Church does not yet recognize this fact and does not recognize our Patriarch the Emperor. We do not want fighting among Christian brothers, and so we ask this consultation of his Holiness:

1. The title of Patriarch of the Teutonic Church, belonging to the Emperor of Holy Rome and King of Bauarn, shall remain in full communion with the Holy See.
2. The title of Patriarch of the Latin Church, belonging to the Archbishop of Florence, shall remain in full communion with the Holy See.
3. The Holy See shall remain independent from all secular nations and all those in communion with the Holy See shall be allowed free access by bordering nations.
4. The Holy See shall preside over the Latin Church and the Teutonic Church in addition to the Eastern Catholic Churches, with each granted full autonomy in liturgical tradition and partial autonomy in governance.

We hope that this message may be delivered safely to his Holiness and that this shall come of consensus as well within the Latin Church.
The Commonwealth of Great Britain

still working on flag :( If someone could perhaps make up a flag that represents Great Britain without using something that references the Monarchy, I would be greatly appreciative

(Basically Revolutionary Britain)

"Del árbol caído, todos hacen leña. Everyone cuts firewood from the fallen tree."
-Spanish proverb

Spoiler :

The Castillian Empire

More to come, this is just making it official :)
China would like to offer trade pacts to Castille, as well as to Great Britain (we believe you wish for some tea yes?), Uran (since you claimed Japan you as well as access to our markets), the Russian Empire (again due to distance) and we remind our trade pact offer to the Federal Republic of Coastal Nations once more.

Consider well that which we offer... well as the wisdom we share... our ideas...

...for we purpose the establishment of a special Wu-Wei Pact (OOC: basically a Free Trade pact) that powers like Britain, Castile, the Coastal Nations, Egypt, Riccio and others could accept to allow our merchants to freely trade with each other...

...allowing us to flow in harmony.
The Commonwealth of Great Britain

still working on flag :( If someone could perhaps make up a flag that represents Great Britain without using something that references the Monarchy, I would be greatly appreciative

(Basically Revolutionary Britain)

This flag represents the British colours of red, white and blue, and isn't related to the monarchy at all:

To: Merchant Republic of Riccio

We of Holy Rome, for you must understand, discriminate utmost between the ecclesiastical realm and the saecular realm. And so we shall welcome this trade agreement of favored status, so that it may be of mutual benefit. We would ask you a treaty of non-aggression in kind.

A treaty of non-aggression would be most welcome so as to secure peaceful relations between our countries. As Riccio as a nation does not seek binding alliances, it instead seeks to show goodwill to other nations as well as securing their own.

As for the question of the Catholic Church, the Teutonic Catholic Church has always been in communion with the Holy See. However, your Latin Church does not yet recognize this fact and does not recognize our Patriarch the Emperor. We do not want fighting among Christian brothers, and so we ask this consultation of his Holiness:

1. The title of Patriarch of the Teutonic Church, belonging to the Emperor of Holy Rome and King of Bauarn, shall remain in full communion with the Holy See.
2. The title of Patriarch of the Latin Church, belonging to the Archbishop of Florence, shall remain in full communion with the Holy See.
3. The Holy See shall remain independent from all secular nations and all those in communion with the Holy See shall be allowed free access by bordering nations.
4. The Holy See shall preside over the Latin Church and the Teutonic Church in addition to the Eastern Catholic Churches, with each granted full autonomy in liturgical tradition and partial autonomy in governance.

We hope that this message may be delivered safely to his Holiness and that this shall come of consensus as well within the Latin Church.

Riccio has consulted with the Holy See's representatives in Rome, and such an arrangement would be favorable to His Holiness so as to preserve the unity of the Christian community.
Heads up to say orders lock in 24 hours, +/- two hours.
President Pandithurai Elanjeliyan accepts the Free Trade Agreement with the League of Urun & the Inner Dominion of China; he would also like extend Favored Trade Partner status to the Kingdom of Norway, the British Empire, the Commonwealth of Great Britain, the Castilian Empire, & the Russian Empire.

We are hesitant to enter any alliance with Kuwait at this time,
Tomorrow I will be departing for my holiday... I entrusting Sone with NPCing my nation in a peaceful and building up manner. ;)
Sorry for late-joining, but I am coming in as the Principality of Wallachia.

Full nation name: The Romanian Principality of United Muntenia, Oltenia, Banat, Lower Ardeal and Dobrogea (aka The Principality of Greater Wallachia)
Government type: Bureaucratic Semi-Monarchy (actually Moneycracy) (aka nobody knows who's in charge because too much damn bureaucracy. The leader is believed to be the King, but he's only for show-off, when actually a select group of rich people rule Wallachia from behind the semi-intelligent King)
Capital: Curtea de Arges
Religion: fully Orthodox.

Thats 15 provinces.

Altough Romanians live far outside it's borders, both into Serbian Vojvodina and the other Romanian Principalities to the north, Wallachia was the strongest. It's history was not marked by great rulers, ( with few exceptions), but by great battles: The Battle of Rovine, where a huge Ottoman army was decimated even with it's numberical superiority, the Battle of Alba-Iulia, where the united armies of Hungary and Transylvania were crushed by outnumbered local militia, the Battle of Timis, where a power-loving Habsburg General was defeated by a lone Romanian regiment and other glorious battles. Altough not as overwhelming as the famous Battle of the Neamt Fortress, where 19 Moldavian travellers repelled a 2-weeks siege from the Royal Polish Army under King Sobieski and stopped his military campaign through Moldova , the Wallachian victories ensured the country will never be conquered. It was defeated, several times, and made into the Ottomans' vassal, but NEVER conquered, never a part of the Ottoman Empire.

The country flourished under rulers as Mircea II the Old, Vlad III the Impaler, Serban II the Turk Slaughterer, Michael I the Brave, Alexandru I Cuza or the self-appointed President Tudor Vladimirescu, but internal strife and stronger foreign demands and influences caused Romania to stay divided .
As of now, the High Romanian council, comprised of former King Alexandru Cuza, Wallachian general Ioan Sanmartean , Archibishop Dimitrie Ghica, Moldavian renegade merchant Vasile Mararu and Archduke Mattyas Szottokelly of Banat, decide the fate of the country, but their plans are about to be foiled by freedom-fighter Dinu Patrascu, who WILL protest and march into the Capital with his forces if the Council does something to upset the poor , the biggest part of the population. The current King, Avram Anghel, is just a puppet of the Council, but the population has had enough with him and his supporters, allowing Dinu Patrascu to get most of Wallachia's military on his side. The situation may be worsened by the fact that a bandit from Dobrogea, nicknamed "Valul" (" The Wave") has the bad habit of kidnapping and raping the wives and daughters of the Council members, practically ensuring his family's lordship over Wallachia in the future, considering the current laws. This is taken up to eleven by Turkish immigrant and smuggler Ismail Teliorman who is rumored to gather an army of mercenaries to burn the current capital, Curtea de Arges, to the ground and move the capital to the island city of Ada Kaleh, on the Danube.
Err, please use this game's map to mark claims.
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