The controversial invasion thread.

Which country would you invade ?

  • Iran

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Egypt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Saudi Arabia

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • North Korea

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • China

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Sudan

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Belarus

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Zimbabwe

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Pakistan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Vatican City

    Votes: 9 32.1%

  • Total voters
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Aug 11, 2005
Republic of Flanders (Be)
The year in 2006, the western world and it's allies feel the sudden urge to invade/conquer/liberate a country with UN backing.
Who should it be ?

In other words, which country's leader should "releaved of their command".

I'd say Zimbabwe ... it should be cheap and easy to conquer and Mugabe really needs to be locked up immediately. He ruined that country in a few years time.
NK is the only one i think that deserves it from that list. they've have threatened to use nuclear weapons to attack USA. i would take that as a threat of war. thus in order to stop them from using those weapons, we bomb and invade. and of course get the hell out of Iraq...
SonicX said:
The year in 2006, the western world and it's allies feel the sudden urge to invade/conquer/liberate a country with UN backing.
Who should it be ?

In other words, which country's leader should "releaved of their command".

I'd say Zimbabwe ... it should be cheap and easy to conquer and Mugabe really needs to be locked up immediately. He ruined that country in a few years time.

People said the same thing about Iraq :rolleyes:
I don't see anybody ready or willing to invade/conquer/liberate other countries. The Americans and their allies are bogged down in Iraq, and the other major powers of the world seem unwilling to follow up Bush's adventure.

That said, I would like to see Kim Jong-Il and his thugs removed from power.
Tell me again why should the free world spend hundreds of billions of EURO/USD in pursuite of these fairy missions?
Zimbabwe doesn't need an invasion, because one bullet will solve the problem. Same with Cuba.
Aphex_Twin said:
Tell me again why should the free world spend hundreds of billions of EURO/USD in pursuite of these fairy missions?
It's not about whether or not you like invasions ... it's a "you have to choose a country" thread :p

Most of these countries have a reason to be invaded... but I forgot Syria I noticed :(
Unless I am to pretend that my decision carries full support of the United Nations, the answer is troubled by a number of political complications.

I am no war monger, but I am decisive, and it would be a terrible injustice for any leader to not oppose the recent activities of Mugabe's regime in Zimbabwe.

It displeases me that South Africa seeks to prevent Zimbabwe from failing as a nation, and is currently proposing financial support that aims to strengthen Mugabe's presidency.

Given required authority, my objectives would be to bring about a swift regime change in Harare with the support of South Africa and other key nations. I would be more committed to this than the current British government.

None of the options in the poll present temptation, but I voted Zimbabwe.
rmsharpe said:
Zimbabwe doesn't need an invasion, because one bullet will solve the problem. Same with Cuba.
It strikes me as safer to witness transparent justice at the ICC, so that future Zimbabweans would know why regime change was necessary.

Can we not agree to a kidnapping? :p
Oh, how I wish this were a multiple choice question. Those that did not make the list but deserve to get smacked (the leaders, that is):

North Korea (self explanatory)

Sudan (even with "peace" they're still routing that southwestern area)

Belarus (Lukashenko thinks himself the second incarnation of Stalin, and it's straining Eastern Europe. Not to mention it being essentially a Stalinist extension of Russia the way he buddies up with Putin.)

Zimbabwe (damn parasite in southern Africa)

I don't like Musharraf either, but he is better than fundies getting the bomb.

My choice is for Saudi Arabia, if we were able to eat up however long the oil supplies would be cut (if everyone was involved, it wouldnt be long). Why? The major hotbed of terror. And even with the new King Abdullah enthroned in Riyadh being moderate towards the United States and the West, there are plenty of elements in the expansive royal family that provide funding to the radical Wahhabis and other groups. Finally, 15 of the people that attacked the United States nearly four years ago were Saudi, it shows what kind of environment new potential recruits found themselves in.

From there, it would then be onto the radical elements that have been chomping at the bit to take down the royal family themselves. What we replace it with is uncertain, but both groups need to go.
Easiest is Vatican, most useful is Saudi Arabia, but most righty invasions are to Zimbabwe and North Korea. But why comparing? - Bush will capture all - why not add Switzerland with chocolates luxuries :-)
Saudi Arabia. If we're going to invade somewhere anyway, we might as well get something out of the deal.
IglooDude said:
Saudi Arabia. If we're going to invade somewhere anyway, we might as well get something out of the deal.
Invading Zimbabwe stuffs the Chinese efforts to gain a foot hold (and cheap minerals) in Africa ;)
You really wasted your efforts by putting up this thread. The answer is obvious.
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