• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

StJNES4: The Normal Story NES

occ: Just so you all know.

The change of government in Egypt means little. IT is still socialist only more democratic. Egypt is still a member of the IC. I hope this clears up a bit for you.
OOC: could someone post a list of the countries that are currently in the League of Democratic Nations?
To Spain:
We have no objections to a NAP that has no time limit. We just felt like coinciding it with our NAP with Britain. We just thought of the time limit on a whim.
League of Democratic Nation Members:
Update Eighty-Three 1853ad.

Mozambique enters a period of great expansion in their economic capabilities. With the withdrawal of the economic party from power, the nation is on the path to total industrialization and finally able to compete on a world-scale instead of just with the three other sub-Saharan nations.

South African Federation is also entering a time of increased exportation and even more importation for industrial purposes. In no other time has the South African people aquired such wealth and dominance in Sub-Sahara.

The Johanite state of New Zealand has begun to protest in the advisory stage, wanting to split away again from the mainland Johanite Union. Having being separated and among the greatest nations in the world, New Zealand reunited under a dream that the Johanites would conquer America. With these dreams now utter insanity, the New Zealand people wish for their own country. Already militias are uniting across the islands, and the old military ports are turning back to work.

With the absence of Vietnamese military control, the Vietnamese-Occupied area of the Sioux have rebelled and created their own state, New Sioux.

A new institution is founded by the Chinese and is known as the League of Democratic Nations. It provides an institution for Democratic nations around to discuss international events without being a military alliance. Currently this includes Imperial Republic of China, SAF, Sinhala, Egypt and Madagascar.

Huge immigration occurs to Arabia, mostly from Sumer, where almost 2% of the Jewish population leaves for Arabia. Arabia now is the 2nd nation to have the most Jews, and is gaining on Sumer who is first. The Jewish way of economic successfulness helps propel the Arabian economy.

The Ceylon Class Fighters in Sinhala designs are finally complete, and the government has already contracted fifty of them to be built. The agile fighters are among the most agile and fast in the world, though the armor is not too good as it is light to hasten the development of the speed capabilities.

Venice bitterly resists the attempts of Scandinavia to unite the two countries, and has not let the army of Scandinavia dock at the port, and has declared that it is a new country.

In the northern reaches of Britain, known as Scotland, there arose a small rebellion to the British Fascist. This was a normal thing in British life, small protests and rebellions easily repressed. However, this time it was different. As the 4th Regimental division was sent to the scene, they were ambushed on the train, the track having been cut. The rebels from the side then ambushed the wrecked train and killed over three hundred soldiers. It was upon hearing this news that Charles Williams, the Premier, gave orders for the military occupation of Scotland. This came with bitter resentment, militias forming throughout all of the lands. After the first couple months of fighting, it was obvious that this was planned for years, as the rebels were in full supply of weapons and ammunition. It was also apparent that it was widespread. People in Wales, England and Ireland have also rebelled in the same fashion. It was with the news that over a million men had formed into militias just in London that the Fascist Regime subsided, and free elections took place. A Democratic leader, known as James Brand, was elected into London, and immediately set up the first Democratic government of Britain. Britain is now a Democracy. This happened to suddenly that the colonies were unaffected, and the economy so far is unaffected. Most men in the navy and army do not side with the Fascist, as they are now free.


The 1854 Football World Cup
Results done by Dexter

1854 World Cup

Group A         P  W  D  L  Pts
Denmark         3  3  0  0   9  
Britain         3  2  0  1   6
Johanite Union  3  1  0  2   3
Quebec          3  0  0  3   0

Group A Results
06/07/1854 Britain  2 - 0 Quebec
07/07/1854 Denmark  1 - 0 Johanite Union
11/07/1854 Quebec   1 - 3 Johanite Union
11/07/1854 Denmark  2 - 1 Britain
15/07/1854 Quebec   0 - 4 Denmark
15/07/1854 Britain  2 - 1 Johanite Union

Group B         P  W  D  L  Pts 
Spain           3  2  1  0   7
Sinhala         3  2  0  1   6
Madagascar      3  1  1  1   4 
Sahara          3  0  0  3   0

Group B Results
08/07/1854 Spain    5 - 0 Sahara
08/07/1854 Sinhala  3 - 2 Madagascar
12/07/1854 Sinhala  2 - 0 Sahara
12/07/1854 Spain    1 - 1 Madagascar
16/07/1854 Sahara   0 - 7 Madagascar
16/07/1854 Spain    2 - 1 Sinhala  

Group C         P  W  D  L  Pts
Prussia         3  2  0  1   6
Scandanavia     3  2  0  1   6
France          3  1  1  1   4 
Greece          3  0  1  2   1

Group C Results
09/07/1854 Prussia  2 - 0 Greece
09/07/1854 France   4 - 3 Scandanavia
13/07/1854 Prussia  1 - 2 Scandanavia
13/07/1854 Greece   0 - 0 France
17/07/1854 Greece   1 - 5 Scandanavia
17/07/1854 France   0 - 1 Prussia

Group D         P  W  D  L  Pts
Germany         3  2  1  0   7
Egypt           3  1  1  1   4
USA             3  1  1  1   4
Rome            3  0  1  2   1

Group D Results
10/07/1854 Germany  3 - 1 Rome
10/07/1854 USA      2 - 1 Egypt
14/07/1854 Rome     0 - 0 USA
14/07/1854 Egypt    2 - 2 Germany
18/07/1854 Rome     0 - 1 Egypt
18/07/1854 USA      0 - 6 Germany

**Egypt Qualify from Group D on Goal Difference

Quarter Finals
21/07/1854 Denmark  3 - 1 Sinhala
21/07/1854 Spain    2 - 2 Britain 
           *Spain wins 5-4 on penalties
22/07/1854 Prussia  1 - 0 Egypt
           *After Golden Goal
22/07/1854 Germany  3 - 1 Scandanavia

26/07/1854 Denmark 1 - 2 Spain
27/07/1854 Germany 4 - 2 Prussia

World Cup Final
30/07/1854 Germany 5 - 3 Spain

World Cup Winners 1854 - Germany

As you can see it was a very competitive Cup, with the Germans finally pulling ahead of the rest of the world with their win against Spain in the World Cup Final. It was not easy until then, either. In the semi-finals the Prussians played against their recently-rebelled province of Germany and lost.

This game wasn’t the only thing going on at the World Cup. At the awards ceremony, terrorists struck. An organization known as Teutonic Liberation Organization attacked with chemical weapons retrieved from old Prussian military bases the citizens who enjoyed the game. While the football teams themselves were immediately evacuated, the people in the stadium were trapped in havoc as more then two thousand fell dead to the huge amounts of mustard gas!

Trade Routes

Sumer: Russia (2/3), Greece (2/3), Pacifica (2/3), Arabia (1/3), Sinhala (1/3)
Egypt: African Union (0/3), Morocco (0/3), Sahara (0/3), Congo (2/3), Ozeania (1/3), Sinhala (2/3), Sumer (1/3), Russia (1/3), Battahira (1/3), China (0/3)
SAF: Egypt (0/3), Madagascar (1/3), Mozambique (0/3)
Arabia: Egypt (1/3), Sumer (1/3), Mozambique (2/3), Sinhala (2/3), SAF (2/3)
Pacifica: Sumer (0/3), China (2/3), Vietnam (0/3)
Russia: Prussia (0/3), Greece (0/3), Egypt (2/3), Quebec (2/3)
China: Pacifica (0/3), Vietnam (1/3), Johanite (0/3), Argentina (2/3), SAF (1/3), Egypt (2/3), Sumer (1/3), Mozambique (0/3)
Sinhala: Egypt (0/3), Battahira (0/3)
Battahira: Sinhala (0/3)
Johanite Union: Egypt (0/3), Pacifica (2/3), China (2/3)
USSA: Russia (2/3)
Spain: Morocco (0/3)
Madagascar: SAF (2/3), Mozambique (0/3)
*When the route is red it means it is on hold due to war.




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Germany Wins the first ever World Cup.

Germany would like to congratulate its opponents that played so valiantly. We would especially like to that Spain for a hard played game which Otto himself enjoyed immensly. Another one goes out to Denmark for host the games and showing a huge amount of hospitality to every country.

To World
From Germany

Germany wishes to have an investigative team formed by top-notch law enforcement agents from around the world to find out who exactly is responsible behind the attack, and why.
Regions of the World

Western Europe
- Britain
- Denmark
- Germany
- France
- Spain
- Venice
- Rome
- Apulia
Most Inspirational Country: Britain

Eastern Europe
- Prussia
- Scandinavia
- Western Russia
- Greece
Most Inspitational Country: Russia

Saharan Africa
- Morocco
- Egypt
- Sahara
- Battihira
Most Inspirational Country: Egypt

Sub-Saharan Africa
- Congo
- South African Federation
- Mozambique
- Madagascar
Most Inspirational Country: South African Federation*

Far East Asia
- Eastern Russia
- Pacifica
- China
- Vietnam
- Johanite Union
- Britain
Most Inspirational Country: China

Southern Asia
- Sumer
- Arabia
- Sinhala
Most Inspirational Country: Sinhala

North America
- New Canada
- Britain
- New Sioux
- China
- Quebec
Most Inspirational Country: USSA

Central America
- Mexico
- USoA
- Spain
- USSA (Caribbean)
Most Inspirational Country: USoA

South America
- USoA
- Argentina
- Russia
- Spain
Most Inspirational Country: USoA

Pacifican Islands
- Johanite Union
- Britain
- China
Most Inspirational Country: Britain
Major Religious Distribution:

Top 4 nations under each major religion.

Percantage of total followers of a relgion within a country.

34% Britain
30% Spain
10% Denmark

Eastern Orthadox Christianity
67% Russia
13% Greece
5% Denmark

54% Sumer
10% Arabia
8% Greece

89% Sinhala
5% Battihira
2% Vietnam

66% Sumer
32% Arabia
1% Battihira

44% China
23% Vietnam
20% Sinhala

Most Relgiously Diverse Countries:
Egyptian Story

The Foregin Commissariat was in an uproar. Egypt's most stalwart enemy, Britian had overthrown their government the Fascist regime that surpressed the working classes for so long no more. It was time to beign to repair relations.

Egyptian Deiplomacy

To the British Republic
From the Democratic Republic of Egypt

We would like to somehow begin repairing relations with your nation and ask you to join the Democratic League.

Egyptian Elections

The elections of 1853 were held with little violence. There was an instance of a Socialist Rally and a Naitonalist Rally clashing however this produced only one death and three injured, ten arrests were made.

In 1853 the elections of Premier, Congress and Senate were held. The Premier's psotion is helf for four years, Congress for two years and half the Senate is voted on every two years.

The following is the current make up of the Egyptian Government.

Premier's Race

Ramases Murias (Socialists) 39%
Nubriyah Freasas (Militarists) 25%
Jorges Grejhad (Green) 11%
Osmans Iriah (Democratic) 12%
Mikhal Hroas (Trading) 13%

Ramases Murias of the Socialist Party won the elections through prefrences

Congress - 890 seats

Socialists - 489 seats
Militarists - 253 seats
Democratic - 143 seats
Green - 56 seats
Trading - 48 seats
Indpendents - 1 seat

The Socialists have the majority in the Congress

The Senate - 100 seats (50 voted on every two years)

Socialists - 33 seats
Militarists - 7 seats
Greens - 4 seats
Democratic - 4 seats
Trading - 2 seats

The Seanate is ruled by the Socialists. Only half of the Senate was voted on this year, the other half currently being vacant

Egyptian Orders

Will be Pmed.
To British Republic
From Germany

Germany would also like to extend a hand of friendship. We would like to do anything in our power to help you along in this transition of governments.
Prussia would like to apologize for the terrorists killing people. We had nothing to do with this. They will be hunted down and killed.
To: Arabia
From: Sinhala

We are now able to buy back one or more of our former island possessions, are you still interested in selling?

Prime Minister Kannangara Obeysekara of Sinhala
@Jason - I thought Madagascar was a predominantly Jewish country... :confused: .. and why's there an asterix next to SAF?
Originally posted by aaminion00
@Jason - I thought Madagascar was a predominantly Jewish country... :confused: .. and why's there an asterix next to SAF?

Madagascar is predominatly Jewish, but only has a fraction of the Jewish communitty in the world. Madagascar does not have a large population, and not all of it is Jewish.

Ah yes, esterix means that Madagascar is growing in influence, and the SAF and Madagascar are almost the same influence.
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