Shoes: What to get, where to get 'em, and more!

The Yankee

The New Yawker
Retired Moderator
Sep 1, 2002
Minneapolis, MN
Allow my feminine side to get out, but I do have to go hunting for shoes soon enough, so might as well grab some tips from our diverse OT community.

I know I wouldn't be representative of OT by far, so anyone can go and ask about what they need, but since it's my thread (and my 99th thread, I believe, since I've spent far too much time here with you guys), I'll go with my own stats.

I've been content with grabbing pairs of sneakers for $30 or $40 because they needed to clear stock and have been using Eastbay for quite a while to find such pairs. However, I have a great need to pick up some dress shoes (and perhaps another pair of sneakers, but that's another matter for later). Yet, I don't have a whole heck of a lot of money (after all, I'm 22 and living in a hellhole apartment) and I have another problem: I wear size 18 shoes (that's 50-something for Europeans). Obviously, this greatly reduces the availability of such shoes at reasonable prices.

So, firstly, where would you suggest trying to find some pairs? And, since I wouldn't be sure how wide I'd need them to be (or if using a half size one way or another would be a good idea), where could I find instructions to measure my foot?

And if you guys and ladies are proud of your own collections, by all means, post them here!

Around here I go to Shoe Carnival or Payless. I just wear tennis shoes, 24/7.

You never know when you'll need to run.
The_Yankee - You're definetily turning yuppie.

I know....:cry:

But I suppose that's the ultimate goal, isn't it? It'd be great if I had a job at the end of all this and it looks weird to be wearing the pants and the shirt (and I don't even have more business attire) with a pair of blue sneakers.

There was a pair of sneakers that I had that could pass off as something more formal...but those wore out a few years back.
I wear some French Shriners. They are brown leather and very comfortable. They remind me of moccasins or boots in shoe form.
I have this pair of tennis shoes that I pretty much wear all the time to school. If I need to walk around somewhere and I need to leave quickly, I put on my old, tattered and frayed sandals. That reminds me, I have to get a new pair quickly.
I just got a pair of black wing-tips; I think that if you can pull it off, it's the only way to go.

But I don't know if department stores would carry your size; mine are 9's.
My current stockpile includes:

A pair of brown Vans, Mizuno Wave Rider (recycled from my running), Reef flip-flops (I don't wear them down here very much since it is central VA), and a pair of Adidas recycled running shoes.
I wear a pair of K Swiss. I like them. I've had them for like two years and they're fairly dirty. is a good place to start.

Come to think of it, I should pick up a pair of kicks from there real soon...


Lets get some shoes.

EDIT: X-Perf....

I spent many a night making sweet love to that video...

But I suppose I'll have to keep up the search to either find a brick & mortar place or an online retailer (doubt I could find anything wholesale) that carries my size.

Unfortunately, even King Size Direct only goes up to 15 or so.
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