The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Same here. Ever since I started playing F3 I can't get back into Oblivion.

oblivion has always been a better game for me... just seems more epic in every way. but unfourtunately i cant go back as i traded away my disc for a copy of COD4 with a friend... i don't really regret it.
Oblivion seriously needs a Mount & Blade-style combat system. Tried it, said 'meh', and am waiting for a real combat mod.
M&B was fun for about a week, and then you realised that your one horse + pike could take down an army of over 50 men on its own. then you stopped playing.
The mechanics of fighting in M&B are still way more interactive and intriguing than the ones in Oblivion though. Unmodded, side-by-side, Oblivion is probably the superior RPG in content.
I played a LOT of M&B simply for the combat. I also happen to have an imagination so I could fill in the blanks by myself. I definitely played more M&B than Oblivion. Before it was even 3/4s finished. And missing half of what it has now.

I like them both equally though.
They are two completly different games.

M&B is a "purely" fight game. The gameplay, quests, etc is VERY limited.

You play it when you had a bad day, and want to relieve the stress slaughtering some peasants :D Which I usually do with bow and arrows.

Oblivion is a RPG, with many quests, bu the combat are not very complex, and there are several mods around to make it better.

I recently tried Neverwinter knight 2... And the combat mechanism is "let's wait and see". You don't control much...

At least in Oblivion you are different attacks...

What would be great is a combat system "Tekken style", with many attacks, parry, throws, etc. to do with key combinations
i think i missed a zero on the end as well ;)
Nah, I did not want to come off too arrogant. :lol:
But although player character can become terribly overpowered, M&B is still a great game. I am impatiently waiting for completion of ASOIAF mod, though.
Ugh I dislike key combinations. Unless someone figured out a way to not have them look like all those same old moves used by many console and many asian games. And especially if it was adaptable to any situation and not the same thing over and over.

And yes, Multiplayer will be the M&B expansion too! ^_^
I played through Oblivion again 2 months ago. Actually, I ignored the main quest this time because, for me, the main quest was complete bull crap. I hated it, I hated the endless oblivion gates, I hated how they spawned everywhere. It just ruined the world. I dunno. I just kept this amulet of kings for myself. Screw these guys.

It's hard to say if Fallout 3 is better... Probably is... I really think I had more fun exploring the Fallout 3 world. It felt more alive, even though it was desolate. Hard to explain why. It's the same for Morrowind, the predecessor to Oblivion. I preferred the Morrowind world because it was more focused. It had its distinct feel. Oblivion was just a mashup of fantasy world settings... oooh snowy mountains... ooooh swamps... ooooh forest... All cramped together.

One of Fallout 3's short comings was the lack of a reason to come back to certain towns once you had been there once. I mean, you complete the quests in Megaton, and that's it. Every one has his one quest and nothing new apparently shows up after that. Another short coming was the level cap and how easy the game sort of was, it gave you too many points, I dunno, it seemed like you could basically specialize in so many skills. Definitely should have stuck to a more stingy and difficult system like those of Fallout 1 and 2. The perks system was nice...

I rate Fallout 3 pretty highly. I played it obsessively until I finished it, and then I went on an exploration rampage. I played way over 50 hours, probably closer to 100. I may go back since I had started a new evil character.

I liked Fallout 3 and Morrowind about equally. Liked them both more than Oblivion, which is still a decent game. I mean, I did play Oblivion for a lot of hours too. There were just too many random ******** things related to levelling (levelling up should always be a good thing...), and the contrived world as I mentioned, and the ARGH main quest... It had to be modded to be enjoyable for me. Not the case for Morrowind and F3.
Operation Anchorage, you enter a simulator and upon completing it (something about the battle against China in Alaska pre-nuclear war) it unlocks an armoury. The Pitt will allow you to go to Pittsburg (Spelling?).

I find myself going back to Megaton all the time, partly to dump some stuff in the house but I don't really use it, mostly it's to sell stuff and it's in the center of the map. With a very good karma people in Megaton will randomly give you free goodies, like several bottle caps, or a nuka cola. Same in Paradise Falls if you have a very bad karma.
Operation Anchorage, you enter a simulator and upon completing it (something about the battle against China in Alaska pre-nuclear war) it unlocks an armoury. The Pitt will allow you to go to Pittsburg (Spelling?).

I find myself going back to Megaton all the time, partly to dump some stuff in the house but I don't really use it, mostly it's to sell stuff and it's in the center of the map. With a very good karma people in Megaton will randomly give you free goodies, like several bottle caps, or a nuka cola. Same in Paradise Falls if you have a very bad karma.

Yeah, well I used Megaton a lot too. All I'm saying is that it's pretty static once you've done the quests for it. EDIT: And it's probably the least static place in the game too.
One item I always found hilarious in Oblivion was after you did the main quest the guards still referred to you as just a citizen. Would be nice if they treated you differently. I wish they'd come out with a mod for F3 so that you could continue playing after completing the main quest.
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