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stJNES: An Old Light

Greek Orders

-Spend one point on army
-Spend one point on infrastructure

Expand along the area around Athens. Try to establish small colonies on nearby islands. Of course encourage trade of wine with other states in exchange for grains.
First Turn Orders (CELTIC)

All economy into Celtic Warriors.

Ruler: /Lord_Iggy
Capital: Lugdunum
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Animism
Culture: I’ll fill in
UU: Celtic Warriors- Powerful, lightly-armoured Warriors.
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:
Canaan Orders

Ruler: Canaan/j_eps
Capital: Sidon
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Multiple forms of Polytheism (mainly greek/egyptian), with Fertility Cult as well.
Culture: I’ll fill in
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

-expand south into present day Israel.
-spend 2 points on army
-encourage farming to improve economy - main products include grapes and other fruits
-as well, encourage fishing in Sidon.
Ruler: Queen Alogyne II/Cuivienen
Capital: Zadrakarta
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: proto-Zoroastrianism
UU: Wolf-Warrior
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

The Wolf-Warriors are soldiers armed and armored with heavily lacquered wood rather than metal. This allows them to travel at great speed, and the high level of lacquer makes their weapons as strong as bronze. The most notable aspect of the Wolf-Warriors, however, is the sheer number that can be called up to serve Verkana; lacquered wood is much cheaper and faster to produce than metal.

-Expand westward along the southern edge of the Capsian Sea (the Verkanan Ocean).
-Spend both EPs on Wolf-Warriors
-Encourage farming along the coast of the Verkanan Ocean, especially of olives and small fruit trees.
-Begin a new Wonder, the Sarouyeh Market, a grand "farmer's market" in Zadracarta (+1 Economy).
Jiroft Kingdom


-2 eco points towards Immortals

-expand in all four directions with 100 men as escort each.
Ruler: The Major
Capital: Twanzai
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Yoruba faith
Culture: I’ll fill in
UU: Quick Warriors (Warriors that can cover vast amounts of land quickly)
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:
Wonders: Harbour on the River (+Harbor at base of River/ South Atlantic 1/?)

Start me off at the Base of the Niger/Benue rivers.

Expand up along the river, and spend 1 eco point to bribe any tribes surrounding KwaZulu to join us, and if there aren't any then just hire some Quick Warriors

Finish off the Harbour.
stJNES: An Old Light

Update One


First we begin with the founding of the first eastern civilization, Hainan. The barbaric countryside that characterizes the East, much more so than the West, seems like it would inhibit the founding of any civilization. Alas, the city of Haiku was founded and has come to completely dominate the small tropical island. It wasn’t long before the economically sound tribal empire moved on from the small island and established another city on the mainland. Here, though, they have come into competition with the Mekong, with their fierce Bassak warriors and dense jungle empire. Already a few skirmishes have marked that this relationship will not be a happy one.

Now to the river city of Aegypt we come to a people who are isolationist in nature, having no other contact with any other civilization than themselves. Of course that is if you do not count the separatists to the north. Aegypt enjoys a very healthy economy, boasting a large population and a large army to protect against those who wish to take the Nile from them. Though the separatists in the Nile delta have already expressed their wish not to join the Kingdom, winning several small battles and they threaten to siege Memphis. Meanwhile in the south the Aegyptians fair well against barbaric Nubians and other tribes.

Traveling to northern Europe, we come to the tri-civilizations of Silesia, Teutonia, and Fennia. The relationship between Teutonic Empire and Fennia is quite beneficial, a trade route between then two states being beneficial to both. Meanwhile, the Teutonic Empire is constantly under threat from the barbaric Huns that ravage their borders. The Silesians have already been invaded by Huns, and who have had to establish a tribute system with the barbarians just to stay alive.

And now we come to the most densely populated region on Earth: Greece. Nearly half of all the population lives within cities – the countryside being plagued with bad soil and barbaric tribes. But even with this inhospitable terrain, three city-states have arisen. In the north, the Macedonians out of Pella have established an empire spanning miles across harsh, mountainous terrain and secret lush valleys. They are also the state that absorbs most of the incoming barbaric tribes first. To the south, Athens is tucked at the end of a small peninsula. The small city thrives off of its ports, unable to break through the Mycenaean lands up the peninsula. Many Aegean island have been colonized by the Athenians, including the large island of Crete. However, with the lack of communication between the island and the mainland mostly due to the slowness of galleys, the island has come increasingly distant and distinct. The last state, Sparta, remains isolationist, building an army that threatens both the Mycenaens and the Athenians.

In Western Europe, we come to the land of the Celts. Among the rolling hills and peaceful valleys, the Celts have made their home for thousands of years. It is along the Dordogne River that the first Celtic civilization is born. One would think they would have peaceful relations with the Celts around them, but the tribal Celtics refuse to recognize such a supertribe. Meanwhile in the south the Valencian Iberians have founded a civilization as well, but little contact is maintained between these two states across the steep Pyrenees. And finally a second Celtic state, Britannia, remains tucked up in the north.

The Canaanites of the Levantine Coast are isolated as well, although hints of Egyptian existence remain in folklore. The people of Canaan are well situated to exploit the fishing of the bountiful coast, while also producing fruit in the soil that is healthy. A union was struck with the city of Tyre in the north, extending the rule of Sidon a couple hundred miles north. Meanwhile, the “Jews” as they are called by Canaanites, reside in the south and refuse any further Canaanite expansion.

The vast kingdom of the Verkanites in the north is plagued with the constant barbaric influx of Parthians and Bactrians. While these barbarians are numerous, the Verkanites are even more so. The Wolf Warriors, lightly armored but easily called to service, serve the Queen well in the thousands. And while the Kingdom is large and the people plentiful, the Verkanan Ocean (1) coast is home to vast agricultural settlements, producing anything from olives to exotic fruit for trade in the markets. The Verkanites are by far the most advanced civilization in the world as it is now.

To the south, past thousands of barbarian villages and strongholds, we come to the Kingdom of Jiroft, an ancient empire ruled from the seat of the Emperor in the city of Jiroft high in the desolate mountains. From here, the Emperor rules lands to the south, reaching the warm waters of the Gulf. Persians from the west threaten the very life of the civilization, but the Empire remains strong, defending the mountains and fertile valleys throughout the realm.

The third Celtic civilization actually lies across a small strip of ocean water. On the island of Britain lies the civilization of Britanum. Lacking many people, the Britanumians rule a land of sparsely populated villages and bumpy, grassy hills. The barbarians are also less populated on the countryside. Perhaps as time goes on, the population will increase in this corner of the world.

The White cities of KwaZulu are among the most beautiful in the world. Away from any form of outside contacts, the KwaZulu are on amiable terms with the minor tribes of the area. The only problem is the environment. Dry and arid, the countryside is home to many herding tribes, while KwaZulu stick to the unstable rivers.

Getaea is the last civilization we're going to mention. Isolated like many other civilizations from outside contact, Getaea is ruled by a council of elders, descendents from the ancient greek tribes that migrated up the region from the war-torn Aegean region. Here they established a city upon a hill, easily defensible, and called it Tomis. The Greeks here excelled, and eventually began to intermingle with the natives, creating an empire stretching across many valleys and plains. Only now are they beginning to feel the extent of their expansion, as goods rain in from all direction for sell in the burgeoning marketplaces within the cities. Peaceful relations with the barbarians around them, the Getaea are set for a future of prosperity.

(1) The Caspian Sea


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Short and Sweet!

orders soon

Spend 1 eco building a Egyption Chariots (scythed etc) (UU).
Spend 1 eco to build a City of Cyrenia on the med Coast in the delta, if I do not conquor those seperatists, Invest it instead into the economy, Finish off the Infrastructure/Granaries and begin improving the markets and the Ports on the Nile.
Secure Southern border, build some forts etc.

Military orders:
500 Men to the South, forting up the area against Nubian raids, possible counter raids. Ensure that the different tribes to not coalace into a Nation; maybe allying with different tribal factions, and then switching alliances when its is easiest.

The rest shall with the Chariots break those irritating Sepeartists to the North. I assume that its mostly Spearmen and Archers at this point (few swordsmen). Move north and systimatically take control of the area, build forts in stratigic areas to ensure control over the lands.
Tactics: if the terrain is suitable, use Phalanx formation for the Spearmen, Archers (and other assorted skirmishers) skirmishing to the fore. Keep reserves of 100 Spearmen, to counter attack various suprises that they may spring upon me. Have the Chariots to either flanks, have them criss-cross the battlefield, figure of 8 type. keep them moving, don't let them get bogged down, momentum keeps them strong.
This was just an introductory update, the next update (Saturday) will most likely be smaller and have more random events (floods, uprisings, droughts). The more detailed you are in your orders the better the chance you will be in the update.
Oh, I forgot your orders, you were the only one who PMed it, lol.

I'll write something real quick.

EDIT: also, for next update, expect many NPC's to rise up.

I might also do a small, small BT. Right now I'll say the age is about 1500 b.c., and the next update might bring us into 1000 b.c. or so.
Ruler: Dangun Wanggeom / ZanyPlebeian
Capital: Sinsi
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Hwaninism (pantheistic/mythical)
Culture: I’ll fill in
UU: Hwanin’s Children (Religious zealots who can convert locals and ensure compliance with religion)
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

I’ll start on the Korean peninsula around modern-day Pyongyang.

Orders will be PM'd.
If no1 is playing Fennia, then I'd like to grab it please :)
Nice update! Thanks for allowing me to start so far from everyone else. :)
KwaZulu Orders
[Religion: Yoruba Faith (One God, Valhalla-like Afterlife)] <-Religion w/definition

-Spend an eco point to expand along the senegal river to the Atlantic.
-Spend the other eco point to build irrigation trenches stretching from the two rivers to the outer boundaries of KwaZulu.
-Have parties of 100 quick warriors scout out the countryside to find the best sites for future settlement, then upon their return begin a slight migration of people to these areas, especially people from unfavourable area's (Deserts, flat plains w/little rain...ect)

In a bt have a city established where the harbour will be built.
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