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RNES2 - Strategy or Diplomacy

Update 2

made an update to the post that lists the nations, players and so forth.

the player names are now links that should open windows for PMs to the players.

the one to jason thinks its going to KNAS for some reason, gotta fix that, havent all the rest yet.
To THe World
From Australia

Australia lays claim to Indian provinces of MDH, ORI, BOM, KAR, and CEY.

We also claim all islands south of Philippines. Since we are in the corner of the earth, not to get in anyones way, I am sure this will be acceptable.

We are open to negotiatios.
ok, it took a while cause i was checking the info basicaly by doing the update manualy. all the country Info PMs sent.

so get them orders in.

i've got another dentist thing tomorow so i'll be home till mid afternoon, and then come back all grogy (read - "Drugged" or "High").

oh, 1 more thing.

my PM box is now at 75%, but i'm too tired to copy the orders off the thing onto my computer (anyone know a quick way of doing this?) so i'll leave it till tomorow.
I hope that it dont fill up. but it shouldnt, so send your orders.
to Taxes:
We put claims on the lands called Panama.
Anything north to that is not claimed, but will be taken if it's open...

to Canada:
Will you sign a DPP?

Orders soon enough

To: Canada

To prevent any unneccesary violence, i have drawn a division of the US. As you can see, we each get 6 provinces from it.

Plus, i have another proposal, you get all of canada and i get all of mexico
to germany:
from france:
we will take north italy, so plz dont send any troops there, use them to take the east please.
To: Chun Lin Warriors
From: Northern Imperium

I formally lay claim to EVE and KRA, do not risk war in such a fashion as conquering them. The people of the Northern Imperium are strong, and they will vanquish all enemies. I urge you to be our friends instead, and settle to the south. I offer an MPP.
no it isnt and it wont be for a long time.

dont ask that quesiton, it seems to make people start thinking in that direction, and that aint healthy.

i have 9 of 13 orders right now.
still missing:
Britain (but UK told me he proly wont be able to do any till monday)
Egypt (Puglover)
Canada (come on Demetrias)
Persia (Kennelly)

i gotta do some stuff right now, but i'm gonna do update later today. even if i dont have those orders.
Its coming Roddy just got to get back in the swing of things.
To Texas
From Canada

The basic look of the agreement seems sound except i would like to change Oregon for sol. I feel it is not neccessary for us to hold each others capitals hostage for the agreement to work out well.

To Bolivia
From Canada

I am not totally adverse to a Western Alliance Pact but I am not sure of the relationship between Texas and Bolivia and the understanding between Texas and Me.
To: Canada
From: texas

That sounds like a fair trade, we agree
well, this update took a LONG time.
didnt have orders from UKnemesis (knew i wouldnt) and Kennelly (you around?).

Puglover, as far as ordering stuff around, this game is much like Jasons game. I'd love to talk to you on AIM, cause you're not using your nations potential.

Maccau, you dont buy new provinces, you claim them by sending armies into them. since you "bought" ones that you could send armies into thats what i did, but the vocabulary realy should be different.

for everyone else, ships while built by a province should be considered built IN a sea. cause some provinces border 2 seas, you can build in either.


EVE: The Northern Emperium's force met a larger Ching Ling force and went back home.

STU: The Germans tried claiming this territory, but the French had a bigger presence, so the German army went back, only to find the French attacking thier home (see RUH bellow)

BRE: The French invaded this German territory and found it undefended.

RUH: The French invasion included this German province too, but there were some defenders here. It started as an evely matched battle, but the French were able to overcome the German Defenders.
Hits: 1.0/

QIN: Both the Macau and the Ching Ling Warriors tried to claim this province. Thier armies had a stand off, but the Macau proved more stubborn and took the province, sending the Ching Ling Army back where it came from.
Hits: 0.1/
i only mention this cause the color difference can make it hard to see, but the Texans have units in the "F.Channel". I wont be posting this sort of info again, but this time i did cause like i said it could easily be missed cause of the color similarity to the sea.
holy moly.

its 5 am. i've been up all night.

still havent sent you guys the PMs with the info.
been working on the automation system thing. took me for ever to find one stupid error that was causing a lot of problems, couldnt believe how dumb it was when i finaly figured it out.
anyway, spent a crapload of time automating the "spying" thing to give me the list of enemy provinces with forces in them, finaly works.

i just gotta make it export this stuff to some form of text that i can just paste into a PM and still have it readable.
a new army can attack any province (neutral or not) that does not have a defending army. so if there aint a dot on the province on the current map, a new army can attack it (even if that country does build new armies there for a defence)

EDIT: all PMs sent. you should all have the info on your countries now.
for some reason the dam thing kept the tabs in it, and i dont know how that will come out when reading the PMs. hope it's still readable.

the format for all the PMs is exactly the same, so if something dont make sence. ask. i'm going to sleep (6 am now). so i wont post a "template" now.
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