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RevolutionDCM for BTS

Thank you! I'll fix the little text issue and start the official release process unless anyone thinks to hold it back.
EDIT: phungi I will catch the missing text and custom assets stuff
I just double checked that all the latest UP fixes are in, many source files changed but mainly just comment formatting. Be sure you recompile!

I'm now going to double check the XML parts of BBAI came over properly (that's the part I forget sometimes ...).

Will post when all clear.
Thanks for the help on the makefile. I was seeing double and those simple BULL switches just missed my attention, thinking it was something deeper with libraries etc :crazyeye: I'm recompiling and tidying up the loose ends pretty much now.
Great to hear. I can only get on the computer for an hour or so the next couple of days so wol't be able to test the latest SVNs. Looks like you guys almost have everything done and 2.6 will hopefully be out by the time I have full access to my computer again. Good job again guys, 2.6 looks very good at this point.
Was able to get a little more time to test this.

jdog5000 said:
2) BarbarianWorld now will do everything it can to place barbarian cities in occupied areas and not the new world
This fix worked for Terra maps :goodjob:. Unfortunately, while the behavior is better for Perfect World, it's still not working correctly. Previously Perfect World would end up placing all or most barbarian cities on the new world. Now it places 1 or 2, but that'll still destroy the concept of a New World as the 2 civs that spawn that early due to barbarian civ in the new world will end up overtaking the old world civs. Is there any way the Perfect World map script could be fixed to handle this option, or that the dll changes that allow Barbarian world could be given a failsafe check and remove any barb cities that get placed on a "new world" continent? It's not optimal to have less barb cities then the gameoption states it makes, but it would be better to be a couple barbarian cities down, then have a couple barbarian civs spawn in the new world in the early game; which destroys the gameplay of new/old world like the Perfect World map script tries to allow with it's "Start in Old World" option.
Was able to get a little more time to test this.

This fix worked for Terra maps :goodjob:. Unfortunately, while the behavior is better for Perfect World, it's still not working correctly. Previously Perfect World would end up placing all or most barbarian cities on the new world. Now it places 1 or 2, but that'll still destroy the concept of a New World as the 2 civs that spawn that early due to barbarian civ in the new world will end up overtaking the old world civs. Is there any way the Perfect World map script could be fixed to handle this option, or that the dll changes that allow Barbarian world could be given a failsafe check and remove any barb cities that get placed on a "new world" continent?

Right now it will only put barb cities in empty areas if it can't find enough spaces in occupied areas which are five tiles away from existing cities/starting spots. I think PerfectWorld creates smaller land masses, so finding enough spots would be less likely.

As you say, placing a couple of barb cities on an empty continent with BarbarianCiv on is a bad solution ... it would probably be better to just not place any barb cities which don't fit, that's an easy change to make.
Although release is important, it would be nice not to have to do anymore single player releases for a while, as every single player release just distracts from what it the holy grail for this mod, true multiplayer capability.

If single player is ready for primetime, I suggest you release ver 2.6, as single player only. Then that will releave you of some pressure from the single player community and give you time to perfect multiplayer to the way it really should be.


Orion Veteran :cool:
If single player is ready for primetime, I suggest you release ver 2.6, as single player only. Then that will releave you of some pressure from the single player community and give you time to perfect multiplayer to the way it really should be.
That's the plan, they are just going through finalization issues now. 2.7 is the planned MP release I believe. glider and jdog please correct me if I'm wrong here.

Right now it will only put barb cities in empty areas if it can't find enough spaces in occupied areas which are five tiles away from existing cities/starting spots. I think PerfectWorld creates smaller land masses, so finding enough spots would be less likely.
Not placing them if there isn't enough room should work fine. A simple solution, to a simple problem.
@Phungi and OrionVeteran
Yeah just doing the final wrapping up of 2.6 single player. After that comes multiplayer but that might take some time to happen. A true working multiplayer RevDCM for christmas would be a nice present yes? We'll see what santa brings us this year.
Has anyone reviewed the AI code for "Who to declare war on?"

I played a BtS 3.19 game today (unmodded) and was reminded how awesome the code was there for conquest of neighbors, and again I am saddened that the AI doesn't work in RevDCM.
The new Barbarian World code works perfectly. Well done.

A final change I'd really like to see with Barbarian Civ is that spawned barbarian civs only get techs from civs that occupy the continent they are on. In the little testing I've been able to do with this new code, the later spawning barbarian civs in the new world still start very advanced. Is there any simple solution to limiting the techs they spawn with to techs that are known only by civs on their landmass (for totally isolated barbarian civs on the new world, this would be only the barbarians at first)?

Also a finalization issue I need to resolve, with the new tech code that eliminated the bonus for knowing a prereq tech I've noticed a significant slowdown in the early game tech rate. What was that bonus that got eliminated, I need to tone down tech costs in LoR to rebalance things, but I need to know what the % reduction I should use?
Yeah after 2.6 get's released officially (won't be too much longer), I'd say that single player will continue to evolve but not necessarily as quick official releases until after multi-player gets fixed. In the meantime any evolution of single player will come via the sourceforge home. This will be good because the big mod developers will still be able to release improvements by accessing the latest build in sourceforge, the really keen players like you will be able to get the latest off sourceforge and there is at least a quality basic build in official release for those who just want to enjoy the mod without worrying about absolute latest status. Multi-player will become the main focus and once that is sorted (who knows how long), RevolutionDCM can return back to it's behaviour which was small but frequent official releases.

No sweat, if you do not already know how to get the sourceforge build, that information will spread and you can already find it a few pages back on this forum.

A final change I'd really like to see with Barbarian Civ is that spawned barbarian civs only get techs from civs that occupy the continent they are on. In the little testing I've been able to do with this new code, the later spawning barbarian civs in the new world still start very advanced. Is there any simple solution to limiting the techs they spawn with to techs that are known only by civs on their landmass (for totally isolated barbarian civs on the new world, this would be only the barbarians at first)?

I had a partial system to do this, but realized some problems with it after your prompt. There's a new system where new civs starting alone will have their tech knowledge based off the Barbarian player's tech era instead of the civs on other continents. Subsequent civs that start near this civ will then have their tech status based off of the info for the original civ in the area. It should do what you're talking about ...

Also a finalization issue I need to resolve, with the new tech code that eliminated the bonus for knowing a prereq tech I've noticed a significant slowdown in the early game tech rate. What was that bonus that got eliminated, I need to tone down tech costs in LoR to rebalance things, but I need to know what the % reduction I should use?

The prereq tech bonus is actually back to the BTS default. The new tech rate system in BBAI uses a per-era modifier, which is in XML/GameInfo/Civ4EraInfos.xml.

I think the start as minors option slows down tech a fair amount, and so does BarbarianWorld. One of the things I've done in BBAI which has a strong effect in RevDCM and on Terra maps is better integrate city production and unit motion for barbarians. Barb cities pump out warriors early in the game because there's nothing else logical for them to do, so the effect with BarbarianWorld is to get an earlier and more constant barb attacker presence which slows down infrastructure development. When these cities transition to minor civs and then settle into full civs, there are again further waves of conflict which choke infrastructure development.
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