Kill em all (well, 6 of them)
I'm surprised to see that HBR is 9t (so probably could be done in 8t)
Our slow army can finish up as Kait has planned. If we were really going to fastest possible kills, we'd probably leave the easy, close AI cities and head west ASAP. We may consider leaving Tsing untouched for this reason.
Our workers are pretty busy during this next 10 turns, but we could easily redirect some for a couple roads to Moscow. All chopping planned for GLH would go into HorseArchers.
So with HBR T37...
Note: you can't whip a chariot and have it become a HA on T37 because chariots are not obsolete. Bummer.
T36 whip a barracks with maxOF. Optionally 2pop whip chokos, etc. for OF.
T37 build HAs or chop them and whip more.
The HAs are moving T38
If we wanted to make use of the last choko...
T44 choko from Yanan can capture Moscow (along with many HAs), but the point is, if we whip a Choko T36, it takes 8 turns to capture using that unit.
Let's assume we get 4 HAs moving on T37, then the closest city, Yanan, starts one T38, whips 39 and moves 40. This one would be fast enough to arrive with early ones making a group of 5-6 to DoW T42, capture 43 or 44 (depends on if there's forests blocking our path next to Moscow)
4 workers would go with the army to continue to road west. They will road
Moscow capture turn: SW, SW,
M+1 : SW, SW,
M+2 : SW (just one because of desert tiles)
M+3 : SW, SW
M+4 : W, NW (towards Berlin)
Istanbul capture ~
M+5 : NW
Berlin capture ~
Rome ~
and then paris.
And we have to clean up all newly settled cities out west.
Meanwhile, we have taken out nearby Tokyo, Chongqing, Mumbai, etc.
Now there's
By the time Moscow comes out of revolt, and chops a galley, there's no time for it to sail to London even
if there is a path.
Rome: also too slow.
The fast way is to
bring a settler along and
chop a galley or two.
Game over by T60 (if we only needed to kill 6 AI)