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[BTS] SGOTM 25 - Phoenix Rising

It's complicated with our bomber, HK is ofc out of reach from Bejing.
Not useful getting Swords early, but being unable to attack cos we cannot air strike.

Tested that we could have galley + Sword & Archer as backup ready to attack on t20, with Sword getting 90% on naval attack, but we need our bomber for all cities..and Mongolia attack is also on that turn.

Most obvious solution would be that we first move on DeG or Roosy from Guang instead, all those cities are in bomber reach.

Cannot attack HK without bomber, tested and only 27% for our Sword from land.
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It can't be in 2 places at once. I think delay the HK attack and focus on cities we can reach first,
Mongolia we can work the sheep soon enough too. Betting a worker will do that for us anyway.
French are a good target in range.

Even when HK does reach size 2 it will require 2x workboat to be useful and a worker.

Do we really need a bomber for HK. 2x sword will do job. 1xsword via land will be good too.

Our biggest issue here is the route west. HA would really be useful here. That or galley chains? Can we get circ bonus using bomber?

27% is not great. Assuming first attacker did any damage.

I think let's target obvious land targets first. Coastal cities could be important for galleys if we can get circ bonus.
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Lots of issues ;)
River at Shanghai if we attack with Guang units, will Mongolia reach size 2 if we go there first..

Can we tell something from power ratios?
Biz has 1.5, DeG 2.0 and Toku 1.9..seems a bit strange, when did we last look at Shanghai or Manchou? Should they all still have their longbows, hmm.

We have 4 worker moves too this turn, planning will be difficult without making up our minds on where we move units first.
If we are unsure that an AI still has it's longbow, we should probably send our bomber and look (i.e. between Roosy and DeG for both cities).

Not sure if we have a chance on longbow missing somewhere, was just an idea.
Looking for every little help possibility on deciding how we plan those attacks.

Stalin has 190 on sabotage production already, can that still be a worker?
(forgot how Elite does those calculations)
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Also need to adjust science back to 0% this turn.
Remember to switch on growth in city too.

Sorry was eating. The power difference is strange.

The demo screen tells a different story. Highest power rating was 60k at start. Now 65k. This could be down to pop and say one more archer?

Average power is down about 1k. Worst power rating up by 1k to 41k. So these figures have marginally changed. Pends what units they have in other cities. Do we realy want to scout with bomber? We have 2-3 turns we could explore. 41k power could be Romans or Ottoman empire. Best hmmmm.

Is there a point we could view both cities. let me test. (Toku and deg)
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3e1N of TSing would reveal both cities.

Elite also pointed out in test game AI took 50-60 turns to delete LB. Can be very random. A LB is worth 6k in power. So doubtful the Ai have wholesale dumped these. We know they have built little or no units. We also know their pop will have barely added 1-2k power to their scores.

I am not even sure if the Ai have maths here. Some might?
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I think let's go with the original plan, 3 Swords from Bejing for Toku city and 2 from Cap for Mongolia.
Manchou looks very valuable for sure.

If we agree on that, i would check if we can eventually squeeze in an attack on HK cos it should be slower overall than moving towards Mongolia with both Swords next turn already.

Checking if Toku still has his longbow would be good either way imo, not like we have big scouting needs currently other than our attacks.
If not we could attack much faster.

Hmm..1 turn missing between HK and Mongolia attacks atm lol, would work really well if Bomber could reach all 3 cities.

However i think we could make New York, HK and Manchou work..still the big question if we can capture Mongolia already, would solve that problem and we do that attack 4th.
Testing a bit more with that option, looks reasonable.
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Okay. I would of liked French city but river makes that a bit harder. Do we still want sword in Guang?

Stick with road plan too.

So we need a worker plan?

What is clear here is we need to kill off the Ai quickly here before any develop. This will cause issues wonder wise. I think our score from wonmders will be low this game. AI way too slow.
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Green to scout NE of Tsing ?

I don't think you will get a perfect assault. Just have to do best we can. These Ai will fall quickly with bomber. Really you only need 4-5 swords to do a circle round the 4-5 Ai cities.

Ai must of whipped that granary. Hmmm.Hk has just as many headaches pending on what it is building. It will be stagnant at S2.

So what would be plan for 2nd sword in cap? Chop? Or do we prefer roads now south of our capital?

Beijing doing swords for manchou.

So we can scrap the French/Toku scouting plan?
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Okay that works perfectly with timing, New York first (bomber can do 2 swoops even), then HK and finally Manchou.

Let's look at how we like that, and what we would have to do with this turns moves (need road for example under Cap).

Plan for Cap Sword was whip next turn, also gives other one time to move back into city so they are together. Basically road 1s of Cap allows our bomber to attack twice, good for odds with city defense reduces or longbow hit 2x.

Think i would like to know if Roosy has another Archer meanwhile, scouting between New York and DeG should be good.
Yep need NY please, if he has 2 archers (and 3 with whipping before we attack), that could change our plans again (sadly).
Oops it's not actually New York in real game..well Roosy city.

Worker on Bejing Iron 2e1s on forest to chop, for all plans.

Yep make bomber move please, then we can plan on.
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If we scout rice south of Beijing we can see all 3 cities.

Yeah I ignored your NY comments. I knew what you meant.

I need one plan to focus on. If we need more info let's get the bomber to scout first.
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Okay hold on. I'll make bomber and growth change. Plus taxes to 100%

Archer/LB in all 4 cities. Can't see Russian city.

Toku 3 turns off farm.

I assume sword back to capital.
Worker 2E1S also.


Horse worker? Chop 1S or do we still want Russian roads?
Rice worker?Chope 1NE?

My view was more hammers were better. Were whipping the city anyway. Not heading for russians yet anyway.
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Goody, will explain you my plan now :)

We want 2 Swords and 2 Archers for Roosy, so..Sword already built moves back into city next turn, Archer joins, DeG lurking archer also moves west please.
To speed up that attack, worker 1s builds a road in place.

Bejing needs 2 more Swords for Toku, we need a chop for that = Iron worker 2e1s.
What we do with the other worker under Bejing next turn, not sure yet.
Archer 1s of stone joins Toku attack.

Worker on horsie, good question..but i think we want another chop for our Cap, we will need more Swords for Mongolia. Any better ideas than chopping 1s?

Oh yup sorry, Rice worker chops.

Agree let's chop, hmm EP..Mehmed?
Oki Mehmed so, all done for this exhausting turn?

Greeen Bear

Yep for Sword, and friendly reminder on hold growth in Cap (i so easily forget that).
Now i just confused you, off is right ;)

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No real opinion on EP. I think all the Ai will not be doing much here. Mehmed is as good as the next. Not annoyed so could work well.

Green to make all the above moves?

Yes a lot of work.

Sword in Guang?
Tax 100%.

I turned off the hold growth about 10-20 mins ago.

Guang running 2f2C. Seems best.

Green to end turn? All units moved.
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Uploaded. Germans built archer. English built galley. I made a few assumptions on moves and chops. Not done the whips yet.

Whips and worker move?

Beijing back to sword.

Do we want rice or more chops? It will mean losing a turn moving.

If you plan any unfriendly reminders let me know! ;)

Forge is history both whips done. Worker decision left. Will hold archer in capital in place. No need to alarm americans. Could scout with bomber somewhere?
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Nice, green on both Sword whips (and Swords in Bejing too, i would remove forge for now).

Stalin still not finished his build in Mongolia, i think we made the right decision there.
Roosy also no Archer completed yet, hopefully it's taking him a bit longer.

Worker in dun know yet sorry, he's a bit misplaced.

Bomber can move into Guang, better scouting target there imo while waiting.

;) back, hmm so that worker..depends if we want Rice improved i guess, do we?
Some more food would certainly not hurt in Bejing.

100% science again please, we get plunder gold soon if all goes well.

Righto, no further chop needed for Toku.
Plan would be whipping next turn, then chop finishes another Sword and we get 2 in 2t.
Speed is important here imo so no harm in hurting our own cities a bit, can mean less archers.

Remember we plan on attacking HK too, bomber can lurk there and if that plan does not work out can still move back, i tested that triple attack :)

Saw my science 100%? Green yup
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Well worker is next decision.
So forest chop 2 turns off. That will finish sword. Turn after we can whip sword. So we will have 3 swords. Maybe farm now?

A further chop does not speed up the attack as far as I can see.

So farm seems best. Do we really have time to move this bomber? in 2 turns attacking Americans? 7 turns manchou.
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Okay green for farm and bomber move and to end turn? Any city micro?

Unfortunately I saw all your posts. :D Science already at 100%.

I'll edit upsave and play on.

Uploaded. Note highest power last turn was 68k. Someone built an archer somewhere. Not sure it was the Germans.

2xswords and archer 1N of cow
Whip beijing
Decision on Guang build.
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Hong Kong size 2, interesting..now already.
I fear Archer was Roosy :-/

Guang builds Archer this turn, it's our backup unit for HK in case Sword loses at 90% Naval attack.

Not sure on worker under Cap, we could chop again 1N of cows where our units are too, can block road anyways.

Green on Sword whip and all units around Roosy in attack position yup, i guess we cannot let that Archer scare us with a bomber..
who could scout what he's doing, and also uncovering a bit of fog west.

Oh you also want to see Toku, hmm good idea.

Guang Archer cos of overflow into galley, with chop we get 50+ hammers next turn this way.
We could only whip the galley at size 4.

Yup on all, unless you are curious about Archer for Roosy then you could include that in bomber scouting.
Cap can work fp this turn, then horsie next and we grow still, agree on Bejing.

Expected with Archer for Roosy, will be an interesting fight (or hopefully not..)

Looks all good, we could consider a chariot from Cap as fast reinforcement unit.
Chop next turn, we can also get another Sword.
Think i like the chariot, it's valuable if we need another battle round.

All green on city micro :)
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Sorry back! Had chores to do.

Should we scout roosy? Scout the rice spot to get all 3.

Well cottages can wait I guess. This is essentially a war game for now? Albeit we will need some science here at some point?

Axe in guang? We have 35OF here. We would whip galley? Guessing were going to 1 pop whip galley in which case archer works.

That 68k was there last turn. I doubt any new units have been built. Scouting west could be better? Guessing American building worker.

The way power rating going here these Ai will pretty much auto cap if we gift and capture 4 cities? Need feud first.

Roaming archer near chong. 1NW?
Worker near capital chop 1N of cow where our stack is?
Bomber scout west?

City tiles?
Cap farm and Fp or horse?
Beijing iron and food.

Well Mumbai only has a LB.
Americans have 2 archer now. Plus the LB.

We can use NE archer as bait. So back up should all go wrong.
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Uploaded. Any final changes.

He could whip another. Check city micro. Off to clean teeth.

Switching to chariot seems good. A whipped archer by the Americansmight mess up our bomber run. See what happens.

Okay switched to chariot. Green to end turn or other micro? Help with use of city tiles?

Okay ending turn. See if his archer goes explore like the Germans did.

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