Roll To Dodge XXVII: Boundless Edition

Abaddon's roll on a PM...

I spin around shooting everyone while my Animals bite and hold them in place for easy shooting.

16(20): Everyone gets shot, causing 6hp damage for all still alive. The animal's biting causes another 7hp damage to all alive.

My Giraffes breathe fire on everyone

3(5): The giraffes aim misses, causing the fire to bounce off a tree and back onto them (-6hp)

My super strength tigers tear every one apart

19(20): Your tigers literally tear every one apart, limb from limb, until they are bleeding on the floor (-8hp). They are literally on their last legs. Your furry friends gain an extra 5hp.

My and my lion set ourselves on fire and tackle Abaddon.

10: You are so weak you are unable to move, and your lion is scared of fire so backs away in terror...

I resurrect as a zombie. :king:

6(4): It's a shame you had no resurrecting powers available...

I throw snowflakes at the lions and get the hell out of the den.

20(18): mechaerik's lion's are attacked, killing them and causing mechaerik so much heartache that he dies of a broken heart...

I possess my dead body.

2(1): Your dead body is rotten and mouldy.

I possess Abaddon with my ghost

6(4): Your ghost is actually Casper and isn't keen on possessing as he's a friendly ghost...

I walk home.

18(16): Off you trot, and gain +5hp for managing to do so despite dreadful injury...
Abaddon's actions:

I spin around firing my gun at everyone while my Animals strangle them

My Giraffes burn everyone to death

My super strength tigers rip every one into dead bits

I find an M-16 with a scope.

2: What you think is an M-16 is actually a bomb and you are blown apart (-8hp)

I shower Skwink with snowflakes as I find an ambulance.

5: You don't find an ambulance and your snowflakes cause you severe damage instead... you really are on your last legs... (-5hp)

Abaddon's actions:

I spin around firing my gun at everyone while my Animals strangle them

11(19): You kill the lot....WINNAR!!!!!!!

My Giraffes burn everyone to death

15(17): They're dead already, but well done!

My super strength tigers rip every one into dead bits

11(16): RAWWWWR DEADNESS. You don't need any more bonus', YOU WINNED!

Abaddon wins! Big well done and thank you for everyone being so patient with me and my first RTD, I love it :D. Come and sign up to my next one - the more the merrier!
And as they say...
That's all folks!
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