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That One Level/That One Boss

Tani Coyote

Son of Huehuecoyotl
May 28, 2007
That One Level is one of the most evil, frustrating levels you've subjected yourself to over the course of your gamer life.

That One Boss is one of the most evil, frustrating bosses you've had to defeat over the course of your gamer life. You know, the one that, after you defeat, you jump up triumphantly and say, "YES! Yes! Eat it, eat it!"

That One Level:

Sonic Unleashed - Eggmanland:

Dear God. My first try at this hellhole was 70 minutes! I went from having 40 lives to 20 by the time it was over. And that's including the fact they place a lot of lives after the checkpoints out of pity.

It's a giant "Screw you!" from Sega, meant to take all the missing difficulty from previous games and wrap it into one nice, poisonous burrito. Never mind Eggman must have had too much fun putting it together; he succeeded for once!

Also, is it just me or does the music's opening seem to sing, "Welllllcome to Helllll"?

Crash Twinsanity - Ant Agony:

Ugh. The title is so appropriate.

This whole stage is filled with sparse continues, extra lives that can be dangerous to reach, platforms that move and disappear, several parts where you must survive an onslaught of foes to progress, and dangerous parts where you must kick balls across gaps AND avoid falling into the abyss at the same time.

Furthermore, every time you successfully complete the stage, any extra lives you collected are permanently locked, so it gets more "fun" each time you run through.

Sonic 3 - Carnival Night:

Just Carnival Night. I share this sentiment with many. I always got stuck at those damn drums you have to move just perfectly or else you can't go anywhere.

I'm sure there are other horrors I haven't even thought of.

That One Boss:

Sonic Unleashed - Dark Gaia/Perfect Dark Gaia:

Like Eggmanland, another huge "haha, screw you!" on the part of Sega to critics of their difficulty levels. You alternate having to reach Dark Gaia in a clumsy, slow battle walker and having to run through mini-stages on a short time limit where the slightest screw up can make you have to start all over. All along, there are quick time events that result in death if failed.

And even AFTER you get past that hell, you have to fight Perfect Dark Gaia. While the music is kickass and the boss kind of fun, there's the chance Chip will die and thus you have to start from the beginning. Dark Gaia also spams lasers/meteors while you're trying to take out his shield.

...and THEN, after that, you have to press a certain button 6 times in a row, and then for a final "Screw youuuu!!!", Sega has you press the X button SIXTY TIMES in like 15 seconds or else you have to restart the sequence all over again.

Thankfully there are checkpoints throughout the boss so as to prevent ragequit, but dear lord, you can enter with dozens of lives and escape with less than ten.

Crash Bandicoot: the Wrath of Cortex - Crunch and Wa-Wa:

If you do not master the jump, this boss will chew you up and spit you out. He alternates between high and low energy waves, and you must time jumps perfectly to not only jump over the wave, but across the platforms in the water. Said platforms sink.

Oh, did I mention that he uses a bubble move that does... something. I dunno what, but it can't be good.

This is commonly-cited as one of the more evil bosses in the series.

Kingdom Hearts - Maleficent (Dragon) and Ansem Riku:

Both of these bosses were evil. EVIL. Especially Maleficent, who has like a million health bars and can deal tons of damage with few places to hide.

Kingdom Hearts II - Xigbar, Xaldin, Demyx, Xemnas(last phase):

Xigbar is just frustrating, particularly when he warps you to a small platform and you must avoid his machinegun fire or else it's over.

Xaldin, I think, is the toughest boss I ever faced in KH II. I once went through three "Mickey Mouse saves you" incidents in a SINGLE MATCH. Obviously he knows how to hand you your ass.

Demyx is... well, Demyx. He's not too tough himself, but every so often, you hear the horrible words, "Dance, water, dance!" and he summons a bunch of minions who you must defeat in a certain short period of time or you MUST START OVER from the beginning.

Xemnas' last phase would be easy, but he has this annoying part where he grabs Sora and tries to steal his heart. You must play as Riku and help Sora, but in the meantime, en route, Xemnas has clones that keep blocking your way. These annoying things can delay you easily enough for Xemnas to kill Sora, meaning the battle must restart from the beginning.


That's all that crosses my mind. What gaming horrors do you all have?
That one level:

Nanman Invasion - Dynasty Warriors 4
The Latin League - Age of Empires 2
The last level of MW - MW

just a couple off the top o me head. More to come later

That one boss:

Matriarch Benezia - ME
That one level:

Nanman Invasion - Dynasty Warriors 4
The Latin League - Age of Empires 2
The last level of MW - MW

just a couple off the top o me head. More to come later

That one boss:

Matriarch Benezia - ME

ARgh. i remember trying to get Yiu Ying ( or something like that) 10th level weapon. Not sure if i ever did.
The Butcher in Diablo. Need I say more?

If you're a Diablo veteran, he's not so hard.

When you're 11 years old, playing the game for the first time, opening the isolated door on the second level of the game, seeing the Vlad Tepesesque room, and hearing "ahh, fresh meat," and then dying in three hits... there's little inspiration to keep playing that game.

That "one boss" for me would probably be Launch Octopus from Mega Man X.
The Butcher in Diablo. Need I say more?

Arrrgh That guy. I think my subconscious blocked him out because I totally forgot about him.

Another one is the Main Boss from Act 2 in Diablo 2, with the constant freezing, he was often a tough nut for me.
The 6th (normal) gym in Pokemon Ruby. Srsly, that sloth thigh is a freakin' beast.

Oh yeah, I used to have a problem with him. Fighting attacks will clear him out easily though.
That "one boss" for me would probably be Launch Octopus from Mega Man X.

I've beaten him with only the blaster before, but Boomer Kuwanger's weapon makes him eezy schmeezy.

When I was little, the Spring Beak in Secret of Mana stopped me dead in my tracks. I couldn't beat that mofo. Replayed up to that point last summer and killed it in 3 minutes.

Other than that, uh, well...there is the Jack in the Box from Donkey Kong 64 (that bastard is what prevented me from replaying that game) and Wiegraf/Velius from Final Fantasy Tactics.
When you're 11 years old, playing the game for the first time, opening the isolated door on the second level of the game, seeing the Vlad Tepesesque room, and hearing "ahh, fresh meat," and then dying in three hits... there's little inspiration to keep playing that game.
I was 9 years old ! But i kept playing, i just never opened the door because i was scared of him. :( I was also scared of the Flesh Clan in the poison water supply and the Stalkers in the halls of the blind. :lol:
As you can assume i really sucked at the game.
Another one is the Main Boss from Act 2 in Diablo 2, with the constant freezing, he was often a tough nut for me.
Duriel ? He wasn't very hard for melee atackers. Hard as poop for Sorceress tho. :(
The butcher's difficulty really depended on how good your luck was with the random generation of level 1 and the rest of level 2.

You could totally cheese him with a door next to a metal grate. Run through door with him chasing you, slam door in his face, fire a bow through the grate until he dies. But yeah, thats stuff most people wouldnt know first-run so it doesnt count :)

Duriel...yeah, he's a pain.
The Butcher in Diablo. Need I say more?

He was a pain, but I was usually a little more concerned about King Leoric. I usually skipped the Butchers little room until I got to level 4 of the church/cathedral or whatever it was called.

I haven't played that game in ages, I have started playing D2 recently.

As for Duriel, I didn't have any problems with him when I fought him as a barbarian or paladin. As for the necromancer, I got the crap kicked out of me every single time.
Them damned lickers in Resident Evil. They make the smokers in L4D look like puppy dogs.

And don't get me started on that one level in RE5 where you're spinning around in some elevator
Dragon Pulsing Kingdra of Clair is soooooo damnnnn annoying.........

And in FRLG, without an electric pokemon, that Misty's Starmie is paiiiinnnn.....
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