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Succession game LK5 - America

190BC - Lee step back in. I cancel the Palace in Philadelphia. We are to far away from any wonders, except Great Wall. We need defensive troops, and Philadelphia starts building spearman.

70 BC - We build the great lighthouse. San Fransico is built on the horse island and starts a temple for border lock.

50 BC - Whip out a temple in Niagra Falls. Don't want a culture flip. Building a harbor next. We need this to eventually use the spices.

30 BC - Rome beats us to the Great Library. :(

10 BC - Seattle whips out a harbor. We should have horses soon.

10 AD - First contact with the Egyptians. They are 4 techs ahead of us, and know of 4 civs. I swap territory map ONLY. Our main island is culture locked, so they don't gain a thing. I give the Iroquis territory map for $20 and his world map. We can use a lot on money right know.

30 AD - The empty island to the west of Iroquis gives us a tribe and a warrior. ZZZZzzzzzzz

110 AD - We have horses! I hate to help the Iroqouis, but I sell Mathematics for $142 + Mysticism. Greedy Egypt wants over $100 for any communications. NO DEAL. I finally buy Polytheism for $190, territory map, and contact with the Iroqouis.

150 AD - YES, a usefull tribe. The Zapotec tribe teachs us Philosphy. First contact with Russia for FREE. We sell Construction for territory map and Contact with the Romans. Sell territory map to Russia for Contact with Germany and $7. Sell Germany Polytheism for Code of Laws and $19, then trade territory maps.

170 AD - Sell territory maps for a couple of bucks.

190 AD - Miami forms on the very small island. Sell territory maps for a couple of bucks.

210 AD - WAR! We go after the Iroqouis again. We capture 2 workers. 9 swordsman walking to Allegheny. Sell territory maps for a couple of bucks.

We know most of the other civs. I have build up our defenses well. We are now pretty much even with tech.

With the patch we can only go one extra level of water. Don't send galleys into the ocean. However, we can still cover the seas.

Goals -
1 - Domination will probably be how we win. Get border locks.

2 - Keep World Map in DON'T TRADE MODE! That west of Iroquis island is a nice size, and has 2 iron deposits.

3 - We are approaching our limit on supported troops. Watch building more military.

4 - Good Luck. Scout next to a goody hut.

5 - I started Monarchy. It is a race of finish Monarchy, or build a WORTHLESS Palace in Boston. Hanging gardens is much better then 400 wasted shields. Find anyway to pick up some money (such as sell territory map for a buck or 2. Do everything you can to insure Monarchy finished at least 2 turns before palace.

6 - Send those capture workers back to our island. There is still a lot of work to do.

7 - Keep the library building in New York. Will be a hugh science boost with the Colusus.

8 - Keep exploring with the Galleys. Who knows what is out there.

Up next - Hobbes

Please install the patch, so that we are all playing the same version.
Lee, you forgot to attach the game.

Do everything you can to insure Monarchy finished at least 2 turns before palace.

Could try turning all of Boston's population into scientists, which would both speed up Monarchy and slow down the palace. At least until they all starve. I haven't let any of my cities stay in starvation -- what exactly are the ingame effects? Do you lose population, or they just get unhappy?


Thats what I get for playing at 1:00 am :crazyeyes

If you starve Boston, people will die :( However, if really bad - switch to the NO shield grasslands. I don't know how soon until the AI gets Monarchy, so I would prefer to get it sooner. I think the deficit can be handled by selling territory map every turn for a $1 or 2

edit - Deleted old game save.
Will post the full story tommorow, but the short version is: we got three Iruoquios cities, Salamanca, Oil Springsand Alleghney. Through some tricks we got Monarchy, and thus Hanging Gardens. Have some new islands also, one close to Miami, that has iron and horses. Will do full post tommorow.
Up next - magicbacon

Hobbes - :goodjob: in Iroquis land. Workers not at borders, temples to avoid culture flips, and get border lock. Harbor to get the spices out.

Magicbacon, you may want to wait for Hobbes commentary before moving.

General notes - I took a look at the map - it looks nice.

1 - The galley east of Miami with has a settler with veteran spearman. Land by the big island with Iron. That blasted resoure fizzles to much - like the deposit by allegheny :(

2 - We are 3, maybe 4 turns from cracking the whip in Niagara falls. I want to be able to sell those spices. We may get a few techs from them. At least some money, and reputation help from trading.

3 - We do want to lock those Iron / horse islands. Greece has no Iron, Egypt no horses, Russia no Iron, German no Iron. The longer we can keep them away from that resouce ...

4 - Once New York finished aqueduct - start another palace. Nobody know Feudalism yet. Sun Tzu isn't that powerful for us, but I don't want Russia to have it.

5 - After the libraries, we need more spearman to occupy Iroqouis cities and free up the swordsman for conquest.

Where is the mystery player who nobody has found?:confused: :confused: :confused:

If we can get a great leader, forbidden palace in Iroqouis island. Would greatly help our production base, our big weakness.
210 – Rush build Seattle temple to get lock on island.

220 - Find hut, 50 gold, lose a swordsmen to Iroquois.

250 – Capture Allegheny, find island.

260 - Egypt is building Hanging gardens, put rush order in for Monarchy. Switch some cities to wealth as it becomes available and manage citizens between scientist and tax collectors to minimize time.

270 – Kill a few Iroquois.

290 – Take Salamanca, through intensive education program everyone is turned into scientist, a few people do starve, it happens. They will be replaced with loyal Americans.

300 – Bump science to 90%, Egypt wanted world map for Monarchy, I said no thanks.

360 – Get Monarchy, build Hanging gardens. Get golden age (don’t switch to Monarchy/Republic until golden age is over, we would lose the bonus for 6 turns).

410 – Trade furs to Cleo for Currency, territory map and 20 gold. Trade furs for Duff beer (makes citizen happy), territory map and 20 gold.

Just a few notes, I found another island to the North of Miami, there seems to be nothing around it and it has iron and a horse, there is a galley with a settler and spearmen heading towards it. There is also a conscript warrior that we discovered. Also if we switch to Monarcy, let make sure we have a few 7+ cities, they will support more units.
Originally posted by Hobbes
210 – Also if we switch to Monarcy, let make sure we have a few 7+ cities, they will support more units.

Where did you read about that and Monarcy? It sound like something I should think about.
From the manual for Monarchy, a town(<6 citizens) supports 2 units, a city (7-12) supports 4 units and a metro (>12) supports 8 units.

Another thought, for our island outpost, we should send more settlers ASAP. We can use these settlers to join city and then we crack that whip. Normally I would use workers, but space on the galley is limited, so I think we can get more bang for the buck by sending settlers.
The file was posted before the story. Look for Hobbes post from Dec 08, 2001 11:55 PM
Just finished my turn, here's some of the signifigant events:
420 AD: Begin playing
430 AD: Cattaraugus falls. Two workers captured. Two swordsmen lost :mad:
440 AD:Settlers land on horse/iron island
460 AD: Houston founded on horse/iron island
470 AD: Centralia destroyed (Is this a new rule? Can I not opt to capture it instead?)
500 AD: Destroyed Mauck Chunk
520 AD: Decline peace treaty with Iroquois
540 AD: Purchase feudalism from Egypt for 60 gold and contact with Japs. Washington starts Sun Tzu's, will finish in 32
560 AD:Niagra Falls captured by Enemy Archer :vomit: St Regis is destroyed
570 AD: Golden Age Ends, as does my turn.
Up Next - Jaffa Tamarin

We need military NOW! Rush build the galley and get the swordsman there.

Trade our excess furs. The world hates us. This will improve our income and world standing.

Jaffa, try and kill the last our the Iroqoius during your turn. We need to end the war ASAP.
War is over! The Iroquois have been defeated!

Other stuff: some trading early on. We still have a spare unit of furs.

Switched government from despotism to monarchy.

The island west of the Iroquois (as was) has been settled. We have Buffalo, the Russians have Grozny.

New York is about to produce a settler. Either decide on a location for a new city, use to transfer population to boost production in Washington, or change production to something else before first turn.

Need a harbor on the Iroquois island so we can trade all those spices.
Originally posted by Jaffa Tamarin
War is over! The Iroquois have been defeated!
:goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob:

I agree that we need a harbor on the Iroquois island so we can trade all those spices. #1 goal. Rush build as soon as we have the money. Then trade like crazy.

Greece will trade for furs.

The city should be on the Jungle island south of San Francisco. That could turn out to be a source of Rubber / Coal. Lock up the potential future resources. Just be carefull with the voyage.

:soldier: :tank:
At least one city, with barracks, needs to start building pikeman. I want to improve military.
:soldier: :tank:

Up Next - Zulu Fodder
770 AD- Started researching Chivalry. New York is building Pikemen.

780 AD-Trade furs to Greece for World Map, 10 gold, and 3 gold/turn

790 AD- Cultural Influence expands quite a bit.

800 AD- Road is built to Iron near Houston.

810 AD- Salamanaca goes into unrest. I give them entertainment. The Harbor in Niagra Falls is rush built for 212 gold.

820 AD- Order is restored in Salamanaca. We Love the President Day celebrated in Houston. Settler in New York is loaded into a galley and is headed toward the island south of San Francisco. We trade spices to Russia for The Republic, World Map, 1 gold/turn, and 2 gold. Trade Japan spices for world map, 10 gold, and territory map. Trade Germany spices for world and territory map.

830 AD- WLPD in Salamanaca and Atlanta. (is this a record? Yeesh!)

860 AD- Spent 3 turns manouvering galleys, workers, and managing cities production.

880 AD- St. Louis is founded on the island south of San Francisco. A pikeman guards it. It will need a lot of culture, methinks, to fend of the large civilization right next to it.
Up next - Scoobs

:goodjob: to Zulu Fodder. Harbor on-line, spices trading, and recovering from the Iroqoius war.

Trade spices to Egypt and Greece.

Wake the Iroqoius workers hiding in cities. We are weak in land development and 3 workers would help.

I would like a galley by the Iroqoius island to shuttle units.

The question? Should we start forbidden palace in Salamanca? This would increase our production base big time.
Originally posted by Zulu Fodder
We trade spices to Russia for The Republic, World Map, 1 gold/turn, and 2 gold. Trade Japan spices for world map, 10 gold, and territory map. Trade Germany spices for world and territory map.

I don't think we need to be buying so many maps. Can we try getting extra gold instead? :)
Originally posted by lkendter
Up next - Scoobs

The question? Should we start forbidden palace in Salamanca? This would increase our production base big time.

I'd actually thought about doing that towards the end of my run in Salamanca. I was so focused on making sure the settler got to the island safe (as well as being distracted with watching my Silence of the Lambs DVD :)), it slipped my mind.

I don't think we need to be buying so many maps. Can we try getting extra gold instead?

Believe me I tried. Problem is, the other civilizations had very little money, and the ones with 0 wouldn't even budge at 1gold/turn.
"Trade Germany spices for world and territory map."

I would avoid any more like this. Future map knowledge won't be much.
Alrighty, The war with the Iroqouis put us behind some as far as I can tell.
Here goes:

880: Get WM, 40gp, 2gp/turn for spices from Greece
Get WM, 10gp, 8gp/turn for spices from Egypt
Get Theology, 1gp, 1gp/turn for Engineering from Greece
Get Education for Fuedalism, 40gp from Greece
Get 8gp/turn for Engineering from Egpyt
Get 1gp, 1gp/turn for Engineering from Russia
Put Salamanca on FB
198 gp +38/turn

890: Change Wash. to Sistine Chapel
Rush Temple in Niagra change to Pikemen
Rush Temple in Oil Springs change to Pikemen
Discover Chivalry

900: Get WM, 30gp for Chivalry from Greece
Get WM, 11gp/turn for Chivalry from Egypt
Get 14gp, 3gp/turn for Chivalry from Russia
Get WM, 9gp, 3gp/turn for Spices from Rome
Get 7gp/turn for Chivalry from Rome
Pikemen done in Philly, change to Marketplace

910: Fortified Pikemen in Chicago
Attack barb village by Oil Springs
Change NY to Sun Tzu's (29 turns)
Rush Temple in Buffalo, Library next
Wash. finishes Sistine change to Marketplace
Seattle builds Barracks change to Pikemen

920: Get 25gp from barb village by Oil Springs
Get WM, 5gp for Feudalism from Germans
Switch to worker in Buffalo (gotta grab that Iron)
Barracks done in Boston change to Aqueduct

930: Rush worker in Buffalo, Library next
Rush Marketplace in Atlanta change to University

940: Nothing

950: Rush marketplace in Chicago change to Aqueduct
Start road to Iron by Buffalo
Seattle builds Pikemen change to University

960: Rush Temple in Grand River change to Library
Wash. builds Marketplace, Cathedral next

970: Change Houston to Harbor
Change Buffalo to Harbor
Wines gone, deal not continued

980: Rushed Harbor in Houston, Temple next

990: WM, 30gp, 3gp/turn for Iron from Rome
Niagra builds Pikemen, Library next
Miami builds Walls, Worker next

1000: Temple rushed in Cattaragus, Library next

1010: Get Incense for Furs from Japan
Get 2gp/turn for Chivalry from Germans

1020: Discover Music Theory, going Astronomy
Get Ivory, WM, 8gp/turn and 13gp for Music Theory from Egpyt
Get Wines from Russia for Music Theory
Re-Neg on Fur/Dye deal with Egypt

1030: Nothing

1040: Nothing

1050: Miami builds worker, Harbor next
Harbor rushed in Buffalo, Library next

1060: Get WM, 10gp/turn and 2gp for Music Theory from Rome
Rush Marketplace in Philly, University next

1070: Nothing

We're at 137gp and 59gp/turn, Astronomy in 5 turns. NY will build Sun Tzu in 14, and Wash will build JS in 16. I dont think we need either one of these really, But Leo's and Cope's would be nice. The Romans are hoarding Invention, and only they have it, they want way to much for it.
Of the other civs building Copes, neither one of them have the prod. to keep up with Wash. or NY, only Pompeii is building Leo's, but they havent been building it for more than 18 turns.
Need to keep Salamanca in WLTK day or it double the production time of the FB. We still have an extra Iron to trade also, couldnt find a buyer, paying what i want yet, though
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