Shot in cold blood: Sonya Massey

So, alright, you're clever. Where do those expenses come in?

Do they really come in with the poison grants of military equipment that the federal government offloads? Municipalities will certainly incur expenses, and they'll account a Bradley APC as an expensive SWAT thing... or do they come in in the jailing?

Seeing as I'm not exactly suggesting we jail this man for a long period of time... it is funny, but I don't think in the way your point is leading.
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So, alright, you're clever.
Hah, no. Not about this anyway. Just tired of the "how dare we take away money from the department with all the money". Meanwhile, libraries (for example) are attaching string to two empty cans.
Do they really come in with the poison grants of military equipment that the federal government offloads? Municipalities will certainly incur expenses, and they'll account a Bradley APC as an expensive SWAT thing... or do they come in in the jailing?
Given that inmates are often put to work or outright risk for basically no pay, it's difficult to assert that the costs in the jailing don't serve some greater (repugnant; not actually "greater") purpose. Got to fill the cells to make sure barely-just-about-not-slavery, technically cheap labour is available, right?

It's multifaceted. The gear impacts on the (lack of) training and the personality types that get rewarded. Don't really want to drag the thread down with a massive tangent though. It's not like you're interested in agreeing or even learning about it. It seems to be a hard stop for you.
You're citing license plates at me in response to that?(I edited late, hey, I'm doing it again, but at least this is pattern and practice(I think the last one was just putting in the youtube clip I wanted))

It gets funnier and funnier.

Let's pretend only guns and APCs are expensive, and not "talent," training, recruitment, and HR. Because others are just differnet, right?
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You're citing license plates at me in response to that?
No idea what license plates mean contextually.
Let's pretend only guns and APCs are expensive, and not "talent," training, recruitment, and HR. Because others are just differnet, right?
I mean, you can pretend that if you want. I'm not.
America is in the midst of an uncivil war with itself. Our law enforcement agencies are increasingly operating as an occupying force in a war zone. Society is disintegrating. People want to work and shop and school their kids from home because it's not safe out there. Authoritarianism seems inevitable, whether it be left or right leaning, does that much matter?

Fences and walls are going up all across the land. Soon it will be every gender for themselves, if that moment is not here already.

I will pray for Grayson, that God reveal to him the path of redemption.
unless those people in prison are still pouring asphalt like in the movies , the only business line for the "enslaved" should be printing license plates . This then becoming a challenge to beliefs that prisons in the US is a "business" . As for Left hardlining lot ...
Now while scalding water can cause serious injury, I doubt this (to me) small frail woman would've been able to launch a pot of it across the room at them for it to be able to hurt them. Nor run with it at them either to [I guess] dump it on them.

All in all, not very good for the police here.
She literally did just that. Throw the pot.
like American cops are unique . They will shoot you with or without a weapon . Like even in New Turkey , it is law that policemen who fire their service arm in the line of duty get investigated ; endless source of rants that they will watch you die in the hands of some nutjob to avoid the trouble of all that work and get the perpetrator only when you are safely dead and no longer require being saved .
Here is a crazy idea.
Dont grab a weapon when a policeman is in your house.
In a thread with stiff competition, this wins the award for "didn't read anything, isn't a subject expert, and decided to post anyway".
The, I guess, ethos for police in this era is shown on the video after the shooting both officers repeatedly ask each other "you okay" as if they had indeed been in danger.
as in care for your buddy and "leave no one alive behind" and we will be on TV maybe .
In a thread with stiff competition, this wins the award for "didn't read anything, isn't a subject expert, and decided to post anyway".
As probably the only Civfanatic poster to have been involved in a police shooting I claim relevant expertise on this subject.
As probably the only Civfanatic poster to have been involved in a police shooting I claim relevant expertise on this subject.
And despite me disagreeing with you on various things, you're at least reading and following the thread!
She was in her house, though. Identifying water she was boiling as a weapon is just dumb. I know I wouldn't want the cops to think my mechanical integrator that shoots up to 1/8 kilogram projectiles with precision was a weapon (not until it's too late for them).
You don't get it. When the police roll up to your house you're supposed to click your heels and salute, and they can tell you to do whatever they want and however they want, because this is the goddamned US of A :ar15::rockon:
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