What GPs do we need, aside from possibly 2 GSes for Astro? At least one Artist, maybe one more Spy, and any GPs for GAges. Anything else?
We definitely need 2 Great Scientists if we want Astro.
Each Great Scientist is at least 1500, and Astro is a hard 3000 that gets no benefits from prereq multipliers.
A 3rd Great Scientist to bulb 950 Optics would also be helpful even if a bit of a waste.
Definitely need 1 Great Artist, and 1 more Great Spy would be extremely helpful.
Even a Great Prophet from our capital would be useful to make another Shrine for 4 more points.
I hate building Mausoleum for just 1 Golden Age, but again, it is 4 more points.
We have enough very large cities to make a pile of Great Scientist/Great Artists/Great Merchants as long as we run Caste+Pacifism during a Golden Age.
Have Beijing build a Monastery to spam Tao Missionaries eventually?
It is +1 per turn and all our Great People cities will need religion.