[BTS] SGOTM 25 - Home Slices

Well done on capturing Manchou with granary and workers! :goodjob:

Toku will talk 4t after DoW. (OurWarSuccess = 31, His = 4. Would need 40 to talk in 3t.) I think TOku will either disband the worker or send it south into harm's way. Next turn we'll know but in any case we have till T35 to capture the vagabond.

Pretty sure AIs don't attack cities from sea and won't land on tiles occupied by anything. HK should be safe.

If Mongolia keeps the first warrior, it can still be pop3.
Where is Bis worker going? If it were going to road, it would be worth leaving him alone. No OBs between Bis and Roosy so that worker can't make it to the west any time soon.
Maybe you're obsessed with that white whale worker. Let it go? CF and back to next business?
We've done a pretty good job of collecting workers.

Motherland unhappy wears off with addition of our culture. And goes up with population. I don't recall the formula. I'm a little surprised we get 1 anger at size 2

I checked and it seems we really do only need 1 Chariot to chase down that worker. :o
It can move to 2N of Manchou this turn, 3N1E of Manchou the next turn, and it will capture the Worker on T35 for sure.
If the Worker runs south, the Chariot healing in Manchou can gobble it up at any time.

The Chariot currently 1W2S of Manchou can head back to Beijing immediately.

Cashew clusters are the bomb, until I eat too many, and the bomb explodes!

Roasted + Salted Almonds are the best! Never buy raw. Or unsalted.

Where is Bis worker going? If it were going to road, it would be worth leaving him alone. No OBs between Bis and Roosy so that worker can't make it to the west any time soon.
I think it is walking to Berlin.
It was on Bronze Mine last turn T32, and now it has walked outside the city going southwest.
If we don't grab it this turn, we won't have anything that can catch it if it really is walking to Berlin.
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I want to whip another Settler in both Yanan and Beijing.

Yanan's for an :espionage: city that isn't too important, that has a road leading to it so it gets free Tao spread.
It will exist primarily to gift to whichever civ gets a good tech and won't trade it to us, so we will steal it!
3W of Yanan works.
3N2W works too. (My undying love Cow+Goldz)

Beijing's would be a production city for 1S1E of that plains Pig to the south of Beijing.
It is 5:food:, and could occasionally borrow the 5:food: rice from Shanghai.

War with Germany too!

Our bomber is fueled up and ready to get us another decent coastal city.
T39, our 2 Chokos and 2 Swords should be able to conquer the city with bomber support.

What city do we want Mids completed in?
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What about HK-3n1e? It's coastal, shares cows, get rice, and has two dyes and a silk.

If Beijing settler settles 1s of plains pig, it could eventually steal the iron from Roosy.
3W of Yanan works.
How about 3W1N, right on the gold?
That would get Cows and two watermill/floodplains. And we wouldn't have to mine any gold, ever.
The Oasis is better than a floodplain early on.
Freshwater if that matters.
It also gets us incense later if we want happy.
Strong city.

With gold tiles worth nothing in my mind, it makes you think outside the box when settling.
Beijing's would be a production city for 1S1E of that plains Pig to the south of Beijing.
It is 5:food:, and could occasionally borrow the 5:food: rice from Shanghai.

Has room for 2 grassRiverFarms if desired, so I like that. Shanghai has an excess of food and can easily share the rice as you said. Good location.

Pigs-1S doesn't have enough food
What about HK-3n1e? It's coastal, shares cows, get rice, and has two dyes and a silk.

No likey.

It prevents us from settling also on the dye. That city might be a gift-recapture for war success city

In this area, I would settle on the silk
a) we get silk (eventually and instantly) with no plantation
b) we can farm the other silk in gua and work that 'oasis' tile.
c) that farm irrigates the rice (with CS)
d) no plantation needed for dyes. Both of these calendar resources are connected that much faster.

Dyes city might be made useful if we farm the grass and (with CS) farm the 2nd dye. +5 food with cow.
WT, are you sure you prefer the coastal site near Moscow to the the sw one that includes much more river and forest, including 2 grass riverrs?
Speaking of thinking out of the box, I'm assuming we have time to build settlers until Alpha. then we're already into the End-Game -- Spies, HAs, and chopped/whipped wonders. I'm not even sure we have time to tech Feudalism, since we need Theology no matter what. I'm also not sure AIs will have time to tech Calendar for us. Not sure we even have much time for WonderBread. Think about it seriously. This is why I think it's important to improve food tiles now rather than chop forests.

The fun is almost over.

Enjoy it while it lasts.
Sorry if my comments are off base, guys, I've been a bit out of the loop this week and not really following the game in detail. I don't like that we are working so many unimproved tiles. We have two cities sharing an unimproved clam. Beijing obviously needs more food. An FP watemill may take more worker turns, but it's so much better than a dry rice farm. Marble is nowhere near connected. And we have so many new cities to deal with soon.
There is also some strange unsightly thing 1S of Manchou, that I think needs to be watermilled over before it burns through my retinas. :D

I know we're doing OF into Mids, but is it really right to work 4 unimproved tiles in Beijing to set up a Pavilion whip? Do we even need a Pavilion if we're whipping the city 4-2? We're giving up something like 3f9h this turn. Why can't we just whip a choko? Or better yet, use a different city for this purpose? Beijing would be so good at higher pop.

TBH, I'd rather see a plan for getting all of our HAs and spies out asap, than for settlers and fail gold.

Edit: xpost with LC
There is also some strange unsightly thing 1S of Manchou, that I think needs to be watermilled over before it burns through my retinas. :D

Unsightly, yes, but I don't see +1 food (and +1h) as a very high priority in this one case-- only because the city has 2 big food tiles and a good 3rd tile to work.

Agree. dry rice is not very exciting, but it is better than grassFarm, and I'm in love with those lately.
Certainly a watermill is preferred and worth the extra worker turns compared to dry rice.
It all comes down to whether the city really needs another food tile. Bejing doesn't--that's the dry rice we're talking about, rt?

I don't like that we are working so many unimproved tiles.
Agree. And LC said it also. I believe we're turning our attention to improvements over chops and roads.
Keep in mind, we may only be working an unimproved tile for a couple turns, then whipping the citizen away.

I know we're doing OF into Mids, but is it really right to work 4 unimproved tiles in Beijing to set up a Pavilion whip?

I didn't realize we were doing this to such an extreme. Probably should revisit it. Do a little cost-benefit analysis. I was imagining, for example, we'd whip something and then, while the city is very small--working only its food tiles, set up a pavilion or similar whip.
TBH, I'd rather see a plan for getting all of our HAs and spies out asap, than for settlers and fail gold.

Settlers and fail gold is phase 1 of our plan to get and support HAs and spies. We need a base for production and research/gold. We can't pay for all those units upkeep and expect to research Theo, Feudal, etc. Music?
Also, let's not forget we're merely 30t into the game and already have a gazillion cities and workers captured!!! This scenario is the non plus ultra of out-of-the-box thinking. Throw away any preconceptions. Thus, all comments are all the more vital! :crazyeye:
:confused: I eat raw, unsalted all the time. Very healthy for you.
Didn't want to spoil Kait's party but me too. I'm mostly vegan and rarely add much salt to my food. My taste buds flourish without it.

I don't think I overdo it but I did wake up the other day with alfalfa sprouting up through my teeth. :joke:
Everyone wants different things!

Clearly we want every bit of :food: for max production and teching fuel.
Is tech speed our bottlneck?

Ok, how about 30%:culture: slider this turn (T33) to pop Mongolia's borders in 1 turn.
Mongolia currently has 8.4:culture:
Then on T34, revolt to Confucianism. (We just got Manchou, a Confu city)
End the war with Japan on T35, then gift Japan 5 resources, including Iron so we can build Warriors.

Once Turn 44 rolls around, Japan will have Alphabet, and we will have +1 Fair Trade, +2 "appreciate" resources, +2 shared religion, and -3 You DoW'd us!
Gift Toku a tech like Code of Laws or Math or Metal Casting to get +4 Fair Trade, then trade another tech for Alphabet.

This 1 turn of Anarchy would allow us to save 2 cities that we wouldn't have to Liberate to Toku!
It's not as bad as it looks on the surface, because on Turn 34 we'd have 2 Settlers walking, and 2 out of 7 of our cities would still be in revolt.
Getting that plains pig right now would be nicer than giving Toku a city and waiting 15 turns for it to get that Fish?

We could then use the 2 Settlers to settle 1S1E of the Plains Pigs near Beijing, and we could also settle the Sheep+Bronze+Rice+Banana spot.
The German Archer would have to be killed before attempting Sheep+Bronze if we are at war.

Or maybe the coastal silks with the dry rice near Gua instead of Sheep+Bronze?

We could whip 1 Settler in Beijing to settle the gold 3W1N of Yanan, and Yanan could whip Library for a big overflow and build no Settler.

Beijing is not planning to work any 2:food: tiles currently.
Don't forget, any city can only have 2/50:hammers: in a build if it wants to do a 2-pop whip!
I just set the tiles in Beijing to 2:food: riverland before uploading to see what everyone thought about it.
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