SparkNES: A Tale of Mad Scientists and Power!

OOC: Just waiting on what Grandkhan will do before I send orders. Her mother doesn't objects, and actually hopes this will speed up Rul's "settling down into proper Science". so what happens is up to GrandKahn.
OK, guys, stats and map have just been updated.

The deadline for the next turn will be next Saturday, October 6th, at 10 PM Spanish time. That gives you 7 days, 7 hours and 15 minutes from the moment this is posted. Go!
The stats indicate Transylvania has 2 airships but the update says I have only 1. Can you check Transylvania's stats?
If you guys are interested in my ideas for the RPG I proposed before, here are more details (spoilered so that you can read them only if you want to).
Spoiler :
Player Characters are called Chrono-Travelers.

Stats: they are measured over 100. PCs can use 450 points to give the stats.
  • Strength (STR): measures a PC's ability to use brute force in his dealings across space-time. For example, lifting a weight or throwing a punch.
  • Perception (PER): measures a PC's ability to use his senses to interact with his/her surroundings. For example, pointing a gun at an objective or smelling some kind of perfume.
  • Endurance (END): measures a PC's health and ability to resist illnesses and/or poisonings. It directly affects your HPs.
  • Charisma (CHA): measures a PC's ability to interact with other people through speech, as well as convincing other people of your opinion or to obey you.
  • Intelligence (INT): measures a PC's ability to use his/her mind to understand the world that surrounds them, as well as to use it for other intellectual things.
  • Agility (AGI): measures a PC's ability to move fast, as well as his/her reflexes and his/her jumping ability.
  • Luck (LCK): measures a PC's luck, which affects things that may be random.

There are three secondary stats:
  • Health (HP): pretty much what it says on the tin. It is equal to 100+Endurance+Strength/2.
  • Mana (MP): only for those that use magic. It is equal to 10+Intelligence/5.
  • Chronopoints (CP): a Chrono-Traveler's travels through the multiverse make them particularly able to affect probabilities, due to the chronitons they produce naturally as they travel between universes. In-game, one Chronopoint can be used to re-throw a failed throw.

Abilities: the Chrono-Travelers have abilities they either learned in their home timelines or during their travels through the multiverse. These are reflected in giving bonuses for certain actions, which improve as you make use of that ability. For example, a soldier could have the ability to use a rifle: using a rifle to shoot at someone gets a better chance of succeeding, and as he shoots said ability improves, but that would not help with other things like chatting up a girl or throwing grenades.

Disabilities: Just like Abilities are things that have been learned by the Chrono-Travelers and that can aid them in the pursuit of their objectives, Disabilities are things that are part of the Chrono-Travelers' past, but that hinder them in their objectives. For example, if a Chrono-Traveler suffers from alcoholism, he may have problems with getting through the day without a drink, or he will probably be too drunk to shoot well.

Weapons: A Chrono-Traveler can only carry four weapons on himself, tops. Save for special cases, Chrono-Travelers begin with one long-range weapon and one short-range weapon (for example, a rifle and a saber or switchblade). Long-range weapons tend to be limited on ammo, unless there is an a reason why it is not so. If your weapons are magical, then you will need mana to power them up. Of course, if you find yourself a better weapon, you are more than welcome to throw one away. When you get your ship, you will be able to store your weapons in the ship, and if you find yourselves missing some ammo, you can get it from whomever controls the ship, but do not bet too much on that.

Armor: the protection you are wearing. Of course, heavy protection will very likely reduce your ability to move fast, but maybe it could be an advantage.

Objects: you may carry up to eight different objects, which might be useful or not in the future. Chrono-Travelers may have between 1 to 3 different objects at the beginning. These objects may be grenades, rope, a book... many things that can be useful at any point in time. As with weapons, you can store these on the ship and get them back if you need them.

Injuries: If you get injured in some part of your body, you will start doing worse at certain things until you finally get healed.
To: Was Hibule, Lord of Hibule
From: Alzaro de Togliacci, Grand Pirate King of Sardinia, King of Togliacci, Master of All He Surveys

It appears that our children, my son Elmiro and your daughter Rul, have taken quite a liking to each other. With the current state of affairs, we propose that Elmiro and Rul wed, thus bringing together two young people and sealing an alliance between the Pirate Kingdom of Sardinia and Drushal that will make the Mediterranean sway in terror!

What say you to such a proposal?
OK, guys. It's been 3 days since you last said anything.

TerrisH: better if you get up crankin' and answer to Grandkhan, otherwise you won't be on time.

As I write this lines, you have 3 days, 12 hours and 5 minutes to send orders, and I am trying to plan for - The MES, my RPG game.

Get moving with those orders! (And stories!)
To: Was Hibule, Lord of Hibule
From: Alzaro de Togliacci, Grand Pirate King of Sardinia, King of Togliacci, Master of All He Surveys

It appears that our children, my son Elmiro and your daughter Rul, have taken quite a liking to each other. With the current state of affairs, we propose that Elmiro and Rul wed, thus bringing together two young people and sealing an alliance between the Pirate Kingdom of Sardinia and Drushal that will make the Mediterranean sway in terror!

What say you to such a proposal?

That would be quite agreeable. It might even get my Daughter to settle down within a few years. *sigh* though that is a vague hope at best,.. I will prepare a Sutible Dowry for my daughter, and will deliver it as soon as it is complete..
Should have expected it.

Might be that I am not cut out for modding NESes. Maybe it is that this NES was too boring, or too slow, or too restrictive, or... don't know.

Either way, only two people sent orders in. Two. Out of ten.

I waited to see if someone might eventually remember that I was expecting orders, but, as it turns out, it seems that no one was attentive.

Besides, the very little volume in messages (only two!) and in stories after the last update (zero), as well as the fact that the number of players would have been slashed by almost half, even if everyone that had sent orders in the previous turn did it in this turn, tells me that players are not interested in this anymore.

Still, a thumbs up for LDiCesare and Nintz, because at least they spent some time working out what to do in this turn and sent orders.

Though, before I close this (and plan for my RPG - The MES) I'd like to give out a few trophies, because, well, I hope you guys had as much fun as me, and I feel like doing this. Everybody gets a trophy!

Grandkhan: as the pirate de Togliacci family, Grandkhan saw as his future one where the Pirate Kingdom of Sardinia ruled supreme in the Mediterranean, and his goals were well on their way, especially considering what he was getting up to. Thus, he gets the Most Brutal Award for his horrible way to deal with towns that opposed his rule, especially when Elmiro was in charge of the Air Navy. He also gets the Most Hilarious Slip-Up Award for asking me to find a bride for Alzaro's daughter, emo teen Aliara, instead of his son Elmiro, and the Most Powerful Ship Award for creating the Kraken's Revenge.

hbar: from the Polish homeland in Warsaw, hbar led the Polifaze family towards hopeful greatness. He can at least play the card of being the one that made up the most horrifying inventions in the entirety of this short game, namely Legion and the carnivorous fungi that now populate the Vistula's banks. He also developed a bunch of units based on fungi (even the flamethrowers, which were initially created to deal with bad fungi outbreaks), which could have got a good use if he had continued to play. However, one thing I thank him for is for his very well organized orders, which you can see in the first post. He gets the Most Horrifying Inventions Award, the One-Track-Mind Award and the Most Organized Orders Award.

Krzowwh: being as isolated as they were, I expected the Swjatoslawic to rule a good part of the region in a few turns. Instead, after Update 1 Krzowwh folded up and stopped playing without even saying why. Thus, he started to be besieged by bad situations, including an actual siege on one of his cities by the feared Revenants. That city ended up destroyed. Thus, he gets the Revenant Award and the Lost City Award.

LDiCesare: I admit it, when LDiCesare made up his family of Sparky henchmen, the Igor family, I felt curious, but when he started to develop them I thought he was doing a fantastic job, not only at playing them IC, but also at the (admittedly difficult) task of imbuing himself in the spirit of the Girl Genius universe, and thus play like a Spark (a train pulled by giant rabbits, and an airship impulsed by zombi rabbits are as Sparky as one can get). I also laughed a lot at several of his ideas, amongst them naming everyone in the family the same and using that to confuse everyone, and the knock-off Tetris idea, using airships and rocks to play the game during a battle. Thus, he gets the Most Hilarious Award, the Most Sparky Award and the Originality Award.

merciary: the first of its kind in his new world, the Zwerg corporation did its best to expand its control in Germany through the most friendly methods, only using his army once to deal with several non-rouge Sparks and always trying to make trade with, not only the surrounding lands, but also with their northern neighbours in Skaneland, who were sold good quality metal in exchange of food and gold. He also did his best to improve the production of food, precisely to avoid having to depend on foreign nations to get the foodstuffs needed, although he still did his best to maintain good relations with Skaneland. He gets the Best Trader Award and the Most Friendly Award.

Nintz: playing as the af Vornholm in the north was not easy, especially given the complete lack of metal he faced almost from the start. Still, he worked hard to get the af Vornholm to become the most powerful nation in Northern Europe, and he was doing quite well, developing two kinds of clanks made out of wood and stone (which he didn't even built any of) and even using a Spark to provoke a civil war between different factions amongst the rebels. Unfortunately, he did not realize the significance of that Spark. He gets the Greatest Lost Potential Award, the Missed Literary Reference Award, as well as the Best Strategy Award.

Omega124: he began well, explaining why he was playing Venice even though canon states Venice sunk. However, for unknown reasons he disappeared off the map and stopped playing, already on turn 2, thus leaving the di Barone to their luck. He had a proto-communist boy in his hands, and let all of that potential for crisis go. The worst thing was, however, when he let little, autistic Gaia, disappear/die after she started to go through her first Madness Place and was completely ignored by her parents (and Omega himself). Thus, he gets the Most Cruel Award and the Most Disappointing Award.

Seon: from northern Portugal, the von Welf family thought they could have a chance to rule the roost in the Iberian Peninsula. And he was mostly right, he could have done that if he had moved just a little faster (and, of course, if this had lasted longer). He was even doing a good job with what he had, and when news came of an army moving towards him, he did not doubt and prepared himself for battle. His army suffered heavy losses, but the other guy's army got out even worse of it. Also of mention is his idea to build electric cows to add them both to his army and his economic system, although for a while its use escaped me, due to the fact that Seon never mentioned what he wanted to do with it. Thus, he gets the Most Out Of Place Award (a German family ruling in Portugal!), the Biggest Battle Award and the Most Confusing Order Award.

Terrance888: he was off to a good start with the Helvetii family, but he never got around to sending orders, apparently due to the lack of a good internet connection (although he then appeared in many other places, so I don't know whether that was true or not) and disappeared at the end of Update 3. He gets the Destroyed Award for being the only destroyed nation (Update 4 would have probably seen 3 more destructions...), as well as the WTH Award for Giovanni's speech after Update 1.

TerrisH: although in a rocky start due to missing orders for Update 1, he got back and made the best out of his mistake, using the resources he had to ensure that the Hibule family got out of the hole. Rul got hurt but recovered, and eventually Wasul got her revenge, while destroying any of her enemies and expanding her dominion over Southern France. Rul eventually managed to escape (surprisingly, this was in TerrisH orders!) and found herself in the arms of Elmiro de Togliacci, who helped her. They were even poised to become married, considering the last posts by Grandkhan and TerrisH. Thus, TerrisH gets the Best Comeback Award and the Romance Award.

theDright: ruling the completely mutant Hunyadi (seriously, blue skins!), theDright could have done a lot of good for the people of Buda-Pest. Of course, that would have been if he had actually sent orders from Update 2 onwards, as well as the fact that he would not even try to show his family try to come out of their palace, thus sparking (pun intended) a brutal rebellion that could have destroyed all of his little principality, and would have in turn 4. His complete lack of care even meant that he lost two family members, one to the Madness Place and the other at the hands of the one. He gets the Shut-In Award, the Most Family Losses Award and the Biggest Insurrection Award.

I'm sorry for this. I felt this NES had a huge amount of potential. Don't really know what happened. Maybe the lack of action at the start made some people tune out. Tough to say.
Too bad. The idea was very good, and the updates were pleasant. Short enough that reading every family's woes was always easy, and interesting enough with challenges added for everyone.
I'm afraid many NESers are eager to jump on NESes and then let them fall. Pretty much why I stopped my last NES too, so I would put the blame for the end of the NES more on the participants than the moderator.

That said, I have a few comments on your moderating.
It might have helped if you didn't write off-topic-my-next-NES posts in this thread. It is, after all, off-topic, and sends a discouraging message to participants.
Sending PMs to people to urge them to send in orders works. However, moderators shouldn't have to do that unless we're dealing with young children.
Posting more in your thread would have helped too. For instance the reasons why I didn't write stories this turn are:
-I was sick last week
-I asked a question regarding my stats. You corrected the stats but didn't post it here so I couldn't know the stats were updated. This generated a delay.
-I described what I wanted to do in-thread (sending some spies) but got no answer at all. I could have written something about the enemy city, found some idea or better plan for my orders. As I received no answer, I waited and ended up having no time so I just sent generic orders.

Finally thanks for this. I discovered Girl Genius thanks to this forum and that's a great find.
I'm sorry that I could not send orders and that it led to the death of this. I was suddenly left without internet this weekend.
I was actually planning to send orders on the day you posted that. Sorry :(

I think the problem was that everybody was so far away from each other that we just flat out didn't have interaction.

Ahah, yeah, the Aliara is a lesbian thing was pretty hilarious. I mistyped her name instead of her brother's, and suddenly, I'm trying to find a wife for my daughter. At least Elmiro was getting married.

Cheers for the fun NES either way, Milarqui :)
I think the problem was that everybody was so far away from each other that we just flat out didn't have interaction.

That didn't help, but I doubt it's the cause of the problem. People who interact with each other tend to need even more time to coordinate and send orders after all. It might hinder people's willingness to participate, however, but then again we all had flying ships if we wanted to interact.
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