To no one's surprise, the Mughals are Buddhist and leading the scoreboard. However, they've only teched up to Heritage and are missing Printing and Cartography from medieval techs.
Ethiopia has made a surprise appearance in second place, AND they were the first ones to research Exploration in 1455! The only thing out of the ordinary they have going on is a size 12 Tripoli and ownership of Yemen.
The Mongols are absent but they made it to Logistics in 1410 and Statecraft in 1455.
The Moors have publicly humiliated Spain by taking Tarragona, vassalizing them, and making them convert to Islam. They dominate North Africa, but are still filling out the last row of medieval techs.
France is doing great, they've got every medieval tech but Humanities (typical), and they have researched Firearms, Logistics, Statecraft, and are working on Combined Arms.
Italy has all medieval techs, and the entire first row of Renaissance techs except for the bottom row. They're getting close to Optics.
Holy Rome is researching Academia, they're going to make it on time for a historically timed Reformation, wow!
Sweden was first to Firearms in 1455.
Russia remains pathetic, barely into the third row of medieval techs. They can't get past Kazan. To be fair, Russia did not get past Kazan IRL until Ivan IV's reign later in the century, but they haven't even built a new city in the relatively safe European Arctic, which was firmly settled by Novgorodian traders and fur trappers by 1500.
The turn ended itself while switching civs and China respawned with late medieval techs in 1505. They were close to the top of the scoreboard.