Your A One Flower Garden
The Right Brothers: "I'm in Love with Ann Coulter"
Literal Republican rock.
The song is as stupid as you think it is.
Black Metal? More like diminished 5ths metal!
Needless to say, I liked the track, even though it was pretty midi, I can convert the instruments to real ones in my head. I personally would have killed the sonic drums, added a noise entry and instead of doing the measure triplets with those arpegios on the boards in the begining I would have had it ascend twice and then decscended back on to another devils note, or a flatted third, or an "I dont really know note", those always work. Either way I liked it, I improved over it with my guitar, its hard though, Im not used to playing in blusish scales, or better yet, I just dont care enought o get to far into it.