• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .

RFC Civilizations in Abundance

Here are some rough idea's
The Mughal Empire
Spawn- 1526 AD
UP- master architects-wonder production 50%/religious tolerance-some sort of bonus for non-state religions
UU- siege elephant replaces cannon (or at least something on an elephant)
UB- Mausoleum and give the Indians a different one OR a Mughal fort like in Civ5 (but with a good name)
UHV- control India by 1600 AD
-build the taj mahal (maybe add the red fort as a wonder and include that into this uhv)
-have a certain amount of culture by 1800
-If not Religious tolerance UP maybe convert to free religion by some time
This all looks dandy but there should be a way that Islam does not spread all over India under Mughals rule and that if the Mughals found any cities in India that city should have Hinduism. The only places Islam should spread in India is the North West and the North East of the country.
that sounds awfully scripted. I like my games not always to follow history exactly.
Um, Yes but India is the only country where Hinduism is present and if u cant have Hinduism in India where are u supposed to have it?, I would understand ur concern if u refuted my proposal if it was about starting every Middle Eastern city with Islam or starting Europe with Christianity but India is different because in 600 ad the only civ that will represent India will be the Mughals and meaning that there is no chance that Hinduism will ever spread so India. Not having Hinduism be the dominant religion of India is just wrong; thats like not starting Mecca with Islam or Persia with Zoroastarianism.
you seem to assume all the cities in India will be founded by Mughal. I see it more as India being fully settled already with Hindu cites which Islam is spread to.
Theres only 2 cities Indian in the 600 ad scinerio and the only time India will respawn is after nationalism so I don't seehow that will happen?
Is anyone else having trouble with the HRE's UHV #1? The one with having 3 cities in Germany, 2 in the Balkans, and 1 in Italy? I know it was mentioned before where AP failed in his screenshot by Jarkov but I'm still puzzled. I got Rome for Italy; Constantinople and Split for the Balkans; and Frankfurt, Budapest, and Danzig for Germany. I looked in the RFC atlas and fiddled with WB with German/Italian/Greek spawns but I can't seem to get this UHV. I'm loving this mod so far but it also frustrates me with the UHV :sad: I'm getting spoiled with the province stability highlights in SOI and DoC....
I really ought to make an atlas for my mod, sorry again. Constantinople won't work for the Balkans I'm afraid.
The next update will contain:

- Mughals
- Safavids
- Moorish Kingdoms
- Italy
- Indonesia

Suggestions for anything concerning these civs are of course still highly welcome.
Moorish Kingdoms (kinda representing the Cordobians,Almoravids, Almohads and Marinids although there have been small moorish kingdoms since Roman times)
Spawn date- 711AD
UP- father of modern surgery-all cities get +2 :health:
UU- berber cavalry (replace horse archer or knight)
UB-Noria (gives some sort of production bonus)
UHV- spread islam to 5(?) European cities in the year when spain spawn(?)
-control the westen sahara by 1100
-something either culture or technology related
The Moorish Kingdoms will mainly represent the Almoravid and Almohad dynasties.
will you be changing the spanish spawn?
The next update will contain:

- Mughals
- Safavids
- Moorish Kingdoms
- Italy
- Indonesia

Suggestions for anything concerning these civs are of course still highly welcome.

I dont know how to phrase this, but.. "which Indonesia are you planning on adding"? :D The Majapahits, The Srivijaya, the.. what? :)
The Majapahits, I've said that in some earlier post.

I don't know yet if I'll change the Spanish spawn, but probably not.
The Majapahits, I've said that in some earlier post.

I don't know yet if I'll change the Spanish spawn, but probably not.

Is Varietas Delectat going to be in this update?
The next update will contain:

- Mughals
- Safavids
- Moorish Kingdoms
- Italy
- Indonesia

Suggestions for anything concerning these civs are of course still highly welcome.

Any plans to add a Yugoslav civ?

Yugoslavia: Spawn date 1882 AD (founding of the Kingdom of Serbia, founds at Belgrade)

UP: Power of Total Defence
Yugoslav units receive +25% Strength when fighting within their cultural borders

UU: Partisan (Infantry with 18 strength, +25% and double movement in all terrain)

UB: Worker's Commune (Factory with +2:))

UHV 1: Unify the Balkans by 1918
UHV 2: Have a Stability rating of +30 or more in 1975
UHV 3: Be elected UN Secretary-General
Varietas Delectat will not be in this update, and I'm not sure if it is ever going to be included, although I'd probably like to see that.
@ Jarkov: I really think that u should add the Fatimids; if the Germans are qualified to have 2 civs why cant the Arabs. Besides when ur putting the Fatimids ur not only representing that one dynastiy but also the Ayyubids, Malmuks, Khedivate of Egypt, and Modern Egypt.
why don't we focus on adding the planned stuff at the moment?
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