Slaves, Hostages and Prisoners of War

Never heard about human sacrifice? Wow... There are lot of case in Africa, some in Haiti and South America. Yes, in area with a "culture" of Human sacrifice, but I have no idea how this can be implemented...
And for cannibalism, far less case, but some are realy creepy. My original idea was only when starvation, but that need a new tag (but can allow a Black market Crime and some others things)

When a city goes into starvation I can see the crime cannibalism happening but not based on crime level. Which means it would need to be built by a different mechanism just as the disease: kuru is. That is not a problem and could be implemented quite quickly.

So that is two that you have convinced me should exist, but I am not convinced about the off events. Having them only turn off by turning the world view on is not enough.
I was thinking that Mainstream Cloning Tech would obsolete Slavery. Slavery would be replaced by a Clones Caste like in Huxley's Brave New World. Right now its just buildings im planning, have no idea for Units.

The Media Hivemind Tech would have buidings required for indoctrination. Another Inspiration is the movie The Island (2005).

Alphas and Betas
Alphas and Betas are at the top of the caste system, and perform the more intellectual jobs. Unlike the lower castes, Alphas and Betas are not clones, allowing for more individual personalities. Alphas wear gray, and Betas wear mulberry.

Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons
The lower three castes do more menial and standardized work. As a result, they are usually clones. When being decanted, processes such as oxygen deprivation are used. Gammas wear green, Deltas wear khakis, and Epsilons wear black. Gammas, Deltas, and Episilons are conditioned to serve the higher ranking castes (Alpha and Beta). In Chapter 5, it states that "Everyone works for every one else. We can't do this without any one. Even Epsilons are useful. We couldn't do without Epsilons. Every one works for every one else. We can't do this with any one.
The production slave that gives 10 hammers is quite overpowered. Is it possible to cap how many you can put in the one city? Otherwise, I think it needs to be reduced to like 6 hammers imo.
The production slave that gives 10 hammers is quite overpowered. Is it possible to cap how many you can put in the one city? Otherwise, I think it needs to be reduced to like 6 hammers imo.

I was going to make the specialist slaves require two unspecialised slaves when I figured out how to do it.
This makes no sense I think. It would be much cooler if every mine/factory etc Improvement and BUilding would you allow to add one Prod Slave. And every Farm and Farm Buidlings (Orchads too) would allow you to add one Farm Slave etc.
This makes no sense I think. It would be much cooler if every mine/factory etc Improvement and BUilding would you allow to add one Prod Slave. And every Farm and Farm Buidlings (Orchads too) would allow you to add one Farm Slave etc.

And how would I know what buildings are which especially as more and more are being added?
And how would I know what buildings are which especially as more and more are being added?

IIRC there was a list in the forum. All buildings should be categorized and I guess this was done because they want such a categorization in the game.
I was going to make the specialist slaves require two unspecialised slaves when I figured out how to do it.

Sounds ok. Could it be restricted by population even? Say like 1 specialist slave per 12 pop or something. In my current game my capital has 9 productive specialists (+90:hammers:) and its only size 20, i'm in classical era. I also built heroic epic and some other +military unit production buildings and when i'm building military units it makes like 600+ hammers a turn ;)
Sounds ok. Could it be restricted by population even? Say like 1 specialist slave per 12 pop or something. In my current game my capital has 9 productive specialists (+90:hammers:) and its only size 20, i'm in classical era. I also built heroic epic and some other +military unit production buildings and when i'm building military units it makes like 600+ hammers a turn ;)

I could but I am not sure I should.:mischief: Theoretically 3 slaves = 1 population and there have been a number of nations in history where the slave numbers are greater than the population. Wasn't Sparta 10+ slaves per Spartan man or woman?

If we could overcome the problem with the Great Wall throwing slave revolts out or come up with a better slave revolt that did not spawn units we could increase its frequency as the ratio gets larger...
I could but I am not sure I should.:mischief: Theoretically 3 slaves = 1 population and there have been a number of nations in history where the slave numbers are greater than the population. Wasn't Sparta 10+ slaves per Spartan man or woman?

If we could overcome the problem with the Great Wall throwing slave revolts out or come up with a better slave revolt that did not spawn units we could increase its frequency as the ratio gets larger...

Sounds like a cool idea about the slave revolts!

I only want to help balance them, I don't really care how its done tbh. I can safely say in my current game these slaves are probably the only reason i'm still alive :lol:
Abused them to the max, so I feel a bit guilty I guess :mischief:

However you want to balance them is fine by me, would just love it if something was done.
I was thinking that Mainstream Cloning Tech would obsolete Slavery. Slavery would be replaced by a Clones Caste like in Huxley's Brave New World. Right now its just buildings im planning, have no idea for Units.

The Media Hivemind Tech would have buidings required for indoctrination. Another Inspiration is the movie The Island (2005).

Don´t forget that Deltas and Epsilons were also engineered to perform better at certain tasks. Like those meant to work in a foundry cope more easily with high heat enviroments.

But it shouldn´t obsolete slavery. Slavery would probably still a cheap alternative to better and more obidient, but more expensive to produce clones.
The AI civs know how to handle captives?

I mean I just had a great game with just me and 3 other civs in a large map, I enabled barbarian world in custom game and it was a struggle to survive (but it was fun - capture, convert and build a horde of axeman). However sometimes I see a captive just fortifying some AI city instead of being used so I was wondering if they also benefit from "worldviews" the way the player can.
The AI civs know how to handle captives?

I mean I just had a great game with just me and 3 other civs in a large map, I enabled barbarian world in custom game and it was a struggle to survive (but it was fun - capture, convert and build a horde of axeman). However sometimes I see a captive just fortifying some AI city instead of being used so I was wondering if they also benefit from "worldviews" the way the player can.

They do. If you see them hording a lot that they should be using post a save for analysis.
We also need a Slave Mechanism for Mainstream Cloning but we convert food and gold into hammers.
I want to finish off the slavery and sacrifice part of this. Two things are left to do

1) restrict the number of special slaves so that you have to have more normal slaves that special.

2) give a few turns of golden age for each sacrifice based on religion and buildings (both in the city and in the nation).
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