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TerraNES: The Civil Experiment

You can burn in your heathen hells, fools. We'll shatter Armorica like we did once before, and we will make sure that you know only suffering on a magnitude on a level that you cannot even begin to comprehend. You try to salvage your own miserable and desperate situation by making deals with us, but we will not listen to your pleading cries for mercy. You know that with your friends in Dumonos dead and shattered and our foothold on your coast that we can freely raid your entire coastline and slice your capital off from the rest of your nation quite easily, leaving you to try and punch through our lines while Beurtgang ravages your nation. You will not stop or halt us, or cause us pause; we are here to bring about your death, and you can no longer save yourselves at this point. If we have to cut through a forest of flesh in the east to smack the Dragon Horde back into their rightful place underneath the pedestal of true nations,we will do so, and we will make them suffer for every soldier that we lose.

OOC: Another -1, you do know that I'm giving you advice OUT OF CONTEXT and you are answering IN CONTEXT right?
To be really honest, I'd prefer to settle this whole thing in orders than in stories. May the best tactician win and all that.
OOC: This way, you get to have an interactive campaign. Every person writes stories, and sees how the campaign goes. I personally like story wars better than orders, because your enemies plans fold out in front of you and give you a chance to respond in the same turn.
Terrance you aren't answering me. Shouldn't I be in the Bronze Age? The update said I have arrived at it.

Also - 43 Spearmen?! YAY. Let's rip the world ;)

Yes indeed.

Also; yeah, you have a larger army than Luckymoose's height. Welp.


According to the economy breakdown, I should have 13 EP, not 12. One of them is wrong. Also, my username doesn't have any 0's in it.


This shall be fixed ASAP.


Also, can I see the full details of Apulia's petition?
OOC: Novaricum, the NPC accepted theirs already. If you'd accept then I will adjust your stats accordingly.

IC: Dear Utica
We are citizens of Apulia, but our homeland has been ravaged by the uncivilized easterners of the empire of Katan, who has broken their trust with us and our backs before our city. The land we currently reside upon belonged once to Ziril, as seen by the monasteries that dot the ridges. We seek to bring it back to Ziril once again by accepting your protection and rule over us. You shall recieve whatever industry and trade we scavanged from our fall (0/2/1) and any troops which now defends us from further intrusions (1 spearmen 1 archer+Militia, 19 Curraghs). In exchange, we wish for you to consider the fate of Apulia and the possibility of future Hostilities with the High King of War. Novaricum has already accepted the offer by our Aegean brothers; will you accept ours?

@Story War Dudes
I don't request AWESOME MIND BLOWING stories, although that would make approval easier. Rather, this is more like an interactive order-writing exercise is more like what I want, with skeleton plots submitted to me for approval, then the full story for approval. Right now, I would really like Tycho to write something about the status of his camp by the lake (I checked Gearth; only reasonable spot for a camp in the area) before I judge Gem_Hound's next story.

@ Lord of Elves; pretend you are doing indepth strategy/tactics wargame. At Month 3 you have a scattering of about a thousand Veterans and three thousand Militia gathered north of the Ruins. Now send their orders. By Month 5 news would have recieved at Buertgang. Send economic orders (all current EP is available for spending). However far we get by the final update is how far we get; I will quote canon war posts and write the rest of the update as it goes.

@ Tycho: I'd like you to write something about the status of your camp and how it is running as it prepares for spring campaigning; namely the taking of the city of Condate. I'd like to know the morale after the Buertgang defeat and how you are handling it. By month 6 news would have reached home and I'd allow economic spending for reinforcements.

@ Both: Militia are available, although they are wisely used mostly only for defensive purposes. If you wish to extract militia from an area for your campaigns, inform me (right now it would be Month 2) and how long you will let them collect before doing something else.

@ Gem Hound; I can't accept that story, fine as it may be, because I'd like Tycho to work out how his camp is run so you may make adjustments based on that.
Wait. You mean I really have 43 Spearmen?! Should I have to pay for it alone like 8 economy? That must be wrong :p, or you just didn't update my stats yet.
@ erez87

Haha no thanks for nagging me about it. It should be 4, and I forgot to delete the 3. You get more :love:.

@ All: I'd really like stat discrepencies to be noted before I update front page stats please! That's why I'd leave at least 24 hours before doing so usually. This is so I won't have to check last update stats/order stats/update notes stats/what have you
I love how most of the stuff in thread is Keltia, even though none of the nations there are influential compared to Egypt, Hyak or Daksina. Proof of point:
Last page:
Keltia: 15.5 posts
Nile: 1.5 posts
Mesopotamia: 1 post
Central Asia: 1 post
China: 1 post
Thus the following post pie chart.


  • MathWarehouse-pie[1].png
    13 KB · Views: 52
OOC: Keltia is very active. :) Almost no NPC's, and crammed with players. Right now there are 5 of us in Keltia. ;)

At one time there was 8. Regardless, I don't like the spamming the Faith is doing. Not fun. Without the religious spam, We would be at about half of that.
OOC: Another -1, you do know that I'm giving you advice OUT OF CONTEXT and you are answering IN CONTEXT right?

Brb, adding OOC tag to it, that should be the only edit needed.

@ Tycho: I'd like you to write something about the status of your camp and how it is running as it prepares for spring campaigning; namely the taking of the city of Condate. I'd like to know the morale after the Buertgang defeat and how you are handling it. By month 6 news would have reached home and I'd allow economic spending for reinforcements.

I'll write a story and send it to you imminently. Though, I must say, the story war will be quite lopsided in writing, mainly due to the fact that everyone is going to write themselves as the winner; Gem Hound could easily write how a small detachment of his men held off an army of spearmen (a la 300 style), and I could easily do the same. I assume that you are going to make changes or decide on a random outcome on whether or not the writer of said story will succeed, as it would be unfair if everyone who wrote the story that painted themselves as the victor won and got to keep that victory.

It's going to be a one sided thing by the looks of it, since the other side doesn't want to compete.

Just like the Iron Lance's succession arc, eh? Omar really had a lot of competition against him.
@Terrance, I suppose I will make an attempt at this, but I am not at all certain I will be ale to write stories in time competitively. How long are you holding back the orders deadline, given this experiment?
IC: Dear Utica
We are citizens of Apulia, but our homeland has been ravaged by the uncivilized easterners of the empire of Katan, who has broken their trust with us and our backs before our city. The land we currently reside upon belonged once to Ziril, as seen by the monasteries that dot the ridges. We seek to bring it back to Ziril once again by accepting your protection and rule over us. You shall recieve whatever industry and trade we scavanged from our fall (0/2/1) and any troops which now defends us from further intrusions (1 spearmen 1 archer+Militia, 19 Curraghs). In exchange, we wish for you to consider the fate of Apulia and the possibility of future Hostilities with the High King of War. Novaricum has already accepted the offer by our Aegean brothers; will you accept ours?

From: Utica
To: Apulian Remnants

We accept. We will extend our protection over you, and in return you will swear fealty and accept our rule.
I'll write a story and send it to you imminently. Though, I must say, the story war will be quite lopsided in writing, mainly due to the fact that everyone is going to write themselves as the winner; Gem Hound could easily write how a small detachment of his men held off an army of spearmen (a la 300 style), and I could easily do the same. I assume that you are going to make changes or decide on a random outcome on whether or not the writer of said story will succeed, as it would be unfair if everyone who wrote the story that painted themselves as the victor won and got to keep that victory.

Trust me, it was more like 3000 holding off your army for half an hour. I'm doing what makes sense. Please detail where your camp is, and how it is set up in your story. I'll edit my story when I get more info. In my story, not accepted, I placed your camp at Le Fontaine les Biards(road) at the lake Les Grande Lac. Only three possible campsites, so I picked that one since it was on the North side.
@Terrance, I suppose I will make an attempt at this, but I am not at all certain I will be ale to write stories in time competitively. How long are you holding back the orders deadline, given this experiment?
Not at all-I will accept stories up to the update itself, but the orders themselves I would like to on the deadline. I would mostly expect domestic stuff anyway, as well as military strategy after I declare the end of the story war.

If you would do this, please send Plot Skeleton first so I don't have to risk not approving paragraph-long essay on Buertgang methods of raising a 100,000 men army.

From: Utica
To: Apulian Remnants

We accept. We will extend our protection over you, and in return you will swear fealty and accept our rule.

IC: Excellent! (Stats updated NAO)
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