Sensationalism and the American Media


Jeff Vader
Jul 31, 2004
Death Valley
As a citizen of Baton Rouge, Louisiana I would like to take a moment to curse the bastards at ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC, etc. They have made things worse here and in New Orleans. They hide behind this banner of getting out the truth while they make **** up. My favorite example: RIOTS IN DOWNTOWN BATON ROUGE!!! What kind of yellow journalism is this? A fist fight breaks out at the River Center and all of a sudden there are riots in Baton Rouge? My fiance called me worried because I was in downtown Baton Rouge. I looked around and nothings going on. The federal government is moving slow because there are only black people in New Orleans? My ass! If they wanted to show all the tape they got in N.O. your average joe would see that there are white people there, too. We've turn the N.O. Centroplex into a concetration camp for poor people! First of all, the claim is based on the lack of food for those kept there. The insinuation that the troops there are eating like pigs is grossly misleading. The soldiers stationed there are sharing the few MREs that they do have with Evacuees (because it's not PC to call them Refugees). That location was a failure of relief, not a success of murder.

Excuse my ranting...
Arminius said:
yellow journalism
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

What? Are they all Asian? Did they all come down in their Honda Civics, playing Starcraft "ZERG RUSH KEKEKEKEKKE"??

Yeah okay whatever David Duke...

racism :q:

It's not an American phenomenon. Actually, I would invite you to find a media that is not sensationalist (well, perhaps Taliban press :p ) You can live with it, but you CAN'T live without it.
Easy, Sava - it's not a racial term at all, but rather a reference to a style of overly sensationalistic journalism that was once quite popular in the U.S.

wiki link

(Nice 'zerg rush' reference though ;) .)
Sava said:
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

What? Are they all Asian? Did they all come down in their Honda Civics, playing Starcraft "ZERG RUSH KEKEKEKEKKE"??

Yeah okay whatever David Duke...

racism :q:

Huh? It's not a racial term. It's used to describe a style of journalism. Yellow as in cowardly (and no, this doesn't have racial origins either ... comes from soldiers wetting themselves in battle, ie. "yellow belly").
do you guys not know what a troll is?

We know them and we don't care for them around here.

So start making some sense or beat it.
:lol: :lol:

sorry I just found that funny

edit: actually... more like intense sarcasm... not really a troll
Yeah, the media wants money and audience. And for that they need sensationalism, that's why things are so distorted. The Great Media is not impartial.
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