Shawnee - Exploration Age Civilization Discussion

Laurana Kanan

Don’t underestimate who I am.
Super Moderator
Apr 10, 2014
Near the Greatest Snow on Earth

Shawnee - Exploration Age Civilization

An Algonquian-speaking people originally from what is now the eastern United States, the Shawnee fought hard to keep their land and traditions. Their fiercest battles were with the United States, as the new nation pushed westward. Seeking to build a coalition of indigenous people to form a united front, the Shawnee established a settlement at Prophetstown, but the US Army loomed on the horizon.

Unique Ability
  • Nepekifaki: Settlements built adjacent to Navigable Rivers gain increased Food on River tiles, but Cities not built adjacent to a Navigable River receive less Food.
  • Economic
  • Political
Civic Trees

Wyehi Simekofi
  • Tier 1: Unlocks the Mawaskawe Skote Unique Infrastructure. Unlocks 'Bread Dance' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Bread Dance: Increased Culture to all Farming Towns and increased Food for all Fishing Towns.
  • Tier 2: Increased Settlement Limit. Mawaskawe Skote receives increased Culture per allied City-State.
Miyaska Latoweki
  • Tier 1: Adds Gold for each Trade Route while you have a set number of Endeavors active. Unlocks 'Kakawfe Pafkotaweta' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Kakawfe Pafkotaweta: Adds Culture and Gold for every time an Environmental Event has provided Fertility this Age. Improvements, buildings, and Urban Districts do not get pillaged by storms.
  • Tier 2: Additional Resource Cap in your Capital per Allied City-State.
  • Tier 1: You can support other leaders' wars multiple times instead of once. Unlocks 'Helikhilenawewipe' Tradition.
  • Tradition - Helikhilenawewipe: Increased Influence Efficiency to the Befriend Independent action.
  • Tier 2: The Kispoko Nena'to Unique Military Unit receives increased Combat Strength per Positive War Support. Increased Influence per turn.
Maleki Kintake
  • Tier 1: Increased Food on Farms and Camps. Unlocks 'Takesiyake Yepepoki' Tradition and Serpent Mound Wonder.
  • Tradition - Takesiyake Yepepoki: Cities receive additional Production on Tundra, Desert, and Plains tiles.
Unique Infrastructure
  • Mawaskawe Skote: Adds Food. Increased Gold for each adjacent Resource. Must be placed on a Vegetated tile not adjacent to another Mawaskawe Skote.
Unique Civilian Unit
  • Hoceepkileni: Missionary replacement Unit. Has increased movement, and Rivers do not end movement.
Unique Military Unit
  • Kispoko Nena’to: Infantry replacement Unit. Has increased Combat Strength for every Empire Resource.
Associated Wonder
  • Serpent Mound: Adds Science. Increased Science and Production to all Unique Improvements. Must be placed on a Grassland tile.

*Note - Shawnee civilization is part of the Tecumseh and Shawnee Pack DLC. The Tecumseh and Shawnee Pack is included in the Deluxe and Founders Editions of Civilization VII. It is not included in the Standard Edition of Civilization VII, but is available as a bonus offer for pre-orders of the Standard Edition until February 11, 2025, and will be available for separate purchase thereafter. Internet connection required to redeem bonus content. Terms apply.
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They probably used someone knowledgeable in the Shawnee language to come up with unique names. I think Kispoko were a subtribe of the Shawnee, correct me if I'm wrong.
Skote means "fire" as well

EDIT: Interesting that they didn't use the Shawnee word for Bread Dance (Dakwanekawe?)
Some of these words are Haudneshonee. But Tecumseh most definitely spoke both and the Shawnee use words from both haudneshonee and Algonquin. My Bodewadmi ancestors from the Wabash valley spoke 5 languages and some of them fought with Tecumseh.

Ishkoday means fire, kawe looks like kwe which means woman. Which makes since, these women do be cooking some good food.

None of these words have an official spelling.

The Wabash (Algonquin bodewadmi for swamp) valley where Tippecanoe is is right in-between the language families. Haudneshonee and Anishnabemowin which is the real name for Algonquin. Language wise any ways.

The two main powers right there were the Anishnabe and the Haudneshonee. Tecumseh the panther across the sky had the medicine to bring a bunch of Anishnabe tribes and bands together. Plus the Creek bands. He was in the process of adding the creek red sticks. When prophets town went down.
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Increeeeedible wooden construction! i don't know if Shawnee really did it IRL?

Unique Military Unit​

Kispoko Nena’to: Infantry replacement Unit. Has increased Combat Strength for every Empire Resource.

What does it looks like? a kinda fusilier? a light cavalry or what?
Kispoko musket unit should hide in vegetation. Because they did. I see the general system that looks awesome. But it would be nice to have the ability to break off units and guerilla warfare. Because that was the story of the exploration age. European style large army warfare and America's guerilla warfare that eventually developed into the ranger battalions. Maybe make the general hide in vegetation.

I wanna see Tecumsehs warchief Wenebeset (the clever one) aka Main Poc. The withered hand. Main Poc was an absolute terror for the upper Mississippi for a long time.

I'm hoping for a Cahokia antiquity civ. Which could branch to Shawnee, Aztec even, and I heard Dene or Navajo are in.
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Kispoko musket unit should hide in vegetation. Because they did.

I'm hoping for a Cohokia antiquity civ. Which could branch to Shawnee, Aztec even, and I heard Dene or Navajo are in.
So far i don't know much about unit tree beyond what i've commented on the other thread.
then it might be a kinda light infantry.

Also about American evolutionary path. since this civ simply branched off from English civ. and did NOT evolve the entirety of English (British) Empire.
So far i don't know much about unit tree beyond what i've commented on the other thread.
then it might be a kinda light infantry.

Also about American evolutionary path. since this civ simply branched off from English civ. and did NOT evolve the entirety of English (British) Empire.
I played a revolutionary mod a long time ago in civ 5 I think. It would be awesome to have the USA come out of England like it did.
A few points I found interesting:

Endeavors - What could these be?
Environmental Event - Looks like this will be in the base game.
City-State - Confirmed.
Influence & Influence Efficiency - I'm assuming this will be in relation to CSs.
Befriend Independent action - Also likely related to CSs.
Positive War Support - Hmm...
Missionary replacement - As someone else mentioned, confirmation that there will be religion.
My question: Why wouldn't the Shawnee be a "modern" civ? Wouldn't post 7 years war be pretty fair game as a component of the modern age? Is the modern age not generally considered everything after the end of the renaissance up until the industrial revolution?

Likewise, the Shawnee are explicitly a contemporary of the early USA. They even make reference to this in the abilities. England will presumably be a Explorer age civ, so either the USA and England need to be contemporaries to reflect the Shawnee's history resisting American colonialism, or the USA will be a "modern" civ...which doesn't make too much sense. Having indigenous civs in the modern age also avoids the awkward situation of forcing colonialism onto players by making the "logical" succession the US.
My question: Why wouldn't the Shawnee be a "modern" civ? Wouldn't post 7 years war be pretty fair game as a component of the modern age? Is the modern age not generally considered everything after the end of the renaissance up until the industrial revolution?

The usage of "modern" in Civ (both the new game and previous ones) is, well, modern in the regular meaning of the word, not the time period. In previous games, if there was a Modern Era it came after the Industrial Era, and in Civ VII it seems to be "start of Industrial Revolution to present".
While I don't know this for sure at all, the Shawnee being an Exploration Age civ, and seeing all of this design, makes me have faith that they'll be able to evolve into a Modern Age Iroquois/Haudenosaunee Confederacy civ. (As opposed to the fear that they would be "forced" to evolve into America, which would be pretty messed up IMO)

I'm loving this style of Civ design. My favorites in Civ6 ended up being the wild grab-bags of lots of minor bonuses (Khmer, Vietnam, Georgia) and I'm happy to see that approach to the design in Civ7 seemingly across the board. And the Unique Civics Trees are super exciting. It's interesting to me how many of the Civ Uniques that we've seen so far (from Egypt, Shawnee, and Songhai) all relate to navigable rivers.

I'm not sure exactly how this is going to work in Civ7, but it looks like Barbarian Camps, now replaced by "Independent Powers", likely pop up as one-tile settlements and can grow into City-States, like in Barbarian Clans mode in Civ6. That's not only cool, but also makes the design here make a lot of sense. As I understand it, the biggest issue in the past with getting the blessing of Native American Nations for their inclusion in Civ games was the Barbarian mechanic, and here we see both a reimagining of that concept into something less, well, offensive, as well as Shawnee here getting bonuses towards befriending Independent Powers. I'm just really happy to see that.

And yeah, graphically this civ looks incredible.
The easiest way to understand who came first is to look at the language family tree. The language families are the different roots to different trees. 7 language families, 7 migrations.

Algonquin should have been named Anishnabemowin. Algonquin is named Algonquin because it was the first tribe the Europeans recorded that spoke a language in that language family. The Algonquin tribes back then refered to each other in male relation terms, brothers, cousins ,grandfathers. Anishnabe=Algonquin speaking people. The oldest languages in the family are Ojibwe and cree. Ojibwe is the same word as Chippewa (Ochip-way) Ojibwe base words are like latin to other Algonquin dialects. I think, Ive used it on Sauk and Kickapoo.

The precursor/antiquity is Ojibwe based on language or Lenape/Delaware based on tradition (the Grandfathers).

The problem is really a problem with the European vs American timelines.

I suspect the Shawnee were a separate people in the antiquity age just based on the number of bands they had at the time of recording by Europeans.

Tecumseh forces were made up of his brothers and cousins; bodewadomis, odawas, Kickapoo, wea, miamis, sauk, misquawki, cherokees, creeks. It was a big tent that crossed language families.
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While I don't know this for sure at all, the Shawnee being an Exploration Age civ, and seeing all of this design, makes me have faith that they'll be able to evolve into a Modern Age Iroquois/Haudenosaunee Confederacy civ. (As opposed to the fear that they would be "forced" to evolve into America, which would be pretty messed up IMO)
I feel like it would make more sense to evolve a Iroquois/Haudenosaunee Confederacy civ into a Shawnee civ, if we're going off of the timeframe of Tecumseh as leader.
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