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Scientologist quotations


Garbage day!!!
Sep 30, 2007
Caldes de Montbui, Großkatalonien
This is just incredible! I have no words to describe or introduce thi.s

Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion.
L. Ron Hubbard

Make money. Make more money. Make others produce so as to make money… However you get them in or why, just do it.
L. Ron Hubbard

Some people, well, if they don’t like Scientology, well then, f**k you. Really. F**k you. Period.
Tom Cruise

I look at those people and I say “Bring it. I’m a Scientologist, man. I don’t mind answering questions.”
Tom Cruise

Moses and the crooked snake… that turned into a stuck, that was actually a disintegrator pistol.
L. Ron Hubbard

Now we notice that Mars doesn’t have any atmosphere either and won’t support life. In spite of the fact that it turns green and red and purple with the seasons, it doesn’t support life.
L. Ron Hubbard

2001 saw us shooting down SPs like ducks in a pond.
David Miscavige
Note: SP means Suppresive Person. This is how the scientologists call their enemies.

Darwin found out that when you took horses up to the high country in the Middle East, they would then grow long hair after a season or two. But when you took them - these long-haired horses - back into the low, hot country, they wouldn't get rid of the long hair, just in case, for about four generations.
L. Ron Hubbard

A Venezuelan dictator once decided to stop leprosy. He saw that most lepers in his country were also beggars. By the simple expedient of collecting and destroying all the beggars in Venezuela an end was put to leprosy in that country.
L. Ron Hubbard

The bomb goes off in Australia, and a 360-degree sphere of ionosphere (which is up there not too far above your heads, not too many miles) flashes. In other words, the flash in Australia, the ionosphere flashes. People get a secondary kickback from the ionosphere just as though they were standing next to the bomb, don't you see?
L. Ron Hubbard on radiation

Now, all America sits in front of television sets and those television sets exude, I am sorry to say, a considerable amount of radioactive material. It's not huge, you know, but it's enough so that people who have made a habit of watching TV ... get the TV radiation.
L. Ron Hubbard on radiation

The last Martian report station on Earth was established in the Pyrenees.
L. Ron Hubbard

It doesn't give me displeasure to hear of a virgin being raped. The lot of women is to be fornicated.
L. Ron Hubbard

Actually, Egypt was a battleground between two space groups, ...
L. Ron Hubbard on Ancient Egypt

I went to the Los Angeles Airport one evening to pick up my wife, Yvonne, who was returning from a lecture trip. As we started to leave the car park we both heard screaming.
I exteriorized and saw a man beating up a woman. I stopped the car and told Yvonne to go and help the girl while I caught the mugger (he was already leaving the scene of the beating).
Yvonne went to the girl's aid and began giving her an assist. Her face had already greatly puffed out from the beating. I started walking at an intercept angle to the mugger who was not yet visible to me with the physical eyes. Sure enough he appeared from behind a row of cars walking fast. I walked faster and he began to run. I knew it was him because I had seen his shirt while exterior. I ran after him and called for help and the same time. The police came and helped me run him down and he was captured.
We then went back to the police station and Yvonne brought the girl in who, after the touch assist, looked fantastically improved. We both realized that we had exteriorized and seen what had happened through several rows of cars and concrete pillars. Well, maybe someday we'll have a real OT Police who'll capture the *real* criminals of society. That would be a real help towards world police.
Heber C. Jentszch, president of Church of Scientology International, on his experiences as an OT (Operating Thetan)

My boss and I had a very important presentation to do for a client. We had gotten most of it together and ready but we were missing one vital piece of documentation. There was only one copy of it and it was 'nowhere' to be found. Trying to track it down I discovered that it had last been seen some weeks earlier before a major move had occurred in the office.
I remembered from the time of that move that tons of files and boxes had been taken away to a storage facility and I was sure it was there.
So I went to my boss, who is an OT V as well, and told him where I believed the particle was. He abed I was right. So we went to the storage space and it was filled to the top with papers, boxes and files. I zeroed in on a space at the back of the room and made my way to it. In less than three minutes we had found the exact particle we needed for the presentation.
We got back in time for the appointment and delivered a successful presentation. It sure saves time when you're OT!
F.A. on his (or her) experiences as an OT

You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.
L. Ron Hubbard

I have high hopes of smashing my name into history so violently that it will take a legendary form...
L. Ron Hubbard

THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.
L. Ron Hubbard

I use it every day, at home or in the celebrity center in Hollywood. I also take a machine with me with I'm on location. It's a religious device and I enjoy it. I'm always totally refreshed by it.
John Travolta on E-meters

Not smoking enough will cause lung cancer!
L. Ron Hubbard
Shut up! Are you trying to incur their wrath on all of us? They're going to sue Thunderfall and get all our contact addresses and sue the bejesus out of us!

Scientologists : " We are totally insane"
Scientology is-

This post has been removed due to copyright claims by the Church of Scientology. Praise Hubbard!
Nutjobs. I want to kill people that stupid. Especially you John Travolta...especially you!
Everyone who knows about scientology knows about its dark face, except the scientologists.
South Park made fun of that religion and look at them now, they need to hire a token black to replace the one who just quit!
I don't mind whatever they worship but the way they deal with anyone that says anything bad about them.

It'd be like Mobboss taking pictures of and stalking silver 2039, sending him threatening letters, calling silver 2039's workplace saying there's a warrant for his arrest for raping children and constantly calling him saying that he'll get sued/killed/stalked.
I don't care about whatever absurdities or bizarre things they believe. It is their practices that are dangerous, and those are a lot harder to capture with quotations.

Well, I think that the first four quotations of my post and some of those at the end actually capture very well their practices.
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