turn 260: Beg 1gpt from Catherine. She gives in and the fist sticks around which I think means that she's targeting somebody else.
turn 261: Refuse Joao's Demand to convert to Taoism. We're at pleased and he's still expanding, so I'm not too worried.
turn 264: Re-declare war on the Viking, the first turn we were able to.
turn 266: Raise Lodose (no losses). Capture Tansberg (one mace at 75% odds). Capture Jelling (no losses). Russia falls to cautious with us. Sell Philosophy to Catherine for 610 gold and get her back to pleased.
turn 267: Settled our next GG in Paris. We already had two medics (a standard medic 3 and then a woody 3 one).
turn 268: Captured Roskilde (one treb, one cat). Ragnar finished.
turn 269: Dutch fist went away.
turn 273: Chemistry in. Made the trade to get Astro, see picture. Paris starts building Frigates.
turn 274: Declare on Izzy.
turn 275: Capture Madrid (2 trebs, one mace at 83%). Willem demands Chemistry. I give in. I just moved my entire force to Spain and was not liking the idea of a backstab. Chemistry seemed a reasonable price to pay to guarantee this.
turn 277: Joao Demands gunpowder. I think the AIs are talking about this schmuck over here giving stuff away. I give in of course.
turn 278: Capture Toledo (4 cats, mace at 46%)
turn 280: Capture Barcelona (no losses)
turn 281: Capture Cordoba (2 cats, 1 mace at 69%). Great Merchant born in Paris at 17% odds. This made up for all the bad luck we've had so far as without it I don't think we ever would have made it to steel.
turn 284: Capture Seville (no losses)
turn 286: Captured Zaragoza (one mace at 76%)
turn 288: Captured Salamanca (no losses)
turn 289: Captured Valencia (one mace at 96%). Captured Santiago (1 treb). GG born in Rheims. HE'S STILL THERE. WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING WITH HIM AND NOT FORGET HE'S THERE.
turn 290: Captured Murcia (2 trebs).
turn 291: moved some troops around. let war weariness go away. uploaded save. so it's still turn 291, since i didn't accidentally end the turn again,
