I'm just wondering if I've missed any of these but there are a few techs in the game I deliberately ignore in order in certain circumstances. These are not just techs that you don't take in trade to avoid hitting WFYABTA, but techs that in and of themselves can be detrimental. These should be techs that you'd delay well after you could pick them up in trade for cheap or research them yourself in few turns.
For example:
HBR - if I'm at least semi-isolated (AI can't invade till astro) and I'm not running rep, I normally want to push up the happy cap with HR. Thus I want dirt cheap units that cost minimal
. Without HBR I can go all the way to advanced flight and still make chariots for garrison duty.
Mass Media - if I control the AP I often much prefer to have
and religious diplomatic options remain in play rather than getting broadcast towers (and if I've gotten the Eiffel Tower even that is mute). If I have mining, or am planning on running SP then Civ Jewelers is also useless.
Rifling - if I've gone down the steel/railroad track I often prefer to keep open the ability to make CRIII maces and then mass promote to CRIII infantry.
Railroad/Mil Sci - same as above, keeping the option open to build CRIII rifles and infantry
Feudalism - normally with the Chinese. One of the few strats that has worked for me on Deity is to power tech to machinery with the oracle and a bulb. If I have stone, I can then abuse overflow from walls and quick build archers to upgrade to CKN. Every single turn my new conquests can churn out a CKN at the front.
Astro - on some maps (lots of islands) keeping the colossus is worth more long term than astro. Portugal with the colossus, freitoria, and the never ending GA (MoM + Taj + more GAs) is just too good to screw up for real ships and observatories.
Corporation - TGL owns.
Sci Meth- obsoletes so many goodies. For RE cultural and even AP diplo victories I often never research this. I want my monks and GL.
Fiber Optics - If I'm abusing the Kremlin under US/Slave this is often not worth getting. Rush buying discounted nukes/tanks/whatever is way too powerful.
Computers - nerfs the RE too hard. If I'm going for space with UoS, SM, and AP I often skip this for laser.
Okay folks I've tried this multiple times in the thread itself so I'm editing the original post; my apologies for not making this clearer from the get-go. I'm asking about techs that you actively avoid for a specific reason in a specific circumstance. This does not include "religious techs" because "they suck". This does not include resource unlocking techs like cal, AH, masonry, mining because "I don't have any of those resources". This does not include "I don't use civic X" so I don't research it. I'm looking just a bit deeper than things which are, frankly, obvious.
This does include things like: researching hunting means I can no longer build cheap warriors for HR garrison units so I delay hunting when I have copper and no hunting resources. Likewise: researching Mass Media obsoletes the AP so I can no longer hold votes amongst a religious electorate I dominate.
What I'd like are techs you've found particular circumstances that warrant avoiding it (not just neglecting to research it, not just not trading for it, but getting annoyed if you popped it from a goodie hut on a tundra island).
For those of you with bit more knowledge, I'd like to know when/how you estimate the cost/benifit flip. I.e. Delaying Corporation is worth it only if:
1. 2/3rds or more of my cities are costal.
2. I have overseas trade.
3. I don't have the GP for good corps (like Sushi/mining) or I'm planning to run SP.
4. I have no religious shrine (or a shrine not worth getting WS).
5. I haven't tapped out other lines of research.
While I have a rough idea when TGL merits delaying corporation (and all subsequent techs), I'd like to know how you weight them and when the tipping point occurs.
I am aware of bulb paths (like no meditation for astro, no monarch for a CoL GP bulb, ec.) but while I can derive these paths from the tables WHICH paths do you commonly use WHEN? For instance I know it is possible to Bulb DR with GAs if you don't take aesthetics; thus allowing an isolated start where you were researching Theology but lost the race to still chop build the AP. Have I ever done that? No. It sounds like it might be possible if I use a GP from SH to bulb Theo, 1 turn too late; to try to recover by running umpteen caste artists, but search me if it works. Anyone know first hand?
I'm asking what do actively avoid because merely knowing the tech utterly for free would screw up your plans? When do you this? How do you determine this is the best course.
So I thank those of you who posted techs you think tend not to be worth it, but that is not the information I seek.
For example:
HBR - if I'm at least semi-isolated (AI can't invade till astro) and I'm not running rep, I normally want to push up the happy cap with HR. Thus I want dirt cheap units that cost minimal

Mass Media - if I control the AP I often much prefer to have

Rifling - if I've gone down the steel/railroad track I often prefer to keep open the ability to make CRIII maces and then mass promote to CRIII infantry.
Railroad/Mil Sci - same as above, keeping the option open to build CRIII rifles and infantry
Feudalism - normally with the Chinese. One of the few strats that has worked for me on Deity is to power tech to machinery with the oracle and a bulb. If I have stone, I can then abuse overflow from walls and quick build archers to upgrade to CKN. Every single turn my new conquests can churn out a CKN at the front.
Astro - on some maps (lots of islands) keeping the colossus is worth more long term than astro. Portugal with the colossus, freitoria, and the never ending GA (MoM + Taj + more GAs) is just too good to screw up for real ships and observatories.
Corporation - TGL owns.
Sci Meth- obsoletes so many goodies. For RE cultural and even AP diplo victories I often never research this. I want my monks and GL.
Fiber Optics - If I'm abusing the Kremlin under US/Slave this is often not worth getting. Rush buying discounted nukes/tanks/whatever is way too powerful.
Computers - nerfs the RE too hard. If I'm going for space with UoS, SM, and AP I often skip this for laser.
Okay folks I've tried this multiple times in the thread itself so I'm editing the original post; my apologies for not making this clearer from the get-go. I'm asking about techs that you actively avoid for a specific reason in a specific circumstance. This does not include "religious techs" because "they suck". This does not include resource unlocking techs like cal, AH, masonry, mining because "I don't have any of those resources". This does not include "I don't use civic X" so I don't research it. I'm looking just a bit deeper than things which are, frankly, obvious.
This does include things like: researching hunting means I can no longer build cheap warriors for HR garrison units so I delay hunting when I have copper and no hunting resources. Likewise: researching Mass Media obsoletes the AP so I can no longer hold votes amongst a religious electorate I dominate.
What I'd like are techs you've found particular circumstances that warrant avoiding it (not just neglecting to research it, not just not trading for it, but getting annoyed if you popped it from a goodie hut on a tundra island).
For those of you with bit more knowledge, I'd like to know when/how you estimate the cost/benifit flip. I.e. Delaying Corporation is worth it only if:
1. 2/3rds or more of my cities are costal.
2. I have overseas trade.
3. I don't have the GP for good corps (like Sushi/mining) or I'm planning to run SP.
4. I have no religious shrine (or a shrine not worth getting WS).
5. I haven't tapped out other lines of research.
While I have a rough idea when TGL merits delaying corporation (and all subsequent techs), I'd like to know how you weight them and when the tipping point occurs.
I am aware of bulb paths (like no meditation for astro, no monarch for a CoL GP bulb, ec.) but while I can derive these paths from the tables WHICH paths do you commonly use WHEN? For instance I know it is possible to Bulb DR with GAs if you don't take aesthetics; thus allowing an isolated start where you were researching Theology but lost the race to still chop build the AP. Have I ever done that? No. It sounds like it might be possible if I use a GP from SH to bulb Theo, 1 turn too late; to try to recover by running umpteen caste artists, but search me if it works. Anyone know first hand?
I'm asking what do actively avoid because merely knowing the tech utterly for free would screw up your plans? When do you this? How do you determine this is the best course.
So I thank those of you who posted techs you think tend not to be worth it, but that is not the information I seek.