RIAA to stop being mr suepants

"Suing everyone with a server and a torrent site along with every teenager in America" is a pretty awful idea, you're right. You'd think the question "what about the absurd legal fees?" would have come up.

What they're planning now sounds like what everyone was telling them to do in the first place, but this, too, seems ineffectual. No matter how many times they try to stop it, someone will always find a way, and they have no power over people in other countries if I understand the law correctly. I'm thinking proxy servers will be a nice, easy workaround.
So switch to the ISPs who don't corporate with the RIAA. If things get really bad, just contact a Canadian friend who doesn't care about copyright law in the US.
Make piracy a capital felony. Enforce it as such. Watch how quickly it dwindles.
Make piracy a capital felony. Enforce it as such. Watch how quickly it dwindles.

Watch how quickly your universities turn into combat zones.
*snerk snerk* College kiddies playing at war...yeah. They tried that at Kent State and recall who died and who didn't.
*snerk snerk* College kiddies playing at war...yeah. They tried that at Kent State and recall who died and who didn't.

I thought Red Dawn was one of your favorite movies?
Make piracy a capital felony. Enforce it as such. Watch how quickly it dwindles.

Oh please. When did you turn into such an authoritarian?

Why not execute people w/ too many parking tickets? Or if they violate their local homeowners codes!

I'd of thought that a states-rightist who fashions himself along the lines of the states-rights FFs would be opposed to something so draconion and autocratic.

Or.. maybe you were kidding? If so, I apologize.

Its about time. These people are incredibly slow at this thing. This is exactly why they missed their chance with the internet.
If only now we can get law enforcement to stop prosecuting bank robbers.
It's really more akin to someone fashioning perfect replicas of currency, and then keeping it at home and not bothering anyone else with it.

Not that I'm arguing one way or the other, it's just that the "illegal downloads = literal theft" line of thought is, frankly, laughably fallacious.
Free flow of information. Beware he would deny you information, for he dreams himself your master. Power to the people.
It is kind of crappy that now they will deal with the ISPs to disconnect uploaders.
Well, I'm not sure the ISPs have to go along with it.

And it appears that the customer would have the chance to dispute it.
Make piracy a capital felony. Enforce it as such. Watch how quickly it dwindles.
There are numerous positions where a felonious criminal history is not tolerated. Do you think it's right to deny a person the dream of being a CEO based on a having committed piracy in college?

Besides, just like with marijuana, it won't work.
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