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The Grand Monopoly Token Swap

:nono: I have no objection to a "Moderator Action" card deck (as long as there were some good ones included - not ALL moderator actions have a negative outcome for the poster). But the other one should be "Posts."
The mod action deck would have 2 or 3 get-out-of-jail free cards, while the poster deck would have none. :lol:
A regular Monopoly game has a Get Out Of Jail Free card in both decks. So our version would also need that. I'd suggest an Infraction Overturned card. And there are the options of paying $50 or rolling doubles (which would be the equivalent to the back-and-forth of PMs between poster and moderator, convincing the moderator to reverse or downgrade the infraction - remember, I've been on both sides of the situation, and have participated in both sides ;)). If I remember correctly, the $50 is the option left after failing to throw doubles for the next 3 turns and you don't have a card.
Why should we stick to the original mechanics that closely? If the game is already broke, might as well make it hilarious in the process like Playtest.
contre's camera should be one of the tokens.
:lol: Did it appear or is it still lost in the vast frozen nothingness of Finland? :p
Losing a turn because you are lost in the vast frozen nothingness of Finland sounds like a pretty solid card idea.
How should it be called? inefficient postal service?
We need some tokens. We can keep the battleship, AKA Thunderfall. Have a cop, ainwood, since he says he is the law. WE can have a statue, aka Plotinus. We can keep the dog, AKA Padma. Who should we have for the other tokens?
contre's camera, that was agreed already. ;)
The currency is post-count.

The streets are posters of a similar "type", who can viably argue against each other or otherwise keep a thread on page 1 of OT.
Brown = "Oh god here we go again" (Mobby & Forma)
Light Blue = "What are you on about mate?" (that "philosopher" guy whose name I've forgotten (Millman?), GarryDenke, Borachio :p )
Pink = Religious dudes
Unusual sandy colour = "People who only ever talk about economics and relate everything to economics even if it's completely unrelated"
Red = Commies
Yellow = Serial Thread Starters
Green = Foreign Policy Nerds
Purple = CFC Deities (DT, Plotinus)

The houses are threads. You need to own all the similar types of poster before you can start a thread of that type. So if you want to start a Foreign Policy thread, you need to amass enough Foreign Policy Nerds before you can start one. A poster of that type can only post a second thread once all posters of that type have posted at least one thread, in order to prevent spam.

The hotels are threads that have gone past 10 pages and turned into GhostWriter16 threads.

If you land on a thread, you have to "post" in it, which means giving the owner of the thread some of your "post count" tokens (PCs). You earn 200 PCs every time you pass "F5" (i.e. "refresh page", i.e. "Pass Go" in the regular monopoly).

The winner of the game is the person whose threads have collected him the most PCs, i.e. the guys who start the most popular threads.

Clearly, the standard "monopoly hell" occurs when all players have turned their standard threads into big, red GhostWriter16 threads. Players take turns navigating this hell, rolling the dice, desperately trying to avoid these infernal threads. Inevitably, though, you land on one, and, not being able to help yourself, you end up posting 1,600 times, even though you really, really don't want to.
Oh and if you don't have enough PCs to post in a thread, you get really angry and start flaming everyone, which means you get banned and go to jail.

The railways are Site Feedback threads. You only go there occasionally and it's usually to tell someone that they need 5 posts and 30 days before they can get an avatar.

The Utilities are Aimee's Computer Talk threads. Just one on its own usually isn't too bad; you can get away with saying "don't worry about it" or "have you tried googling it?" But sometimes she has really weird problems with her computer, or really weird things that she wants to do with PDFs or something, and it can suck you in. Before you know it, you've spent 10 times your dice roll on posts in there. Freaky, huh?

The taxes are when the threads you've posted in get archived and you lose some of your PC.

Other ideas for chance/community chest cards:

- Traitorfish questions your usage of a word ending in "ism". You spend 150 PCs arguing about it. (Pay the owner of the most Commie squares.)

- Fox News Publishes Controversial Headline!!!!!!! Go straight to a Mobby & Forma thread to see what their opinions are on the issue.

- MobBoss sources an article from RosanneBarrWorld.com. The owner of the MobBoss square (or the bank) pays you 150 PCs.

- It's your birthday! A thread appears in your honour, and each player gives you 20 PCs.

- Moderators have locked your threads! Pay 40 PCs per thread or 115 PCs per GW16 thread arguing with the moderator to reopen them as they clearly contain valuable discussion and are definitely not troll threads.
Awesome. :lol:
By the way, you may have a bit more free time than it'd be good for you... just sayin...
:lmao: At work and you have time for... this? What's this joke. :p
Work is where people generally go to relax. Didn't you know? Otherwise you're obliged to find something constructive to do.
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