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Succession game LK5 - America

I noticed that, too. I'll be able to do my turn tonight if I get the right save file in the next few hours.

Is there a screenshot function in Civ3 that I've overlooked, or are you all using an external program to capture shots?

The printouts are simply done by hitting the "Print Screen" key, then pasting the image into you graphics software.
Sorry, I sent the wrong file. This one has the correct file, and my summary.

2150 BC: Emperor Magicbacon I ascends to the throne by a remarkable circumstance involving all of the previous king's ministers dying of unknown causes. But such thing were not unknown in the American Despotism, and no one paid much attention. In his first year in power, Magicbacon I ordered construction of a granary in the city of New York, to feed the city in times of famine, and traded the science of architecture for the Iroquois secret of embalming their leaders to grant them immortality.
2110 BC: The Emperor ordered his colonists to form a new city, south of Washington, named Boston.
2070 BC: Food riots in New York plunged the city into chaos. While hurriedly *hurrying* production on the granary with some alternative motivation, he gave the citizens enertainment to keep their minds off of their pathetic lives.
2030 BC: The rioting in New York has died down, and the enertainment is kept as a permanent fixture to prevent further uprisings.
1990 BC: A Celtic village was raided by our Archers, capturing 25 gold pieces worth of slaves.
1950 BC: New York finishes organizing a group of colonists, and begins training of a phalanx.
1910 BC: The empire is in *boring* peace
1870 BC: Emperor Magicbacon I authorized purchase of the Iroqiois secret of aiding transportation with round disks called "whels" for a mere 60 golden pieces. Regrettably, the continent of the Americans contains no horses to pull these whelled carts.
1830 BC: Washington finishes construction of its training grounds, and begins formation of another band of colonists.
1790 BC: New York finishes training its phalanx, orders it to guard the city , and begins on a temple to the mighty pantheon of the Americans. A new city, Philadelphia, is founded north of New York.
1750 BC: We discover the secret of representing sounds with symbols, which our wise men call "alphabet." We begin to look into ways of combining these symbols to "write" things. Boston has completed its militia unit, and begins on a temple to our dark gods.
1725 BC: The American empire has nothing of note happen to it
1700 BC: Not now, either.
1675 BC: Ditto
1650 BC: Washington finishes formation of a colonist band, and begins work on a phalanx for city defense. In negotiation with the Iroqiois, it is observed that we have many more cities than they.
1625 BC: Again, a spell of time punctuated by mind-numbing boredom
1600 BC: Upon learning that the treasury has a grand total of 10 gold pieces in its holds, and is operating at a deficit of -3, the emperor raises taxes to balance this out.
1575 BC: New York has completed a Barracks, and begins on a *colossal* statue that is to stand in the harbor, as a sign of America's trading prowess.
1550 BC: Washington begins work on a temple, with their Phalanx trained and manning the ramparts. The City of Atlanta is founded to the North East of Washington. (O.O.C.: THEY CHOSE ATLANTA??!! OVER BALTIMORE? CURSE YOU FIRAXIS!)
1525 BC: In the waning years of Emperor Magicbacon I's life, he orders Philadelphia to build a temple. Regrettably, although he was near the end of his reign, the king tragically tripped and impaled himself on a poisoned arrow, thus ending his unproductive and ridiculously long reign.

Ok, We've got three new cities, but this continents fillin up fast, we should continue on map-making, then take out the Iroquois in my opinion. After all, why build what you can steal?
up next - Jaffa Tamarin

Micromangement - New York city - drop the entertainer, in favor the grasslands. Saves 2 turns of building time. The number of times I have lost by one turn:crazyeyes Mine the other 2 spaces by New York next. The Great Lighthouse could be critical this game (even after patch). I want New York at maximum production.

Build more cities - One between New York and Boston. The other north of Philadelphia. Until we get forbidden palace, this island will be our main production base.

NO military threat - wait for barracks and veteran units.

Map Making is next - I want to know what the island east of us has. If empty, a major plus. Don't decide about the Iroqouis until we know about the island. Zero resitance if empty, and close to Washington.
1500BC First act of the incoming King Jaffa was to send the public entertainer in New York to work instead in the city's research labs. There was much complaining in the streets, but the cause of science would be progressed that much faster (7 turns to Writing). New York is stuck at size 6. Would like to build more workers here, but don't want to waste progress on Colossus. Bah. The one existing worker is told to get back to New York to build mines.

1475BC Production in Atlanta switched from Warrior to Worker. Still 7 turns away.

1450BC Not very much to do, really. From diplomacy screen can see that Iroquois have still to develop the Alphabet, but they don't seem willing to offer very much for it.

1425BC One more population in Washington and Boston. Treasury has just 11 gold, and growing at +1 per turn.

1400BC The Iroquois are building the Pyramids. Why weren't we doing that? Could still switch to Pyramids instead of Colossus, maybe.

1375BC From Diplomacy screen -- Iroquois now have a third city, and still no Alphabet.

1350BC Nothing.

1325BC Nothing.

1300BC The secrets of Writing are discovered. Apparently we are able to establish an embassy with the Iroquois, even though trading of goods is still impossible (we can't afford an embassy yet, though). Atlanta produces a Worker. 24 turns to Map Making with +0 income.

1275BC Temples completed in Washington and Boston. All useful mining completed in New York area (now 9 turns to Colussus). Washington tasked with training a Settler, Boston starts work on a new Palace as a placeholder for the Great Lighthouse.

1250BC Nothing. Iroquois up to four cities.

1225BC All useful improvements around New York completed. Worker moved to Boston.

1200BC The Iroquois have discovered the secrets of Iron Working. We sell them the Alphabet for 3 gold per turn, and then trade Writing for Iron Working and another 1 gold per turn. Iron is discovered in the hills near Washington.

1175BC With the extra gold from the Iroquois the research time for Map Making is down to 18 turns. And we're running a surplus! A whole +1 gold per turn!

1150BC Nothing.

1125BC Washington finishes Settler. He is dispatched towards the NW end of the island.

1100BC Moving Workers around.

1075BC Nothing.

1050BC New York has completed the Colossus. A great celebration ensues! Hmmm. When did New York lose its scientist? Resurrecting the scientist shaves several turns off Map Making research.

1025BC Satisfied with his contribution to American civilization, King Jaffa fades quietly into the night.

Notes: Settler has arrived at the location I would choose for our next city on the NW spur. Go for the Lighthouse in Boston when we learn Map Making. When they have finished all useful improvements around Boston, I would consider merging one of the workers with the city to gain extra production faster.

Now to figure out how to do attachments :)

Hey all, Im new to this fan site...but am I correct in thinking you've found a way to play multiplayer (via e-mail at least) with Civ III? If so, could some one send me (very very detailed) instructions on how I could be a part of this? I've been playing CTP, CTP II and now Civ III, for almost half a year now, Civ III still kicks my little behind, but I've only had in for a week at the time of this post...so I've only got about 110 hours of experiance playing it...:D I'm so friggerty hooked on the game that my room mates are making pycholigist jokes at me. Please tell me I'm not abnormal! (or at least no more so than others ;) ) and let me in on how to get with all you Civ fanatics!:D
My E-mail addy is... redjohn8@aol.com
Fire me a message and help me out!
"The Iroquois are building the Pyramids. Why weren't we doing that?"
The island was so small, I didn't see a benifit.

"Apparently we are able to establish an embassy with the Iroquois, even though trading of goods is still impossible"
We need a harbor in order to trade.

"Iron is discovered in the hills near Washington."

"Go for the Lighthouse in Boston when we learn Map Making".
New York should build the light house. Boston produces 4 shields a turn. New York can produce 13 a turn without the scientist and using the forest. On an island world this could be very usefull, even after the patch. This would also prevent the need for
"When they have finished all useful improvements around Boston, I would consider merging one of the workers with the city to gain extra production faster.". We are light on workers, and can't afford to lose one.

The new northern city is in HIGH risk zone for a culture flip. Start a temple, then rush build as soon as possible. If the Iroqouis flip that city, it will hurt big time. Connect a road to the capital is claimed to reduce the risk.

The GREAT news. 8 turns to map making. When map making is complete, flip Boston to galley (Rush build). Have the scout, and a second unit in Boston. If we can be the first county to the island east of us :) Don't trade maps. I know the Iroqouis will head to that island :(
I am convinced this could be the key to us wining the game IF the island will support more cities!

Up next - Zulu Fodder
Just some thoughts:

Have a settler and spearmen ready to take the next boat trip to the island.
Do not trade the Iroquois Map Making.
Get another galley ready to go on a possible voyage of exploration, we need to know what this world looks like, and who the other civ's are.
Originally posted by Hobbes
Just some thoughts:
Have a settler and spearmen ready to take the next boat trip to the island.
Do not trade the Iroquois Map Making.
Get another galley ready to go on a possible voyage of exploration, we need to know what this world looks like, and who the other civ's are.

I agree - don't trade Map Making! Good idea.:goodjob: I only thought about the maps. That further reduces the risks of the computer finding that island.

The first to settle another island will be a deciding factor. I really want a island close to Washington (less corruption).

I didn't think of it, but yes, switch to a settler now. Move several units toward Atlanta. Settler, defender, scout and warrior.

I know I can't wait for the my turn to see what that world looks like:love:
Another way of stopping them from discovering/reaching the island. If we have some extra galley's we can block off the route around our island. All you have to do is put three of them in a row, in the only available coast squares. If they want to get by they have to go to a sea square with the corresponding chance of the ship foundering. If they do this and the ship does not founder, just move the ships a few tiles back, sooner or latter their ship will sink (yes I do admit that this is a good waste of three ships, but it will work, especially if the AI has units on board - in my experience the AI seems less likely to risk a ship when it has units on board).
Just got back from work. I'll start with my turns as soon as I download the patch.
Originally posted by lkendter
New York should build the light house. Boston produces 4 shields a turn. New York can produce 13 a turn without the scientist and using the forest.

It's not quite as simple as all that. New York produces 11 per turn max -- 2 are lost to corruption. Boston can produce 6 per turn now, and 12 per turn if it gets to size 6 (because of lower corruption). You'd have to do some serious math :crazyeyes to figure out which is actually capable of getting to the Lighthouse first.

You're right about us being short of workers though, and getting Boston to size 6 quickly would definitely need some worker sacrifices.

Heh. It's Zulu Fodder's choice :)

[Edit: of course, thinking about it some more, Boston wouldn't have enough food to support a population of 6, so you'd better go with New York.]

Scoobs, you are #6.

Make sure you download the patch. You can move as soon as Zulu Fodder finishes.
Not good news, but here we go.

1000 BC-Chicago founded in the far north of the island. Temple is immediately ordered to be built. A worker is ordered to build a road to the city from the capital.

975 BC- A road is completed to bring iron into the economy.

950-A group of scouts from New York are training, eager to explore the island to the east.

925 B.C.-A settler group emerges from Washington for the same reason

900 BC- Nothing of interest

875 BC-The scouts announce they are ready and start the trek to Atlanta.

850 BC- We are close to the discovery of map making.

825 BC-We have fully researched mapmaking and plan to put it to good use. A Great Lighthouse is planned to be built in New York in honor of this discovery. Atlanta starts on the very first galley.

800 BC-The group of settlers are ready for their trip to the East Island.

710 BC- The settler and scout group set sail towards the east!

690-Noticing we are losing three gold an era, I urge our scientists not to work so hard. 60% efficiency will suffice for now.

670 BC-The scout and settler lands on the island. Immediately upon landing, horses and a highly productive span of land can be seen.

650 BC-Spearmen and Warrior land on the East Island. Our scout brings back terrible news. The island is VERY small.

610 BC-Seattle is founded on the best spot they could figure. To raise spirits and hope, a temple is immediately planned for construction.

590 BC-President Zulu Fodder resigns.

Uh. I suck. I'm sorry. The islands size was a real bummer. :(
Up next - Scoobs

1 - Change boston to Great Library when literature is researched.

2 - Build another settler for the small island, and place in on the hill. Our land is very limited, this will use the whole island. Ok, it is small, but it is OURS.

3 - Keep building culture. Niagra falls / Chicago boundaries clash. I would love to flip Niagra falls :)

4 - KILL the scientist in New York and put him to work. This gains 2 production saving 6 turns on The Great Lighthouse.
Took over and before reading LK's post, did all those things, as I noticed em.

590: Activated the Swordsmen (SM from now on) in Wash. and moved him towards Philly. Maximized shields in NY. Switched to harbor in Seattle, and exploring north of Seattle with Galley.

570: Building Barracks in Philly now that the Galley is done. Terraforming some land around Chicago, it needs the help. Boarded the SM near NY, and bringing irrigation to Atlanta

550: Discovered Literature, moved on to Mathematics. Good tech to sell or trade. Disorder in Philly, moved warrior from Chicago to quell it. Rushed Temple in Chicago. Phalanx and Warrior fortified in Seattle.

530: Temple finished building Spearmen in Chicago now. Looking for a good place to land that SM near Niagra. Rushed Barracks in Philly.

510: Land SM, Iroquois also have Iron and have a lot of spices. Washington builds last SM for awhile, moving to library. Bringing SM to Philly for a possible war with Hiawatha. Dont see any possible sea routes pre-GL or without going through the Iroquois. Hiawatha threatens me. We go to War.

490: Moving Scout of Seattle Island. 2 succesfull assualts on Niagra, I think its gonna fall soon. Irrigation to Atlanta started.

470: Niagra Falls is ours, The city has no improvements, and poor production value right now, 4 spices in city radius. A major blow to Hiawatha. I only hope we can hold it. Spearmen in Niagra first order of business.

450: Forbidden Palace is buildable. I think we should take control of this island first before building it. More SM are on the way. Moving a worker up to Chicago. Looking for land to the north, bringing the galley around. Found Oil Springs with an injured SM, Bringing the other to help. I think we can take it with the fresh SM I'm bringing over.

430: Irrigating near Philly and Atlanta. Landed fresh SM in Niagra. Killed a threatening spearmen, and got Elite Status!

410: Fortifying the Elite SM in Niagra as to heal, brought the fresh Vet SM out to kill something. Found a land mass north, its 3 squares, one is a hill with gold, and 2 grassland, not much, but something.

390: Temple done in Atlanta, starting on G-Library. Production not good in Atlanta, irrigating more by it. Another Swordsmen on the way. Soon to have 4 SM, 3 vets and elite over there. Tunda to the north, turns out to be Iroquois controlled.

370: SM heading to Oil Springs ran into some resistance on the way, not even hurt and picks up Elite Status, thats 2 Elites. Moving a Vet southwest to Allegheny, could be an easy target. Exploring north tundra area. Mathematics discovered, Mysticsm next, might still be able to get the Oracle.

350: Fighting towards Oil Springs, more spice is discovered, and can see the boundry of a city north of Oil Springs, must be in all tundra. Moved vet SM to mountains north of Allegheny. I think we can take this city as well. An Elite SM on the way to help. I'm gonna road and Mine hills near Atlanta.

330: Iroquois SM comes into veiw near Allegheny. I put off an attack, until it decides to move or attack my fortified SM.

310: Bringing Irrigation to Wash. now, and wash. finishes the library going back to vet SM in that city. Never know when that iron is gonna go. Full HP Elite SM arrives outside Oil Springs, have a red SM move onto his position for safety, Iroquois units are coming out of the woodwork. Allegheny still has pestering units outside of it, preventing and assualt on it, would hate to lose a SM to a warrior due to injuries.

290: Killed a pesky Vet warrior near Oil Springs. I still lack the units to finish these 2 cities off, I have more on the way soon though. After some thinking, I decided to change Atlanta from the G-Library to a Harbor, and Switched Boston to the G-Library. Chicago finishes Spearmen and it gets brought to Niagra, now i can move out the defending SM to help with an assualt on Oil Springs or Allegheny. Alas, Hiawatha offers peace. I squeeze Horsback Riding (only thing he had), his World Map, and 100 gold out of him. His island is also small and not much better than ours, less plains though.

270: After getting his map (He still dont have ours), I see a possible land mass to his west. Taking a Galley around to check it out. Philly builds SM, switch to Palace for future Wonder. Fortified SM in Philly. Mining near Atlanta should help its production woes. Unfortunetly moving forces back to Niagra per the peace treaty.

250: Still moving units back, preparing for a possible sneak attack soon, got alot of hurt SM, hurts to lose Elites early, so better to let em heal.

230: Wash. builds SM, moving him to Philly, for transport over soon. See a fish south or the Iroquois land, indication of land south west of us.

210: For some reason Philly disorders, Entertainer made. Still Irrigating to Wash. SM fortified around Niagra for the next person to utilize.


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I have not Installed the Patch to the Patch yet, do we want to?

I forgot to sell the Iroquois Mathmatics, I would avoid using Per Turn, I dont think we'll be at peace very long, at the time of our treaty they hade 236 gold, they should still have around 140. Thier military felt the pain of our SM, and is now weaker than ours. A few stray workers might be enough cause to go back to war with them. I'm not sure on the reputation draw backs, but being so limited on land mass, wars might be the only way to acquire some.
Mysticsm is about done researching, but I'm not real sure if thats what we want to go for. Both the GL and the G-Library are relatively close to being done. Science Advisors says we are tech advanced, GL might not help as much as we'd like, If something better comes up, maybe switching to it, would be better. Seattle has a harbor in the works along with Atlanta, that will bring horses to Wash. and furs to Seattle, sounded good at the time. Didn't notice horses on the Iroqouis land, that maybe to our advantage come war time. They do have have Swordsmen though, but none are Vets or Elite. 2 SM in Philly needs to be brought to Niagra, and a galley is close (its north a bit) with a scout on it. Wash has no Improvements needing to be built, and is pumping SM right now. I probably should of never signed the treaty, but we needed the cash, and the map to answer our questions on their land mass. Good luck next guy. :)
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