• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The Grand Monopoly Token Swap

In Cairo! :lol:
I'm impressed! :goodjob:

There has to be a cat token, for those of us who love cats.
I feel like peeling an Onion.

Perhaps we should have a thread in which CFC members can report instances of being hired by poor people?

Rather than, for example, being hired by indebted taxpayers.

Perhaps CFCers can report instances of objects of value being produced by rich people.
Brown = "Oh god here we go again" (Mobby & Forma)
Light Blue = "What are you on about mate?" (that "philosopher" guy whose name I've forgotten (Millman?), GarryDenke, Borachio :p )
Pink = Religious dudes
Unusual sandy colour = "People who only ever talk about economics and relate everything to economics even if it's completely unrelated"
Red = Commies
Yellow = Serial Thread Starters
Green = Foreign Policy Nerds
Purple = CFC Deities (DT, Plotinus)

Thinking about this a little more, I think we need more slots for the famous (but no longer around) OT'ers. Do guys like Godwynn and Perfection get a spot on the board? Or at least a card?
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