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stJNES: An Old Light

Mar 3, 2002
Bay Area, California
Mission Statement

So I have taken a break from NESing for nearly three months, and let me tell you, I really needed it. It has definitely felt longer. Now I am back, and the last thing I plan to do is pick up where I left off. Most of the last ten or so JNES’s have been a disgrace, an embarrassment to me and the NESing establishment. Most did not go past the third or fourth update.

I have come back to NESing not more then a few hours and have realized that I am a MODer at heart, and that in order for me to completely integrate back into the community, I do indeed need to launch an NES. Don’t get me wrong, this NES is not a hastily drawn out idea. I have been thinking about it for a couple of weeks, as I slowly began lurking on the forums again.

And I came down to two options for myself: a fresh start NES with stjnes5-esque rules, or an industrial NES with a loosely made history. I decided on the former as I have always been fond of the fresh starts and I believe they have more potential for forming into epic stories. And so here it is, I offer you stJNES: An Old Light.

In The Beginning…

We will begin in the Bronze Age, at about 2500 b.c. You may create your civilization anywhere in the old world except for the extremes (northern Lapland, eastern Siberia, central Sahara, etc). Those who do decide on fertile land and closer to other civilizations will enjoy, at least in the beginning, the benefits of these decisions. The turns we play will represent one hundred year periods.

The Economy, Military, and the rest of the junk

The economy of your civilization will be described in your stats by a word. The levels are, and in this order, Depression, Recession, Failing, Stable, Growing, Prosperous, Outstanding. Your economy may be increased past the Outstanding level and will be recognized with a + (#). Each level will have an equivalent economic spending power. For example, with a stable economy, you will have 2 spending points to spend each turn. Failing will also have 2, recession 1, and depression none, while growing will have 2 as well, prosperous 3, and outstanding 4. To increase your economy, you will have to say how you are doing it in your orders. Sometimes what you do will work and your economy will increase, and sometimes it won’t. It helps that you do not spend your economy on anything else that turn. Be creative. Creative initiatives may fair better than just “increase trade to increase economy” orders. It may take numerous turns to increase your economy, you must just keep working on it. It will be much harder to increase your economy as your economy gets stronger.

You may also notice that under your economy stat is a short description. This basically tells you what your economy excels at, and possibly what you may want to gear towards when increasing. This NES is all about flexibility, there is no ONE way to increase your economy, it can happy variably from any decision. And likewise it can decrease on a whim.

To recruit soldiers into your army or navy, you will have to spend an economic point, and, based on your population, government, serving policy, and state of your nation, you will receive a certain number of troops. If you institute a draft, I will inform you how many troops you get per spending point. Mind you they will be less trained.

Also mind you that a nation with a huge military force should have an equivalent economy supporting it, or it will be ill-equipped and ill-trained. Numbers don’t always mean strength in this NES. I will take education (representing the knowledge of your generals), morale, history of your nation, and political state into mind when writing out battle results.

You can train your force once you hit the Iron Age. More on this when we break through.

In times when your nation excels and moves to the next age, you will have to upgrade your army. This costs one economy level per branch of military, and in some cases, will reduce your armed forces.

NOTE: Expansion will be extremely slow in this game, to reflect reality, especially in the ancient age. Also, watch out for real life events (example: America when Europeans came)

You can make a wonder, the time it takes depends on what the wonder is or does, what age we are in, how your economy is like, and the overall stats of your nation.

Confidence mostly reflects how much you write. This can only be increased through writing stories.

Morale is the feeling of your troops and your citizens. Low morale can lead to low recruitment levels, a sluggish economy, and coup de etat.

Training your armed forces is not possibly for a while.

Conscription is not possible for a while.

Mobilization is not possible for a while.

To trade, all you have to be is friendly towards a nation and it happens automatically. Though if you do wish you can regulate it, raise taxes on it to foster economic growth, lower taxes to foster economic growth (hehe), or even set up official trade routes. Official trade routes are routes that you and another government agree to set up. Each route will give you +1 economic spending point every three turns. These routes can be stopped by either party, or by a third party blockading ports, etc. Routes do have a negative side, they can make your nation dependent on imports, or fix your economy on trade (so if you have five or seven routes, and then something happens and you can no longer trade, your economy will suffer considerably). A trade route costs three economic points to set up, and requires the other party to agree to allow you to trade.

UU’s can be made, one per age, for each nation.

Governments must keep in line with the age. You may make up any kind of government you want, though it is up to me to determine if it is the right age for it.


Will be every other day, and very short and succinct (I’m aiming for less then a page in Word for each update). This will keep the job of really giving depth to a nation in your hands. It will also allow me to do the every-other day updates.

Please note that I most likely will add rules as the game proceeds.

Template (please overwrite the thing it asks for unless there are colons after it.

Nation Name
Ruler: /CFC name
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Culture: I’ll fill in
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: King Cecrops I/The Farow
Capital: Athens
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2 (+1)
Army: 3,500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 40 Galleys
Religion: Greek Polytheism
Culture: Moderate
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: /MjM
Tribal Confederacy
Capital: Pella
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable
Army: 2,500 men, 500 Hoplites, Bronze Age
Navy: 10 Galleys
Religion: Greek Polytheism
Culture: Mediocre
UU: Hoplite Warrior. A early form of Hoplite warrior. Well trained, fights in a tight formation. Hard to break.
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: NPC
Capital: Sparta
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 3,000 men, 1,000 Spartan Axmen, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Greek Polytheism
Culture: Moderate
UU: Spartan Axmen: a lightly armored but powerful warrior
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: NPC
Capital: Lydia
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 3,900 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 20 Galleys
Religion: Greek Polytheism
Culture: Moderate
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: NPC
Capital: Knossos
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 1,700 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 35 Galleys
Religion: Greek Polytheism
Culture: Moderate
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: The Scythian Greeks/North King
Capital: Tomis
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 1,200 men, 1,200 Horsemen, Bronze Age
Navy: 10 Galleys
Religion: Polytheism
Culture: Moderate
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: High Priest/Kal'thzar
Capital: Memphis
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Growing +2
Army: 1,200 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 15 Galleys
Religion: Egyptian Polytheism
Culture: Good
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Royalist Egypt
Ruler: NPC
Capital: Elephantine
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 2,000 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 10 Galleys
Religion: Egyptian Polytheism
Culture: Good
Confidence: Good
Trading Partners:

Ruler: Canaan/j_eps
Capital: Sidon
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Growing +2
Army: 2,500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 15 Galleys
Religion: Multiple forms of Polytheism (mainly greek/egyptian), with Fertility Cult as well.
Culture: Mediocre
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Kingdom of Judea
Ruler: NPC
Capital: Jerusalem
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Growing +2
Army: 500 men, 1,500 Jewish Lancers, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Judaism
Culture: Good
UU: Jewish Lancer – a very well trained lancer who is faster and more accurate.
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Kingdom of Jiroft
Ruler: King Sargon I/Azale
Capital: Jiroft
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 2,000 men, 3,000 Immortals, Bronze Age
Navy: 25 Galleys
Religion: Proto-Zoroastrianism
Culture: I’ll fill in
UU: Sargon's Immortals- Think civ3...
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: NPC
Capital: Samarkland
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 2,500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Proto-Zoroastrianism
Culture: Mediocre
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: NPC
Capital: Zadrakarta
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Growing +2
Army: 2,500 men, 1,500 Wolf-Warriors, Bronze Age
Navy: 15 Galleys
Religion: proto-Zoroastrianism
UU: Wolf-Warrior
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:
Wonders: Sarouyeh Market: a grand "farmer's market" in Zadrakarta (+1 Economy) (1/3)

Ruler: NPC
Capital: Persipolis
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 4,000 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 10 Galleys
Religion: Proto-Zoroastrianism
Culture: Mediocre
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: NPC
Capital: Babylon
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 2,500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 20 Galleys
Religion: Babylonian Polytheism
Culture: Good
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: Getevorix/Lord_Iggy
Capital: Lugdunum
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Growing +2
Army: 500 men, 1,500 Celtic Warriors, Bronze Age
Navy: 15 Galleys
Religion: Animism
Culture: Mediocre
UU: Celtic Warriors- Powerful, lightly-armored Warriors.
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: NPC
Capital: Rouen
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 2,200 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 15 Galleys
Religion: Animism
Culture: Mediocre
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: NPC
Capital: Valencia
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2 (+1)
Army: 1,700 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 30 Galleys
Religion: Animism
Culture: Mediocre
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: Despot Orthur/erez87
Capital: Langdum
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 2,300 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 25 Galleys
Religion: Asatru
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

The Teutonic Empire
Ruler: King ??? /Sheep
Capital: Konigsberg
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 3,500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Polytheism
Culture: Mediocre
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: ???/Finmaster
Tribal Chiefdom
Capital: Fennia
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 2,200 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Polytheism
Culture: Mediocre
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: NPC
Tribal Chiefdom
Capital: Muenchen
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 2,500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Polytheism
Culture: Mediocre
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: NPC
Tribal Chiefdom
Capital: Copenhagen
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 2,500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Polytheism
Culture: Mediocre
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: Council of Tala/jalapeno_dude
Tribal Council
Capital: Haikou
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Growing +2
Army: 2,225 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 45 Galleys
Religion: Anito, with a focus on the worship of Tala and Bathala
Culture: Mediocre
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:
Wonders: Tala in Haikou: Sea Temple of Tala (+2 culture, spreads my relgion, +50 Galleys) (5/8)

Ruler: NPC
Capital: Angkor
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Growing +2
Army: 3,000 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 35 Galleys
Religion: Khmer Polytheism
Culture: Good
UU: Bassak Warrior: a light weight but fierce warrior
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Shang China
Ruler: Shang Dynasty/NPC
Capital: Anyang
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 2,000 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 25 Galleys
Religion: Ancestral Worship
Culture: Mediocre
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Xia China
Ruler: Xia Dynasty/NPC
Capital: Changsha
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 2,600 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 15 Galleys
Religion: Ancestral Worship
Culture: Mediocre
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Ruler: The Major
Capital: Twanzai
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Growing +2
Army: 1,000 men, 1,500 Quick Warriors, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Yoruba Faith (One God, Valhalla-like Afterlife)]
Culture: Great
UU: Quick Warriors (Warriors that can cover vast amounts of land quickly)
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:
Wonders: Harbor on the River (COMPLETE)

Barbary Kingdom
Ruler: /Wubba360
Capital: Berbria
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 1,500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 15 Galleys
Culture: Mediocre
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:
I will use the following map. Again, starting near other civs and in fertile lands will give you a definite boost in the beginning turns.

And one final post, plus I am saying:

You may now post.

Stories will help you get mentioned in the update, but are not required. Depending on the number of players, the beginning will see the collapse of civs by barbarian influx...so you have been warned.

First update will be on Wednesday. Specific orders deadline will be determined later. You may either post orders in thread if they are not too long, or PM them. Do NOT do both. If you post them in the threads, make it very clear that they are orders (bold the word orders, put your nation name, and have ' - ' for each point of orders). No more then one PM or post of orders accepted. Battlefield specific orders should be left to your generals, though if you can fit it in the same one pm, you may send them as well.
I will join as you I consider had my first real NES. Even though North King had my first one but that did not make it past the first few updates.

I don't know who I want to be but there should be a nation here is the next hour.


Ruler: King Cecrops I/The Farow
Capital: Athens
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Greek Polytheism
Culture: I’ll fill in
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Start me out well in Athens ;)

I will come up with a UU latter.
I don't remember the title but I was Germany and Egypt was the superpower of the world.

It was fun but people lost interest
It's excellent to see you back Jason.

Time for a new nation

Ruler: /Lord_Iggy
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Culture: I’ll fill in
UU: Gallic Warrior- High powered, lightly armoured Warrior.
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Start me just north of the central Pyrenees.
Might as well join...

For all practical purposes, I also started out in JNES--remember Sri Lanka (NOT Sinhala :p)?

Ruler: Council of Tala/jalapeno_dude
Tribal Council
Capital: Haikou (on the north coast)
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Anito, with a focus on the worship of Tala and Bathala
Culture: I’ll fill in
Confidence: Stable +2
Trading Partners:

I'm starting on Hainan island. According to wikipedia, the people of Hainan were Austronesian, not Chinese, hence the religion.

-Increase army with one point.
-Expand to unite the entire island.
-Begin the construction of a great temple to Tala in Haikou: Sea Temple of Tala (+2 culture, spreads my relgion, +50 Galleys) (1/?). Feel free to cut the stats down if you think it's too powerful. Spend a point on it, or if wonders don't cost money, spend it on galleys.
remember to fill in a religion, pick a government (tribal/Despotism) and make a UU if you want one.

edit: neat, jalapeno, thats a civ I havn't seen played yet.
I've edited the template with a spot for the capital of your nation...if those who have already joined could edit their posts with the name of their capital village (as it is now), that would be great, or just tell me in your next post.
Ok, I edited in a government since I forgot. I know my leader is based off mythology but his name is the earliest records of Athenian Kings I could find. Maybe LittleBoots could help me on this one :)? I think it is a little early for the famous Athenian Democracy but perhaps in the near future depending on how Athens does it will change.
Jason The King said:
remember to fill in a religion, pick a government (tribal/Despotism) and make a UU if you want one.

edit: neat, jalapeno, thats a civ I havn't seen played yet.
I think Cuiv played Hainan for a few turns in a NES by either Amirsan or EQ, but it was a fast-paced game with culture not really developed. I was looking for an interesting area on the map to start, and that's what I found.

Edited my earlier post with a capital name.
Ruler: /MjM
Tribal Confedracy
Capital: Pellas
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Greek Polytheism
Culture: I’ll fill in
UU: Companion Heavy Calvary
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:
Wonders:Royal Stables of Macedonia (Produces 70 Companion Calvary every turn until they are no longer useful on the battlefield (long time)) 0/

If wonder is too strong, Ill change it
Jason The King said:
I edited the economy section with a new, but still very basic system.
Good, I like that system better. Will edit orders.

Do wonders cost money, or just take time?

Also, can you add an infrastructure stat?

EDIT: MjM, send diplomacy orders!
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