RNES2 - Strategy or Diplomacy

King Richard the Lionheart marched purposefully down the aisle from his throne towards the doors of Westminster Abbey, as trumpets bellowed, the crowd cheered and the Archbishop of Canterbury made the sign of the cross.

Richard had just been crowned King of the new United Kingdom of Great Britain.

He had been crowned before of course, but while he had been away in Leningrad on a crusade against heathen, his brother John had effectively seized control of England.

And with Ireland, the other part of the long fabled Britain, now being brought into the Empire, Richard thought it would be a good time to rename the country to that historic name, and to remind his brother just who was in charge.

Richard had heard rumours his brother was going to have him thrown into the Tower of London when he returned, and had been building up support and an army against him. The Duke of York had met Richard when he landed with an army twice the size of Richard's, and demanded Richard's surrender.

Green troops, no matter how many there are, are no match for battle hardened veterans, especially when a fool commands the rookies, Richard thought with a smile.

John had hidden his shock well at seeing Richard return to Windsor Castle, and had denied any involvement in the rebellion. At the very moment of this coronation, the Dukes, Lords, Earls, Knights of the Realm and clergy who had been involved in the rebellion and had escaped, or not been foolish enough to actually join the force fighting Richard, merely finance it or give it moral grounds, were being executed by his battle-hardened and loyal troops.

He considered once more having John executed too, but once more decided against it. John was already a prisoner in the Tower of London, his new "home" since Richard had returned and taken back Windsor Castle, and that should suffice for now.

Now to work, Richard thought, and sighed.

* * * * *


We will only take KOM in the coming struggle for land in Western Russia - the rest is for everyone else to take.

Warning though - we also claim Scandinavia, Greenland and Iceland. Try to take those, and the penalty will be severe. Just ask the Duke of York.

Richard the Lionheart

to Australia:
Will you sign a Defensive alliance withthe Bolivians?
I am King of Bolivia see our two countries working togheter a lot.
We could also that way better defende the Pacific ocean...

to Texas and Canada:
Will join the American alliance for economy grouth?
If we will begin fighting each other America will become a ceap place with a destoried economy.
We should consitrate on peace in America.
To Macau
From Australia

We have claimed all of the islands south of Philippines and Philippines itself. We also claim MLS. Please do not move into these territories, as it will result in war. Taiwan, Japan, all of those you may take, we have no interest in them.
well i havent sent mine, i need geckos response.

if i am the only one left to send orders tonight, ill send them.
only have 3 orders right now, so i dont think you gotta worry stalin.
up to 8 orders now. if i get atleast a couple more today, then i'll do the update tonight.

i prety much need orders from the east side of the map:
Northern Imperium
Ching Ling Warriors

comeone guys, it would realy SUCK to have to do orders of countries that are neighbors.
How many orders?
I got enough of them (was missing 2 last time i checked), so i'll do the update in a little bit.
well, i've started the update and did about half of it.
getting real late though and i'm tired. i'll remember next time to turn the tv off while doing these things so i dont get distracted so dam much.

i'll try to finish it and post it before going to work tomorow, but i cant guarantee anything.

well, ofcourse i woke up late. almost missed the train to work.
so the update is postponed till tonight.

i'll get home about 6:30 my time, and should have the thing done by 7:30 to 8:00.

sorry bout all the delays. this is the first time i've gotten ALL of the orders, and i'm screwing the update up like this.
Update? You said you fnished half... finished the other one?
7:00 PM here.
had orders from everyone by last night. through my own stupidity and .... well other bad words, it took me till now to do the update.

Skillord, you tried loading armies onto a ship and unloading them the same turn. no can do, sorry. so they're still on the ships.

KOM - Both the British and the Ching Ling came to claim this territory. The Ching Ling outnumbered the British, so they got the territory. British went back to LEN.

CAU - The Germans and the Persians sent explorers into this region. There was a skirmish and the Germans were pushed back into SEV.
Hits: 1.0/

PER - The Persians and Ching Ling sent massive parties into this territory. The was a long skirmish, but noone was the clear winner, after a nights rest, their forces went at each other again, this time the Persians won the field and thereby the territory. The Ching Ling went home to OMS and EVE tired and a bit depressed.
Hits: 2.2/3.3/3.3/0.1/1.2/

BEI - The Macau thought that they had sent enough forces to this province to guarantete settlement, but they were wrong. The Northern Empire sent a bigger force. The Macau forces go back to SHX.

CAI - The Africans invaded the weakly defended Egyptian capitol with a huge force and easily took the Territory.
Hits: 12.0/

ASW - Though the forces in this territory were evenly matched, the Egyptians were disheartened by the fall of Cairo and barely put up a fight.
Hits: 2.0/

MAU - The African settlers sent here to start a city were surprised to find a large force of a nation they had never heard of till then. They got confused and went back home to MAI to find out what they should do.

Map in a few minutes (like 5 or 10).
PMs sent. going to sleep now. good night.
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