[BTS] Shadow Game: Prince [BUFFY]

Will update it soon(-ish)!
Apparently soon-ish means over a week in my vocabulary. Apologies for the delay.
What are you doing trade route wise?
Hunting for ivory?
Getting a trade route hooked up with the Hamurabi and Peter (should be done in two turns, give or take). Getting the Elephants hooked up along the way.
Any plans for mids?
Honestly, didn't even occur to me. They're usually always built before I'm in a stable position to do anything. Making them now.
in every screenshot so far, you are working the wrong tiles.
I always have Citizen Automation on and put it on focus on food. But I guess you're supposed to do that at the beginning and micro-manage later on. They're doing it now and the economy is booming.
. Unworked cottages around the capital, helper cities working 2:food: etc
I have no excuse for this one. Fixed it.
Also, slider is at somewhere else than 0/100.
I'm going to need more info on this, boss-man. I thought it was very bad to have the Research Slider at 0/100 early on.

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The current plan is to finish Calendar for the happiness and money boost. After that it's either Iron Working (so I can do something about that jungle) or Horseback Ridding (for the elephants). Probably Iron Working.
Not sure where all the unhappiness is coming from.
Evidently, there's just too many people. It just happens that I need more workers. The overpopulation will be solved shortly.


  • Paolo BC-0725.CivBeyondSwordSave
    122.4 KB · Views: 18
Elepult should be ok for that but imho currency, Col, CS and music all have priority over feudalism.
Good to know!
You've only met half the AI, good chance some of them at least are overseas.
That's the point. I feel like I never get to do big fleet invasions. Seemed like fun.
Too many AI for this map. 17 AI for a fractal map?
It's just a game I'm running to test out my new found knowledge. Ain't meant to be serious.
Very hard to give any other advice as little or no food in starting area.
Yeah, it's probably the worst start I'd ever gotten.
70% or similar slider never makes sense, unless it's just what you need for the last turn of finishing a tech ;)
Always go 100% if you can..there are rounding bugs in this game among other reasons, and at 100% you don't gift away small amounts of :gold: and :science:
70% or similar slider never makes sense, unless it's just what you need for the last turn of finishing a tech ;)
Always go 100% if you can..there are rounding bugs in this game among other reasons, and at 100% you don't gift away small amounts of :gold: and :science:
Ah, the famous binary research I've read about. Much obliged!
Yup..sounds complicated at first, but you can look at it easily this way: 0% and 100% are better than 2x 50% (the rounding stuff), so you are not doing something bad by first gathering some gold and then researching at full speed. Sometimes you also want to wait for:science: multipliers like libraries (or even more efficient an academy) before you spend your gold.
And when you are ready there's no reason to run semi-sliders.
The Hague I would of grown to size 4 and whipped settler with 40+ hammers. 10 turns is too long.
Utrecht could of had a further mine speeds up mids.
Stone city could of done worker in 6 turns. It's not gonna do miracles with granary. How quick to size 4? Whip? Likely too slow.
Forest north of Utrecht is worth 48 hammers.
2xForest near Nijmegan for workers too. 2x quick workers? You need them.
You need to plan where 7th city will come from. Keep expanding.

Not a big fan of workers in capital if it is slowing growth. Do you whip it?

If you plan to build mids and take ivory you will have plenty of happiness. Plus Calendar in a few turns. Aim for size 13+ capital by 1ad?
2xForest near Nijmegan for workers too. 2x quick workers? You need them.
Done. First priority is improving resources, then getting rid of the Jungles. Speaking of which, Maastricht has been found. Will try to improve rice as soon as possible. Amsterdam is growing nicely, and Utrecht should be done with 'Mids in 3 turns, and I'm planning to start building the Mausoleum next.
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As soon as I'm able I'll chop and whip a couple of Settlers in The Hague.
Got Calendar, Iron Working and now I'm working on Currency
Speaking of, discovered Iron, so I got an idea for a spot for an 8th city. I'm torn between the white and purple spot. The white gives us some good overlap, but purple gives us sea access.
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Seems to be going fantastic so far. By the rate I'm updating we'll be half way done by the end of the year ;).


  • Paolo BC-0450.CivBeyondSwordSave
    130.2 KB · Views: 17
LH in Rotterdam probably should of been whipped? 19 turns is too long. Whip workboat first for fish? Clear sugar of the forest. Even a worker here whipped would be useful. So much jungle.
Nijmegan run ivory?
Trade for fur from Persians.
Mastricht Needs fish to make it worthwhile.
Think most of the AI will be stuck on 3-4 cities here.
3 pop whip 2x settlers from Utrecht and give the capital the food and cottages back. Scientists in capital slow growth get rid of them. You want the capital to grow and you have the fur that adds +1 happiness.
OF from settler into mids? Rep will add 3 happiness soon.

Rice city next to rice could block land. City near cows is okay but you lack AH still. I really don't like settling cities 5-6+ tiles away from my border. A new city 2 north of the corn could run some cottages.

You still feel short of workers. Maybe the ivory city could be building one.
2 pop whip The Hague for worker it's running unimproved tiles anyway.
Maybe worker near ivory moves to improve something useful. That city was there to grab stone and the ivory. Focus on the cities with food resources unimproved.

You have 4 cities rather stagnating and many cities running unimproved tiles. Capital looks nice but you have been staunting it's growth. Should of been spamming more settlers here.
Got a bunch of workers, plan to send some up into my new cities next turn.
The 'Mids are done, so are the two settlers. Planning on chopping another Settler in The Hague and settling the rice city.
Making the MoM in Utrecht, and removing forests is going nicely.
Scientists in capital slow growth get rid of them
Right, so that's what Specialists do. I suppose once a city gets a certain size you want to run a bunch of Specialists?
Rep will add 3 happiness soon.
So Rep is good for default/peace, and HR and PS are great for war?
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