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The Age of Civilizations

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Golf3r said:
How about some sort of naval defense for cities besides other ships? Maybe you could build stationary defense units like that

A couple of my defensive city units for naval warfare.
Anti-Ship Missile
City Gun
Water Mine
Patrol Boat
Fortress Gun
Coastal Submarine
Bombard Cannon

Those are just the units that I thought would be used as city defense for naval areas.
i got de 3ds max studio 7 and i will LEARN how to create units. in easter you will see many units and the mod will start producing . I made a simple unit , a victorian house for civ 4 , that i will soon post. i hope the community supports the mod and gives idea and stuff , because you can bring your idea into the mod. check the moddb site and you will see more detailed concept art :D . ah and by the way , im Actimel ( portugal!! ) :D lol see ya soon

Nice job, I see that you've registered at CivFanatics finally. Anyway, when SDK comes out, I will begin unit making to.
BTW, a British unit chart will be uploaded later this afternoon.
Also, please welcome Portugal to our team. He is a regular contributer at Civilized.
Communisto said:
when's the estimated release date?
I don't want to give a release date at this point.
Our goal is March 2007, but that's being optomistic.

Announcement: I have posted the first version of the unit spreadsheet here. The file is probably in WinRAR.

Also, please welcome Swissempire to the team.
Great job. you are creating a hole new game. i really love almost all the changes. And that dynasties and civil wars idea are fantastic.

You will have a lot of work to do, though.

If you need help in looking for information about Italy or Spain for your dynasties, etc. or if you've ever thought about translating it to other languages i could help you with the spanish. Let me know if you need me, i'll be pleased to help.
How do i open a qpw file?

EDIT: And we, mortals that can't buy Corel Quattro Pro? How will we open the spread sheet? :p
Can I join you as a python programmer,
Also I have some idea about adding trading routes aspect into civ4
we really need a phyton programmer so thats great . http://www.civilized.invisionzone.com register here and at moddb with the same nick :cool: so you can be part of the team member and discuss ideas and etc... :lol: . ah and talk to alcosta because we have a 5 HOURS difference lolol .

thats the problem when you live in europe and have great ideas lol
City Gun
Fortress Gun
Bombard Cannon
If these are what I think they are, then the ability to attack a certain unit in a stack would sure come in handy for some variety of Special Ops. force to take out those cannons and and make it possible to bring Battleships in range to blow the bejesus out of everything left there.
Because, in all honesty, I loved how ships worked in Civ 3 last I checked, and if I drove too close to the enemy port and got sunk because the Artillery opened fire on me because I got too close, that was my own fault.
As it is, I can sit myself outside of their port and if they don't have ships, they can't do anything against me as I whittle their defensive bonus away to 0% and do just about nothing else to them. Buildings should be collapsing, units should be suffering damage, the population should be dying and a big unhealthy/unhappy face should be planted on a heavily bombed out city as the locals panic (though, that said, completely wiping out most of an attacking force that are fighting against a city and pushing them back might give quite a bonus to the happiness of a city and the morale of the soldiers).

As per usual, I don't havew the first idea if I'm making sense but I might as well give a couple of ideas or something. Whatever happens, I like the idea of being able to have Coastal Fortifications ^^
And could there be some form of River Patrol that would have no real attack capability but could defend, would be good at spotting (maybe see enemy spies that are within a tile's space?) and could essentially transport one unit up a river, maybe?
Der_Meister said:
Great job. you are creating a hole new game. i really love almost all the changes. And that dynasties and civil wars idea are fantastic.

You will have a lot of work to do, though.

If you need help in looking for information about Italy or Spain for your dynasties, etc. or if you've ever thought about translating it to other languages i could help you with the spanish. Let me know if you need me, i'll be pleased to help.

Anybody is welcome to help, especially for translating.

Tabris said:
How do i open a qpw file?

EDIT: And we, mortals that can't buy Corel Quattro Pro? How will we open the spread sheet? :p

I forgot about the fact that I have Quattro Pro. Sorry about that, maybe it's better that I keep it secret.

Alyph said:
Can I join you as a python programmer,
Also I have some idea about adding trading routes aspect into civ4

Thank you.:thanx: :cheers: We really needed a python programmer. Welcome to the team!!

Samael said:
If these are what I think they are, then the ability to attack a certain unit in a stack would sure come in handy for some variety of Special Ops. force to take out those cannons and and make it possible to bring Battleships in range to blow the bejesus out of everything left there.
Because, in all honesty, I loved how ships worked in Civ 3 last I checked, and if I drove too close to the enemy port and got sunk because the Artillery opened fire on me because I got too close, that was my own fault.
As it is, I can sit myself outside of their port and if they don't have ships, they can't do anything against me as I whittle their defensive bonus away to 0% and do just about nothing else to them. Buildings should be collapsing, units should be suffering damage, the population should be dying and a big unhealthy/unhappy face should be planted on a heavily bombed out city as the locals panic (though, that said, completely wiping out most of an attacking force that are fighting against a city and pushing them back might give quite a bonus to the happiness of a city and the morale of the soldiers).

As per usual, I don't havew the first idea if I'm making sense but I might as well give a couple of ideas or something. Whatever happens, I like the idea of being able to have Coastal Fortifications ^^
And could there be some form of River Patrol that would have no real attack capability but could defend, would be good at spotting (maybe see enemy spies that are within a tile's space?) and could essentially transport one unit up a river, maybe?

The thing I was thinking was having a huge variety of promotions against these artillery to help counter them. I also like what you put there about the navy. That should be a key concept.

And on the spreadsheet, which no one can open, you'll see there are three boats that can go on rivers. (River Galley, River Gunboat, River Patrol Boat)
Although I'm a Belgian guy, I wanted to let you know that the Dutch civ was quite important in history. In Medieval times The Netherlands were far more larger than what it is today (most of Belgium, part of Germany), and were one of the most important countries in the world in the age of colonisation.

Flanders (the northern and biggest part of Belgium) is still a Dutch-speaking region, and in 1830, Belgium became independent from the Netherlands, not from France.

So maybe add the Dutch civilisation with rebel civs: Belgium & South-Africa
and give France one of their African colonies.


I know they were important in history, but Europe is packed right now. I think the current civ situation is the best we're going to get it.
Samael said:
Yay! ^^

Oh, and I'm not sure if its been mentioned yet but what will be of Native America?

It actually hasn't been mentioned. There will be Native American/Barbarian cities. There will be these cities in Australia/Oceania and Africa too. To colonize these areas, you'll have to bring an army with you.
I'm not sure if they should be barbarians, as such. I mean, I live over in Europe so I don't know for sure, but I don't really believe we have Infantry running out Native American reservations every couple of years.

Additionally, if possible, having Navajo (sp?) or whatever else as part of the population might be useful as, from picking up little facts from things and watching too much X-Files, their language was apparently used as a form of code during WWII. Now, I apologise if I'm wrong but I don't have my facts straight. Anyway, I should stop beating around the bush. Perhaps, when spies are implemented in a decent manner instead of how they are at the moment in Civ IV (I'd quite like to see a hybrid of Civ III and Civ IV, to be honest. I'd like to send my spies out manually, go to an enemy city (or bunker/fortress) and actively try and steal battle plans) having a minority present could, with a certain improvement, resourse, tech, whatever, make it harder to steal your 'coded' plans or what not? *shrugs*

Oh, and one final unrelated thing. Perhaps before a nation can actually use any form of nuclear weapon, it has to actually give it a test? I don't mean dropping it on your enemy capital. I mean akin to the old fashioned Nuclear tests where you got in the desert and detonate it. What I'm suggesting is that Atomic Bombs, instead of detonating in the normal manner, can be used to 'build a tile improvement' that makes it possible from then on to launch them at other people. Additionaly, this would then make that tile have fallout and potentially uninhabitable, having no food/production/commerce but a bonus perhaps to science? and adding a big, fat unhealthiness penalty to any nearby cities as well as damaging (but not necessarily killing... at first) any units too close. After the first test, future tests could have a chance of adding a bonus to damage done by further produced bombs?
I dunno *shrugs*
Samael said:
I'm not sure if they should be barbarians, as such. I mean, I live over in Europe so I don't know for sure, but I don't really believe we have Infantry running out Native American reservations every couple of years.

Additionally, if possible, having Navajo (sp?) or whatever else as part of the population might be useful as, from picking up little facts from things and watching too much X-Files, their language was apparently used as a form of code during WWII. Now, I apologise if I'm wrong but I don't have my facts straight. Anyway, I should stop beating around the bush. Perhaps, when spies are implemented in a decent manner instead of how they are at the moment in Civ IV (I'd quite like to see a hybrid of Civ III and Civ IV, to be honest. I'd like to send my spies out manually, go to an enemy city (or bunker/fortress) and actively try and steal battle plans) having a minority present could, with a certain improvement, resourse, tech, whatever, make it harder to steal your 'coded' plans or what not? *shrugs*

Oh, and one final unrelated thing. Perhaps before a nation can actually use any form of nuclear weapon, it has to actually give it a test? I don't mean dropping it on your enemy capital. I mean akin to the old fashioned Nuclear tests where you got in the desert and detonate it. What I'm suggesting is that Atomic Bombs, instead of detonating in the normal manner, can be used to 'build a tile improvement' that makes it possible from then on to launch them at other people. Additionaly, this would then make that tile have fallout and potentially uninhabitable, having no food/production/commerce but a bonus perhaps to science? and adding a big, fat unhealthiness penalty to any nearby cities as well as damaging (but not necessarily killing... at first) any units too close. After the first test, future tests could have a chance of adding a bonus to damage done by further produced bombs?
I dunno *shrugs*

They're not "barbarians," they are a minor civilization of the natives of every continent.
As of Navajo language, the Marines used their language with the "windtalkers" in World War 2, but that doesn't matter.;)
There are now more than 1 spy and each have a variety of roles.

As of nulear weapons testing, maybe we could have a non-harmful test in water, etc. I think every country that wants to test a nuke should always have to test it first.
They're not "barbarians," they are a minor civilization of the natives of every continent.
As of Navajo language, the Marines used their language with the "windtalkers" in World War 2, but that doesn't matter.
There are now more than 1 spy and each have a variety of roles.

I know they're not 'literal' barbarians, running around the country, pillaging but thus far it seems thats what the barbs of Civ IV are intent on doing.
And yeah, I gotta admit, that whole Windtalkers thing I went with for a second was a lil bit out of place, I guess - sorry bout that ^^;

As of nulear weapons testing, maybe we could have a non-harmful test in water, etc. I think every country that wants to test a nuke should always have to test it first.

I don't quite follow that last line, as such. I meant as in the army testing it, seeing the effects, studying it, etc. not the player finding out what the damage of the A-Bomb looks like in game.
Samael said:
I don't quite follow that last line, as such. I meant as in the army testing it, seeing the effects, studying it, etc. not the player finding out what the damage of the A-Bomb looks like in game.

No, I mean that too. Before building nuclear weapons, a civilization should have to publically or privately test the weapon to make sure it works.
well , i was thinking and i decided to give a structure to the mod.

Singleplayer- 6 campains will be created for singleplayer (suggestions open)
-Maps And other stuff will be also in

Multiplayer and Singleplayer- 5000 new units
- 200 new buildings
- 20 primary civ
-40 rebel civ
-Game Mods: - Conquer the city( each player as a target city that he as to conquer before anyone else conquers his objective city)
-El dorado- find the eldorado and get enough money and tech to conquer all the world. but remember you´re not the only one looking for it....
-King of the Hill- be the owner of a objective city for more than 50 rounds and win the game
-Armagedon - destroy the world but make sure your civ survives!
-Kill The King - kill the other civilizations king but make sure youre king survives
- Colonization - colonize 70% of the unhabitaded continents to win the game
-Amazing civ - take over the worlds population opinion , using strenght , fear , religion or language conquest . if you have at least 60% of the worlds population loving your civ , or at least 60% of them belonging to you , you win the game

Tomorrow i will post the civ that will be in the game, please give ideas ----

Now for the AgofCiv Team I opened slots , so that the community members that are interested can join the team and develope the mod.

Phyton Programmers(already have one :D)
-need more 1 or 2

XLM editors ( have one)
-need more 1 or 2

Graphic designers , preferencelly using 3ds studio max 6 or 7 and that work with textures
- need 3

Campaign and maps Modder( that can create solid maps and campaigns)
-need 2

Sound Modder
-need 1

And thats all . please post here http://www.civilized.invisionzone.com/index.php?act=idx in the modifications area or here were we are ( so dumb.... lol) if you have ideas or waant to join the team .(we really need volunteers for the team :D)

Visit also http://mods.moddb.com/6600/The-Age-of-Civilizations/ and reply if you want to join the team

thanks and see ya ( there is to much rain in portugal... im getting a litlle bit tired lol)
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