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The Jarls Of Freyhorn


Nov 23, 2015
A Jar.
Jarls of Freyhorn
Spoiler :
"Long have our people lived in this frozen wasteland. For decades we have survived in this barren land of cold and frost. Seasons do not exist here for it is always winter! Yes... You can say the weather has hardened our kind to become strong and stubborn but... It has also kept us few. The yearly starvations have took many of our kin, this cannot go on!

We must seek to live elsewhere, these lands are no longer suitable for us if we wish to grow and prosper. Legend has told of a way through the ice, beyond this Arctic wasteland and across the rugged oceans to a new land.. A land they say flows of milk of honey! A land ripe for the taking. As our galleys become stronger and as our numbers grow larger it is up to us, Jarls of Freyhorn to find and conquer these lands! Our future depends on it. I have dreams of our people thriving and lasting throughout the ages but this can only happen if we lead the way. Come Jarls of Freyhorn, join me in our destiny. Onward into the world! Onward from the Freyhorn!" -King Ragnar.

A loud knock occurs on the wooden doors of your hall. They are opened and a bitter cold sweeps in followed by a messenger. The messenger looks nearly frozen, his thick fur coat is coated in ice and his face is bright red. He bows, you stand, then he approaches.

"King Rangar sends his regards to thee, oh great Jarl. He requests your immediate attendance at Uppsala. He has called together the Jarls of Freyhorn, will you come?"

Brief Information
Spoiler :
This is a role play game through Civ 4 with the difficulty on Emperor. We are all Jarls of Freyborn, the isolated arctic region of the north. For many years we have lived within these lands but it is time we move on to more fertile grounds. This is a adventure, strategy, team base rp. Early game will be mostly adventure as we search for fertile grounds but middle and late game will be about strategy and war as we compete against the other civs we discover.

Every player is going to have the title of being a Jarl and have ruling power on what the people of Freyhorn do as a whole. As the game unfolds events and scenarios will come up with you or the council deciding on what to do. Naturally there will be stuff that is just automated by me, improvements, road networks, buildings, and technology. Yet overall you guys, as a team, will decide where we settle, who we go to war against, and what our strategies are. I would like detailed posts but basic directions are accepted. I do like to role play, ALOT, and appreciate it when people really get into character. The tech of the game will not advance past the medieval era.

Gameplay Overview​
Spoiler :
So I probably should have added this before but seeing that the game hasn’t started yet it shouldn’t matter too much, better late than never right? So first off the map the game is taking place on is a custom made map which has been created to give the Jarls of Freyhorn the full experience. From exploring uncharted islands, to dense jungles, to barren deserts it has it all. From brutal barbarians to demon worshiping Indians to engaging against professional civilizations you will find many foes in this game.

As I have mentioned this is a team based RP but feuds between Jarls are still possible. When or if they occur they will have to be player provoked and not much time will be spent on them. What I mean by this is that there will never be a civil war or a splitting of the empire. Instead Jarls will solve it with a skirmish between their companies until one surrenders or is killed.

As for me being king I do not want this to deter anybody thinking I will hog all the power. Decisions on what we do will be discussed and decided through the council of Jarls, you guys. This can range from small events like where to settle or farm to bigger ones like where do we raid, who we go to war against, and stuff like that. There will be some already determined paths but those will be minimal. Also even though I am king my spot and my throne can still be taken from me. If this does happen it would have to be a solid reason besides “Wanting to be king.” If the game goes south and our civilization begins to suffer then there is reason to replace the king. The process would be simple, majority votes, if the majority wins I lose my king ship. Of course I’ll most likely fight but if I die then I die. =)

Speaking of death I am adding the possibility of you, or anyone for that matter, being killed. Now there won’t be any random deaths but if you put yourself in a situation where your company dies and escape is very unlikely then you’ll probably end up dead. But don’t worry! You can always come back! The way one comes back is by creating a new character who is the son/daughter/nephew/niece/cousin or just some family member of a Jarl who is still alive and rejoining the conquest! Also if people want to join the game later on then this is how they will do so. This is a neat way to add family trees, dynasties, and what not. Also if you want to kill off your character for whatever reason well then that is possible too.

So now onto game play. So like previously mentioned situations will unfold as we explore, conquer, and settle across the map. As a Jarl there will be situations where you have individual power. Such as you can control what you want your worker to do or your city to build or where you personally decide to go, although I do advise you stay with the group for better game play and survival. Second there will be bigger events where the group as a whole must make decisions. Whatever the majority is will win and if some people are late to respond well then... Tough cookie. Here are some examples.

Setting: The group has been fighting a horde of barbarians and you, along with your company of warriors, scout ahead. You have a small engagement after the barbarians try to ambush but you send them in retreat. You notice that they are fleeing in a certain direction and if tracked they could be traced back to their village and eliminated. Going ahead risks exposing yourself to the elements as the group has fallen behind. Yet if you wait then you might lose the trail of the barbarians giving them another day to regroup and attack.

As you can see this situation is set for you, the individual. You can make the decision of going ahead or you can wait for better security. There could be a reward or there could be your death. This example is very black and white but you get the point.

Setting: After many months at sea the group of Jarls finally find some land worth settling on. When coming ashore some scouts discover tracks, it is obvious that there are other people around. Yet the valley you are in is fit to settle upon and going further to scout might be a waste of time if you can settle now and ask questions later.

So this is more of a group decision seeing that you are all together and settling land is a rather big deal. This situation doesn’t really have a set answer or what not it’s more of a game plan/strategy on what you guys are going to do.

Now about the role play of it all. Well I would like it if people played their character and had detail when posting. It doesn’t have to be long but it doesn’t have to be bare either. When fighting occurs, which it will, a lot! I want people to play out the scene of combat, slashing and hacking your way through the enemy. Making the scene awesome and epic. Don’t worry if you’re not a good writer, it’s all in spirit and that’s what makes it fun. Involving yourself in the character and making the story as rich and enjoyable as it can be. There will also be “boring” scenes will you decide things such as, workers building improvements, city build a library, ect.. ect.. Even then a little effort can make the story much more entertaining to watch as it unfolds.

So I think I covered it all.. If there are any questions/comments/concerns feel free to leave a reply below.

The Icelands of Freyhorn​
Spoiler :
To join simply reply with a short description of your Jarl, (age, sex, looks) in a spoiler. Then underneath include a short post of yourself joining in on the adventure.
If you guys have any questions or comments feel free to share!
King Ragnar of Freyhorn​
Spoiler :
King Ragnar Vilgarharen was not born of a noble class, if nobility can even be said to exist in these lands. He was born on the outskirts of Uppsala and spent his time in the nearby mountains chopping wood. His father died while he was at a young age so he rose to support his family. From the wood he chopped he learned how to craft boats. At first it was just fishing boats but as his skill grew he became a craftsman of longboats and galleys. When his younger sister died of illness he took her death as calling to change how their people lived. Through duels, diplomacy, and small skirmishes he became the Jarl of Uppsala and after several years of gaining the support of other Jarls and their companies he united the people and formed the Jarls of Freyhorn with him crowned as King of Freyhorn. King of Freyhorn by the age of 32. A year passed and rumors hit the shores of Freyhorn of another land, beyond the ice and across the ocean where grass was abundant and snow was rare. He immediately became entranced and saw this as the window to a better life. Now with the Jarls of Freyhorn coming together King Ragnar looks to lead his people to greatness.

The Jarls Of Freyhorn​
Jarl Rangfridr
Spoiler :
Jarl Age: 23
Jarl Sex: Male
Jarl History:
The youngest of eight children, three brothers and four sisters.
Served three years in military (ages 15-18) as an officer on a ship. He did not see any major combat as his ship was mostly used for river patrols near Nidaros. During the last few months of his military service he was forced to execute over seven hundred peasents who were marching towards the palace. It was later discovered that the peasants were making a religious pilgrimage.
After his military service ended he began a pilgrimage on foot from one end of the country to the other, staying with the poor and downtrodden and living life through their eyes. Rangfridr has since taken up the cause of the poor by hiring thousands of otherwise unemployed peasents to chop wood from swaths of land purchased by him. The land is then used for other purposes. The wood is sent all over the kingdom to be sold to those who would otherwise not be able to afford it.
Rangfridr lives in a modest house near one of his warehouses by the docks of Uppsula. He often attends parties with his wife and children or just drops in and brings lavish gifts for other Jarls and their family members. Rangfridr spends most of his time traveling, often in a similar fashion to how he traveled on his first pilgrimage. When he travels the Jarl conducts business on the road, meeting with other Jarls as they travel
Jarl Description: Medium height, medium build, dirty blonde hair, green eyes.

Roburr Noyyausson, "the One-Eyed Kraken", Jarl of Dalsnes
Spoiler :
Age: 28
Description: A stout and fit man with a bushy reddish-brown beard, icy blue right eye and an eyepatch covering where the left eye used to be. A tattoo surrounds the empty left eye socket, mostly covered by the eyepatch.
Is usually in the company of his dog, Vovoff, who is more friendly than his owner.
Spoiler :

Strong and agile since childhood, Roburr was one of the warriors in service to Jarl Sigmund, the Jarl of Dalsnes, a fishing village near Birka.
He lost his right eye while fighting pirates that had been harassing fishermen off the coast of Dalsnes. That fight earned him the nickname of One-Eyed Kraken: during the initial boarding of his ship by the pirates, he was stabbed in the eye and thrown off the boat. Soon after, several pirates found themselves suddenly thrown into the water. Despite the injury and the frigid water, Roburr swam along the side of his ship, snatching enemies that hadn't noticed him and then drowning them. This distraction proved crucial for the rest of Sigmund's men to be able to defeat the remaining pirates.
Roburr himself was about to drown, but was saved and brought back to shore, where he fell into a coma from his injury. Dalsnes' druid removed his ruined right eye, though he was unsure if Roburr would ever wake up again. To prevent evil spirits from entering Roburr's head through the empty eye socket while he was unconscious, the druid tattooed sacred runes around it.
A week later Roburr woke up, only to discover that, in the meantime, Jarl Sigmund had died of his own injuries sustained in the fight. As soon as news of his recovery spread, Roburr was elected by popular acclaim as the new Jarl of Dalsnes, vowing he would protect his fellow villagers against any enemy, be they bandits or the evil spirits of the perpetual winter.

Three mostly uneventful years later, King Ragnar's messenger knocked on Dalsnes' village hall, and Roburr began preparations for the long trek towards Uppsala.
Jarl Name: Rangfridr Edwardsson
Jarl Age: 23
Jarl Sex: Male
Jarl History:
The youngest of eight children, three brothers and four sisters.
Served three years in military (ages 15-18) as an officer on a ship. He did not see any major combat as his ship was mostly used for river patrols near Nidaros. Rumour has it that during the last few months of his military service he was forced to execute over seven hundred peasants who were marching towards the palace. It was later discovered that the peasants were making a religious pilgrimage.
After his military service ended he began a pilgrimage on foot from one end of the country to the other, staying with the poor and downtrodden and living life through their eyes. Rangfridr has since taken up the cause of the poor by hiring thousands of otherwise unemployed peasants to chop wood from swaths of land purchased by him. The land is then used for other purposes, often employing the same peasants and their families and beyond. The wood is sent all over the kingdom to be sold to those who would otherwise not be able to afford it.
Rangfridr lives in a modest house near one of his warehouses by the docks of Uppsula. He often attends parties with his wife and children or just drops in and brings lavish gifts for other Jarls and their family members. Rangfridr spends most of his time traveling, often in a similar fashion to how he traveled on his first pilgrimage. When he travels the Jarl conducts business on the road, meeting with others both rich and poor, powerful and powerless, as well as his business contacts.
Jarl Description: Medium height, medium build, dirty blonde hair, green eyes.
Name: Roburr Noyyausson, "the One-Eyed Kraken", Jarl of Dalsnes
Age: 28
Description: A stout and fit man with a bushy reddish-brown beard, icy blue left eye and an eyepatch covering where the right eye used to be. A tattoo surrounds the empty right eye socket, mostly covered by the eyepatch.
Is usually in the company of his dog, Vovoff, who is more friendly than his owner.
Spoiler :

Strong and agile since childhood, Roburr was one of the warriors in service to Jarl Sigmund, the Jarl of Dalsnes, a fishing village near Birka.
He lost his right eye while fighting pirates that had been harassing fishermen off the coast of Dalsnes. That fight earned him the nickname of One-Eyed Kraken: during the initial boarding of his ship by the pirates, he was stabbed in the eye and thrown off the boat. Soon after, several pirates found themselves suddenly thrown into the water. Despite the injury and the frigid water, Roburr swam along the side of his ship, snatching enemies that hadn't noticed him and then drowning them. This distraction proved crucial for the rest of Sigmund's men to be able to defeat the remaining pirates.
Roburr himself was about to drown, but was saved and brought back to shore, where he fell into a coma from his injury. Dalsnes' druid removed his ruined right eye, though he was unsure if Roburr would ever wake up again. To prevent evil spirits from entering Roburr's head through the empty eye socket while he was unconscious, the druid tattooed sacred runes around it.
A week later Roburr woke up, only to discover that, in the meantime, Jarl Sigmund had died of his own injuries sustained in the fight. As soon as news of his recovery spread, Roburr was elected by popular acclaim as the new Jarl of Dalsnes, vowing he would protect his fellow villagers against any enemy, be they bandits or the evil spirits of the perpetual winter.

Three mostly uneventful years later, King Ragnar's messenger knocked on Dalsnes' village hall, and Roburr began preparations for the long trek towards Uppsala.
Just out of curiosity what are you planning for an update schedule?

Also @Noyyau, what kind of dog is that?
Well I wanted to give another day for more people to join. So the RP will start tomorrow around 6:30pm 11:00am-12pm PCT and go on from there. I'll probably update at least once a night anywhere between 5-9pm PCT. There might be random scenes during the day but over all I'll keep the heavy stuff for the night time. To be honest I haven't really thought of a schedule so depending on how frequent people participate it might move around.

I wanna get this show on the road!!! Since I am upping the start time players can still join early game as their own Jarl and not a family member of a Jarl. They'll just need to catch up in the story.
Hey. I know its fairly early in the game (haven't even really started yet) but I figured I'd preempt any demand for a social group by creating one. Here. Feel free to join if you want. Early on in the game I think we should keep mostly to this forum so that it stays closer to the top of the board but if there are any debates which only interest a few parties they could be taken into the group. If anyone wants to maintain the group let me know.
And So The Journey Begins..

King Ragnar waited patiently within his hall. The winter weather outside howled with ferocity as servants came in and out of the hall. Whenever the door was open a gust of ice cold wind would flutter in disturbing the warm comfort inside. Everyone by now was used to this, it was nothing new. Through the closed windows snow could be seen falling outside and peasants raced about the streets of Uppsala working despite of the cold. Once again the doors opened and a messenger came running in.

“King Ragnar,” The young man bowed, “The galleys have been assembled in the port.”

“Very well, give word to the sailors to start loading the ships. Six months worth of provisions. What of the Jarls?”

“Watchmen have reported seeing them gather from afar. Some have already reached the city but most of them are still miles out. They bring their companies as well as settlers and workers just as you have instructed.”

King Ragnar had a smile come across his face, his loyal Jarls had answered the call.

“Have my servants begin preparing tonight's feast. Make it splendid with roasted pork, fried cod, and lots of ale. Tonight will be the last time we eat in Freyhorn.”

The servant obediently nodded then turned to fill his duty. Ragnar slumped back in his seat. His large battle ax hung alongside his chair and his wooden buckler rested along his feet. Taking a sip from the goblet by his side he let out a sigh. “Tonight is the start of a new beginning,” He mumbled to himself. “Let’s just hope that this beginning is a bright one.” He chugged the rest of his drink then requested more, a maiden quickly ran over and filled his goblet up.
Spoiler :
A Feast To Change The Ages.

The great hall of Uppsala had dozens of long wooden tables filled with grown men. Hardened from the fierce winters, strengthened from the tiring work of wood cutting, boat making, and farming, and skilled warriors from the years of fighting wolves, bears, pirates, and barbarians. They had an appetite like no other and before them was a bounty of food. Pork legs were thrown to and fro and ale was carelessly spilled as the men laughed and conversed amongst one another. Scattered throughout the sea of big hairy men were women, built and strong they too were Jarls of the Freyhorn.

Servants and Maidens ran to and fro filling up the goblets of Jarls as they drank. When a plate was finished it was thrown to the side to shatter on the floor, a custom of theirs. Ragnar didn’t particularly like his plates being broken but he couldn’t care enough to make a scene. Amongst the rows of Jarls were many well known and many unknown.

Jarl Rangfridr was in attendance. He feasted on cod before him with his dirty blonde hair thrashing back and forth. He was well known for his sailing skills as well as being a remorseless fighter. There was a rumor that at a younger age he had actually taken part in the slaughter of pilgrims, but they were only rumors.

Another well known Jarl was Roburr Noyyausson, "the One-Eyed Kraken", Jarl of Dalsnes. He had a rough look to him. An eye patch covered his right eye and the socket was surrounded by ritual tattoos. Vovoff, his loyal dog, rested by his side and was happily eating all the meaty scraps falling off the table. During the feast Roburr would occasionally tip out some ale, Vovoff wasted no time guzzling up the spilled liquor.

The feast continued for hours and food and drink was only stopped when the Jarls had had their fill. It was well into the night and a harsh wind could be heard beating against the grand hall. A roaring fire kept the hall warm and scattered candles provided a dim light.

At the end of the hall was King Ragnar. He sat in a large wooden throne and was draped in white polar bear fur. When the feast began to die down he stood from his seat and called the attention his way.

“Have you had your fill!?” He shouted with charisma. The crowd of Jarls shouted, some threw more plates and some raised axes. “Have I not provided you the most of what this land has to offer?” The crowd cheered again. Suddenly, Ragnar took a different turn.

“Good.. While we Jarls feast on the finest things in this BITTER life hundreds of our people starve… Freeze. And die of illnesses.” The crowd got silent, a few drunk Jarls joyfully shouted then became silent when they realized what was said.

“We sit here, we have nothing to worry about. We are taken care of, our families are taken care of, our homes are properly built and more than likely we will enjoy a life of wealth and comfort.” Ragnar held his golden goblet within his hands. He took a sip then began to pace around the room.

“How many of our people have died this year? Hundreds, thousands? How many children freeze to death in their beds at night. How many of our young die of illnesses because of this damn cold?” The room was silent. “Too many.”

“Now I didn’t call you all hear to host a feast of wonders than throw it in your face. I’ve brought you here to discuss other matters… Matters about our people.” Ragnar stepped further into the crowd, all eyes were now fixed on him.

“I think it is safe to say that life in Freyhorn, cannot continue. Of course we can keep scraping along, burying our dead every day, drinking until we are drunk so this bland pork and cod actually taste good. Or… there is another way.” A few Jarls in the crowd shouted, “what is it?” Ragnar continued.

“I have had dreams.. Visions from the gods of another land. Visions of a place abundant in grass, in rivers, in warmth! A land that does not have a never ending winter or a cold as bitter as this. The legacy of our people will be buried in the snow here. Sickness is becoming abundant and our population remains stagnant in this place.”

“Where is this place!?”

“There is a way.. My Jarls of Freyborn. A way through the ice. A way by galley to other lands. To lands where our people will not just survive by thrive. A place where we can lay on the beaches, enjoy the warm sun, feast on deer, beef, lamb, drink wine, smell the ecstasy of incense and dress ourselves in fine silk. A land where our history must continue on. A land where we will become lords, a place that will turn us into gods!”

The crowd liked the sound of that so they began to cheer.

“I put this upon you, my Jarls of Freyhorn. It is our duty to our people to take our companies and find and conquer these lands. This is our destiny... “ Ragnar turned back and took a seat. “I have galleys prepared for us in the harbor. I leave with my company tomorrow to look for these lands that I know are out there. So now.. I ask you, will you join me?”

In a thunderous boom the Jarls of Freyhorn stood and with axes raised they cheered. The journey had begun.
The dawns light broke upon the bay of Uppsala and already Jarls and their companies were busy with work. Most of them by now were immune to hangovers but a few younger ones were trying to clear their system, via throwing up. King Ragnar stood above the dockyard on a wooden tower watching the work below. He was dressed in a thick fur coat, had an even thicker beaver pelt around his head and a wolf skin dress underneath it all. A heavy sword was sheathed at his side and a battle ax was strapped around his back.

“Mi lord the ships will be ready within the hour.”

“Good.” He said calmly as he jumped from the top of the tower crunching into the snow below. “Pass this around to the Jarls; it’ll assign them to ships.” The messenger took the scroll and rushed off. Amongst the Jarls were bands of workers and settlers who had volunteer to take part of the journey. They would be the ones responsible for taming the new lands. They were the heart of the mission and everyone knew to protect them. Amongst them was also a prophet. He had seen visions from the gods that this was his destiny and he came to Ragnar to join in. Ragnar, knowing that the prophet would provide crucial moral to his men gladly accepted the wise man.

As the hour passed the ships were well assorted. In Ragnar’s boat he had his company of fierce warriors along with a group of settlers. As for the other boats settlers, workers, and Jarls were split up. With the midday sun shining through the thick winter clouds the galleys were off.

Wind batted their sails and the rough water underneath thrashed as the boats glided through. For a whole day they sailed. The band laughed, talked, and told stories amongst themselves to pass the time. Finally by sunrise of the next day they had reached the mouth of the coastline, from here on out was unexplored territory. Ice glaciers could be seen and sharp bergs were scattered amongst the ocean. Ragnar warned his men to stay clear of them for they had the capable of easily sinking a galley.

To the south was a treacherous route between mountain rock and spear like glaciers. The top of the glaciers could be seen but they raised several stories above the water, what lied on top or beyond had always remained a mystery.
Spoiler :

As the day continued the cluster of galleys came together. With interlocking boards the galleys were conjoined together and the men were free to walk from one ship to the other. Together they rested, and ate while waiting for Ragnar’s next order. An hour later Ragnar addressed the group.

“Jarls of Freyhorn, already we have made it this far taking the first step in our new chapter. I am happy to see the loyalty within you all and your bravery to join me in this mission. But now, I must leave you.” The group grew rowdy at this comment.

“My brothers, sisters, understand me! I have seen two paths into the other world. One over the water through the ice, and another… On the shores of the Eastern Glaciers and through the abyss into another land, a land rich with minerals and gold.”

“It is but a legend King! You will die crossing!” Cried out a Jarl.

“Yes!” Another added. “Many have died trying to cross it and you will too!”

“No my Jarls. I have seen the way and I know of the path. Through the glaciers and into the land I speak of. I do not ask any of you to come with me but instead I place my younger brother, Jarl Borg, in charge of this expedition. He knows the path and together you will continue across the sea and onto the lands beyond. Once we have both settled our messengers will get in touch.”

The Jarls filled with anger, worry, and anxiety, began to protest King Ragnar and his decision. Some refused to continue and others refused to split up. A few other Jarls, handpicked by Ragnar, had already been aware of the situation. He had told them back in Uppsala before the expedition set off; they were to be his reinforcements in the decision.

“Listen to King Ragnar he knows what he is doing!” Shouted Jarl Borg.

“Do not show disloyalty to the king!” Yelled Jarl Rangfridr

Jarl Roburr Noyyausson began pushing and shoving other Jarls who had gotten rowdy. For several minutes the feud continued.

“This is my decision and as King I call you to obey it. Trust me Jarls!” Ragnar was shouting at the top of his voice and the roar of his tone made everyone settle down. They turned to listen.

“This is our destiny, this is our fate! We will meet again and we will be as prosperous as ever my brothers and sisters! For the Freyhorn we must go into the world and for our people we must risk our lives to better theirs. Let us obey the calling from the gods and let us go forth and take what is ours!” Ragnar had a way with words and once again the band was motivated to continue. After a half hour of talk they galleys began to part ways.

Ragnar took a settler and worker with two galleys north while the rest sailed south.

Spoiler :

It took Ragnar a day to sail north and by night time he was hitting the shores of the East Glaciers. The snow was frozen solid with few soft spots. This was a land of harsh weather and vicious predators. Wolves, in the thousands, inhabited these lands and many adventures before had fallen prey to these hunters. Ragnar and his company knew of the risks to come.

Almost immediately after reaching the shore the company was attacked by wolves. The band easily held them off and Ragnar is said to have killed a dozen himself. Even though the pack was easily disposed of everyone knew that on their journey across the glaciers they would face many more.
Spoiler :

To the south the galleys continued their journey. They sailed along the water ways through Eastern Freyhorn and the South Glaciers. On one side were inhospitable mountains and on the other were uninhabited glaciers.

Some men were now suffering from frost bite but the majority had good spirits. With ale to keep their blood warm and music to keep their spirits up they continued of their journey through the ice.
Spoiler :
For a month the Southern band continued their journey. Many were becoming sea sick from the rough waters and the cold winter was starting to take it’s toll on the travelers. Yet with strength they continued and soon enough they found a southern opening in the glaciers and began to sail through.
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As they continue the band grew restless. There was even one incident where a few Jarls tried to convince the band to turn back.

“King Ragnar has sent us to our death!” They said. “He has forsaken us and sent the Jarls of Freyhorn to their doom. Let us turn back! He has left his throne so let us go back and retake it and together we shall rule Freyhorn!”

“Damn you fool that is mutiny and betrayal!” Replied Jarl Borg. “How dare you jeopardize this mission while selfish desires.” Jarl Borg drew his sword and his company prepared to fight. Luckily tensions were settled and once order was restored the band continue.
Spoiler :

Another week passed and finally they found some land. Yet these terrains offered no refuge as they were snowy mountains.
Spoiler :

With diligence they continued and at last, after months of sailing, they had found land. The band rejoiced! The shores looked soft and the grass fertile. With much eager the Jarls and their companies began to unboard.
Spoiler :

A local tribe greeted them upon their arrival.

“Gods from another land. We welcome you to settle here and integrate us into your magnificent civilization.” The chief of the tribe said.

“Let us warn you though, barbarians roam this side of the island and have recently ransacked our city to the north. But they are not your biggest threat. To the east, across the mountain path lies another nation of people. They are wild and dangerous and have killed many other settlers before you. If word reaches them that you have arrived on their western shores than they will most likely muster and attack you. I advise you, prepare for conflict.”

After settling down on the rich grasslands the Jarls came together. Holding a council together the Jarls conversated on what was to be done next. If the chief is speaking the truth then it seems that the settlement of this land has not yet begun.
(OOC: Jarls, decide what is to be done next.)

Spoiler :

In the north King Ragnar and his company continue their trek across the wasteland. They had found providence by finding the right passageway but the bitter cold is taking a toll. The wolf attacks have been plentiful but with strength Ragnar and his men have defended. Yet even so, many have died from the cold and the band is growing smaller and smaller. Ragnar needs to find suitable land or else him and his dynasty will perish in the snow before it ever truly begins.
Spoiler :
After having rested for one day in a land warmer than he had ever imagined possible, Jarl Roburr Noyyausson went to talk with the captains of the galleys that had brought the Freyhorners to this new land.
"Would you be willing to keep sailing south, for another couple of weeks, and then return here and report on your findings? This land seems bountiful to us as it is, but we have seen only a tiny portion of it, and there may be even better places to settle, further south.
Also, who of you will be brave enough to return to Freyhorn, after having stocked up on provisions, to give the great news of our landing, and to teach the way to the rest of our people?
Finally, try to meet the King's messenger, if any has yet returned from the northern expedition."
Jarl Roburr then took half a day to walk the fields surrounding the new settlement, letting Vovoff happily run back and forth, exploring this new incredible land of noises and smells and strange buzzing insects.
He returned with the idea that, before the tilling of this fertile soil could begin, the farmers should be sure of their safety, and for that a Road would need to be built, to allow the troops to quickly leave the city and reach the outlying fields.
Meanwhile, the Freyhorners would have to do what they had done for generations, that is sail the seas and harvest the fish that lived there.

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OOC: 3 Galleys should continue sailing south, to explore the coastline of this continent. 2 other galleys should return north, and load more units to bring to the new land.
It is good that the first build of Bjorgvin is a Work Boat, to work that Fish tile. Our Workers, meanwhile, should start building a Road first, then a Farm on the tile 1E of the city. A couple of units must protect them from the Barbarians.
As the the galleys split with some returning home and some pressing on wards the Jarls make orders to tame the land. Workers leave from Bjørgvin with intent on constructing a road network. Jarl Borg, anxious about the rumors the tribe has shared, leaves with the group of workers to ensure their safety. He makes plans to head north and see if he can find any barbarians and the ruined city that the tribal chief had talked about. In the north King Ragnar still continues his march across the frozen tundra, hope seems far for him and his struggling band. If he is to perish then let us pray that the Jarls of Freyborn can carry his call.

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OOC: Sorry for lack of update, finals week is upon me. :eek: I'll post more later today after my classes.
Ragnar and his band of weary travelers are falling to the way side. A trail of frozen corpses traces their path across the snow and wolves continue their attack. King Ragnar continues to push his men but the unforgiving frost has broken moral. Many are hopeless and are simply waiting for their time to die. The company remains loyal and steadfast but they too have grown weak, more have died to the cold than in combat.

Across the frozen wasteland they push on. King Ragnar still speaks of visions of a land just around the pass, a land where they will find refuge.
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As Jarl Borg scouted the landscape a group of barbarians came out of hiding and swept into the regions around Bjørgvin . Almost immediately the Jarls organize and launch an attack to drive them back. On the northern outskirts Jarl Roburr Noyyausson led his company to combat the barbarians.

The two forces engaged and a heated conflict ensued. Shields were splintered and skulls were shattered as Jarl Roburr Noyyausson and his company slaughtered the barbarians. After an hour of combat the field was filled with corpses but only several of Jarl Roburr Noyyausson's men died in the fighting.
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In the southern outskirts another group of Jarls led the fight. The barbarians were little competition and by the end of the day the barbarian hordes had been cleared from the valley.
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Smaller row boats returned to the shores of Bjørgvin a little while after the battle reporting the findings that the galleys had made. It seems as if the words of the chief were true. Another nation of people lie just beyond the mountain pass. The galleys are going to continue their sail along the coast and see what else they can find.
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Upon hearing the news Jarl Borg makes the decision to journey through this mountain pass and scout the lands of this new enemy. The Jarls organize their company and leave one group of warriors behind to guard the city. Without wasting any more time they set off and by the morning of the next day they reach the entrance into the mountain pass.
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On a nearby hill a group of warriors were there waiting for them. They showed no signs of peace and had the colors of war painted across their chests. Jarl Borg made no attempts to negotiate with them and he ordered the men to prepare for combat.
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The Battle of Two Hills

The morning sun was shining bright. The warmth was warmth that the men had never felt before. Their heavy coats, fur jackets, and thick leather dresses had all been left behind because they simply did not need them. They had loose clothe shirts with pads of leather as armor and many of them wore nothing besides sheepskin dresses. The weather was fabulous, but the scenes about to unfold were not.

Across the way on a nearby hill top were several hundred armed men. They had clubs, daggers, knives, and all sorts of weapons used for crushing. They had been chanting demonically all night and now, with day break arriving, they were organizing to march.

Jarl Borg would direct the assault himself but under him were several more Jarls acting as commanders. All together the army numbered around a thousand, men and women well armed and ready to fight. Within an hour of sunrise the two armies began to engage.

Jarl Borg was in the center of the fight. Surrounded by personal body guards he was well protected and began to wreak havoc on the barbarians. The center line of Freyhorn warriors were crushing through the weaker and less skilled barbarians. Jarl Borg, becoming engulfed in rage, swung his ax so hard that he split one man directly in half. When another man, about half his size, tried to run away Jarl Borg picked up a dagger and threw it directly into the man's spine. When the man screamed in agony Jarl Borg met his agony with the blade of his ax.

On the right flank of the battle Jarl Roburr Noyyausson was tasked with leading the fight. He showed no fear and with courage he pushed himself to the front of the fight and was directly in the center of combat.

A club warrior tried catching Roburr by surprise but Roburr was too fast for the man and with a swing of his ax the warrior fell headless. Two more barbarian warriors crossed the path of Roburr and with ease he lopped off the leg of one and crushed the skull of the other. One by one Roburr slashed and hacked his way through the barbarian line and soon enough his men had decimated the entire right flank of their enemy. Without giving a second to waste he led a valiant charge up the hill flanking the barbarians.

Soon enough the whole barbarian line collapsed and like a swarm of bugs they fled into the woods. After mopping up the last pockets of resistance Jarl Borg denied any request to continue the chase and ordered the men to count losses and tend to the wounded. After all had been tallied less than fifty men had been killed in the fighting while over four hundred enemy bodies laid slain on the field.
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As the day progressed the men cleared the field of their dead while leaving the other bodies to rot. More reports had returned from the galleys and it was revealed that the nation of barbarians had settled all throughout the eastern side of the Island. Camp was made and Jarl Borg sent a call out to all the Jarls to gather and discuss what was to come next.

As the day finally began to close the men were given time to celebrate their victory. Scouts were posted throughout the woods to keep watch and as the festivities intensified the Jarls came together. The future of their people had been secured for now but if they wished to grow then the threat of this barbaric nation had to be dealt with.
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OOC: Jarls decide what to do next.
Jarl Rangfridr would like to organize a small expedition of traders who will be escorted by soldiers. They will attempt to establish peaceful contact. Failing that the soldiers will hold off the enemy while reinforcements rush to the cities. After the cities have been conquered and pacified Jarl Rangfridr would like to request permission to use the cities as central locations for his economic operations in the area. To this end the cities should not be destroyed but rather preserved as much as possible while still showing the might of the Jarls' army. Jarl Rangfridr would then personally oversee the construction of three new shrines to the gods.
During and after the fighting Jarl Rangfridr believes that a road should be built across the hills and to the cities.
Jarl Rangfridr would also like to mount an expedition to the North-West of Bjorgvin to further explore the island through the mountain pass.
Jarl Roburr supported Jarl Rangfridr's idea of attempting to establish peaceful contact with the natives, despite their less-than-friendly welcome at the Battle of Two Hills. Still, he knew it'd be better if he did not participate in such an expedition, knowing that his appearance was hardly conductive to a peace offering.

Jarl Roburr also was not as optimistic as Jarl Rangfridr about the outcome of this attempt at communication. In a way, fighting, killing and pillaging was much less complicated than assuming control of existing settlements, establishing law and order, leaving garrisons... the Freyhorners in this new land were too few, for now, to be able to control the whole place.

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Need to explore more the area before deciding on good settling locations. Barb cities should be raided and razed, they are too close to each other to be kept. And we don't have the forces to hold all of them and keep exploring anyway. Maybe even let them grow a bit, for better pillage :gold: later on.
Also, I think Bjorgvin itself should have been founded 1S of where it is now, to make use of the hillside Sheep. This is standard BTS, right? There's no way to abandon a city and resettle it, unfortunately.
This coastline is very poor in :hammers:, we'll need to whip a lot to get anything done.

Also I agree with Niccolo, we need to explore to the NorthEAST of Bjorgvin as well (NW is the sea where we came from on galleys)

Last thing: could you maybe name the units for each player/Jarl?

Proper IC retelling of all this will come tomorrow, probably. No time for fancy writing today, sorry.
"We need to crush them now! Slaughter them and all their offspring before they are strong enough to oppose us!" Shouted Jarl Winfel.

"No, let us explore our own side of the island and wait until more warriors arrive." Argued Jarl Hulga Vin'kuf.

"Wait? We don't have time to wait. They are massing their armies as we speak to attack us."

"We don't know that Jarl Winfel." Said Jarl Borg. "For all we know they could be a peaceful nation."

"Bullocks! To hell with that idea." The argument between the Jarls continued. They had pushed on through the woods and established camp right outside the borders of this new nation. A city, Minoan, was just in the distance and smoke from the city could be seen. The Jarls had security in their defensives but were a bit on edge about going on the assault. So without a concrete decision they waited and debated.

Jarl Rangfridr on the other hand had already made his move. He was currently on his way south to establish a better contact with these people to possibly open up trading routes. He wasn't dumb though and he was well aware of the risks. These people had shown not yet shown peace and from the looks of it they were a nation of pagan demon worshipers who never had their fill of blood. The one decision that was made was that if Jarl Rangfridr and his company was attacked then the rest of the Jarls would move in on Minoan. At that point war would be the only option.
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To the north-west the borders of Bjørgvin had been extended. The prophet, Mencius the Wise had done great work teaching and cultivating the local tribes in the area. With eager hearts they accepted the rule of the Freyhorn Jarls and began assisting the city in their growth. While Mencius the Wise continued to help the city prosper culturally workers had finished their road and were busy constructing farms. Settlers, who had been waiting in the city until the barbarian threat was cleared, were now eager to settle a new city. They wait patiently for orders. Jarl Yelto, who was tasked with defending the city, had momentarily left to explore east wards. He traveled for a few hours before being stopped by an impassible crest of mountains.
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As well as that the galleys had completed their navigations around the island, for the most part. They were now only a day or two sails away from Bjørgvin and the captains began recognizing the mountain peaks they had seen upon arrival. They had mapped out the coast line and spotter several other cities. The captains were eager to return and report their findings.
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To the far north King Ragnar and his band had finally come out of the frozen glacier path and were making their way across rugged tundra. The weather was still the same but the terrain was oh so welcoming to the weary travelers. With high spirits and with renewed hope they pressed onward into the unknown. Every mile further the ice crew less and less. Fertile land was near.
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