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stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

To: Minoa
From: Portugal

we see that you have a settlement to our south and we would like to know if you would like to create a deal with us where if you were attacked by the Iberians i would come to help you and vice-versa. even if you don't accept, i would still like to have a friendship between our two nations.
To: "The Crusaders of the Cross"
From: Minoa

let Minao first state that it wishes no conflict between our nations, and that Minoas allaince with the celts is to punish the Romans for not only treating harshlly the Etruscans when they conqoured them, but haveing the gaul (OOC-irony incerted on purpose ;)) to demand that Minao "give back" the descendents of those settlers who had fled to our lands, and that we welcomed with open arms.

that said, it was our then inclination to help the celts establish themselves as a nation, but pull out militarilly after Rome was conqoured.

Minoa will still do this (well it appears the rules say i cant help the celts establish themselves, but I'll ask AA), and despite the fact that some tribes would willing join Minoa, the majority would probabley stay indipendent, Minoa will therefore agree to only accept the few who petition directlly to it to join Minoa, abnd the rest will be left as indipendents- provided you do not aide the Romans in any way, shape, form or manner, for if you do you will have a mighty force going agaisnt you, a force in which if Minoa pressed the issue, could get all fo the celtic tribes of the south to join, and even throw your new southern border into rebellion

therefore, Minoa leaves the choice to you.
Originally posted by Captin Zebra
To: Minoa
From: Portugal

we see that you have a settlement to our south and we would like to know if you would like to create a deal with us where if you were attacked by the Iberians i would come to help you and vice-versa. even if you don't accept, i would still like to have a friendship between our two nations.


indeed! it is indeed good that we know you wish to have friendlly realtions like so many on the easter side of the great sea do with Minoa, to that end, as soon as it can be worked out, Minoa proposes a further alliance then the mutual protection pact agasint the wild trbes of this penninsul, Minoa is interested in protecting its island border primarilly, mainlly meaning that the inner sea is in the hands of either minoa, or the firmist of allies, with a similer fate of the pillers of hercules (stright of gibralter)

thus, as soon as one can be drawn up by our royal cartographers (OOC- as soon as I have time to make it), Minoa will propose an offical expansion treaty most benifical to having both our nation share and share alike

to this end, Minoa also proposes that you placed second on its list of nations possibel to open up trade with, once Minoa has th eproper funds to do so.
To: Minoa
From: Portugal

this is all fine, and i hope that soon we will be able to disperse the Iberians and eventually start trading. later expansion will be planned out after the future territory is planned out. (aka your map)
Continue Wonder [3/4]
Continue expansion in Arabian Peninsula with 20 men.

To Nomadic Arabic Tribes
From Persia

Hello, my westward friends. We would like to offer to you the chance to join our mighty empire. See our wealth? *Flaunt wealth obnoxiously

Lotsa wealth, eh? Wanna join? Or at least a treaty of Friendship/NAP?:)

To Sumer
From Persia

We shall give you an economy next turn. Sorry.

To Assyria
From Persia

Want an alliance against these weakling Sumerians?:)
To: Portugal
From: Minoa

is this land treaty acceptable to you?

To Minoa:
Egypt accepts your proposal.

Egypt Orders:
pay 2 econ for chariot technology
grow economy
continue invading Nubia with all of my army
To: Minoa
From: The Crusaders

It seems that you have quite a powerful control on the area and we will glady step down from the attack provided we are promised the lands from the Iberian Peninsula around the celts to the north with out interfearence from Minoans.

Leave Celtic lands and help with one economy to provide with rebuilding destroyed settlements
increase army expand north
To: Crusaders
From: Minoa

not quite sure what your saying, could you please provide a map as to what exactley you are suggesting in terms of territory?
Invade Delhi
Grow econ
Continue wounder
To: Minoa
From: Portugal

most of that map is acceptable accept that i would like a litlle more land above the "I" in Iberia(i dont want to be as closed in) since i wont be getting a border against the Mediterranean. i hope this is acceptable.
Nation: Bactria
Ruler: King Eucratides
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: 3
Army: 200 men
Navy: none
Religion: Polyhteism
Education: Barbaric
Wonder: none

I will now read the nes to catch up on current events :D

- expand using 100 men
- increase army size
- begin wonder, Temple of Bactra (+2 army increases, faster expansion)
OOC: What is the next age?


When the Assyrians expanded towards the Black Sea, they discovered the Tagra, a tribe which made spying an art. Shamshiadad did not pay much attention to them. Much more cunning Naplash immediately summoned Tigur, their leader, to Ashur. What they spoke of, remained unknown, but soon afterwards, the Tagra and numerous other warrior tribes often found in the region begun joining the Assyrians. Tigur quickly forged the first known spy network for the Assyrian King. He also gathered fearsome warriors into the Assyrian army, allowing for farther strenghthening of the Masters of Mesopatamia.

The first important task of both these warriors and of Tigur was Sumeria...


From: Assyria
To: Sumeria (the ruler and loyal nobles)

You have been defeated, and our armies approach your cities. Surrender now - your complete and total defeat would come anyway, and you might get a quick death as opposed to being constantly tortured until you die of old age. What is your choice?

From: Assyria
To: Persia

We ask you, do not aid the Sumer. Their army is broken, and their rulers were never fully trustworthy - especially now. And while we are only glad to have you help us, we would not surrender any Sumerian territory between Tigris and Euphrates. We could, however, allow you to take the piece of land separating you from Dubai after the war. Deal?

- Continue wonder (3/5)
- Grow economy.
- 50 men are to expand in the unclaimed areas near the Caspian Sea.
- 350 men are to assault Lagash and the other two cities in an all-out attack. Do not worry about casualties as long as we have at least 100 men standing. DO NOT DO THIS IF SUMERIA CAPITULATES.
From Persia
To Assyria

Deal. That's what we wished for in the first place. We wanted to consolidate the two pieces of the empire.:)

We also wish to sign an MPP as well, since we seem to get along nicely.:)
From: Assyria
To: Persia

Excellent. We agree to the MPP.
From Sumer
To Assyria

:sigh: Very well, we surrender.

@Amenhotep: Check the OOC section of the update.
From: Assyria
To: Sumeria

We knew you will see reason!

From: Assyria
To: Persia

Sumeria surrendered. Consider the territory you asked for yours.
OOC: Oops. Didn't see that part.:blush:

From Persia
To Assyria

Thank you. You are most gracious!:goodjob: May the gods bless you and your people!
From: Minoa

To Illustrate what you were thinking, coud, you please draw a map?- also, the area that is checker niether blue nor purple is not claimed by either of our nation, and while technically Minoa could expand there, it is unlikelly, as Minoa first priority is the sea, and dose not wish to concern itself to far in the actions of the land nations in the western part of the sea, to that end, if you would like the remaining uncheckerd part of the map reserved for Portugese expansion, Minoa would agree to it, but but we can do so for certain, please draw a map as to what you exactley propose

To: Crusaders
Frome: Minoa

please provide a map of what you propose, other wise no deal can be struck
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