Should Intellectual Property exist?

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Even if self esteem building methods or depressive treatments can not bring dignity to a particular organic for reasons either/both medical and mental, then after several mandatory counseling sessions one can apply and receive assisted euthanasia to guarantee one's right to "organic dignity".

Star Trek is supposed to be a utopia.
Like don't use the transporter for bombs utopia.

All the best parts of humanity magnified, all the worst parts minimized and freed from physical want.

Only time and things the replicator can't make would be really valuable economically speaking. :think:

I think Voyager was supposed to explore resource scarcity, but it kind of gave up on that.

Inspired by the AI and books thread, opening a debate about the broader topic of intellectual property as a whole.

Some say it is crucial to spur innovation and research, others say it has the opposite effect and is a way for people to extract monopoly rents.

It is an artificial concept created by us, so should we continue to support it? Would the world be a better place without the concept of IP?

The pros / cons arguments are set out briefly here:

The chance to get rich and actually getting rich off an idea is pretty crucial.

Time limits for patents and China stealing $trillions of IP spreads the good stuff around eventually.

The system works pretty good right now?
Since we are not now on FB and Canadians are allowed to view and follow news links here, I'm asking you to provide them to support your position.
How about the New York official records?

2.8 million cases in fully vaccinated individuals in New York State alone.

I'd mention that I'm vaccinated and boosted and had a breakthrough case, but that would just get a response of "PlUrAl oF aNeCdOtE iS nOt DaTa HuRr DuRr" so I linked to a large blue state's official numbers.
How about the New York official records?

2.8 million cases in fully vaccinated individuals in New York State alone.

I'd mention that I'm vaccinated and boosted and had a breakthrough case, but that would just get a response of "PlUrAl oF aNeCdOtE iS nOt DaTa HuRr DuRr" so I linked to a large blue state's official numbers.
Weird that you didn't cite the literal next paragraph. I'm including both here for context:
  • 2,823,097 laboratory-confirmed breakthrough cases of COVID-19 among fully-vaccinated people in New York State, which corresponds to 19.1% of the population of fully-vaccinated people 5-years or older.
  • 119,202 hospitalizations with COVID-19 among fully-vaccinated people in New York State, which corresponds to 0.81% of the population of fully-vaccinated people 5-years or older.
I don't know about you, but reducing hospitalisations to 0.81% seems pretty good to me!

"but the vaccine doesn't work, hurr durr"

Extremely funny that we got here because you demanded sources about sh0e, and then couldn't handle the site provided allegedly had some kind of a vaccine bias, despite it being providing sources about sh0e's positions in her own words. Which you promptly ignored and never mentioned again.

Peak 2023 content.
How about the New York official records?

2.8 million cases in fully vaccinated individuals in New York State alone.

I'd mention that I'm vaccinated and boosted and had a breakthrough case, but that would just get a response of "PlUrAl oF aNeCdOtE iS nOt DaTa HuRr DuRr" so I linked to a large blue state's official numbers.

Out of curiosity, do you also think the flu vaccine "doesn't work" because you can get the flu after getting the shot, or is it just covid?
I agree, Narz, that work, the broader sense makes us better. In our “system” having a job is generally good for us beyond the pay check. I also agree if you are fully idle you practice idleness, not fill the time with artistic endeavors. Having some obligations will keep you in motion and you need motion to be an artist.

However, there is a world of difference between being free from labor obligations, where you can cure your boredom with contribution and creation, and being unemployed, where you are stressing against a ticking clock that saps you of motivation except the desperation to get a job.

And being employed full time drives you to rest, and pushes out the time and energy needed to hone your craft and explore your creativity.

If you want the best art in a society you need people paid to live well enough to travel, live restfully, engage fun activities, buy gear, eat well, go to the doctor, etc

It doesn’t have to be an art subsidy, though that has value, nor UBI, which also has value. Just cutting the workweek super short alone will change the game. But I support a multi pronged approach.

Extremely funny that we got here because you demanded sources about sh0e, and then couldn't handle the site provided allegedly had some kind of a vaccine bias, despite it being providing sources about sh0e's positions in her own words. Which you promptly ignored and never mentioned again.

Peak 2023 content.
I would consider "peak 2023 content" to be going off on another tangent, then claiming victory because someone responded to the tangent.

Shoe supports due process fir the accused, universal healthcare, unions, and a living wage. Opposes the Unpatriotic Act. Very weird positions for a fascist to have. I already listed the features of fascism.

As far as dismissing a hack site as a legitimate source, I expect (or at least hope) you would do the same if someone cited Breitbart or Newsmax.
Nothing to do with a "meta-study", whatever you mean by that.

You said "idle hands make for the devil's work" or however that old Christian nonsense goes. I said "feels like vibes". About as far from a study as you can get :D


Again, you're not discussing socialism here.

And? It still doesn't make you right.

I'm glad you asked! Let me bold the relevant part:

You'll find some folks think the same of right-wing conservatives. But then you accused others of hating personal freedom.

So who knows which it is, eh?
So tell me how does it feel to be a slave owner?

We congratulate the American people upon your re-election by a large majority. If resistance to the Slave Power was the reserved watchword of your first election, the triumphant war cry of your re-election is Death to Slavery.

Karl Marx, letter to Abraham Lincoln of November 1864
Here's some interesting reading about the politics of labor in the civil war, even as they relate to Marx's commentating on the war and Lincoln's own political views:

snip said:
Walt Whitman, writing nearly 20 years earlier, in 1847, argued that extending slavery to the West would “bring the dignity of labor down to the level of slavery.” The battle lines, then, were “the grand body of white workingmen, the millions of mechanics, farmers, and operatives of our country, with their interests, on the one side—and the interests of a few thousand rich, ‘polished,’ and aristocratic owners of slaves at the south on the other side.”36 Therefore, as Lincoln argued in 1858 in his famous “House Divided” speech, the Union would eventually have to become “all one thing, or all the other.”37 There could be no middle ground as Western expansion threatened the future of free and slave labor. For Marx, the American Civil War was a “struggle between two social systems … the system of slavery and the system of free labor.” Ultimately, this struggle could only be resolved “by the victory of one system or the other.”38 The war, as Lincoln suggested in his Second Inaugural Address, came regardless of protestations of peace and desire to avoid war. The conflict between the Northern free labor and Southern slave labor seemed inevitable.

Marx believed that slavery in the South stood in the way of the expansion of capitalism. In the American Civil War, Marx argued that the “first act,” or the “constitutional waging of the war” was the abolishment of slave labor in the United States.39 The “second act, the revolutionary waging of war” was what could lead to socialism; it was not until the United States was fully capitalist in its organization of labor and mode of production that socialism was possible. Marx was in favor of aggressive expansion of capitalism throughout the country, North and South, insofar as it would lead to the development of socialism in the former colonies. Though Marx was wrong in his prediction of pending socialism—and to some extent in his assessment of Southern society as not being fully capitalist—his assessment of conflicting labor systems leading to national conflict aligned with Lincoln’s. For both men, a society where men owned the fruits of their own labor was a central tenet of how this conflict must mete out...
How about the New York official records?

2.8 million cases in fully vaccinated individuals in New York State alone.

I'd mention that I'm vaccinated and boosted and had a breakthrough case, but that would just get a response of "PlUrAl oF aNeCdOtE iS nOt DaTa HuRr DuRr" so I linked to a large blue state's official numbers.

What about the New York official records? :huh:

1. I'm Canadian, so "blue" and "red" mean the opposite. Blue is the color associated with conservative/right wing people, parties, mindsets, etc. What's running my province now is a whole different shade of blue that loves Trump and DeSantis and wants to remake our province in those images. The premier of my province keeps yapping about climate change being a hoax, and she's all for this horse medicine for covid.

2. I've been vaccinated, and had boosters. I haven't had covid, as I've been very careful to not be around any more people than necessary. I actually had an anxiety attack a few months ago in Walmart, of all places. Too many people, too much noise. and no, I really didn't want to use those freaking self-checkout things.

3. I've had the experience of being vaccinated against the flu, and still caught it. Either I caught it before the shot had taken effect, or the shot wasn't for the correct strain. Does that mean I go around spreading misinformation and calling it "the jab"? No.

Honestly, if I wanted to have a FB-type of conversation, that's where I'd go. Alphabet soup is rampant there. I don't really appreciate it here.

Plagiarism in what sense? Copying and saying it's your original, never-before-seen idea or work? That isn't theft, that's just saying "I was here first" when you weren't. It's just telling a lie.

Of course it's theft. It's also a lie. Theft is a form of lying and claiming something rightfully belongs to you, when it doesn't.

Yesterday I gave away one of my ideas to a Harry Potter fanfic author. We were having a chat in the comments section, she liked one of my ideas, and asked permission to use it. Since I don't have any plans to use it myself, I told her I'd be honored. That's the most I'm getting from this, unless she chooses to say in the author's notes where the idea came from. But since I get instant email notifications of both my comments and hers, there's a paper trail of who had the idea first, and that she asked and I gave permission for it to be used in her story.

Neither of us will make so much as a penny for it. It's part of the give-and-take among fanfic authors.

But if she'd just gone ahead and used it without asking and without mentioning where she'd gotten it... yeah, I'd have been angry. No money is involved, but reputation is. She's kept hers clean, which is one part of why she's got so many followers and if she asks for ideas, people don't hesitate to offer.
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